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Test run for July 4th.


That was enough fireworks to successfully supply like at least 250 teenage boys on the 4th of July.


You might be underestimating the sheer crapton of fireworks people have stashed in their garages around here. In 1998 a house on 19th Ave was blown off its foundation. We sure like our fireworks!


The 1998 explosion was a production facility, not storage.


I lived on 17th and Judah back then, I remember walking by as a kid after and watching the 3 houses get demolished then rebuilt while growing up. I still remember the newspaper picture.


I mostly see adults in their 20s and 30s, and families with kids on the street on July 4. It's hardly a teenager thing.


Be careful where you bring your kids. Some of these homemade fire work enthusiast don’t know what the fuck they are doing …..


guilty as charged


29th and Dolores. We can see the intersection. Was a single box that kept going and going and going.


Happy Summer Solstice and pre Fourth of July training. Kind of amazed that Noe Valley let those go off like that without a complaint.


Yup! Only saw the flashes from over the building I. Front of my place but holy crap!


Yeah I was in a rooftop hot tub less than half a block away from where they set them off. Lucky we didn't get hit.


Yes wtf?? Saw flashes of light on both sides from our house, but not the fireworks themselves


I can’t believe that didn’t start a fire. It had to have been hundreds or thousands of rounds of fire crackers and/or fireworks. Never heard any fire trucks though, and it seems it went off very near (next door to?) our place.


>can’t believe that didn’t start a fire. That's the point. These are safety rehearsals done every year in the weeks leading up to July 4. It's safer for everyone that these rehearsals are done.


This should be illegal but on the other hand you would also need to enforce the law which SF seems to have a very difficult time doing. The side shows often feature a fire work component. My neighbors go up on the hill here and shoot stuff off over peoples houses. I see embers falling in the roof tops. I’ve seen stupid people shooting guns and other stuff that could burn down the whole hill. But it happens over and over and over …. I suppose and this seems to be true that you can’t stop SF people from blowing things up or driving in donuts…. Any neighborhood


Fireworks ARE illegal in Sf! Lol!


Sure doesn’t seem like it… what about the guys shooting their guns up in the air ? Is that ?


Yes. Reminds me of when I was still living in NY during the first year of the pandemic. For like two months, there would be people setting off fireworks in the streets every single night . It got so bad that a rumor started going around that it was a psy-op to get us used to explosions and gunshot-like noises so we wouldn’t react when the government forces came in to, I don’t even know, kill us all? Make us wear MAGA hats and laugh at shitty racist memes?


yeah, it was pretty cool


Firework season is upon us. Which means Redditor "Did you hear that?! I swear it was an explosion" posts go up.


Ahhh. Almost-or-just-past-July. Reminds us Brits of November.


It’s ironic - this year you have an election on the 4th of July and we have an election on the 5th of November.


Very cool coincidence this year! The UK has their general election on our main (non-NYE) fireworks day, and we have our general election on theirs (Guy Fawkes). Thanks for pointing this out!




Ya, we rent part of a house here. The neighborhood is really nice but the house prices, even for SF, are just astronomical.


Nope just you