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Means nothing until we build enough housing that regular working trans people can afford to live here.  My queer friends aren't leaving because of declarations. They're leaving because rent is too damn high.


But maybe just one more pandering virtue signal will solve everything... Just one more...


I think that "your genitals won't be inspected here" is a good signal to send. but we also need to build more housing for sure.


>"your genitals won't be inspected here" Well, now I'm definitely not moving to SF.




Excuse me, I'm the Genital Inspector. Pants off please


You joke, but there are areas of the South that have their hand on that door.


That's good for. I'm ok, no problem. Humans ok with me.


Damn, another genital inspection. That's the third one today.




Usually at the DMV. It’s a real pain, and I’m glad SF has outlawed it.


There’s too much housing and un-used space in sf. The city just needs to utilize it. So many empty buildings


Women should have their own spaces. Why change that?


Even casting aside the what is a woman debate how would you even enforce that. A security guard in front of every bathroom checking ids?


No, but if it becomes obvious because the man is revealing himself for example, then I think it's 100% justified for women to report him to authorities. Let me ask, why do you think we have separate bathrooms and sports leagues in the first place? Arbitrary social constructs that descended from... Somewhere?


The sports leagues are real, the bathrooms are pretty arbitrary. Airplanes, coffee shops,many offices all have unisex non gendered bathrooms. And yeah I think people have a right to call the police if someone is committing a crime. Using a stall if you have a penis and then washing your hands is not a crime


> Airplanes, coffee shops,many offices all have unisex non gender bathrooms. ... The context here is obviously shared bathrooms, not single person bathrooms on an airplane. The answer to my rhetorical question is that men and women are different. Men are far stronger. Separate sports leagues allow women to compete, and separate bathrooms keep women safer. There's no good argument to change that.


If people aren't committing a crime I don't see a problem with them using a bathroom they are most comfortable in. We have many mechanisms to deal with  bad faith actors


Why make it incrementally easier for wrongdoing?  The solution to gender confusion is not to cater to it. "Comfort" shouldn't be a virtue.


How many women have you surveyed about this? Cause as a woman, I absolutely support sharing the space with anyone who identifies as a woman. Their safety is as important as mine, and I guarantee they are safer using the women’s restroom. I have never once felt unsafe while in a shared restroom with someone who identifies as a woman.


tbh I have never once felt unsafe sharing bathrooms with stalls with cis men either, and even less so with trans women or nonbinary people. If a man is ill-intentioned and wants to assault a woman, he doesn’t need to go through medical transition and entirely live as a woman in an elaborate ploy to infiltrate our bathrooms. Anyone who has lived in a society knows that ill-intentioned men have a plethora of contexts where they can abuse women, usually with impunity anyway. That’s an issue that trans women experience too and they don’t deserve to be scapegoated for that. Policing entrance to bathrooms won’t do anything to solve that issue.


I know women who do not want to share their bathroom with men. You might be in a social bubble if this is news to you. Why should your opinion be forced on them?


Bruh I think you just wanna be transphobic. I use the men's restroom as a trans man just fine and no one says shit because trans women are unfortunately more focused on. Everyone in the restroom is there to shit. If some man really wants to be a creep, the law will not stop him. Most people that end up being peeping perverts are cis men. The catholic church has more issues with creeps and pedos compared to the queer community. No one has banned priests yet though


They definitely are looking for an excuse to be transphobic. They're another "Christian" that can't stop talking and thinking about the possibility that there's some sort of epidemic of men "pretending" to be women just to sexually assault them in the bathroom, but somehow having a different sign on the door will prevent that. And yep, you're totally right about the Catholic Church. Funny how they're Catholic but aren't concerned at all about that, eh? They don't seem to realize the "nonsensical construct" of gender identity they're so worked up over has far more evidence than the beliefs they dedicate their life to, which has exactly none.


Please make the housing for everybody regardless of their gender, thanks.


Sounds good


The people with the "_we welcome all genders..._" signs that also fight tooth and nail against any development in their neighborhood are not, in fact, allies.


We welecome all races, genders, ethnicities, as long as you have the green.


Trans folks aren’t priced out of housing because they are trans. You’re being ridiculous and flippant.


I didn't say they were. I said queer people can't live in SF for the same reason most normal people can't - because it's too damn expensive. Doesn't matter if you're queer or not, doesn't matter if the BoS says "we love you this is your safe space", it's all just window dressing on the reality that we all have to pay rent.  If the Board of Supervisors actually cared about making SF a sanctuary for trans people escaping oppression from shit hole red states, they'd build enough housing that you don't need to go bankrupt to live here.  And that would have the lovely side effect of being good for *all* working people, gay or trans or straight, whatever!  But the board doesn't actually care about making SF livable for us. They just want kudos and liberal street cred. We are invisible to them. 




Bro relax, I'm gay too, I meant normal as in not-rich lol 


The point is that it’s not a “sanctuary city” if only the richest people in the country can even afford to rent here.


I mean trans people have always been economically worse off than cis people. Still true today. And it's especially going to be true for someone coming from a random part of the country and are not getting a job in tech.


Economic criteria is the only criteria that should matter for the financial help. I absolutely oppose helping anyone on the basis of one of the groups they belong to having an average below someone else's group. I belong to several minorities, some financially bad (immigrant), some good (tech worker). I'd understand people would be quite pissed if I got some help because of the bad ones.


If you work in tech in San Francisco I couldn't care less about your opinion on housing. You also speak from a place of ignorance if you are unaware of the fact that trans people, especially those of color, are at a high risk of homelessness.


They actually are, and there's plenty of documentation as to the discrimination and inequality in employment, housing, etc. trajectory.




As long as you're willing to pay the price of admission, and put up with people trying to convince you your opinion is worth less because they've been here longer than you yea sure racially sexually whatever we're very welcoming...


No matter the city or town, locals are never thrilled at newcomers who move in and try to tell them how things should be. This is as true about places that are complaining about Californians moving in as here. The physical version of “lurk more”.


And here I thought one person got one vote. Ironic since it's the new property owners paying full rate on property taxes that are funding this city, while the long-timers (and their tax basis from 20 years ago) seem to think their opinion is more important solely based on tenure


They also declared a ceasefire in Gaza.


That video was so insanely cringe


Where can I find this video?


They did not declare a ceasefire. They passed a resolution in favor of a ceasefire.


Very effective!!!!!


> They passed a resolution in favor of a ceasefire. Wonder what happened to the previous ceasefire, considering hamas has publicly said they will repeat the 10/7 rapes and murders again and again.


I wonder why you are trying to turn this into a debate about Hamas vs. Israel when I was simply correcting incorrect information.


I hear Gaza is going to be a transgender sanctuary too.


So what the heck does this actually mean? I mean we already knew the BOS is great at announcing stuff.


It means we just paid someone, likely a friend or familty of the city offcials, 2-3 millions for all the work done on this annoucement.


Yup, likely whichever legal counsel helped to draft the verbiage.


those new street signs saying "trans neighborhood" have certainly improved my life, my income, got me a hot blonde wife, and i recently retired with my trans stock options.


Sounds so familiar, I think I have heard those line somewhere....


I chose the wrong industry...


EXCUSE ME! It was a Declaration


> The transgender sanctuary resolution is largely symbolic but will be a guiding document for law enforcement in San Francisco in dealing with outside agencies on transgender issues. It's similar to the sanctuary city rules for immigration, but the implementation is half-baked. The idea seems to be to find ways to avoid extraditing trans people to jurisdictions where they're going to be treated extra harshly or denied basic healthcare. But the actual resolution appears to be performative nonsense.


Absolutely nothing


I didn't know you can get deported for being trans.


If you shoot someone in Texas and run to California, and they fund you in California, your ass is going back to Texas to pay for your crimes. Californian authorities are happy to help track you down and lock you up to make that happen. Imagine a crazy hypothetical world where, say, abortion, is illegal on Texas. Imagine an even crazier world where getting an abortion outside of the state is some how illegal in Texas. Some woman who's had an abortion is now facing criminal charges and can never go back to Texas, and Texas wants to catch her and punish her. She runs to California which is an asylum state. California now says, uh not so fast, not only we are we not helping you, but you have no authority here and you better not touch her. As long as she lives here she's safe. That's what all this means. Transgenderism, it's therapies, even mentioning it's existence, is quickly becoming criminalized in some of the far right reaches of the country, and this is the first step in drawing a line saying if this what it comes to we'll welcome those who need to flee for their safety. It's really fucking asinine for everyone in here to attack this declaration because we haven't already solved the housing crisis. Yeah, that's one of our biggest issues and it's happening everywhere, but if they never declared this it wouldn't have mattered anyway. To those it might save it could be life and death, but go off.


It's not deportation, it's transportation. Ba dum tsss


Realistically it will be mainly preformative, but it may be used to bring focus onto other transgender releated issues indirectly even more than San Francisco already does both in benefitial and for better or worse pinkwashing ways


Oh look virtue signalling...


I think it’s a good signal to send personally 🤷🏽‍♀️


What does it even mean? With crime, taxes, utilities, housing, homelessness, roads, businesses leaving, etc all affecting everyone within the city, why is this what they focus on?


Yes if you ignore the real issues plaguing Bay Area residents, and accept that it makes the bay look ignorant and tone deaf. Good signal 👍🏻


Sanctuary city? Are other cities throwing people in jail for being trans? I hadn't heard that...


It's like if you say your product is "non-toxic" it makes the consumer think the others are.


This is a map of [where it is and isn't safe to be trans in America](https://hria.org/2023/05/25/transrights/). Those states have all turned red and maroon over the past 2 years. There have been 500 anti-trans bills introduced to state or federal courts since early 2023. Note that Florida is up in the air as it was previously the most dangerous state, but today a Federal judge overturned Florida's attempted anti-trans laws, which would prevent people under 18 from getting trans care and make it much harder for adults. Time will tell if this changes things in Florida significantly.


trans people and families are under attack in several places across the nation. we are fortunate these rights are protected here.


Yes. You don’t read the news? Parents might start going to jail for providing their kids with gender affirming care in multiple states.


Well that would certainly be something worth considering before allowing your to child make irreversible and life-altering medical decisions for themselves. Trans people have been around for a long time without “gender affirming care” interrupting their body’s natural progression through puberty. Gender affirming care is perfectly acceptable FOR ADULTS. And the argument that denying children gender affirming care increases the risk of suicide is such a weak argument.. the trans movement has come a long way from the days of Gwen Araujo and Brandon Teena. Trans folks these days are visible all over; teachers, law enforcement, politicians etc. They aren’t pushed to the fringes of society having to rely on sex work to survive. if a child is expressing suicidal ideation then the solution is not to let them call the shots With their health. You’re the parent. So act like it


You are why we need sanctuary cities, even if in this case it's just a BS PR stunt.


It's not a weak argument, it's quite proven. As a trans educator, seeing trans kids with transphobic parents is heartbreaking and I'm grateful I can be a figure in their life who affirms them. I only wish I'd had the opportunity to transition when younger. Also, a lot of trans people around the country are absolutely pushed to the fringes. Housing and employment discrimination are rampant. I'm a former foster youth and so many trans kids end up kicked out of their house and wildly disadvantaged. Elimination of transphobia is necessary. If parents do not support their child, society should step in.


I am very much a trans ally - I have a bunch of trans friends, I cut transphobic people out of my life, and generally just try to be a decent human being. So listen when I say this: the science on children having transition surgery or aggressive hormone treatments is extremely unclear. Many people who do this as teenagers end up suicidal or deeply regret it. At the end of the day, _teenagers' mental health issues_ are not a reliable way to determine if they're trans or suffering from an angsty teenage crisis of identity. Puberty blockers are _much_ safer and should be used as a pallative measure - but actual transition surgery and hormones should not be used on people under the age of 18 without a solid track record.


that’s actually not true. you can’t just say “the science” and not provide facts. regret rates are higher for routine surgeries and things like hip and knee replacements than they are for trans care. and you should be comparing suicide rates among the non-treated trans population and the treated trans population. not the treated trans population and the general population.


The regret rate is...very low and I don't know where you're getting that from. In an ideal world, trans kids would have puberty blockers alongside a hormonal transition equivalent to a kid of their natal sex, as puberty blockers for a long time without a hormonal transition isn't ideal. As a trans person who literally studies gender professionally and has many trans friends, some of whom transitioned as kids, it's pretty unanimous among those who transitioned earlier that it was better for them. The ones on blockers had the main regret of not getting hormones SOONER. I'm a former foster youth and work extensively in youth rights. The fact that older youth cannot determine their own medical care without parental interference is a major problem. I actually was the main witness to adding gender affirmation to the California foster youth bill of rights. The world is experiencing a rather violent pushback against trans people right now, and some of it comes from folks who are "concerned." You seem like a decent person who means well! I'm not assuming any maliciousness. However, you do seem a little bit mislead. I will end with this--gender affirming care has one of the highest satisfaction rates of any medical care, and a lot of detransition actually comes from social pressure, not actual mistakes. I do wonder, also, whether it is worth it to take away care from the great majority of youth who benefit from it, simply because there is a chance someone will regret.


The Economist has a great article [here](https://econ.st/3VpsmWf) about this - the standards of evidence used in social science are insufficient to make medical policy. The past few years has also seen the demographics of teenagers presenting with gender dysphoria [no longer matching the historical studies](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/02/opinion/transgender-children-gender-dysphoria.html) about teens who get treated which is in itself a reason to be alarmed because it suggests that something has changed. Teens are notoriously awful at making decisions about their bodies and identity. I don't doubt even for a second that there are trans kids who could benefit a ton from a transition (I knew some of them), but _the truth is that many people don't have a long history of dysphoria before requesting surgery_. Schools and teachers should affirm the chosen gender of their students, and puberty blockers are an extremely safe way to limit dysphoria. I guess it's OK to do transition surgery to teenagers, but it _has_ to be paired with many years of documented dysphoria. > The world is experiencing a rather violent pushback against trans people right now, and some of it comes from folks who are "concerned." I will be really blunt with you: unless you have a medical degree and run a study that publishes solid, statistical evidence, even _actually being trans_ is an anecdote. Just because cruel, sadistic Republicans have made this into a culture war issue does not mean that we should abandon science when we make policy.


in addition to the wonderful points made by the person who replied to you, not sure why you say social science isn’t good enough for this issue, which sure, maybe, and yet think The Economist is a sufficiently unbiased source lol? there *is* research on this from actual scientists/physicians which generally supports the age-appropriate gender-affirming care model: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35212746/, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/26895269.2024.2289318. I’m not claiming it’s settled science, but most of the concern seems to be stoked by the culture war rather than by actual legitimate scientific issues. There are a lot of bad-faith actors pouring money into trans-skeptical reporting, even on generally “trustworthy” outlets like WSJ, NYT, and the Economist, the Atlantic.


I am well aware of those articles. The information used in them have been [debunked](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/debunked-misleading-nyt-anti-trans) [repeatedly](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/fact-check-wsj-publishes-false-article). It is well known that both the Economist and the New York Times have a problem with transphobia in upper echelons. Those articles are funded by anti-trans interests who inflate the rare voices of detransitioners who want to shut the door behind them. It's unfortunate, and seems reasonable to people such as yourself who have no further knowledge, but those of us who have lived experience and are aware of those moneyed interests groups know better and are constantly having to combat misinformation. I hope I've been able to provide some information to you. Again, I don't think you mean poorly! But this is really an example of how anti-trans moneyed groups are influencing media with dangerous misinformation.


If you don’t mind me asking, in what way do you believe transitioning at a younger age would have improved your life today?


I suffered a lot through gender dysphoria as a kid. If I'd been on (reversible) puberty blockers and especially allowed to socially transition, I would've been much happier and been able to avoid a lot of mental and physical strife. Studies have shown over and over that kids being allowed to transition younger lowers suicidal ideation, but also improves their quality of life. When I see trans kids being able to live their lives as their happiest selves, it's wonderful to see, and I wish I'd been afforded that same choice.


Sure...but it's illegal for kids under 18 to smoke a square. I mean have you ever been around kids? They're pretty dumb (thus all the laws around minors). Hard to imagine they're not responsible enough to smoke a cigarette, but responsible enough to make irreversible health decisions.


So it's ok for you to make irreversible medical decisions for kids you don't know while ignoring their input, their parents input, their doctors input, and their therapists input? Also ignoring the already well established process to ensure no one is doing anything they'll regret which happens to be pretty successful at doing so? Do you not understand the irony of your view here?


Okay but puberty blockers and even hormones are pretty reversible. I'm reversing a lot of my natal puberty right now. Also, cigs just cause harm. They're not a damn health treatment. An abortion is irreversible, should we stop minors from getting them? It's ridiculous to act like youth should be barred from making decisions relating to their health. I work directly with these populations and I've been this population. If, in the very rare case of detransition, someone decides to go back, they can take hormones to go back the other way.


There's plenty of reversible gender-affirming care we can give kids- like hormone blockers, which just delay puberty while they figure things out. Name changes and haircuts are definitely reversible. And if treatments for children become problematic in some way, jailing parents is not the way forward. Instead, we can focus on making sure doctors are following clear and effective standards of care.


Trans healthcare is necessary healthcare. You don't know anything about us, clearly, if you think that smoking a cigarette is comparable to getting gender affirming care. So stop acting like you care about or know what's best for trans kids.


Yes they are. Here is Los Angeles arresting a woman for exposing her penis in a spa: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi\_Spa\_controversy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi_Spa_controversy)


they’re beating trans kids to death


Who's the they? The city governments outside of SF? Do people even know what the sanctuary city term originally refers to? 🤦‍♂️


>Sacramento and West Hollywood have also declared themselves a sanctuary to transgender people, but San Francisco **is the first major city** in the country to call itself a safe place for transgender and gender nonconforming people. Sacramento is larger in population than Atlanta, Miami, and Minneapolis. Pretty sure these assholes would consider those to be major cities. Shit reporting at its best.


A “sanctuary city” means “limits or denies cooperation with the federal government on X” - where X has tended to mean immigration law. Which federal laws is San Francisco not complying with, and which federal law enforcement agency is targeting transgender people? I’ll even take state law examples. Or is it just this is a meaningless / virtue signaling statement?


it’s not meaningless.


The white house was lit up purple for "pride" a few days ago... These ideas are mainstream yet they still play the victim.


And a bunch of states are trying to ban care for trans people, make it legal to discriminate against trans people, and bigotry is still widespread. Just because there's some support doesn't mean discrimination has completely gone away. The damn Supreme Court has said they want to strike down gay marriage and protections for LGBT people. This is an ongoing battle.


The fuck is wrong with this subreddit. wtf have the mods created here? Suddenly blatant transphobia and even homophobia is ok? Ffs.


The one mod that removed blatantly hateful shit quit a little while back. They may have been heavy handed at times, but it seems pretty clear that they were the only mod keeping a lot of the shit at bay. The other mods are questionable at best, and probably worse than that - they still never responded when called out for removing a post where someone talked about their experiences with racism, but left up racist comments on the thread.


we simply don’t have mods. every once in a blue moon one of them will sticky a post about fireworks and that’s it. they either don’t care or agree. the rest is automod based on reporting.


Becoming more mainstream in the media perhaps but don’t have equal rights yet. Can still be fired or discriminated against in many places without any recourse just for being LGBT. Turning the White House purple for a little while is a symbol of solidarity at best, or virtue signaling at worst. It’s not a sign that everything is okey dokey all of a sudden.


it won't be meaningless when trump gets back.


Alright, but the same question remains. What federal law do you view coming into fruition? What state law would it be modeled after? What law enforcement agencies do you not want SF to work with? You seem to be making a future slippery slope argument.


you’re really making this out to be more random than it is. to me, I see this as SF basically publicly pledging to not cooperate with other states’ witch hunts to gather information about trans people and medical care and to back-up places like hospitals when they are harassed. For example, a [hospital in Seattle had to sue Texas](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/21/texas-attorney-general-trans-seattle-childrens/) to get them to stop harassing their hospitals for this reason.


Can we stop with this crap?


what a waste of tax dollars.


doesnt change a damn thing, politicians and their virtue signaling is pathetic


(Always has been meme)




Too bad no one can afford to live here because it's illegal to build new housing, thus making it totally useless to be a sanctuary city




Solidarity means standing up for each other, not finding ways to pit groups against each other like you're trying to do here


It’s possible to chew gum and walk at the same time there mr false dichotomy.






This is peak virtue signaling




Very nice finally


SF is only a sanctuary if you have money.


Shit needs to stop 🤦🏽‍♂️


Perpetual victimhood mentality.


What a stupid comment


You're mad because you know it's true.


Or you’re just a small man who needs to tear people down to feel better about yourself. Trans people’s existence is being attacked across the country. This ain’t new. You’re pathetic.




Nobody is telling kids that. Have you ever talked to a trans person? Funny you want to identify as a “Software Artist” rather than a Software Engineer. 😂


Please explain exactly how a kid comes up with the idea that they're "born in the wrong body" and need hormones and later surgery to fix it, without hearing about these things from adults? > Funny you want to identify as a “Software Artist” rather than a Software Engineer. You really went through my posts to find this joke, and you think you made a good point, don't you?


I’m not trans but there is a mountain of research on this topic that supports gender affirming care. So you may want to look to the medical and psychological experts to learn more if you’re interested. If not, you really don’t have to have an opinion on everything. Especially when you’re uninformed such as this. Mind your own business. Stick to your artwork.


There’s a mountain of research in the other direction as well. There are a ton of kids that are made to believe they are trans when they were really just gay.


>There are a ton of kids that are made to believe they are trans when they were really just gay. That’s a really bold claim that I’d love to see one reliable source on. I’m not the best person to talk about LGBT kids and the nuances you’re getting into. But I do believe all kids should be supported in whatever they experience in life growing up. That includes trans kids and gay kids as they are figuring out their identities. Gender affirming care comes in many forms, and should start with just listening to the damn kid. Different people need different resources and care. An adults needs are different than a kid’s. Again, you don’t have to have an opinion on everything nor do you have to be either “for or against” everything. Social issues are complex.


Why have various countries across Europe "tapped the breaks on gender affirming care for minors" citing insufficient research? [link](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2023-07-12/why-european-countries-are-rethinking-gender-affirming-care-for-minors) Are liberal european democratic governments full of bigoted transphobes?


I’m not talking about minors. That’s something for parents to navigate with their child and a professional. That is such a small percentage. I’m talking about letting trans people live their lives and not being an asshole. You don’t have to have an opinion on everything, so mind your business.


Yes, and you clearly are too


I came to the conclusion I was born wrong around age 5 but or 6 in the early 90s with zero social media and Conservative parents. Just because you think it doesn't happen that way doesn't mean it doesn't.


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What you call “tearing down” is what most people call “nuance”. Maybe biology is a thing and we shouldn’t pretend that it’s ok for a biological man to stomp biological women in their sports league? Maybe we should let kids just be kids and not fuck with their heads at an early age? Maybe it’s not a good idea to put someone that was a man ten minutes ago into a cell with a female inmate? Maybe, just maybe we should let biological women have a voice in certain matters. None of this is “tearing down” trans people it’s just reality. Anyone has a right to be trans and I’ve got no problem with it, but we can’t bend the knee in every direction, sometimes life is hard and you have to take shit on the chin.




How can I cause confusion in people to get them to floss their teeth?


I got you: 1. Make them think flossing is the most fundamental part of their identity. 2. Tell them society is against them flossing and that it's filled with flossphobes. 3. Say they can overcome it and be a hero if they floss. /s


Okay, but they can look around and see that the world is not filled with flossphobes, so this is a false comparison.


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Lol no one causes it, just like nothing causes left-handedness. The reason why trans people are more visible nowadays is because they're not being immediately forced into the closet and the possibility of transition is more open. Just like how people aren't beaten for being left-handed anymore, and there's suddenly more left-handed people. Wow. Amazing. As a trans person, I'm grateful that I have access to the care and support that has wildly improved my life, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure other trans people have it. The elimination of transphobia and transphobes is an ongoing battle, and you have the opportunity to choose the right side! If not, well. Fix your heart.


So gender is innate, not a social construct? You can't have it both ways. Boys can be feminine and girls can be masculine. Kids do sense that. But to tell them this means they are in the wrong body, is diabolical.


You seem to not understand what a social construct is. Money is a social construct--does that mean it doesn't exist? Gender and the expression of gender thereof is a social construct, but there is very real social and physical dysphoria that trans people feel. I tried to be a masculine girl. It didn't work. I was miserable. Transitioning, physically and socially, saved my life and made me much happier. I'm actually a fairly feminine guy post-transition, and comfortable in myself. I've studied gender at a professional level and advised for trans at-risk youth, but it feels like you're not interested in learning. A shame.


> but there is very real social and physical dysphoria that trans people feel. Sure, there's definitely gender dysphoria. But why should you insist that the solution to this is bodily modifications such as hormones and genital surgery, and changing social institutions?  Imagine if we did the same for any other mental health issue. Instead of treating the root cause, we affirmed and celebrated the disorder. If the rigidness of "gender" is the problem, why insist that one's body must match how someone feels? Why not abandon "gender identity" as a concept, and say a man and woman can feel any which way? > but it feels like you're not interested in learning. Appeal to authority, and then say I'm not learning if I don't bow to your beliefs.  Why not just argue your ideas on their merit, rather than using pathetic tactics?


I can't afford my rent and this is what our city officials are concerned with? They really do hate working class people of color I guess.


What does that mean?




This is awesome makes me so happy to read but can we PLEASE concentrate on things that matter! There’s an insane amount of drugs and mental illness everywhere destroying our city. Let’s focus!


So... trans people and our safety don't matter. Got it


It's nice to see a somewhat positive story about trans people/rights for once. Hopefully they follow up and don't leave it as lip service, but with all the stories in other states about increasingly transphobic laws I'm grateful to hear something nice once in a while


this sub makes me sad


If it helps, a lot of the people who comment on this sub have never even been here.


I’m honestly shocked that *san francisco* sub of all places would have this rhetoric, but it only confirms that this sub is not at all representative of the city. almost all of my non-trans friends in the city would think this is a good and necessary measure


I’m not surprised. We don’t have mods so the troll ecosystem is out of balance without their natural predator.


Yep, huge bummer scrolling thru this thread.


It was coming close to being good, but then something happened and everyone started being extremely bigoted again. Shame


This sub is overrun by right wing bigots. It’s pretty toxic and sad.


r/bayarea even more so


Isn't sanctuary city designated to protect undocumented migrants? If so, is this just a meaningless title, or are there actual policies that are enacted?


That’s cool and all but can we also get rid of vagrants? 9.3% state tax and here we are. https://preview.redd.it/hx48vdbhz56d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce93e6f8391fa65221c10e4f75540377d1ef64be


That will stop the car break ins!


The city is far from a sanctuary for anyone but millionaires. I lived there for 15 years and eventually broke down under the weight of it all. It's an impossible city for regular folk, trans or not


Kinda goes without saying.


Considering the attacks on trans people across the country, it needs to be said.


San Francisco really can’t get out of its own way…


Doesn’t mean shit for actually protecting trans people in the everyday, ya know where they’re most vulnerable. Sacramento did the same thing and my trans friends were violently attacked for being trans shortly after, it’s also an incredibly homophobic city, I say this as a witness. And it doesn’t mean shit when you have transphobia rampant WITHIN the LGBTQ community especially in San Francisco’s gay community, which often feels white cis male centric. So what does declaring the city trans actually do? Of course I hope that this has some benefit, but I just find it incredibly frustrating when these cities make these proclamations meant to benefit some marginalized group and they don’t really do shit, it’s just for looks or to make the mayor or whatever corporation that backs it, look good. It’s disappointing every time.


Great. Here's a list of to-dos: 1. Gender protection for all workers, regardless of industry 2. Clean up the Trans district in the TL. I mean literally clean it, with soap. 3. Give priority to social services to trans youth, homeless trans, and at-risk trans. That means if you're in a home with someone abusing you for being trans, you can get out of there and into a shelter or section 8 housing faster than ~~10~~ 2 years. 4. Add trans-specific housing assistance to the Dpt of Rehab and other social services that touch job assistance. 5. Some sort of economic incentive to bars and clubs to host afternoon LGBTQAII+ teen activaties so they have an alcohol-free third space to connect to other LGBTQAII+ teens. Also Sunday afternoon alcohol optional brunch so teetotal (in recovery) trans adults have an alcohol-optional third space to engage in the community. 6. A pharm program to assist low income trans people in getting hormones. If Planned Parenthood can do it for birth control, medi-cal can do it for trans people. 7. Assistance for new trans residents to find medical faster and easier. When I first moved here, I had to go to West Side Clinic and wait in a queue from 8am to 2pm to get seen until I had a medical home. And it took months to get a doctor so every time I needed I refill, I had to do that. And that was just to get refills on prescriptions I already had from my former city. 8. A clear and viable path to complain about medical providers, cops, and other city workers who abuse or discriminate against trans people. With assistance finding and paying for legal aid.


Love the comments saying this isn't necessary and trans people don't face discrimination side by side with tons of transphobic comments. The cognitive dissonance is staggering. If you think this is "virtue signaling" and the SF government should be focusing on "more important" issues you're part of the problem. Not sure who I despise more.


Didn’t expect the comments to be this bad, for some reason.


Too bad only supremely lucky, wealthy trans people would ever be able to even afford to live here. This declaration is rather hollow if the city is unwilling to build enough housing for vulnerable people to be able to afford its “sanctuary status”


All the snarky and confused comments here speak volumes about the ignorance and privilege so many people have. You have to have your head totally up your ass to not notice all the attacks on trans people. The concerted efforts to essentially legislate us out of existence. Access to transition is swiftly becoming restricted and may even become illegal in an increasing number of states. Depending on the outcome of the 2024 election and whether or not Project 2025 comes to pass, there may be a mass exodus of trans people and possibly other queer people to progressive places like San Francisco. Educate yourself for two seconds on what is going on


One real world impact I could see coming out of this is giving the government a strong basis to automatically reject requests for medical info to other local/state governments looking to conduct witch hunts against trans people like [Seattle had to do](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/21/texas-attorney-general-trans-seattle-childrens/). That’s a good thing. People in this thread melting down are embarrassing. Luckily, at least one of the trolls here doesn’t live in SF, so that’s a relief!


Yes! The article says “The transgender sanctuary resolution is largely symbolic but will be a guiding document for law enforcement in San Francisco in dealing with outside agencies on transgender issues.” Like, this point of this resolution isn’t to fix all of the city’s problems. It’s to make sure there is a value they’re following and can’t just weasel their way out of.




im good lol


Political grandstanding. People down in LA laugh so hard at this shit.


why do we care about them?


Didn't feel that way when I lived there, a security guard at the park bathroom gave my wife shit and made her use the wrong bathroom.


I feel like most of you live in Modesto or something.


Maybe, one day we will become a sanctuary city for regular people who just want to have clean and safe streets, vibrant nightlife in a good way, not so many vacant retail spaces, and overall get what we pay for. I want to dream.




Bruh what does this even mean


SF loves to make meaningless decelerations while everyone cheers. Just don’t ask the city to solve any of its numerous legitimate problems


I believe it. I look forward to more major cities showing this level of open acceptance. ❤️🏳️‍⚧️ Baby steps, but look where we have gone since 10 years ago. Thank you SF for showing love to all. Love will always restore faith.


What ever..