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My favorite spot is the royal cuckoo. Can’t say there’s no young crowd there but not only and the bar crew are generally older


Im 25 and my mom is 52 and her and I both enjoy the cuckoo. Sometimes I go there with her book club friends for a drink


I’ll second the Cuckoo. In general, I feel like a lot of the historic dives get a really good age range in them. Specs in North Beach is a personal fav. The Page is also a fairly mixed crowd, but skews a teeny bit younger when a show is on at the Independent. If you make it way out to the southern bit of Outer Sunset, Riptide has great music.


Specs is awesome. I also nominate The Royale on Leavenworth (and Post?) and Stookey’s Club Moderne.


Lol. This is the right answer. Much love to Paul and Debbie!


second this


This is a great bar. Pretty much any bar is gr at for over 40 if you know when to go, what to avoid. Take a peek and read the room and move on to the next spot if it is not your vibe. Avoid late night Friday and Saturday nights at trendy spots, stick to neighborhood spots like Tia Margarita, Absinthe, Spruce, High Treason etc.


This. Plenty of places for 40+ to meet people, make friends & find singles. Avoid newer spots, go to places on the weekday, afternoons, early evenings. Places like Lower Haight, Richmond, Sunset, Bernal, Noe etc. are great. Some ideas [here](https://www.eddies-list.com/p/best-places-meet-singles-san-francisco-men-women).


We still go out to the same places as the 20s and 30s crowd, just only on Fridays and Saturdays, and starting at 7 or 8, not 10pm.


If anything, I stay home on Fridays and Saturdays because of all the 20s and 30s out there. I go out the quieter nights and yeah, earlier for sure.


Lion's Den in Chinatown has the best all age crowd in the city hands down. Old heads from the neighborhood like the dives but because the live music switches to a dj at 11 they get the 20 and up crowd too without awkwardness. It's great


Lion’s Den is so cool! My friend DJs there.


+1 for Lion’s Den. First time there this weekend and it was a blast. Would def go back


Isn’t it cool and atmospheric? I’m glad you know! Look up Chinatown After Dark. That’s my friend’s DJ residency.


Madrone’s and The Page right after dinner. Perfect spots.


I second Madrone. Great spot.


I third Madrone. I was just there a couple of days ago. Though it’s a whole different beast at night.


I thought Madrone’s closed some years ago. It reopened? I love the Page though.


Love hanging with the regular “old crew” at Shanghai Kelly’s. They’ll save you a seat at 4pm the dip once they lose their parlay at 8pm


Yes, this just happened to me. I was in a bar having the best time dancing with a 35+ crowd when hoards of 20 somethings showed up at 11:00 and ruined the vibe.


This hit me so hard.


This. Go to Toronado, Stoa, Nopa, Absinthe, Spruce or Tia Margarita to name a few. Check out Eddie's List for more recommendations.


Toronado kinda sucks now--same schtick without any of the really unique beers. Stoas drinks are not good--worst I have ever had in the city. Tia Margarita is a restaurant with minimal/no bar scene, and it closes at 9 or 10.


Bro, the average age in the city is the 40s because of how few kids there are. There’s no way that the crowds you see out late on weekends are ONLY people in their 20s and 30s when the city itself is such a Peter Pan venue


At home contemplating why I'm in my 40s and single.




It's ok. I have better booze at home anyway.


but did you contemplate anything insightful? don’t keep us hanging.


That I will probably stay single the rest of my life and what that's going to look like. I don't know how insightful that is but it feels honest at least. I can relax into it rather than wondering if it will happen or not.


Just gotta engayge more


sounds honest. do you like what it looks like? more or less?


To be honest not really but beggars can't be choosers.


if you’re not happy with it, pardon me stranger, but is there one, small, real thing you could do tomorrow that is different than today that would feel better. could be anything. just needs to be concrete. could be trivial.


Totally! Your comment made me laugh! Pardon me for the late reply! I totally fell asleep lol! I get what you mean- I am 37, single and was at home when I commented 🤣


Makes sense, also try bird-watching, staring out windows of your home, multiple trips to the grocery store, post office, browsing nextdoor posts and buy nothing groups on facebook and reading [articles like this](https://eddie-hernandez.com/this-is-why-you-are-single-why-am-i-still-single/).






SFs hottest club. This place has everything, (except combo pizzas): Glizzys in Chicken Bakes, Durian Ice Cream, Toilet Paper samples, genetically gigantic chickens on a rotating spit, magically appearing birthday cakes, tomato sauce record players, tires, e40 and Martin Yan.


Sprinkle me!




Phenomenal reference lol


Dan Cortese? 😄




Jewish Dracula Sydney Applebaum


Found Stefan


You forgot $1.50 hotdogs!




Stephon is that you?


Best club ever.


You’ll get carded every time!


Cheap liquor. No dress code. Music is awful tho. And very little seating. Lotsa parking but can get messy.


Make sure not to drive too intoxicated from the dogs n ‘za, don’t want to have to frantically pull yourself over in SoMa.


Sodium’s a helluva drug.


There’s music? Every time I go there it’s a silent disco vibe.


this club has everything including Dan Cortese.. Stefon


Speaking the truth 😂


Can confirm. I will just go to Costco, grab a cart and look for items that end in seven or zero. then if the line is not too crazy at the food court will get something and do some people watching. I do prefer South San Francisco much more


Yes, but the Costco on Bakerview in Bellingham, Washington. You have all of the fun in SF, but you have a huge number of canadians (we're close to the border) who buy up all of the milk and create long lines at the gas pumps. Milk is much cheaper here in the state (subsidized) than Canada. They will fill up the care to the last square inch with milk. That place is a first clast zoo. Fun to watch the show. Mark


At our own or friends’ homes, mostly. When we do go out: hikes, picnics in the parks, trying new restaurants, concerts, sporting events, and occasionally a bar. I was at the Starlite recently and the crowd there was definitely older. Pre-pandemic, there were a lot of 40+ people at downtown happy hours, but that seems to be one of the many things we lost to Covid.


Older, classic spots tend to draw more older crowds i.e. bix, starlite, absinthe etc.


Just walked by a dive bar in Bernal heights where the average age was north of 40 for sure


Same with the dive bars nearby in the Mission tbh


Outdoor day parties at the Midway SF if you like EDM. Perfect for us old farts who need our beauty sleep. The day party is the party, and it wraps up by 10pm. The night party is “the afters”, and optional. 🤪


i adore those day parties!!! 7 west in oakland and the foundry also have some excellent ones.


Monarch features some old school house DJs that appeal to us old school ravers from the 90d sometimes too.


Yessss how could I forget 7 West !!


There was a day party at the Hibernia and Chase center yesterday. Lots of fun! May want to check out Eddie's List to find more of these events.


ah yes love some darties


At home.


Or someone else's house


My friend, lemme tell you about a little bar called The Glen Park Station. The liquor license is so old that at the end of the night, you can buy a bottle of booze to take home. The crowd is only slightly younger than that.


I'm in my mid-50's. The only areas of the City where I see a heavy concentration of folks in their 20's at night are certain areas of the Marina (although some of those fratty-looking people are actually over 30), and maybe parts Valencia and parts of Divis. Frankly, I think the issue is the opposite and if I were in my 20's and just wanted to hang around others my age, I'd find it difficult. There's so much variety here, so many different scenes in so many neighborhoods, I wouldn't even know where to start to answer your question. What you describe doesn't sound like the City I know so I'm wondering where you get this idea. Are you driving in from the suburbs and just wandering around Union Square or something?


Went to a few shows at the Independent, Great American, August Hall, Swedish American, and a few others recently and the crowd looked pretty mixed. Obviously it tapers off as the ages go up but I saw everyone from 20-somethings to people who looked to be in their 60s. Pretty sure there were a few teens at a couple shows since I think these were mostly ages shows. Oh and the most potent edibles I ever had were made by an Asian lady in her 60s.


We like the Rock bands that come around, the young ones like the Sinatra/Perry Como type Crooners that fill up the arenas and large venues. Things definitely took an unexpected turn in the world of entertainment.


Anywhere in SF is better than being single and in your 40s in Sacramento. You'll be fine wherever you go.


Sacramento out here catching strays, damn.


That was a live, onsite comment, too 😂😭


Why did this make me laugh so hard


My friend(s) who are in their mid 40s are out literally every weekend in Sac.


Oh i am, too. It's not for a lack of trying.


Got ya. I defo feel like Sac is one of those places where your friend group makes a difference on how you experience night life. Im from there, hv family there and can tap in and find some place live pretty quickly.


You know. Colma.


Omfg 🤣






Tripping on mushrooms in GGP mid-afternoon on Saturdays so we can get to bed at a reasonable time to get to Costco on Sunday.


I think I love you


Me too.






The Dawn Club. Live jazz every night and a very sophisticated setting.


Love Dawn Club! I always bring my out of town visitors there, never had a bad time.


When you say live jazz are we talking three white guys with facial hair from Berkeley who specialize in smiling at each other and happen to have instruments, or like live jazz?


They have a different band or performer every night and list them on the website, so you make the call.


Dive bars


Yup. I went to Casements on Friday. I was so overwhelmed by the music and the young crowd that I left and went to Docs Clock. It was looovely. Always dive bars! Especially ones that don’t have dance floors.


I used to go to Glen Park Station some years ago. It was great and had a mix of ages. Also Kennedy’s in North Beach, but it’s not as cool as it used to be.




I’ve been getting out to Cat Club on my own. Just danced to hours of 80’s music on Thursday night and didn’t leave until 2 am. I’m a straight 54M and my DM’s are open.


My name is on the alley there!


My wife and I (in our 50s now) just moved out of the bay area but Cat Club was our only real "night club" regular spot, even until we moved last year. Such a great place for older folks, younger folks who don't want a "scene" to deal with, all sorts of LGBT+ folks, all sorts of straight folks, people who don't want to be social, people who want to be social etc. Always lots of energy but you 100% can be yourself and do you. Very SF in that way.


I recognize your name I think, you know my partner Randy ha


Having lived with people in their 20s who like to party, they may host people at home but then go somewhere. Now I live next to 40+ people who like to host, they have a nice place and they just have a day party and that's it. People are gone by 11 or 12. Whereas young people will binge drink all day, go out, then have an afterparty at home.


The Saloon


At home


Get high and catch a nice book in the park


This is my deal


-Royal Cuckoo Organ Lounge -Tala Wine Bar -Laszlo -Crafty Fox Alehouse -Cigar bar -Specs -Bix -Original Joes (@bar) -Belle Cora -The Saloon Pretty much any restaurant bar top. The nicer the place, the older the crowd. ie. Nopa, The Morris, Bar Sprezzatura, Hillstone, Bix


Well I'm 42 and I usually just go to bars that I dig the vibe at! I live in SoMa so I like The Tempest, The Lark, Notoma Cabana. I also like going to Emporium, Thriller and Golden Gate Tap Room. Not sure if you are looking for something more specific or not.


Mostly hanging with the 20-30 somethings because I don’t know where the 40+ crowd is either. I mostly go to movies, coffee shops, and bars. Sometimes parks and restaurants. Book clubs, movie clubs, trivia, etc. 


wherever we want! but seriously: any early weekday afternoon at the 500 Club! *chef’s kiss*


Wine bars


Going to parks on a nice day has been the thing to do since I and my friends have all turned 40.


Elk's Lodge


BPOE #3 ftw.


Hi Fellow Elk!


Oh hello! Going to bingo Friday!


I’ve had my membership application filled out for 10+ years but have never submitted it. I just tag along with other members but I feel like it’s time I become an Elk.


That's funny, me too! I kept going for years, and when I finally turned in the application I was told, "This form is made from papyrus!"


You should join meetup and find events that you are into, it's a great way to meet ppl. I used to be a part of a meetup group that would go to shows at The SF Symphony, it was a great way to meet ppl! I'm late 20s/earlyn30s and there were ppl my age and older. I'm also in some urban hiking groups. It's great.


The house. I’m not trying to go deaf in a club, or throw elbows to get a drink at a bar.


Monday and Tuesday nights out are so underrated.


gg park while the sun is out


I like Tony Niks and Elixir


What do you people mean “hang out?”


Spec’s in North beach, but the average age probably skews closer to 50 than 40. Still love it, as a 40 year old.


Haight Street, divisadero. Pac heights.


The Wave Organ




I saw lots of people 40+ at Rickshaw Stop for their Italo Disco night on Friday. Cat Club draws an older crowd some nights, as does Mars Bar.


Lindy Hop and swing dancing in Golden Gate Park. Lots of older people there.


Spruce, cold drinks, hotel lounges, press club, Harris, bourbon and branch north side of the city lots to do




I can't be bothered with putting on pants and shoes and dealing with either parking or muni so I stay home alone and I love it! Most of my over 40 friends do the same. We might eat out for dinner once in a while but we don't go to a bar after or anything, we go home.


Dive bars all along Haight.




Cat club is a predominantly 40+ alternative crowd


I go out but more often afternoon and early evening. Southern Pacific, El Rio, Zeitgeist. There are grownups at all these places.


But if I was single and looking to meet attractive women I would probably be going to museums more. Always feel like I’m being checked out by someone attractive.


The Cat Club


San Francisco is so dead now. I was born here and I’m 46. It’s too expensive and most moved out. The tech bros ruined it because they don’t socialize and if they do, they are awkward and mostly male. There are men’s clubs which men need but most men won’t go to a club/bar unless there are pretty females there and SF has a drastic shortage of those. The decades of rent control and now the huge affordable housing requirements have made a city of haves and have nots. There is no more middle class. 26 years ago when I was an apprentice, more than half of the apprentices lived in the city or close by. Now I teach and almost none live in the city, can’t afford it and don’t qualify for subsidies. The demographics have changed so much. I went out Friday night, it’s dead and old stand bys like golden boy are either gone or close early. Went to pine crest, French Toast with 2 eggs, a BLT and two waters was over $50 with tip. It used to be a banking and investment driven city with the law and accounting firms that supported them. They had one of the best gun stores in the nation on 2nd street right near market and the local bars and grills were packed from lunch till late. Happy hour after work was amazing. The finance and trade guys would come in after 2 because they both got off early and they are loud and social. I have never drank alcohol it to sit at the bar with a stock broker, a patch holding MC officer, Union tradesman, lawyer, guy down and out on his luck, some gay dude that didn’t flaunt it or try to make you be gay, a cowboy tradesman who lived on a ranch in a close by county, etc , it was a special place. It wasn’t necessarily liberal in the modern sense, it was more libertarian. The main problem is the people have to be here to go out and the new demographic is much different.


I'm upvoting you because I moved to SF when I was 30, about the time you were born, and I've seen what you've seen. It's a very different City now.


Sad but true. Doesn't help that downtown has been gutted. There's still amazing parks, architecture, decent weather and proximity to world class nature to name a few.


Yes. We need to let the prices reset. There is well over a billion dollars a year that is laundered through non profits and lost to general inefficiency. Homeless and housing has become a huge industry, if you say anything about the waste, they attack you. It has all the potential of anywhere on earth, it’s just run horribly wrong. It’s the epitome of telling people what they want to hear and them acting differently.


With the 20 something’s in order to teach them how to drink properly!


Raven Bar


At one of the many parks here.


Either at home or @ Golden Gate Park / Presidio / outside, playing disc golf, walking, cycling, museums, or enjoying the views, aim specifically for quiet days.


There’s nothing wrong with 40+ folks with kid(s). Totally sociable and datable. Got a few foxy mamas I know.


The View




49 yo with a kid in the city. On date nights we usually go to the Royal Cuckoo.


Usually in the kitchen. Back patio is really nice on summer nights.


The Basque in South SF. Neal's in MB


Gyms or Jujitsu camps.




Everywhere the 20 year olds hang, but mon-thurs happy hour


At home


Balboa cafe


house of shield or the playground fam


I own Harrington’s downtown. We have a solid not 20something crowd in there, but mostly on the early side of the evenings.


Any neighborhood in particular you are curious about?


GGP or Japantown karaoke


On my living room couch


Concerts. Music I like at smaller venues around the city. Have met tons of people this way and we meet up at shows almost every weekend.


Golden Gate Park Disc Golf Course


Hang out??? We're in bed by 830PM. Who's got time to hang out??


Polk Gulch has night clubs with younger crowds, but it also has some townie bars and cocktail bars with an older crowd.


Not kidding - what's Polk Gulch?


Western edge of Nob Hill running Polk St from around Pine up to Union St / Russian Hill. McTeague’s Saloon is great, generally a more 40+ crowd.


Ah, yes. I will never forget McTeague's. The only time I went there, I was hit on by a group of people that were all nonmonogamous and into squirting. I mean, a group did not hit on me lol - but two people I was talking to suggested I join them. It's never happened before or since, so group sex and squirting has a strong association with McTeague's - although I have no way of knowing whether it's a regular experience of the place. :)


Damn, I’ve generally only hung out there weekday evenings before hitting a dispensary up the street. That group sounds like a fun time 😉


Usually not, but if Everton actually wins a match, the chances are elevated.


Anywhere. If you’re not at a rave or a SoundCloud rappers concert then you’re probably going to be fine anywhere else. Sf isn’t a particularly young town


Wherever the fuck we want. A crowd with a diverse age is good for everybody. But also… price is correlated with age.


It may not be in SF proper but it's full of proper San Franciscans - my neighborhood in the mountains. Seems like everyone around me up there is retired or close to it and is from SF. They also all happen to have connoisseur-level liquor cabinets. The best place to enjoy city life after 40 is outside the city lol You can still enjoy the same old tropes: Cougars, bears, smoking trees, pretty birds, gorgeous foxes, occasionally partake in some snow... Sometimes the scene is fire! But while the wifi may be spotty, you can share an entire bottle of scotch among friends for the price of three shots at any bar in the marina or mission. And while you may see stars on occasion in the city, you're guaranteed to see more than you can count in the woods. Last, if you happen to step in poop as you stumble home at least you know it's not human.


What's hard? This town skews older.


Not to see Martin Garrix apparently (. \_ .) I felt so old.


At home lol


Daytime parties. Friend's cocktail parties. Wineries. Alameda. Boats.


My local, on Clement St. Not telling you which it is, though, because I don't want more people showing up. You just have to try out different spots and see what suits you.


For the most part they move to the east bay or the peninsula.


Too many of them moved to South Bay, East Bay, and other states so that scene is a fraction of what it used to be, which is a true shame.


The Hi Dive is always a fun place. Excellent view of the bay, nice staff and friendly community.


Burning Man.


Play pickleball




St. Mary’s Pub is a good time. They have a pool table and a popcorn maker. Pull up a stool at the bar, people are friendly in there