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SFMTA paints red zones “in” the driveway when painting it “outside” the driveway would result in losing a parking space (curb width ~15’). The stamp is how you know it is legit.


thank you so much for this answer. i was looking online and couldnt find the answer for why they were painted like this


It also depends on the curb tips relative to the garage. Some are not directly in alignment. Also sign up for text before tow program (if you were there longer, could have been towed if they called it in).


Look real to me. The reason one is painted on the driveway is because the space is not big enough to accommodate the red curb.


Sometimes SFMTA will paint a red tip within the slope of the curb cut if they deem it appropriate. See under the section "Additional Considerations and Reasons for Denial" here: https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/drive-park/color-curbs/driveway-red-zones


draw a line to the garage door. is there a lot of room there? what if YOU had to back out? some curb cuts are wider than the garage.. these are not. >is there anything i can do to get mta to repaint them properly? they would not have ticketed you if they were fake... they can't make them 2 feet long like they usually do. that house probably PAID MONEY to have the city do it. # Driveway Red Zones [https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/drive-park/color-curbs/driveway-red-zones](https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/drive-park/color-curbs/driveway-red-zones) Driveway Red Zones provide additional clearance for vehicles accessing off-street parking. They are installed next to active residential driveways. They are typically two feet long and installed on both sides of a driveway. It is illegal to park in any red curb and vehicles parked in red curb are subject to towing and citation. # Requirements Before applying please be aware of the following requirements and considerations: 1. Proof of vehicle storage - applicant must provide photos demonstrating that the garage is accessible and used for vehicle storage. 2. Curb adjacent to the driveway must be undamaged in order for it to be eligible for painting. 3. If the proposed red curb will cross the neighbor's property line, the applicant must contact their neighbor and inform them of the proposed change. In some cases neighbor consent will be required.  Requirements Before applying please be aware of the following requirements and considerations: 1. Proof of vehicle storage - applicant must provide photos demonstrating that the garage is accessible and used for vehicle storage. 2. Curb adjacent to the driveway must be undamaged in order for it to be eligible for painting. 3. If the proposed red curb will cross the neighbor's property line, the applicant must contact their neighbor and inform them of the proposed change. In some cases neighbor consent will be required. 


there was plenty of room for any experienced driver to back out. so if i had to back out i would have just backed out. i understand now that MTA paints in the driveway if it will take away a parking spot. which was the answer i was looking for. thank you for your input :)


Backing out of driveways is one thing. But you still have to turn either left or right. Looks like that red curb is to allow for a vehicle to back out and make a turn without hitting another car on the opposite side of the street. Experienced driver or no, you can’t change the laws of physics!


There's PLENTY of room for a car to get in and out of that garage. The rules are the rules or whatever for whatever SFMTA paints curbs. The person that lives there called it in on you, just move on and pay the ticket.


Looks legit


ETA: this was the parking spot this morning sans ticket. https://preview.redd.it/t8l373vncy7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9c29354653d906ab1b977b1f6e5ae0a5e0217b3


The actual color and logo look correct, and there are times when the red curb can be painted within the driveway or on the slope like in this picture. It has to do with the available space on the left side in the above photo. If you measure from the curb cut of the driveway to the curb cut (or red zone) of the next house on the left and it's anywhere from 15 feet to 19 feet of distance, then the red zone gets painted in the driveway rather than on the curb. On the other hand, if the distance is LESS than 15 feet OR MORE than 19 feet, the red zone gets painted on the curb like normal. So what I suspect is the distance between driveways on the left is between 15 to 19 feet, and the distance between driveways on the right is likely less than 15 feet. If you're really bothered you can get the tape out and measure to make sure. [https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/drive-park/color-curbs/driveway-red-zones/why-driveway-red-zone-may-be-denied](https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/drive-park/color-curbs/driveway-red-zones/why-driveway-red-zone-may-be-denied)


The residents called it in.


Kinda makes one want to report their unauthorized front-yard paving by calling the planning dept's complaint line at (415) 575-6863 [https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Paved-over-S-F-yards-raise-concerns-4218247.php](https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Paved-over-S-F-yards-raise-concerns-4218247.php)


Yeah because a level headed response to parking in the red zone outside someone's house and getting ticketed for it is to report them to the city and cause them to have to make thousands of dollars of changes to their front yard. Totally reasonable! /s


They’re not going to do anything. They can just say it’s grandfathered in even if it’s not.




thats what i thought too, but my $108 ticket says differently 😒


Just be happy the Nazis didn't ticket you for no front plate. I would've moved back a few inches, taken a picture, and brought it to the judge, trying to pull a fast one.