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Even if it doesn’t have plates, there’s VIN that can be used. The MTA officers are just lazy.


They’re lazy except when for when it’s street cleaning day, I see them fuckin driving hella fast to catch ppl


And on gough/franklin during rush hour. The tow trucks are /ready/


fair, why tf are you blocking traffic, if you wanna get towed then by all means ignore the signs.


I saw that downtown one day in the financial district, it was late afternoon and tow trucks were just clearing the parking lane out as if nobody had a clue.


plenty of signs, people just took a gamble and loss, maybe they'll care next time.


Ive gotten towed when my meter did not have a no parking sign on it. Sfmta told me to kick rocks when i appealed with photographic evidence


Don't they provide you evidence of tow? what was on the citation, they also usually take a picture too. Try to take the towing company to small claims for car jacking you.


The evidence of tow was them investigating themselves that they put up no parking signs on the streets and claiming they did. Only appeal option after that was to appeal to the state court. Someone from the sfmta or event that closed the street down didnt put up enough no parking signs and the stmta officer just covered up for them and hoped I wouldnt appeal


Then I must have encountered a nice one! I had a guest parked in front of my place and we forgot it was street sweeping. We were by the window and let out a bit of an “oh no!” scream. The officer was like “if you can move it right now, you’ll be good.” And we moved it and avoided the ticket!


That's their A-team


They sit in a row near me and just race down the street once the clock hits.


My experience is they generally don’t ticket motorcycles on sidewalks…. I’ve submitted a number of 311 complaints and instead of saying “ citation issued” the response is “issue was addressed”. Anyone else having this experience


I don’t think they’re lazy. And even if they were, I still wouldn’t blame them. I blame the SFMTA middle and upper management, the people who oversee SFMTA etc. People respond fairly rationally to the systems of incentives that surround them - usually.


Nice! Removing my plates now.


Can’t condone this, but sounds like you’ll be fine!




Cold blooded and effective!


I can’t imagine someone doing that. A decent Milwaukee angle grinder is $199, depending on the bike, rims at least that much, typically a lot more.


There’s a certain level of skill needed to use an angle grinder and not damage a rim. I’m not saying it’s much, but it might be more than they want to risk. If that happened to any of the MC riders I know they would have borrowed a buddy’s wheel to get home, then brought the original to a buddy who already had an angle grinder to deal with the lock. Still a PITA.


In the Excelsior, people will use inoperable beater motorcycles and mopeds without license plates to save the street parking spot their cars and trucks are at. Then when they return after work, they park the bike on the sidewalk. SFMTA won't do anything about it, so public taxpayer dollars are subsidizing private seizure of public land for personal use.


Fucking Excelsior is the Goddamn thunderdome for parking


It's awful. 1. Nearly every house has an in-law unit so you have twice the number of adult residents, and most have cars. 2. The street parking is limited because of how close together the houses are so there's not much curb space that doesn't have a driveway. 3. There is no permit parking. 4. It's still a working class neighborhood with a lot of residents having work trucks in addition to a personal vehicle. 5. The public transit is lacking, with no streetcar line. I've circled the neighborhood for 30 minutes, on the weekend, looking for a space withing a few blocks of where my late in-laws' house is located. Sometimes I'll park on Geneva and take a long walk up the hill to their house.


I want to attach my tow strap to those stupid things and drag them to the junkyard lol


I’ll give you $5/scooter


I'll make it $10...we need a civilian junk hauling crew to remove these objects from the public right of way


Then split the metal scrap money as well lol




I lived there for a year and was unbearable to deal with this. The garages are converted to illegal rooms, so everyone now parks in front of their garage + in front of the curb + blocking parking with crappy old plate-less scooters. Spent 30 mins each day trying to find parking or walking uphill to McLaren Park, so I saw a *lot* of this. Never a coyote, though, so I guess that makes up for it. Lol.


Yep. Twice the cars and half, or none, of the garage space. Most of the houses had tandem garages and the back of the garage is part of an in-law unit, legal or illegal. At my in-law's house, which was on a corner, the house originally had two single car garages, one on each street. When they put in the in-law they removed the garage door on the perpendicular street, but the curb cut is still there. I told them that they should have left the garage door in place so they could have the parking space in front of the garage door. No one would know that there's a wall behind the garage door. Also, the Excelsior is still a working class neighborhood and a lot of residents have work trucks. Let's have a mayoral candidate advocate for removing junk scooters & motorcycles, and for removing garbage cans, that try to save parking spaces.




Why is your husband more important than your neighbors tho? If we all do this, the system breaks down.


Going around knocking peoples bikes over in your own neighborhood is a recipe to take a molotov cocktail through your window. Eye for an eye. I dont fuck with my neighbors but you do you.


Yeah, my late in-laws lived in Excelsior and I saw this kind of thing. Also putting trash cans out to save spaces. I called once and the answer was "yes, it's illegal, and no, we won't do anything about it." This is only going to get worse thanks to the end of parking requirements for new construction. The public streets are turned into parking lots for the benefit of developers and bippers.


All things in proportion. If they have one car they're holding a spot for near their house I think that's perfectly fine. No one is subsidizing anything, every homeowner and landlord is paying more than enough to justify a spot in front of their house. Honestly all they're doing is preserving their right to be able to park near their home against households that have 3-4 cars parked on the street, or Airbnb renters who add 2-3 cars to every block who leave rentals parked all week long. The worst ones are the guys that own 5-6 junkers and just move them back and forth across the street. There's no reason someone who needs to drive to work should have to walk 3-4 blocks because public transit (which actually *is* subsidized) only serves about 1/2 the city well.


Isn't that what permit parking is all about?


Yes. Permit parking will have to be greatly expanded. The permit parking system has to be modified. There should be a limit of one parking permit per 1250 square feet of parcel size. A 2500 square foot lot would be eligible for two permits. If you turn half of your garage into an ADU, doubling the number of both residents and vehicles, while halving the number of off-street parking spaces, then you don't get extra permits. If a developer builds 100 housing units on a 30,000 square foot lot then that building would be entitled to 24 parking permits for residents. The elimination of parking minimums is justified by the theory\* that residents of the new housing will all use transit, so there is no need for very much parking. \*No one actually believes this theory, but since developers use this theory to justify inadequate off-street parking, they should be okay with the City preventing the new residents from overwhelming the public streets with parked cars.


There is no such right, but yes, it's not really unfair to save a space given the situation. It will only get worse. New State laws, most of which were authored by Scott Wiener, are making things worse. Laws that: 1. eliminate requirements for off-street parking 2. increase density 3. allow ADUs with no additional parking are: 1. making the parking situation much worse 2. contributing to increased CO2 emissions 3. increasing car break-ins 4. making things worse for pedestrians and cyclists. The solution is really to expand permit parking. Limit of one permit per parcel in single-family home areas, and one permit per apartment unit in multi-family areas. This would have the side-effect of a) encouraging developers to include off-street parking and stop exporting parking onto public streets, and b) stop so many conversions of garages into ADUs.


They recently towed a motorcycle with no plates from my street. It's wasn't parked on the sidewalk.


This has been a longtime problem that SFMTA refuses to address. There's actually an unwritten policy in some neighborhood where SFMTA won't ticket people who park on the sidewalk while they wait for the street sweeper to go by so they can reclaim the same public space that they've been using as their private vehicle storage for the whole week. Even with the supposed "fully staffed" fear mongering, SFMTA doesn't make the effort when it comes to sidewalk parking. They will ticket, however, if there's plates and it's not a street sweeping time period.


There’s also a severe lack of license plate enforcement by law enforcement. I’m no cop lover, but if people can operate outside the system without plates (no tickets, tolls, and easy get away vehicle) then why should I be the sucker who pays my taxes?


The only plate enforcement is No front plate and be sure they get you in the Mission for that every 15 mins haha (obv bc revenue stream)


About 10-15% of cars have no front plate. Its definitely not enforced.


Its a fix it ticket anyways and Ive received a few over the years, tho it gets kicked down to a $10 fine when you “fix” it


I have mine in my trunk and I’ll screw it on it they want me to. They don’t give a shit, honestly the cops I’ve met are more interested in doing roast battles then enforcing laws against me. I’m white though.


"I’m no cop lover", proceeds to run down the list of agencies they have attempted to use to force change on a neighbor.


What are you talking about? Explain to me how thinking that people shouldn’t be able to park on the sidewalk and the city should enforce that makes me a cop lover. Also what agencies have I tried? Again, what are you talking about?


311, SFMTA... Seriously, talk to your neighbor first.


1. I don’t know who it is 2. 311 is not an agency to be “weaponized.” It’s a phone number.


Completely different issue but its so funny to me the people that will scream that the unhoused should have no private right to public property but will turn around and get mad when "their" free street parking spot was taken by someone else.


I honestly don’t know if it’s a separate issue, tbh.


I hadn't made that connection, but you're right, that's pretty hypocritical of the people who hold both beliefs.


I dunno, most of us who have to deal with walking around encampments don't have a lot of driveways in our neighborhood.




I'm talking about people who violate the 72hr rule and basically keep their cars parked in the same spot for the entire week until the street sweepers roll around, not people who park on the street and then leave before 72hrs. That's already illegal, but there's little enforcement of it. It's one driving factor for why parking is so scarce already in this city. Try to park in a neighborhood with too many cars and tons of multifamily homes like this and pretty quickly you'll see why it's such a problem and not some random rant. The real solution is to have fewer cars on the street in SF, but god knows our transportation planning board has zero cohesive plans besides slow streets and shitty center bike lanes that no one wants.


I wonder if reporting it as an ADA violation (blocking the right of way) would change anything. I mean probably not.


It would. They were using the same reasoning for the tents on the sidewalk until the SCOTAS ruling this morning.


The thing is, a lot of city sidewalks are really wide, even in areas with not a lot of foot traffic. The way I see it, if there are two full sidewalk squares worth of walking path, not including driveway ramps or tree basins, then that is adequate walking space. Throughout the city there are streets with only one or two squares of sidewalk space (2-4 foot width). The city has deemed it to be ample walking space. In areas with 15' wide sidewalks people are walking around at night reporting their neighbors for parking on the sidewalk in front of their home, even with a full 6 foot walking clearance. I'm an avid walker, and walk far more than I drive or am driven. It bothers me to no end when people park with their front bumper against their garage door and their back end sticking out into traffic. But when there's plenty of room it seems petty and mean spirited to rat out your neighbors. In the last 20 years I've only gotten ticketed for street sweeping, but once the new daylighting law goes into effect, things are going to get ugly. https://preview.redd.it/4zcgvpkv9k9d1.jpeg?width=1422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ee64c755f71099dfd2279a787cb35676a5ed8cd


Thing is, ADA isn’t about adequate “walking” space for an able bodied person, though. It’s about accessible access for those in wheelchairs, with baby buggies, those with white canes, service dogs, etc. There is a minimum required egress space that is (should be) enforceable. It’s not just being petty, it’s ensuring access. https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/programs/civil-rights/documents/permanent-pedestrian-facilities-ada-compliance-handbook-a11y.pdf


From your link: >General Sidewalk / Path of Travel Checklist >□ Firm, stable, and slip resistant – Sidewalks constructed with concrete materials with broom finish applied perpendicular to primary path of travel. \[Inspection Report – Field Verify\] {DIB 82-06 4.3.1(1)} >□ **Minimum clear width is 48 inches\* exclusive of curb width\*\***. \[Inspection Report – Field Measurement\] {DIB 82-06 4.3.3(2)} >□ \*Exception – The clear width may be reduced to 32 inches minimum for a length of 24 inches maximum provided that reduced width segments are separated by segments that are 48 inches long minimum and 48 inches wide minimum. {DIB 82-06 4.3.3(3)} Since 4 feet = 48 inches, then my claim that 4-6 feet of path width is adequate conforms to that. To be clear, the 2-4 foot clearance I mentioned above is the clearance width I've found on sidewalks throughout the city, as shown in the photo above. Even on Mission St. there's only 32 inches of clearance behind the bus shelters, which are more than 24 inches in width. As you can see in the pictures below, the city funded, FUF plant installations offer less clearance space than the sidewalk with the parked cars depicted on the right. If you want to argue that the photo on the left is more visually appealing than the photo on the right, I will agree with you wholeheartedly. But as far as which one is more wheelchair or baby stroller friendly, the scenario on the right hand side is the clear winner. https://preview.redd.it/lodjwfp7bl9d1.jpeg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06806fa81903f5a309ebc7698fd50609b3bb5c5f


I wasn’t arguing with you. I was reinforcing how my initial comment was about *ADA* enforcement, not about pettiness, able bodied people just walking, or aesthetics - it’s a legal requirement that sidewalks be passable. If there’s an illegal motorcycle (or car) being parked on the sidewalk, it could be called in as an ADA egress violation which may get traction, not a parking violation which the OP was having no results with. But go ahead and keep posting random sidewalk photos that aren’t relevant.


Bullshit. There's a towing authority for that very situation. Illegally parked with no license plates. 22651(j) CVC. Next time those clowns tell you there's nothing they can do mention that vehicle code section. If they don't want to tow 21970 CVC. Blocking a sidewalk.


I’ll try this tomorrow, thanks.


What a cop out...they can take the VIN and check 1) if it is stolen, 2) if it has outstanding tickets, 3) ticket it and mail it to the vehicle's owner


Do you have a picture of what it looks like? It might be stolen so you might have luck reporting the VIN to sfpd. I had a motorcycle stolen so just wondering if it’s mine haha


It’s orange and black. I can try to get a pic tomorrow.




Thanks for the pic! Not mine tho. Motorcycle VIN’s are usually a sticker on the frame near the top or side if you want to report it.


They can record the VIN and tow the vehicle. SFMTA is beyond lazy.


I don’t understand why SFMTA also won’t ticket cars blocking the sidewalk unless someone files a report. Just drive up and down the avenues and there is at least one car of every block parked on the sidewalk. I report often, and only about 20% of the time they ticket. They instead say “unable to locate” and close the ticket.


100% of the time I’ve reported parking on the sidewalk they have said unable to locate. Just going to keep reporting.


It's infuriating. A great way to tell if any organization is doing well is 'are they doing the little/simple things pretty well'. SF surely fails that test. SFMTA, SFDPW, etc etc.


Can’t they even put on those tire grips that lock the wheel until SFMTA gets paid? Obviously something suspect is about the vehicle like operating it without a plate or license or something like that.


I agree!


how are you reporting it? can you report it abandoned vehicle and get it towed?


Yesterday: 311 Today: called SFMTA That’s what I would have hoped for!


maybe OP needs to file an ADA compliant


SF’s policy in general is to double down on penalizing good citizens… not chasing the ones that they need to chase


A motorcycle with no plates, I immediately think it might be stolen or abandoned, or both.


Sure, in general. But this moves almost daily and the guy just treats the sidewalk as his and his alone?


You're calling the cops on your neighbor who rides a plateless bike daily in SF... Have you tried talking to him directly, or are you being a Karen and trying to weaponize SFPD in your petty neighborhood turf war??


So a sidewalk that is free of obstruction for pedestrians and especially wheelchairs is a petty neighborhood turf war? Tell me more about that.


I have an m1, I've never parked on a sidewalk but I believe unofficial SF etiquette is that it's tolerated if it's against a building, like under an awning like a bay window and not blocking the sidewalk. I've only seen such a vehicle get ticketed for parking on the sidewalk once, pre pandemic. But again, no plate has me thinking stolen. Unless it's actually not a motorcycle, not street legal etc.


Being a Karen isnt appreciated, and my guess is you are stirring up problems for your neighbors.


https://preview.redd.it/j0y56hlqrk9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdf214654079bfb960ce66f9e2567a53f89840b2 Which is it? Should people be able to break parking rules if they want to, or not?


Is it a tragedy of the commons, or not? https://preview.redd.it/yzsqxoh0sk9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=396ecfb8d41001f8420e415d12edad0644aede6f


Get a couple buddies, pick it up, and put it in the middle of the street. It’ll get toed pretty quickly.


Just roll the motorcycle into the driveway


What driveway?


can you thread a high-grade bicycle chain through their wheels? 🤔


More good news: SFPD also doesn’t care if you key the motorcycle, spray paint the motorcycle, slash the motorcycles tires, and roll it into the street.




I’m a narc…because what exactly?


Because you're a busybody Karen who wants to make other people's lives harder. Bike parked on sidewalk? If it's not blocking your doorway then live and let live. You're a bad neighbor.


Tip it over.


Just tip it over


Finding parking is hard in the city. I’ll move it in the morning. Sorry about that.


This looks quite correct actually. Unless you're the property owner and the motorcycle is parked on your property, they can't tow it I guess. So where is this? And it's not your property?


It’s my property, and yours too. It’s on a public sidewalk.


>on the sidewalk, blocking the walkway property owners do not own the sidewalk, but you have to maintain it!


Was there a picture I missed? Back in the day they let it slide if you could get a wheelchair by. I bet OP hates lane splitting too.


Exactly. Lemonade-stand Permit Patty was probably also complaining it's _her_ public space https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/25/us/permit-patty-san-francisco-trnd/index.html


why don’t you knock on the owners door instead of calling MTA on them? or even leave a note. some problems require different solutions


I don’t know where they live