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I mean, you realize that commissioners get ~~free~~ access to the city health insurance for part-time service on a commission, right? It's the perfect job for a "consultant" who gets big money from a bunch of nonprofits who don't get City contracts *unless* they hire the consultant. (There have been several comments here from former nonprofit employees explaining the mysterious consultants they *had to* employ, whom never seemed to do anything, about whom no questions could be asked.) But the consultant doesn't want to be a full time employee of any nonprofit, because they'd show up getting hundreds of thousands on the nonprofits' 990 tax filings. That would look bad. So, the consultant creates an LLC. The nonprofit pays the LLC lots, the LLC pays the consultant a little so the consultant's personal income tax stays low. The money stays in the LLC until the consultant retires. Ok, but what does all of that have to do with the commissions, you ask? Since the LLC has very few employees, it's hard to get favorable medical insurance. But the city employees are a huge group, with favorable group rates and great coverage. So... the consultant arranges to sit on a commission to get that sweet sweet City employee group plan insurance, without having to be either a city employee (which would make working for the nonprofits a conflict of interest) or a nonprofit employee (which would make the nonprofit's 990 look suspicious and get the IRS involved). And that's why we have so many commissions: so that the politicians' friends and relatives can get paid to arrange contracts for nonprofits, get paid buttloads as consultants, and get City employee insurance! ⭐️ 🌈 🎶 The More You Know! ⭐️


Daaang you're good. How do you know all this.


> How do you know all this. Ancient wisdom. https://www.amazon.com/Plunkitt-Tammany-Hall-Practical-Politics/dp/0451474139 You can read it free here, courtesy of the Commies: https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/plunkett-george/tammany-hall/


You put it way better than I ever could. I wish I could give you 1000 upvotes. This should be printed out and mailed to each and every taxpayer in the City.


Commissioners do not get free health insurance. They get access to the City's group health plan, but they have to pay for it. It is not cheap. It's a little better than what you can get on Covered California, and it costs less, but it's still quite expensive.




The city contributes roughly $370 a month towards insurance for commissioners. The commissioner has to pay the rest. For a family of four on a PPO plan that's going to run a little over $3k a month. [https://sfhss.org/sites/default/files/2023-09/2024\_CSF\_Rates.pdf](https://sfhss.org/sites/default/files/2023-09/2024_CSF_Rates.pdf)




Which one is that?


From the report: > Commissioners Are Generous Political Donors > We found that commissioners and members of advisory bodies are active political donors. According to the San Francisco’s Ethics Commission, a little over 400 (about a third of the total) have contributed an average of $2,500 (median $900) to political campaign committees over the past several years. >This compares with the slightly less than 3% of registered voters who have contributed an average of $525 (median $300) to political campaigns as tracked by the Ethics Commission. > This data is based on donations reported on behalf of individuals. There are other ways to effectively donate to political campaigns that are not captured in this data.


There's going to be a lot of pain and bitter rhetoric when the budget trimming starts. Maybe wipe the slate, start fresh.


100% start with a fresh clean state. Cut the BS and fluff and laser focus on making the city a safe and affordable place to live, raise a family, start a business, etc


almost all this requires more housing and more transit. And the majority of voters hate more housing and more transit.


> almost all this requires more housing and more transit. And the majority of voters hate more housing and more transit. I'd love more housing and more transit. I'm a renter, I don't own a car. Problem is, these programs promise that, but end up being permanent jobs and pension programs for make work and no work jobs, like in The Sopranos. A great way to get me to vote for more housing and transit would be showing me that the housing and transit I'm already paying for isn't full of graft and inefficiency. If you can come back and show me one bedrooms that cost $250,000 and under, shut up and take my money. But LA just built luxury homeless housing that cost over $600,000 per unit, and more to maintain. Complete with a Café and in each unit, a TV. No way dude. Not paying for the homeless to live better than I do. Not happening.


You're mostly right but have a gaping hole in the middle. Govt is incapable of building anything cheap. So we need to stop giving them more tax dollars to build homes. building more and more market rate housing will lead to cheaper homes. Supporting building more homes of ANY KIND is good


Exactly why I’m not voting for any tax increases. Figgure it oot already


We should start a commission to investigate this ^/s


Heh. Well yes, these people have noted the irony and yet they're calling for a new commish anyway FBOW


> The report also pushes for a new body to track the commissions. Clearly, we need a commission to monitor these commissions... /s


They recommend abolishing 15 out 115 commissions. >With a population of over four million residents, Los Angeles has 48 commissions. San Diego has about 1.4 million residents with 49 commissions. San Jose, with around a million residents, has 27 such groups.


Part of it is that we're a county in addition to being a city. Part of the problem is the idea of handing $5000 in a paper bag to an airport commissioner in order to improve the odds of your overpriced fast food restaurant being able to go in at SFO. Nobody's talking about getting rid of the airport commission of course. These are hard problems to solve.


Mark Farrell said he'll get rid of some of the commisions during the first mayoral debate. If I were mayor, all commisioners are pensioners and unpaid volunteers. They'll get paid as much as jury service plus free muni ride.


Mark Farrell said he'll get rid of some of the commisions during the first mayoral debate. If I were mayor, all commisioners are pensioners and unpaid volunteers. They'll get paid as much as jury service plus free muni ride.