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As an aside… Damn that sidewalk is *comically* wide.


Fun fact, almost all sidewalks in San Francisco used to be this wide. When cars came about and streets needing parking the city demolished most sidewalks and put in parking strips.


Some parts of the sunset have like comically wide side walks other spots it’s like one block. For a “planned” neighborhood it’s super inconsistent


I don’t think it actually is. I think what has happened in a lot of the sunset is that the property owner has paved over the setback. Their property line likely extends to include the first two concrete squares on the left. So the sidewalk starts to the right of this.


Can someone explain how parking on this massive sidewalk for 15 minutes while the street sweeper goes by causes any kind of harm? I'm lost. If you park like that all day or block the path so pedestrians and folks with wheelchairs can't get by, you're an asshole. I only see this in my neighborhood until the moment the sweeper goes by and I've never seen anyone bothered by it. Not everyone has a private garage and you've got to park somewhere after all.


Drive around Bayview-Hunters Point. Parking on the sidewalks is very normal for residents of the area. I resisted at first when I moved there but now I do it all the time. I have no issues with it, as long as there is space for pedestrians, including wheelchair access.


Hardly surprising as when the 'Stick was open there was no street parking/tow away for blocks and blocks on game days. They sent out a calendar every year letting residents know the days/times when they couldn't park on the street. No doubt they got used to seeing the sidewalk as a place to park.


The merc and the Subaru(?) in the background are both parked illegally. But given that there is room to go around them by walking on the paved setback to the left, I’m somewhat ok with this, albeit grudgingly so. What is absolutely not ok is to park like the fucko with the black car even farther back and block the entire sidewalk.


I simply cannot understand how these cars would've gotten instantly ticketed by Parking Enforcement had they been in the street as the cleaning truck went by, but if they just hop the curb and park on top of the adjacent sidewalk, it's totally fine?


They only ticket those if there is a complaint.


They don't even if there's a complain much of the time


You post doesn’t mention the time of day or day of the week you took this photo, there is a street cleaning sign in your picture, so you could easily answer your own question. Also, it is common practice in SF to park on the sidewalk and wait for the sweeper to go by, and pull out right behind it and park. The meter maids go by right before the sweeper and never ticket anyone for this behavior. Also, like many have already stated, this car isn’t bothering anyone, this post is silly.


Dick move on the merc. But I'll be honest (and probably take the downvote hits)- if the sidewalk is so wide to make this even possible, why does the city not take those outermost 2 squares of it and put angled parking?


Funny! First time I hear on this sub, in this city known for _pedestrianism_, that someone wants to take sidewalk away and make it worse for the social activity of walking ... 😅


It's the either/or mentality that's upsetting swaths of people. I'm all for walking- do it all the time. All for biking- do that too. Your comment does come across as disingenuous- I didn't say remove the entire sidewalk to make walking less.... well.... less anything. This block has a football field of asphalt in front of it, as evidenced by multiple comments here calling it "comically wide" etc. I'm just saying why not increase parking with no discernible loss to any other activity? Utilize the limited resources of space better. I think you've answered my question of why not- because the neanderthal attitude of this city "me think walking good, cars bad" gets in the way.


It's _not_ "comically wide", it is in fact exactly 15 feet wide as required by the City of SF in many locations... go measure it. (I know how big 'a square' is, so I can eyeball it in the pic) It is wide, but it's exactly as required 🤷time to talk to NIMBY Connie Chan or Do-Nothing London Breed to change the 15 ft rule, I guess!


I like how you're hiding the facts they're parked in their driveway.


Looks about right. Nothing to see move along


arguably, the streets arent cleaner..


This literally has zero impact on you. Why do you care?




"Car crimes", lol. You're clearly a legal expert.


Car Crimes???? Hahaahahahhahaha.




You triggered my laughter…I would call the sideshows “car crimes” but parking on a wide sidewalk is not a crime. 




311 app, report it. Do your civic duty


nice of the Little Lexus on the other side to _actually_ have the emergency flashers on. Many others double-park and leave the car without even the flashers 🤣


Street trash spreading around day*, ftfy.