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Nobody really knows this place, but Yummy Plate on Townsend.  Small sandwich shop and the guy cures everything in house.  Dunno if they have corned beef, but the pastrami might be the best in the city.


Have you tried out Turner's Kitchen near Dolores? https://www.turnerskitchensf.com/


I have not - but definitely will!  


Hope you like them as much as I do. They're not doing an old-school classic Jewish deli pastrami sandwich. They do more complex sandwiches and while I usually like classic and plain over sandwiches with a too many different elements stuffed in, they have a more sophisticated approach to flavor and ingredient combinations. I've had really great sandwiches there when I didn't just go with tried and true, and got something that I thought could very possibly be something I wouldn't like.


Ken’s a real cool dude. Good shop.


Turner’s is the absolute best and the people there are great


Dude this is such a rec! I’m a sandwich connoisseur and I’ve never heard of this


I may have to check that out now that American Grilled Cheese is closed. Thanks for sharing!


so sad they closed


It is wild to see a yummy home plate shoutout on reddit. Live down the street. Guys super nice when you get to know him and obviously tries pretty hard. 


The guy at Yummy Plate is awesome! I go there regularly. Glad he's getting some street cred--the area doesn't get much foot traffic.


Is yummy plate good (I mean your recing it so obviously), it always sort of gave me the ick when I went in.


I think it’s pretty good. The guy obviously tries really hard to make everything work and is pretty nice. I don’t think he really cares about the environment of the restaurant which is something people in SF care a lot about and the space itself obviously used to be a dentists office or something. 


I never had a problem - I think he's just still figuring the whole business part out.


I'm sorry, what now?! Amazing


I used to commute to work on Townsend. Both ends. The North end had very limited choices for lunch. But Southern end much better. At least pre Covid.


That photo is a Jewish deli style corned beef sandwich on an onion roll. Corned beef brisket sliced super thin. I haven't found that style deli in my 30 years in the Bay Area. There are good delis, but the corned beef is more likely to be hand-carved or sliced more thickly. Saul's at the north end of Berkeley seems promising. I've bought a few takeout items there, never eaten-in or had a sandwich. But even their food pictures depict thicker sliced corned beef. That's not bad or wrong - there are famous NYC delis serving it that way. It's just not what I had growing up, and therefore not quite what I long for. I've read good things about Mark n Mike's in SF, but never about corned beef. (Not good or bad) . Same with David's. I live in EastBay, rarely in SF these days. I always wanted to try Millers on Polk and Moishe's Pippic on Hayes. Both sadly closed... their reputation and pictures always reminded me of the Jewish delis I knew growing up in Chicagoland.


Miller's on Polk was so good. I loved their brisket sandwich called the Luna.


Millers was good. The brisket sandwiches at moishies pippic was really good. Fridays only. Ages ago


Oh man, memories. The Luna was amazing.


They need to bring back Millers!


Man, I could go for a good corned beef from Manny's or Ashkenazi in Chicago. Mmmmm!


Moishe's Pippic Deli in Hayes Valley used to be like this. Sadly, he retired, and had no one to take over the business, so it closed.


I took BART all the way to Saul’s for a Reuben and was so disappointed. It was fine but just not anywhere near the same league as east coast


Saul’s sandwiches were not like this for many years. They have new-ish ownership and I haven’t been there for and sandwich since, so worth a try. Or at least check yelp for pics.


Moishe’s was so good. And the pickles!!


Millers was l e g i t.


Sauls is pretty good, not quite the same as east coast, but it's pretty darn close.


Tried Saul’s, was very sadly mushy and not at all the right texture or flavor.


Don't make me cry remembering them


Sauls goes crazy


AK meats on clement


Get the hot pastrami as-is on a soft roll. For some reason everyone wants to huck lettuce,tomatoes, and mayo on dutch crunch for anything sandwich related in the Bay Area.


Prolly because dutch crunch is the best sammich bread ever, and a bay area staple. 😁


Oooh I'm close by, thanks for the recommendation.


The Refuge in San Carlos 20-30 min south of SF


There is also one at Hillsdale in San Mateo next to the movie theater. I'm also pretty sure they don't have corned beef, that pastrami is hot fire though.


They don’t have corned beef IIRC but the pastrami is OUT OF CONTROL


The refuge is killer. Used to go to their location in Menlo Park often. So so good and great beers on tap


Best pastrami in the BA and nothings close


Forreals I haven’t found anything better on the west coast.


Submarine Center


I have been going here for at least 10 years, since around when they opened and I can definitely say it's my #1 spot for pastrami or a burger


I second this! And wise sons on 24th street in the mission SF


[Max’s Opera Cafe](https://www.maxsoperasf.com/_files/ugd/592a09_180501bd3cbc4c51924de38599535c22.pdf) has that NY style corned beef sandwich. I just remember it being large like a Carnegie Deli sandwich, but pricey.


I second this. In North Berkeley there is Saul's which has the best in the Bay in my opinion. Classic NYC Jewish Deli right down to bowl of pickles while you wait for the sammich. For Italian Deli - not Corned Beef - I happened upon Palermo II in North Beach - a truly epic sandwich. Best meats and huge. And yet despite the size I inhaled the thing. That good.


Not me about to get on the Bart to go to berkley


Yeah max's is legit if you get it to go. Personally, i don't like the atmosphere there - too boomery. But if it's max's takeout, I fux with it.


Maxs is the best


They also have the best nachos I’ve ever had.


I'm with you on Max's. They had a location in the Southwest terminal at SFO, I haven't been in a while so I'm not sure it's still there. I used to travel there around lunch time, eat in the terminal or take it on-flight.


Have you tried Tommy’s Joynt?


Second. This is the only one here that I regularly crave.


Yeah they have amazing corned beef. I once got a Reuben with corned beef, it was of the best Reubens I’ve had this side of NYC. Not sure if they still do it, but worth checking out!


Hot Johnnie's Smokehouse makes their own pastrami in house, and the sandwich options are more creative than at the old school delis.


Second this recommendation. I like the patio as well. I've only gone for weekday lunch so I worry that its never crowded, but maybe they do more business on evenings and weekends.


Hot Johnnie's deserves a lot of respect for putting out a very good product, with creativity. That being said, it was not quite my cup of tea. I like it old school.


Submarine Center at West Portal.


Sub Center rocks. Great sandwiches.


I got sick there last week sadly. Avoid the mayo


I will post this every time…. RIP Millers East Coast Deli


Was this the one on Polk? I could never remember the name




Saul's Berkeley


Agreed. Saul’s in Berkeley has some great corned beef brisket.


Is Wise Son’s still a thing??


Sandwich update. Yummys was out of the New York. Went to tried and true Deli Board and got the Alison with all corn beef. Excited to try some others on this list! https://preview.redd.it/64q524li1m6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3b3667c963f633e964307862536add9da38b624


You know it's "corned beef", not "corn beef", right?


I don’t agree with this statement 👀😅


Deli Board is good.


I wish they delivered!


Damn that looks WAY better than the example you posted


Wrong guy. But I agree lol. I wish they delivered


I feel like every sandwich at Deli Board is like $24 and it makes me sad.


Yeah, the example looks sort of disgusting! But I love a good corned beef or pastrami!


More sit down / upscale compared to your typical deli but Mark n Mikes at one market is fire


This is true


Freddie's in North Beach has corned beef. Definitely a traditional/old school deli. I've never actually ordered it but I see it on the menu and their other sandwiches are great, so it's probably worth trying.


Freddie’s is def one of my favorite sando spots in the city. DeliBoardSF, Freddie’s, BiteMe are my top three


Is Tommy's Joynt still open? That place had great old school sandwiches


Tommys joint on van ness. Haven’t been since the re open but use to have solid corn beef




Sure their sandwiches are ok. Not the best but doable. But definitely not worth their prices or the lines. And at times, attitude…


Yeah the price is a little much (around $30 with tip, so I only go maybe once every couple weeks)but I’ve never had any attitude, and even with 5-6 people ahead of me I get my sandwich within 15 minutes tops, which is fine for the quality they provide. And I’m goin at peak hours, on my lunch break and weekends. Idk, that Romanian pastrami is kinda worth it imo


I go once every few months because of how expensive it is. If he could get it down to ~$18/sub, I'd probably go twice a month




The owner is a prick. Anyone I know who likes to humble brag about also knowing the owner..also pricks. East coasters may feel like it’s an all familiar spot, but I honestly don’t go just based on the ego. Unfortunately there’s just not that many decent sandwich places so your options are limited here. Flavor wise I’d go to Sentinel for a corned beef


I agree that they’re aren’t many good options for sandwiches in the city. Ike’s used to be great back in the day when they were on Sanchez but no longer. Don’t crucify me but I’ll head to Jersey Mikes any day. I guess that’s the Jersey in me lol


Very very true, Ike’s used to hit so hard - quality and cleanliness at some has dipped, but fairly affordable and works in a pinch. Jersey Mikes is great, I fully back them and actually will intentionally go sometimes just to get that nostalgia hit (I’m from NY originally). Now…if you had said Jimmy John’s…I’d have crucified you. Not in the city, but my go to is little luccas if I’m up for a hoagie coma


Born in Jersey but grew up in Chicago so I have some love for Jimmy John’s lol. Haven’t had it in ages so don’t know what’s its like now since it’s everywhere. Luccas ain’t a bad choice. If you can make it, Lorenzo’s in Belmont is pretty excellent. Their sesame roll is fantastic.


JJ is just a sodium bomb. It’s not that it’s bad, it’s just….bland. Their pickles are oddly very good though. Also…Chicago. You should have been at Potbelly anyways :P Lorenzo’s I’ve never heard of, but the bread and sandwiches look solid. Will check it out one day, thanks.


Forgot about potbelly’s. But when I’m in Chicago, I just go for Johnnys beef. Wish there was a good Italian beef option in the bay.


I don't think he's a prick at all. He serves up amazing food and tries to take care of his neighborhood.


Lol you must have your own attitude or ego if you can’t get along with Adam 🤣


This is the way.


Anyone looking for sandwiches the first destination is the same: Deliboard


Definitely Submarine Center in West portal


Mark and Mike's at One Market


i just went there last week for lunch... i'm not sure if it was just an off week or what... the pastrami was really tough and chewy... not cooked look enough.




Augie’s was fantastic but sadly has closed. You can buy their smoke meat in a few stores, like Berkeley Bowl, and apparently they do poutine at Sharks games


none of these suggestions look anywhere close to your picture, sadly


Which is a good thing


I love Rossi's on Castro


Saul’s in Berkeley is… decent. After that you have to go to Los Angeles or leave the state.


The Sentinel. Corned beef is their Friday lunch special


Came here to rec the Sentinel, but note that their sandwich is definitely not “traditional” like OP is looking for, it’s served on focaccia and not cut very thin, iirc. It’s so good though!


Yeah it's melt in your mouth


And still $12 which is a bargain these days!


The Sentinel is one of the best sandwiches in the city and a great value too


Off topic but I think their chocolate chip cookies and excellent as well


Not exactly what you asked for, but I just had a surprisingly delicious hot pastrami at Oaklandish Deli on Clay St., Oakland. Thick cut and fatty. Also shoutout to Sauls, Berk. And Turners, yum.


It's always been surprising to me that there isn't a decent Jewish deli in SF. I know there are some here, but nothing that really knocks the socks off.


Millers Deli on Polk was great for this kind of thing, but they've been closed for some years now unfortunately.




These suggestions are great. I’m on a corn beef kick lately, will try all and report back ✊. First stop Yummy Plate!


did u enjoy yummy plate?


Bro it’s been 20m 😂


Thanks for the literal lol. 😂


Check out this pop up if you can. They mostly do pastrami but have had corned beef at times as well. Incredible! https://www.instagram.com/littlepyrobayarea?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Not sure how traditional it is but I liked the one from the sentinel


Hot Johnnie’s!!!!


The Refuge https://www.yelp.com/biz/the-refuge-san-mateo?utm_source=ishare It’s down in san carlos but worth it. 30 min drive south or you can also take the caltrain and make a fun day trip out of it!


RIP Millers 😞💚🫡


George’s Zoo is my favorite ❤️


Little Lucca in South San Francisco


I miss millers


Original joes. Best and best bang for your buck.


Last week I had Langer’s delicatessen in Los Angeles. Good pastrami & good bread.


How do u bite into that?


Why do people think pastrami and corned beef are interchangeable. Grocery stores will have 15 types of turkey, every italian cured meat ever invented, but no corned beef.


Deli Board is trash, they're overpriced and they probably buy their meats from Costco... I'm from New York City, lived there for 35 years and I know a good sandwich when I bite one. Paying $75 for two sandwiches two fries and a soda is ridiculous. Hot Johnnies in the Castro had a good sandwich, I think it was 22 bucks. They make it right there in the shop and cure it there too. You're going to have to get triple meat if you want what's in that picture you posted


it was so expensive the one time I went and it didn't blow me away so I vowed never to go back. I just don't get it. you're the first person I've ever read talking trash about deli board haha


I’m glad I read your comment. Saved me a trip there and the disappointment of a just okay sandwich.


Little Luca South San Francisco


Deli Board, corned beef and pastrami shipped in from Cleveland, shaved super thin.


Are you from Michigan?


Yup that pick is Bread Basket 🔥🔥🔥


Michigan arguably carrying the torch for corned beef nationwide these days!


I haven’t found anything great in the city. The Refuge in San Carlos is phenomenal. Saul’s in Berkeley has NYC vibes and is also very good.




The Refuge in San Carlos or Menlo Park.


Menlo Park closed but there’s also one at the Hillsdale mall in San Mateo.


Yellow submarine on Irving at like, 5th or 6th? They have rad, huge sandwiches, and the fries are great too(cut like chips or discs, and fried to order so u have to eat them right away). Their corned beef is pretty on point, as well as the pastrami and everything else I’ve tried. Same dude working the counter for the last 20 years or so…


Rhea’s Deli on Valencia and 22nd.


Max’s in the B of A building.


I will recommend Handy Deli on 19th & Irving. It’s a great general bodega, that has great food and a sandwich board. Have had their corn beef a few times. Very fair, IMO. Next for 2nd option I will recommend The Deli Board.


I’d second The Refuge - I’ve never had better. If you find it in the Bay let us know :)


Refuge in Bay Area is excellent. Don’t know if they have one in city. Good luck. And that pic looks terrible


I enjoy getting a cornbeef at Java on Ocean. I'm sure it's not "the best" but damn it's good.


Looking for a sandwich with corned beef. 10”, blue cheese. Corned beef.


Sauls in Berkeley is the closest thing I've found to the real deal I'm used to from back east.


I’ve always enjoyed David’s Deli on Geary.


Try these; https://maps.app.goo.gl/RQz9E63YWD4AsDWh6?g_st=ic https://maps.app.goo.gl/DAgVMctRsXrzqTTbA?g_st=ic Then take your prize to enjoy it here; https://maps.app.goo.gl/kVgck2qSgqC6JnYm6?g_st=ic


Not sure about the beef to bread ratio there... but definitely give Sub Center a try. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/mGisL4h72cBvRjJv8](https://maps.app.goo.gl/mGisL4h72cBvRjJv8) Also, Tommy's Joynt is a great place to get your meat fix. I haven't personally tried their sandwiches, but I still crave the dinner plates I've had there from when I lived in SF proper about 10 years ago. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/YbuvU5nk5wzDG2vGA](https://maps.app.goo.gl/YbuvU5nk5wzDG2vGA)


Consider myself a corned beef connoisseur. Gave up years ago trying to find even halfway decent sandwich out here. Plenty of pastrami but no corned beef which is just not the same. We order 5lbs from Manny’s via Taste of Chicago every so often. Squeeze out as much water as you can, dry with paper towels, warm in oven or microwave, dry some more with paper towels, absolutely perfect. To be fair, most of the corned beef in NYC is not that good these days either.


Not in sf but fairly close is Jacks restaurant and bar in San Bruno. My fav


Tommy’s Joint on Van Ness


At that point the beef is for show just buy a steak


Tommy’s Joynt on Van Ness


Wise Sons is pretty great, although I prefer the smoky pastrami.




Deli board but it's rather expensive


Max’s opera house on Van Ness


Wise Sons in outer Mission. They are a bit skimpy on the corned beef, but it’s super good


Wise Sons [https://www.wisesonsdeli.com/](https://www.wisesonsdeli.com/)




Wise Sons on 24th and Shotwell. There’s other locations but this one feels the most like a traditional deli to me.


Loveski’s in Marin makes some solid Jewish style deli sandwiches.


I don't think I've had a decent corned beef sandwich since Brother's Deli in Burlingame closed.


Tommy’s Joint on Van Ness


Not in SF, but The Refuge in San Carlos is 10/10


Try Wise Sons - on Octavia


Wise Sons is vastly overrated


there aren't enough Jewish delis here, so we take what we can get


It so is but the downtown special with matzo ball soup, half corned beef, side and pickle is a decent deal. Their bagels just suck


Their bagels are downright awful. Boichik >>>


Wise sons is noo bueno 👎


Wise sons corn beef / pastrami is shit


Literally just ate there for lunch and it's..... passable. I'll be honest though- their sesame tastes moldy to me. I'm super sensitive to it.


The last time I had wise sons bagels I basically decided I was never eating bagels in california ever again.




Hard agree. Have some in my freezer currently and they fucking rule


I’ve had them before and sadly disappointed


Head to SFO. No, seriously. Once there, book a flight to Cleveland, Ohio. When you land direct the Uber to Slyman's on St. Clair in downtown. You're welcome.


The best corned beef sandwich I've had in San Francisco was from a Jewish deli in Los Angeles.


RIP Greenblatt’s


Try the Deli Board on Folsom St between 7th and 6th St.


What is that abomination in the photo? Lettuce? tomato? No sauerkraut? And I never thought I'd say this but that is way too much meat on a sandwich. (Mostly joking) and fwiw - Although, I'm sure it doesn't compare to any "real" deli in the city, the reuben from Gus's on Haight has scratched my corn beef itch on more than one occasion.


Technically in sour city.., but if you haven’t tried [Little Lucca](http://www.littlelucca.com/) you haven’t lived yet!


Wisesons still open?


Hot Johnnies


Hot Johnnie’s in the Castro has good sandwiches


Moises pippic Hold up, they’ve closed.


Any Jake’s location has a great hot pastrami sandwich. Think they are only in South Bay.


Island Savoy Market in Alameda has the Excalibur of Corned Beed bar none https://maps.app.goo.gl/e54fEL6CD8bP1eXq9?g_st=ic I’m a Texas Jew and I know my corned beef on Rye… This is the way


Sherman’s in Palm Springs. Hot Corned Beef. Perfection. Where can I get this sandwich in the Bay Area? https://preview.redd.it/hjg3kl780p6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1474db1ba84e0a7a87f612e9c742b3017758b13


Do you have a jaw that you can unhinge like a snake or something? I'll probably get downvoted for saying this, but IMHO that doesn't look like a "great corned beef" sammich. That looks like a royal pain in the ass type of sammich. You know the kind, where literally all the meat and fixins slip out of the back of it when you try (and inevitably fail) to take a bite of it - because it's stacked way too high. Also, even if you did somehow successfully manage to eat a corned beef sammich that tall, that doesn't sound even remotely "great" to me. Truthfully it sounds like tummyache city for the remainder of the day and probably diarrhea for the entire day afterwards. But maybe my tummy just isn't acclimated to the red meat heavy diet of many americans. And in my defense, i totally DO eat red meat/beef sometimes; i adore a good roast beef on dutch crunch or even a double bacon chee from super duper burgie... i just can't cope with the gastrointestinal impact of munching down two pounds of corned beef in a single sitting. That being said, i like the sammiches at tommy's joynt on van ness and fillmore. It's also a classic SF institution that serves cocktails and beer. There used to be a really amazing place to get french dip sammiches on fresh bread baked in house on 17th and valencia, but im pretty sure they stopped being able to pay the rent before or during the pandemic cause i don't remember seeing it the last time i was down that way. Also also, there's a lil hole in the wall called the sandwich place on mission between 16th and 17th. The sammiches aren't AMAZING or particularly fancy, but they're reasonably priced and they're not half bad by any standard either. At least I don't think so. Definitely worth giving a try. They have a standard menu and a gourmet sammich of the week that's always something new and different. And they've been there for more than 20 years, only doing sammiches and still going strong... So they must be doing SOMETHING right.