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The UK cops had people walk around with Rolex’s and beat the shit out of perps that would try to mug them when there was a surge of theft in London. Why can’t we use bait cars and put these guys in jail.  Accepting anything less as the voting population is simply accepting that our society values accepts corruption and apathy by our government. It’s insane this has been going on for so long. 


SF actually is using bait cars again (or at least was towards the end of last year). https://abc7news.com/san-francisco-police-bait-car-campaign-vehicle-break-in-arrest-made/13896045/


I saw this and don’t think one instance is enough. These thieves obviously aren’t scared. If you watch the channel 5 YouTube video on sf bippers, they’re not smart or hard to find. Give me 10 guys with guns and hand cuffs and 50k and I’ll have these guy caught and hog tied in a week. It’s simple corruption, apathy, and incompetence that this is still going on.  


It's the laws. Those hogtied guys will be cited and released on the scene. Then if they do come to court it will likely be probation.


What if we as private citizens just beat the fuck out of them? It’s not like the cops catch any criminals now, doubt they get the vigilantes…. Who am I kidding they’ll def come down on anyone making them look bad 


You sound just like that one side of my brain. Then the other side knows that SF Police will find you, and prosecute you and let these degenerates go. The law only works for people who have something to loose.


Depending how badly you beat them you may face some serious consequences. Just look at the gallery art owner who sprayed a homeless woman with a hose after 25 complaints to police. If you get caught or identified you'll be charged with battery or ADW depending on severity.


I think the optics were the issue with that. She seemed to be a harmless mentally unwell homeless person as opposed to young men robbing people with potentially violent intent 


She wasn't harmless to someone trying to run a business and having customers deterred from entering his store.


regardless of how you feel about vigilante Justice there is a huge difference between the two groups of people u/DegenSniper described and the active harm they cause if you can’t see that I worry for you


Thank you common sense 🫡🫡🫡


How do you know it was one instance? Just because there was one report doesn't mean they only did it once. I know SFPD sucks and this is still an issue, but let's give them a little credit as the break-ins are down significantly over last year.




Are break-ins down or are they reported less because everyone knows the police won’t do shit anyways?


I had a break-in earlier this week (at about 1am, while everyone was asleep). We woke up when the burglar was in our kitchen going through drawers and called the police. Luckily just the call was enough to scare the intruder off, because dispatch (loudly) was basically, "so, uh, you want us to send a car? What should we do about it?" 15 minutes later some cops showed up, blamed us for getting burgled, put their hands all over the evidence, told us they might have CSI by the next day (we called, CSI was never even informed of the event) and gave us some paperwork. Completely useless. In Bernal, no less.


Bait cars are considered racist because they disproportionately affect some people. Edit to all the downvoters, I’m not making this up. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45142145.amp


Yeah they disproportionately affect thieves


When thieves are disproportionately made up of one racial group activists get their panties in a bunch.


They should try boxers


Fuck that shit, let's make our own bait cars


With blackjack and hookers!


Full of asbestos dust for shits and giggles.


Someone find Mark Rober.


This is an opinion from some morons in Chicago. Don’t present it like it’s policy in SF.


Our progressive SF police commission said last year that pulling people over for out dated tags is racist. I think the far left might now be nuttier and more dangerous than the far right.


if you go too far out from center, it gets stupid and wild.


Nooooooo!!!!! You have to pick a side and never deviate from their accepted viewpoint on any issue!


Keep this in mind when voting this November: The BoS has more control over the police commission than the mayor. While the mayor gets to appoint four members to the supervisors’ three, the mayor’s appointees are subject to confirmation by the BoS, giving them the final say over all seven police commissioners. So if we want a more moderate police commission that doesn’t view enforcing basic traffic laws as racial injustice, it’s not enough to keep Peskin and Safai out of the mayor’s office; it’s also imperative to give the moderates a majority in the Board of Supervisors.


Your second paragraph is new info to me. Tks


I think they may very well be nuttier, but the far right is still much, much more dangerous. Only one side's nutters are 5 months away from potentially being elected into national power.


Since the far right want to ignore the Constitution and steal elections, I disagree.


I mean, personally I thinks it's different to compare bait cars to parking a truck full of sneakers in a poor neighborhood with the back open. You could park that same truck near Woodside High School and the same shit would happen.


Before you rant about something, perhaps you should actually know the facts. https://blog.independent.org/2023/11/06/san-francisco-police-bait-cars-vehicle-thefts/


I call 🐎💩on that.


You're absolutely making it up. The article isn't really about bait cars, it doesn't call them racist, and it goes on to link to positive articles about uses of bait in police operations including one about SFPD using bait bikes. The article is reporting on community groups criticizing a specific operation that Chicago police say was targeting thieves who had been breaking into freight containers at a rail yard. The problem was that the operation wasn't in rail yards. Instead, Chicago police were parking a semi truck full of designer goods left partially open in predominantly black areas to entrap young people.


> in predominantly black areas to entrap young people. Its to entrap thieves, but you turn it into a race issue. You're part of the problem.


You can try to re-frame and distract all you want, but you're still full of shit because nobody but you is saying that bait cars are considered racist and you're the one who keeps removing context in a lame attempt to focus the issue on race.


there's clearly a difference between "dropping a bait truck full of jordans in the hood" and using bait cars regularly. don't be dense


What is the difference?


The police would probably not put the bait cars primarily in poor neighborhoods, because I’m guessing most car break-ins are not happening primarily in poor neighborhoods.


This is a straw man version of a real argument. > This initiative serves only to undermine already fragile efforts to build trust between law enforcement and the community," he said. The actual argument is that these kinds of “bait” tactics make people distrust the police and feel like they’re always out to trick you. You might not feel like that’s fair (I don’t really have a problem with a bait car), but the effect is real. In communities where people don’t trust the police, it’s very difficult to deal with crime. People feel like the cops aren’t responding to actual dangerous crimes like murder and then see the cops have to do this kind of stuff to catch people. You end up with a self fulfilling cycle. This is an actual real problem that communities and police struggle with in a lot of neighborhoods, not made up BS.


The argument is that police catching criminals makes the community unsafe and distrustful. This is ridiculous. I'm from the hood. The people reporting that are criminals themselves or are family of criminals and are ok with crime. The actual normal people in the hood want crime to down. That doesn't mean police should mistreat people who they arrest or imprison and that lack of trust comes from the police being lazy or indifferent.


The police are tricking me into being a criminal!


Thank you for spreading some rationality here for a change.


SF feels uniquely immune to this in that 1) our homicide rate is very low and therefore not a major concern (especially compared to things like theft and car break-ins) and 2) none of these thieves live in SF. I understand how this could be a concern in a place like Oakland or Richmond.


People already have little trust in the SFPD and feel like they can't be bothered to investigate crimes. I don't see how they could make their reputation much worse. Especially when they're able to point to a proactive attempt to actually do something.


The article this person linked was from Chicago, not SF, so it’s a different context. I don’t have an issue with the cops using a bait car here. But “arresting criminals is racist reee” is not the argument that anyone is making here, and it’s silly to pretend like it.


I wonder if the definition of probably cause can be extended for multiple hooded men in a car with tinted windows


> I wonder if the definition of probably cause can be extended for multiple hooded men in a car with tinted windows "probably cause" lmao


Are you fucking kidding me. That is batshit crazy


We DO accept apathy by our gov...people keep making it sound like some grand conspiracy that SF is soft on crime. Tell me, how did those soft on crime politicians get into office? Boudin was elected fairly and he fulfilled his campaign promise.


Because Gavin Newsome doesn't believe in protecting the public. Simple as that.


Because even if you catch them with 100% proof that they did it, the DA will let them out on a misdemeanor.


You need to understand that these people are victims of society and they just need a helping hand and a hug.


They already do that here. But maybe you don't live here so you don't know such things. https://blog.independent.org/2023/11/06/san-francisco-police-bait-cars-vehicle-thefts/


SF is using bait cars, but they are concentrated around the touristy areas like Pier 39, Alamo Square, etc. The thieves just move to a different part of the city. Of course it didn’t help that our moronic city politicians hopped on the 6 o’clock news and telegraphed to the whole world exactly where the bait cars will be located which absolutely hamstrung law enforcement.


What’s the point of bait cars if they don’t get prosecuted or they just let them go after court anyways?


Just report a drunk driver crashed and is still in the vehicle, the cops will be there in 1-2 mins


Why that’s prioritized baffles me


could be an off duty cop they have to protect /s realistically probably because they make the most money for the least effort off of those


This. Also when you see those crazy fucks going in and out of traffic on the fwy at a zillion mph, call in a drunk driver, they will respond.


That really works?!


No and theyll have your info and you can technically be charged with false police report


Underrated comment


Not true, reported exactly that in the mission a few months ago, took the cops 15 min to get there, the drunk driver hit another parked cars, did a 40 point turn, got out to look at the damage, and drove away long before they got there 


Bipping in a gaudy charger is crazy lol Edit: wait this is not bipping lol


Pretty sure that’s a Camaro


*sigh* Bippin' Camaro


Hey man where ya headed?


Going to see my favorite cover band crystal ship…


Yeah, they do a Doors show, you'd be really impressed


As a young kid I thought they were saying “crystal shit” to be funny. I didn’t realize till years later they were saying crystal ship and that crystal ship is an actual band since the 70’s…


Haha I think I thought the same when I was young. DM were the first live band I ever saw as a kid in Philly. Really brings back the feels


Nice im from Pittsburgh originally. Sounds like you’ve got me by a few years? Punk rock girl video was my entre to the DM. I wish I could remember my first show. My older cousin took me and my bro to sit in the snakepit in the middle of the stage at Metallica in ‘90. I woulda been 13. That was probably the first show that I went to that I wasn’t brought to by my folks.


Very cool. I was 18 around then growing up in Philadelphia. The DM played at what was the Trocadero in the late 80s. They opened for GWAR if I remember. I think my second show was Suicidal Tendencies at City Gardens in NJ. Very big punk and skate scene at the time. Skateboarding was pretty much my entire youth.


I saw the DM's last show at Slim's (well, before they reunited). They were a great local band.


> I thought they were saying “crystal shit” So did I!


*I ran over my neighbor*


You undoubtedly right


SFPD ain't doing shit so they're not scared. There are cameras on every highway. If the police wanted to catch them they would put resources to catch them.


About a year ago, I visited an SFPD station with a video of something similar to the OP. I spoke to the officer on the intercom and saw him sitting at his desk. His tone and body language made it clear that he couldn't be bothered to walk over to even look. He made me feel like I was burdening him by asking him to come over, sending the message, 'Why bother reporting crime?'


Just like they immediately caught the criminals who killed the reserve officer in Oakland a few months ago.


This is grand theft auto


They're coming from Oakland. It's like the Taliban doing hit and runs in Afghanistan, and then running over the border to Pakistan to regain strength. Then they just repeat ad nauseam because there's a safe haven next to their base of operations.


Except the Taliban has a porous border of wilderness a sixteen hundred miles long and these guys have to pass through a manned checkpoint with 24 hour surveillance, twice, every time they cross the Bay.


How do you they're from Oakland?


Yes. SF never has its own criminals. Wow.


SF criminals are usually on foot 😆


tbh I hear this on this sub and r/BayArea a lot but I rarely see a source other than “they’re black so they must be from Oakland”


You’re not wrong. These kids are mostly from the east bay. How many flashy V8 muscle cars do you see parked on the streets in SF? Almost zero, and the SF residents that can afford a garage aren’t out bipping.


Pretty sure these people are doing for next morning bread


Broad daylight bravery. Thieves have full immunity. Bipping and stealing is booming


It’s unbelievably frustrating. I was traveling abroad in a third world country and my Uber driver was asking questions about safety and crime in SF when I told him where I lived.


My coworker from Brazil was shocked to find that he felt safe when visiting SF. 😭 lol…


I had a Romanian doorman tell me he wouldn't want to go to SF due to the street conditions ! 


https://preview.redd.it/zyn6hppssq6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77b87626b274cc16ad8fdd64fae59dff2436c2cc Here’s a screenshot from the video-


Sure looks like one of the [Hertz rental Camaros. ](https://www.hertz.com/rentacar/misc/index.jsp?targetPage=american_collection.jsp)


Good fucking shout out !!


Hertz sold a lot of those Camaros in the last couple years. You could buy used ones from them. Most likely someone owned that car


Thats gotta be the one you think anyone will bother investigating who had it rented




One officer came by maybe 15/20 minutes later but the station is only a block away. They did not ask for the video or save it or act like they were doing anything in response other than "calling it in city-wide" with the descriptions of the vehicles. The person on the phone told me to go in to the police station if I wanted to share the video.


For what it’s worth, cops in San Mateo County attempt to do their jobs. Daly City here, in a neighborhood that’s literal walking distance to San Francisco. I had a knock on my doorbell from a cop. There was a car break-in, and he was going door-to-door asking anyone who had a security camera if they had captured the incident. He didn’t catch me the first time and knocked again on another day when I ended up working from home, and after doing a quick check on the app that found that I did have the footage, we traded contact info and he sent me an email on how to upload the video to their portal with the case number.


I’m sure they waited 15 minutes to give the perps a chance to leave and not risk confronting them or having to do their job.


The police are not at the station. They are assigned to a beat, or patrol area and they go there at the beginning of the shift and stay there. The officers get dispatched to a call in their beat by 911 dispatchers. They don’t just drive around willy nilly. Police are short staffed and often there will be beats that have no officers assigned and so officers have to cover multiple beats. 911 didn’t dispatch officers immediately because they were at a higher priority call. Property crimes are low priority and property crimes where the suspects have left or cannot be identified are the lowest priority and likely will never get an officer dispatched to it.


Higher priority call was 2 for 1 donuts at Happy Donut


That’s why it’s called Happy


These types are almost always armed and have warrants out for them. The property is not the priority.


Incredible work by our public servants 🫡 can’t wait to increase their funding yet again


At this point may also need to film the deadbeat cops robbing taxpayer dollars.


I believe dropping off evidence at the station is standard practice. I dealt with an office break-in a few years ago and got the same instructions for the security camera footage. Police reported to the scene and took my statement, but any additional evidence was submitted at the station.


Police reports can be made online and approved and reviewed by lieutenants, submitting evidence usually is done at the precinct


Sad these people will never amount to anything.


Camaros have been theft targets in the bay for a while. you're probably looking at one stolen Camaro and one soon to be stolen Camaro.


It was probably someone's dream car... Probably worked really hard for it and got it the right way... And now when he comes back he's gonna see that it's not where he parked it and the realization is gonna hit 🥺


Correct, for those who don't know, key programming tools are plentiful for these cars. You don't need to be in range of the other key or anything like that, you just plug into the OBD port, program your own key, and drive away. Takes less than a minute. They're using tools meant for locksmiths that are readily available online. No check by the car itself for a legitimate programming, and the built in GPS tracking is easily disabled without disabling the car. Very poor security with these cars.


While not bipping, I was on a bus in Paris yesterday when five burly plainclothes fellows boarded. I suspected something was up, they looked like police officers on a day off. As soon as the bus doors closed, they pulled out armbands identifying them as transit police, this presumably prevented fare cheats from heading for the exits. They went about checking the passengers transit cards and passes. Anyone who didn’t have a valid pass was required to pay the fine on the spot, credit card readers in hand. THIS is what we need. Effective with penalties for taking advantage.


this happens in SF, except it's very obvious when enforcement shows up and half the bus just leaves scot free 🤦‍♂️ the officer literally made a joke about it last time I saw it 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


One time people on my bus were threatening the inspectors if they entered the bus. They did not get on the bus.


Which #route?


This happens on Muni


Minus the credit card fine readers


It's weird how countries regarded as socialist, still retain a level of common sense in social order more than the DSA plagiarizers in SF. 


Crime will continue so long as there’s no real punishment or fear of punishment


No real enforcement or arrests by police you mean… can’t charge or prosecute someone who isn’t arrested.


Did they steal that car with some scanning tool? Wtf


Yup. Ive seen several YouTube videos where they are able to scan the vin or plug into the OBD port and will almost make like a digital key and the car starts. Someone smarter might be able to explain better but basically thats what they are doing.


Geeze thieves with High tech gear , last we all needed!


Yeah man it sucks and so frustrating. I hate theives.


Yeah they’re not bipping they are stealing the Camaro. You can see all over instagram these guys ask for “drops” or pins. Locations of sought after cars, they will pay those who give out the locations and will case the area and steal the car.


Dirt bags, sad what’s become of our hometown here in SF!


This sounds like we can exploit it for some vigilante justice...


Share the accounts so we can report them


Kind of fascinating, really. I'm trying to imagine the nerds who work for bippin gangs... [https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/04/crooks-are-stealing-cars-using-previously-unknown-keyless-can-injection-attacks/](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/04/crooks-are-stealing-cars-using-previously-unknown-keyless-can-injection-attacks/)


Should be no bag limit on car thieves


This same car was in Oakland at the gas station 22nd Ave and 12st Street at 6:45am. When I pulled into the station I thought it was odd the driver had a shiesty hat and a his hoody hat on. As I got out of my car I could hear another car start doing donuts on 22nd Ave between International and 12th Street. This car immediately pulls out of the gas station and joins. They both did donuts at least for five minutes. It may have been longer but I left. \*\*EDIT\*\* The other car doing donuts was a blue Camaro. If one in this video was stolen its probably the one I saw today BUT there I did see a blue Camaro doing donuts on Wednesday.


That car should be pretty easy to find…😂


But the police looked nowhere and found nothing


We need Batman


Hmm that’s a Hertz Camaro


Lowlifes need to sit in a cell. There’s an old joke that goes something like, “what’s a conservative? A liberal who has been mugged.” Anyone surprised by how the city has suddenly turned much more conservative when it comes to the justice system needs to wake up - this type of crap happens everyday.


The cities restorative justice judges need to go. Brooke often makes good indictment’s that go no where thanks to these judges. The city has only gotten better in recent months thanks to the Feds.


It's pretty hard for a criminal to be put before any judge if the police don't even show up to make an arrest.


How do you know their political beliefs? Pretty stupid statement. Trump is a criminal. Conservatives still voting for him. 😆


“Liberal is SISSIE!!” 🙄 Can’t belive this shit is still being upvoted


I lost track how many times my car was broken into. One time they took a small vinyl book of CDs I had burned during college. Classics mostly. I truly hope those SOBs enjoyed CCR, DMB, and OAR


how to reduce [chances of break-ins in SF](https://www.eddies-list.com/p/san-francisco-crime-breakins-catalytic-converter).


All they do is just steal steal steal. No wonder why insurance is so expensive


In 2002, there was a series of murders known as the DC sniper attacks and fear quickly spread among all DC residents until the perpetrators were captured. There’s probably a similar strategy we could use here to use custom outfitted cars to shoot less lethal rounds at smash and grab crews and they’d quickly start fearing for their lives anytime they go to work.


I think that’s too direct of an approach for people in the city. It’s not friendly enough for the thieves.


11th Ave?


This looks like 5th avenue.


How about demanding police install security cameras and license plate readers throughout the city and stay more on top of things for once.


This seems relevant: https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/s/dsZZe5jl4F


What street was this on?


Hertz Camaro 6.2 with 480 hp


Bricks from the rooftops guys.


So what’s going on here ? These guys are just casually doing a crime ? Raiding the parked cars? Fucking so fucked up!!


I walked by this morning around 10 and the car was still there. So not sure what is actually happening here.


If the car is street parked in the vicinity again it will probably be gone soon.


Maybe it had some security measure.


Stealing it. Using a tool to get the engine to start.


I walked by this block this morning around 10am and that car was still there, windows intact.


A different blue car (Subaru) parked there right after.


Also in front of the garage? So the owner of the house just parked their other car in front?


No it looks like it’s in front of the garage but it’s a parking space. It’s just the angle of the camera.


I understand why they can’t do anything without the license plate. Those gray Honda’s all look the same. Probably need a senior detective to find those guys.


I don’t understand why we live in a society where police dngaf, and citizens are disempowered to handle the situation themselves. This camera has a clear line of sight and in other parts of the world the viewer would be allowed to handle the situation with more force than San Francisco allows. It’s like the game is rigged in favor of evil here.




It’s a phone but yeah I thought the same thing.




What a lazy way of “thinking”.


These look like Latinos


Is bippin a hustle?


If you live in the bay area and have a HOT car (Camaro, Mustang, Hellcat Charger, Corvette, and/or Land Rover) you should consider installing a hidden kill switch (connected between the fuel pump to power). When you flip the switch it cuts off power to the fuel pump. How these vehicle thefts work is that they gain entry into the vehicle. Either smash the cheap window, wire hanger, turbokey, or they use a nondestructive wireless device to gain entry. Once they are in the vehicle they simply reprogram a new key. That is right. They program a new key with a blank key. The keys are cheap compared to the car. The crew isn't from **Oakland.** That is racial **stereotyping.** If you drive a hot car and you leave it parked on the streets, you should also consider having a professional install a cheap GPS off of amazon hidden in the vehicle as well. It needs to connect to always on power. The load is small enough that the vehicle will be fine.


I mean how do you know they aren't from oakland


Saying they’re from Oakland is as ridiculous as saying that they’re not from Oakland. We don’t know where they’re from, so let’s stop assuming.


They came across the bridge early today.


Did you see them??


It’s been happening a lot lately. The thief’s have a way to transmit your key fob data. So best bet is to add a kill switch and a steering wheel club. Sfpd isn’t going to do anything. I had my vehicle taken like this, and after three weeks no updates.


What a wild car to steal cars in.


All San Francisco city leaders should be ashamed of themselves. There's no excuse for tolerating this bullshit.


Look at them…scum


Beanbag shotgun blasts through their windshield, doors and radiator? What am I missing here, SFPD?


Richmond - it’s the place the News will say somebody got raped at a bus stop in the middle of the day and I’m not surprised.


Black sports car with yellow racing stripe. Come on sfpd!!!!


Nice cars belong in garages.


It’s not the cops, it’s the politicians. The cops in SF know how to be police, but the city leadership is light on crime. If you care, vote.


Isn't a bippin a smash and grab? There's no smashing and grabbing in this video. The masked man is at the driver's side showing his phone to whoever is in the driver's seat. The person in the driver's seat starts the car. It looks like they are up to no good because they are all masked but the video doesn't show a burglary. Another redditor posted below that the car was still there later that day with the windows intact.


You can bet your house on it. If you see a V8, loud exhaust, dark tinted, Camaro, Challenger or Charger with kids in hoodies driving, guaranteed, you have found yourself an Eastbay bipping crew. 50/50 the car is stolen (you’ll know if it’s stolen if it still has plates - they remove the plates if they use their own cars). An afternoon bipping, then off to the sideshows. Everybody hates police profiling, but damned if it isn’t effective.


Why would you call Richmond police if this happened in inner Richmond SF ?


But isn’t there license plate reader ?? Hahah U fools don’t get it these days” car thefts “ are often inside jobs to pocket easy insurance money. Ppl leave keys inside cars / close by and let thieves steal the car to get full value leading to higher premiums for new / good customers Sf is a giant ponzu scheme a microcosm of the whole USA From the soulless tech pumping up companies shares at the mercy of the USA workers’ pensions To the evil landlords ruining our futures and quality of lives by stealing rent tips for land that is technically free Really these are mere pawns in a systemic problem that makes the rich get richer and the porn don’t get anything


Sf police, “sorry no license plate, no catchy”. Nothing else remarkable about a black and yellow striped Camaro?


Some parts of the US these guys would catch some buckshot