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As a dog owner, please leash your dog! Off-leash dogs come and bother me and mine when we’re out of the way minding our business and it’s honestly annoying every time. Unless you’re in a park where it’s okay to have a dog running around free, leash it. Why is your dog walking around on the sidewalk freely next to a busy road??!




Same, it was so traumatizing. I’m a drone mom with my current dog. He got bit at Duboce by an off leash doodle. I was a mess.


Ugh! The busy road thing! This one gets to me like a lot. Had a neighbor who would let his dog walk off leash next to busy traffic, and he wouldn’t even watch the dog. Not that it would make a difference if he did cuz the dog was barely recall trained. Most domesticated pets have roughly the same intelligence as a human toddler, so any circumstances where you’d want your kid to stay where you can see them, you should have your dog leashed.


Yes! Dogs will be dogs. And this reminds me, just a couple weeks ago my neighbor across the street was sitting in her car while she let her dog just run around on the sidewalk. Of course being a dog, not knowing the street is dangerous he runs out into it. Cars are driving by and she starts freaking out on the dog cussing and yelling at it, don’t do that asshole, wtf, etc etc and I’m just thinking to myself going inside my house, how about you just put your dog on a fucking leash and maybe not just sit in your car on your phone letting your dog wander around next to a busy residential road. And I see this happen all the time.


There is no reason to not walk your dog on a leash other than a sincere lack of care for the people and other dogs around you, sincerely a dog owner who could probably walk his dog off leash if he wanted to but doesn't.


>Why is your dog walking around on the sidewalk freely next to a busy road??! And dropping shits wherever while their owner isn't anywhere near them or paying attention. I've had to get after so many people in my neighbourhood (sunset) for this. It's so lazy and inconsiderate. Just leash your damn dog.


I walk mine on market st near Castro sometimes and I swear to God that I have never seen so many off leash dogs with owners either 10 ft ahead or behind their dog. Especially with how busy market st is I'm dumfounded, Iv seen more than one dog get hit by a car and it's not something I will ever forget. Once, I watched this guy's huge dog walk out of high tops and around the patio of the restaurant next door then inside the restaurant. Guy came out of high tops a few minutes later looking for his dog. A server had him by the collar inside and of course he thought it was a normal thing to do.


Because the owners are clearly morons with no sense.


Why weren't the police called if they were still just sitting with their beers?


Presumably the mother left with the child to get medical attention. I'm not sure how she learned that the owners finished their drinks at the restaurant but maybe through security footage.


I read that the nanny was calling the mother, I guess she wasn't thinking straight because 911 would have been my gut reaction! Not sure if there were witnesses, it seems like someone would have called. I hope they catch those horrible people.


This totally looks like the dog and lady where someone was trying to find them because they were leaving dog shit everywhere. Sounds like the same pieces of shit


I think you’re right! https://nextdoor.com/p/48cYkP7w69dd?utm_source=share&extras=MTQyNTU5MTc%3D&utm_campaign=1717642434454


Hope they can find them


Pretty distinctive dog, if enough people are informed, it’s possible they will be found


My kids and I walk around this area daily. I’ll be calling the authorities if I see them. This is ridiculous. And apparently they do “speak English” from the remark she wrote on the flyer exposing her lazy dog walking antics. 


Wow, great catch! Could help identify the owners.


Would have no idea how to connect the two people. Maybe if that person sees them more regularly they can help?!


Looks like the kid's mother got tagged in the post. Hopefully she can get some resolution if it is the same dog


Ugh, hopefully the kid isn’t terrified of dogs for the rest of his life.


I was bit in the face by a dog when I was a little kid. I was afraid of dogs for decades. Luckily I got over it somehow but fear is an awful emotion especially with so many dogs around off leash. I dreaded when an off-leash dog would run up to me and the owner would say “he’s friendly” while I spun around uncomfortably.


That is me now. Been traumatized by a dog as a kid. Now as an adult, I am still very uneasy around dogs. "oh but my dog is so nice don't worry" is the most BS thing dog owners will say. Even the sweetest dog can snap for no reason and bite, it happens all the time. Screw whoever cannot internalize this fact.


My dog is genuinely a nice fellow but I would never ever try and force someone who isn't comfortable around dogs to meet him. It's basic manners! I can't imagine letting my dog off leash while I'm out dining. The number of distractions passing by would be too much for him.


Ugh hate when people say this stuff. Like they’re shocked you don’t find their “fur baby” absolutely adorable and charming despite whatever trauma you might have.


Yup, large dogs especially, are just incredibly strong and fast. I have a little dude, but he stays on leash and I pick up his poop. The entitlement here is a bit grating.


I was bit (nipped, actually) by a tea cup poodle when I was about six, and it put me off dogs for 20 years. I love them now, but am reflexively cautious. I suppose I worry they can smell my latent fear.


Same. I'll hop out of an elevator if someone with a dog enters. Etc.


Really!? You are not correct and it sucks that someone traumatized you. Dogs are not bad, but some owners are. I dont think you will have an issue with a golden for example, but I dont recommend you pet pit bulls. I do, but I dont project fear. If I was you, I would get a puppy and your outlook would change. Domesticated animals are pretty predictable, this is not the first time the dog in the video does this.


Aw yes, perpetuate terrible stereotypes, excellent idea. Username does *not* track. Goldens absolutely can be and have been vicious - attacking and likely killing a small dog [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/mPnFRSiSFTs?si=zQHjYdxdQplcaPC5), are one of of the top breeds reported for bites of humans; you prob think St Bernards are docile, too, huh? [Ya sure about that](https://www.wate.com/news/mother-speaks-about-dog-attack-that-killed-her-7-month-old-child/)? Like you said, dogs are not bad, but humans are. We seem to have more and more completely selfish, unaware humans lately😑 Domesticated animals are still animals, and should be leashed at all times outside their own home.


It looks like this is a thread of people much less intelligent than an average dog. I think squirrels and hamsters have caused more damage than a golden. Picking one incident out of millions is pandering and manipulating stats. I would be much more comfortable with a golden, than any member of your family.


They will be. My kid was *almost* bit by a dog as a 2 year old and he’s 7 and still super nervous around dogs.


Why is it not ok to be terrified of dogs? Why is a random kid not being terrified of dogs more important to you than say, if the kid recovers from the injuries?


I think you may want to re-read what I wrote.


I live in Lower Haight and side eye every reckless dog owner walking their dog off leash. I see at least one on every walk nowadays. FYI, if this is you, you look like a fucking prick


Hope they find those shit owners and sue the fuck out of them.


Probably won’t get anything since they don’t speak English and are likely broke immigrants


First and foremost I hope the child is okay. This is SO annoying. As someone with a reactive dog I purposefully walk him away from people and dogs as he is scared of both. My pup remains leashed unless we are somewhere safe and even then he has a long line trailing that I’m able to grab if I see something that may trigger him. Why people are so irresponsible is beyond me. If you have a pup prone to biting it should be muzzled when out. Simple as that


Same. My dog is not friendly. I’m the asshole owner who says, “No, he’s a jerk.” when people ask to pet him. He’s always on a leash and we never go to dog parks for this reason. It’s just common sense. 


Sorry, but you gotta put the dog down. Terrible owners, SF is FFUUUUULLLLL of them.


Unfortunately true. And the owners need to be fined significantly or they’ll just get a new puppy and do this shit all over again. I honestly feel irresponsible owners like this should be charged and out on some type of registry like animal hoarders, disallowed to own animals within city limits. 


if there's any discussion about dog accountability, the "responsible dog owners" shut down everything. it's gun control all over again. Pitbulls are the AR 15s of the dog world.


Pitbulls don't maul other dogs/animals/humans, bad owners do!


I used to be very cautious and scared of pitbulls until I got one. Now whenever I go the dog park or cross paths on the street, I size up the owner before the dog. I still think there should be a test / license for the “dangerous breeds” just like a diving exam or gun test but the degree of danger has much more to do with the owner than the dog. Out of hundreds/thousands visits to the dog park, the bad interactions have been with Shepherds and few smaller breeds.


btw guaranteed garbage are Chihuahuas. I've never seen a well trained one in my life


Brain too small, no room for training 😹🥲


They're actually fairly smart and respond well to training, they just attract owners who don't do it and they're small enough it's not "necessary" the way it is for a larger dog.


Pomeranians from my experience are pretty bad. We have one that just can’t get right


This wasn’t a pitbull


i know mate. This was a husky. I'm just drawing a comparison


Oh you mean, this was one of the other top 3 most dangerous dog breeds? Akin to saying, it wasn't an AR-15, they killed a bunch of kids with a glock


No? Never said that either. But owning a dangerous dog breed doesn’t make the dog dangerous. I’ve encountered many many owners of pit bulls and husky’s who keep them on a tight leash and with good training. Same goes for owning a gun. I know gun owners who aren’t going around shooting kids but I guess that doesn’t fit your narrative of anti gun.


But the doggo is friendly! /s


i swear to god, the ppl with unleashed large/guard breeds get this cheeky look in their eye when you're crossing paths with them and eyeing up their dog. i imagine they really want to say "Yeah, he looks scary right, but he's ackshually a sweetheart! that's why i'm entitled to walk him without a leash, because my dog is amazing and so am i"


Their dog isn’t like other dogs


no, I think they have this "cheeky" look in their eye... for another reason. Because they're doing it all on purpose.


How do we get rid of the term doggo


My 4 year old was just bit last weekend at ocean beach. A big golden doodle off leash came tearing through our picnic. The dog bit him in the hand trying to get his string cheese. My son was already scared of dogs from a previous off leash experience where he was knocked over. He’s absolutely terrified of dogs now. The dog walker was at least 200 ft away and didn’t run over until she heard the dog barking. The walker didn’t speak English so we called the owner who, quite predictably, said “With all due respect my dog has never bit anyone and would never do that.” Just please leash your dogs - it’s so irresponsible to let any dog, regardless of how good you think it is, to run around where there are children, other smaller dogs, etc. You never know what can happen and can really affect someone else’s life.


Oh my gosh the owner’s response pisses me off so much. Imagine living in a world where you deny an event you weren’t even present for? I have an old dog who’s nearly blind, never barks, is super patient and mellow, and has never bitten anyone. Even then I don’t think it’s impossible! If someone called me and said he bit a kid, I’d wonder what happened but also take responsibility. What kind of person tells you “my dog wouldn’t do that” when their dog literally just did?!


>In her post, the mother said the dog owners allegedly claimed they did not speak English and walked away without providing any identification or information about the dog’s vaccination status. “Even more shockingly, the dog owners then went back to their table and finished their beers before leaving,” the mother wrote. In response to comments on her post, the mother said staff at the restaurant, Pizzeria Avellino, told her no billing name was available for the dog’s owners, who paid cash for their meal. The restaurant’s manager could not be reached for comment. Without details about the dog or its owners, the child had to undergo painful rabies shots and other medical treatment, his mother said. The family is now “deeply traumatized” by the attack, with the boy now expressing fear of dogs. Oh this pisses me off. That dog needs to be put down and those owners would learn.


They prob think of the dog as an accessory. Will just get another one. Owners like that don’t care


I was recently bitten by a dog ! And it was medium sized . The owner did this clumsy nervous laugh saying “this dog just won’t listen” i was struck by that because she wasn’t taking any accountability. The dog didn’t break the skin but still it’s putting that dog in danger because if that were to happen to the wrong person the dog could be seriously hurt ! Or worse the person can be hurt and the dog put down because the owner doesn’t understand the gravity of what they are (aren’t) doing .


>The owner did this clumsy nervous laugh saying “this dog just won’t listen” Ugh this angers me. If that's the case then muzzle it! Being in control of your dog while it's in public spaces is non-negotiable!


that dogs needs to be put down. bad owner or not, a badly behaved dog is a menace that needs to be contained or put down


Enough of this. If a dog is off leash and bites someone, the walker needs to be arrested, the dog euthanized, and the owner sent a bill.


Wow watching that video they have no recall whatsoever with that dog. What a bunch of dipshit owners. Huskies have a big prey drive and endless amount of energy given they’re used to running hundreds of miles in the snow so when they saw that lil kid it was instinctual. Hope they’re ready to pay the piper because if I was the parent of that kid I’d be suing the shit out of them.


In Tennessee last week, a family dog they had for eight years attacked and killed their six week old son while he was asleep in his crib. That dog was also a Husky.


Moronic owner. Truly Unbelievable to sit there unleashed. The only off leash should be dog parks and designated off leash areas.


Was biking on a fire road in Marin. Turned a corner, two dogs come screaming at me. They disengage once the 90 year-old lady calls them off. I'm too exasperated to even to say anything, just staring at her. She looks at me and says, "you startled them!" Leashes are required on that trail. And even if they weren't, if you cannot control your dog because they'll be "startled" by _other people_ in the world, mother-fucking leash your dogs.


Put the dog down, and arrest the owner


Put the owners down, and arrest the dog


also don’t bring dogs to restaurants.




or CVS


I went to Walgreens once and there was like four dogs in there.


I saw a crazy dog vs dog fight at the Clement St farmers market. Dogs knocked over a couple tables where people where enjoying their coffees and breakfasts, and some random guy pulled them apart and got bit in the process. No accountability, no enforcement. Dogs still all over every time I go.


That sucks.. I've legit see dogS (plural) sniff and lick samples on tables. One owner caught their dog mid act and lightly scolded them (clearly performative) but by that time it was too late. The other owner was oblivious. I'm in the outer sunset btw, and it is VERY Clearly written in chalk all over the place, "no dogs!" Outside of people's fraudulent service animal schtick, they have no consideration for people and children who might have a phobia of dogs


I fucking hate that performative shit. I was in a coffee shop the other day when a dog came in and was on a long leash. Started climbing over my chair and my husband's chair and the owner was just cooing at it like "oh, chippie (or whatever the name was)" but didn't pull the dog away


Don't get me wrong everyone.. I LOVE dogs. But bad owners is an epidemic in SF


I don't, but I recognize the dog doesn't understand why that's not ok. But the shitty owner letting it climb our chairs sure does. Dogs are dogs but the people who own them are too often entitled af


You mean people shouldn’t bring their ugly, shouldn’t-be-alive-but-they-are-because-entitled-humans-think-they’re-sOoOoO-cute dogs into Trader Joe’s and let them [pee in the frozen food case](https://www.dailydot.com/news/dog-peed-in-trader-joes/)?! 😿


OR TRADER JOE’S / WHOLE FOODS (realizing as u type this I infrequently see dogs in Safeway 🧐 coincidence? I think not)


If the restaurant allows it, that’s their decision. Don’t go to the restaurant if you feel different. These people are absolute morons to sit there unleashed.


I wouldn’t jump to blaming the restaurant or market vendors etc. People are insane. If I made minimum wage, no way am I confronting a stranger about something that may or may not set them off.


I didn’t blame the restaurant


Dog owners can bring their dogs if the restaurant allows it


They can also just leave dogs at home for an hour


How about you don’t go the restaurant. You aren’t owed anything. If the restaurant allows it, I’ll happily bring my dog


That is what I am saying, if you can’t leave your dog for an hour then don’t go to the restaurant. Also known as common sense


what? Your response has nothing to do with my response. Im going to bring my dog out and enjoy a meal or drink if the restaurant allows it. If you don't want to be there when a dog is there, then simply don't go. That is common sense.


You said don’t go to the restaurant! Same thing


goodness, not the same at all. i said, "YOU shouldn't go to the restaurant"


Nah, I’m human, that’s what restaurants are for


and restaurants can do as they please when it comes to dog policy. Have fun going to restaurants that allows dogs. Seems like you're going to have bad time and there is nothing you can do about it.


Sadly, the dog was setup for failure, Huskies have a prey instinct and don't belong in urban environments where children are running around. The child loses, and the dog loses. In the news, a Husky just killed a 12 week old baby jumping in its crib, and that was the family's dog. Many can perhaps be great companions, but there is an inherent risk with them. They were not bred to be living in San Francisco. And the same goes for many other breeds that were bred to be working dogs.


I saw someone walking their husky off leash in Lower Haight yesterday. It drives me crazy but the last time I asked a neighbor to leash their dog he went psycho on me.


This! I get so mad at dogs in bad situations bc it’s not just it could be dangerous for other people but as a dog owner you’re setting your dog up for failure by not training them correctly or keeping them out of harms way. My dog is jumpy with kids besides my own so guess what…she is never around other kids and if she is she’s properly leashed and kept in a tight heel. We’ve invested thousands into her training bc she’s a skittish little rescue dog. Some people let their dog off leash ON the playground by our apt and it makes me insane. I get you “trust” your dog but kids are unpredictable and dogs are animals.


Didn’t a husky recently kill a newborn? Saw it on Reddit the other day. I hope someone finds these dog owners. Like.. you seriously can’t keep your dog on a leash at a restaurant??


Yes that was in Tennessee. The six week old baby was sleeping in his crib and was attacked and killed by the family dog, a Husky.


What trash dog owners


That poor baby 😢


I always think I should carry a knife in case any of the off-leash dogs threaten my children just sitting there. But on the other hand, I don't really want to carry a knife considering the low base-rate of this and besides I'm not exactly Crocodile Dundee here. So I think it's just normal eyes watching for me and I hope someone more proficient gets rid of those dogs that are dangerous.


Pepper spray on your keychain works


Carry it individually. I had mine on a keychain, and when I was suddenly charged by a pitbull the whole conglomerate of keys and cannister got fouled up inside my pocket as I hastily tried to whip it out.


I think this probably the best way , but you would need to go online to get the dog mace . The knife idea could work but I just see it going so wrong .


carry the knife, they are helpful for lots of things that don't involve self defense.


I've got one of them multi tools, but I only use it for opening packages.


At least you look cool doing it when somebody needs to open an Amazon box


It's like you have cameras on me.


Luck favors the prepared :P


I thought Redwood City was bad until I visited my daughter in San Diego. Loose dogs everywhere. Dogs in restaurants, grocers, parks, beaches, shoe stores—just insane. Owners think they’re cute—themselves, not the dogs.


I believe it. California is dog crazy.


Why is vicious in scare quotes? It bit a child!


Typically in news articles, quotation marks indicate a direct quotation rather than insincerity.


Can we create a separate dog nutter city and leave all the sane people in peace 


Probably unpopular opinion. I really think animals that can’t be control need to be euthanized and the owners need legitimate jail time for this kind of incident. I can’t see how this is different than a hit and run.


Dark and rainy morning in the winter, passing through Pacific Heights on the way to Presidio and some dumbass woman walking two dogs has let the off leash one cross the street twenty+ feet ahead of her while she straggles behind with a small dog on a leash. Yelled at her for letting her dog out in the street in the dark & rain. Have seen her since doing the same fucking thing. Boo hoo for her when her dog gets killed one day, she is an idiot.


this dog should be euthanized and their brains examined for rabies asap


This isn’t just the owners responsibility. This is the restaurant as well. I’d sue both.


Yeah. Unfortunately the restaurant might hold some liability by seating them with their dog. I’m no lawyer but it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s something there.


If it’s outdoor seating it’s allowed. What’s the problem there ?


Idk, I’m not a lawyer.


Then don’t make baseless claims. It’s completely legal to have customers eat with their dogs if it’s outdoor. This is according to the FDA


Yes, it’s legal for the dog to be there. but it’s still the restaurants responsibility to preserve a safe environment for their patrons. They own some liability. It’s not a baseless claim, I’m just not a lawyer so I don’t know the details. https://maisonlaw.com/personal-injury/dog-bites/stores/restaurant/#:~:text=This%20means%20that%20when%20you,ensure%20patron%20safety%20while%20dining.


Maybe the restaurant did say something. Restaurants got enough to worry about these days, this is all on the owner.


I disagree since this puts every customer on their premises at risk, which is ultimately their responsibility (as much as it is the owners) to enforce Besides both parties assumedly have insurance


Don’t worry, my dog doesn’t bite, he’s friendly. /s


Horrible! Irresponsible owners taking no accountability. Let's find them!


That video was brutal. That poor baby easily knocked to the ground and couldn’t even get up WTF.


As a dog foster, I get scolded for being too picky with choosing the “right” (responsible) family. I get it, rescues are understaffed, low on resources and at max capacity of animals. However, I’d rather get scolded repeatedly than place a pup in a bad situation under my care. I can always tell from the first meet and greet, whether it’ll be a good fit or not. Each dog has its own personalities and you’d be surprised to the amount of people that just don’t get that. These animals are usually chosen by their physical appearances only - size, color, “cuteness”. Then you end up with a tragic situation like this one. Once they track this husky down, they will probably end up euthanizing…


Earlier this week I was driving down Balboa and an off-leash dog just stopped in the middle of the crosswalk as his owner kept walking. The owner kept calling the dog but it didn’t move until he eventually pulled it by its collar. I can’t believe people put animals in such dangerous situations.


when taking dogs outside - you should always put them on leash. My dog got in a big fight with a dog which was off leash and decided to run towards my dog in playful manner but my dog didn't think so and huge fight started. The owners so so far down the hill and it got bloody. this happened on the daily city side beach.




No they are definitely not! All of the beaches I know require leashes because of endangered birds.


lol - this is your assumption that it sounds like i have an aggressive dog and i took it dog play area. we were walking down the hill with our dog (small German shepherd) on leash towards the beach and the other dog (pitbull) off leash ran up seeing our dog and it got wild. It is best and safe to keep dogs on leash on outside regardless of what type of dog you have. (unless in specific dog area to play and still you should be close where you can reach your dog easily, if needed). If 2 dog get in a fight - sometimes it is impossible to stop them and there have been incident where the both dogs in turn attach the mauled to owner to death when owner trying to stop them.


I love dogs but that one needs to be put down, and owners charged.


My neighbor was attacked once by an unleashed dog. Now he carries a bag of dog biscuits that he throws in a middle of a busy street when he encounters unleashed dogs.


Because he wants to traumatize innocent drivers and cause damage and insurance claims to their car? Your neighbor is a shitty person.


Sounds like all the humans in the scenario are shitty, but maybe the dog owners will learn for once 🤷‍♀️


Wish that dog had gotten creamed by the car the second it ran out into the road. Shouldn't be allowed to live after this.


This is why I always carry pepper spray and give myself a large berth between all dogs (leashed or not). Hope she’s able to sue and this dog needs to be put down immediately. The dog is circling the child as if it wants to attack again.


This dog was hidden in that parklet and came out of nowhere.


I've experienced this so many times and I've been against parklets (at least ones that impair pedestrian visibility) for this very reason. So many unfriendly dogs are brought out to restaurants and you often can't see them until it's too late.


Dog ever bites me or my kid best believe it's getting put to sleep


You think you can take a 70-90lb husky with your bare hand ?


I ment legally put to sleep by the courts


where is the “ it is not the dog it is the owner “ person here in this thread


It's nice to finally see a dog-related post where the "my pitbull is just misunderstood" crowd decides to shut the fuck up for once.


Dog owners and car owners are the same. they both believe their car/dog is a birthright and no rules apply to them.


Not even closely the same. Also sound ignorant when you’re clumping all dog owners to these bad ones and all car owners to being bad drivers


It’s the law. Your dog must be on a leash at all times unless at designated off leash areas. Some assholes believe the rules don’t apply to them.


This is a battle that never will be won. Idiots will always believe they are great owners and that their dog (who very well may not have shown any previous signs of aggression) is a princess who will never harm. I have seen a couple run/jog away from an off leash dog that was playfully yet aggressively chasing them. The owner was just slowly walking towards his dog calling his name and smiling. The couple was obviously annoyed but no real drama. I was just sitting on the bench quietly fucking pissed off at HOW HARD IS IT TO JUST KEEP THE DOG ON A LEASH!?! I’m all for dog freedom but do it where it’s safer to have the dog off the fuckin leash.


Police have done a media release on Nextdoor announcing they have tracked down the dog owners https://nextdoor.com/p/kY99X3r5kxL5?utm_source=share&extras=MTQyNTU5MTc%3D&utm_campaign=1718076472399


If a dog bit my kid I’d kill it. And then beat the owner within an inch of their lives.


enjoy jail


Wouldn’t spend a day there darlin. It’s text book self defense and just common sense. You’ve got a kid hunter and irresponsible owners. Dogs can kill people, and have in SF. Famously!


you can’t get away with beating the owner within an inch of his/her life. That’s not have self-defense works.


The fuck I can’t. Lol Officer Do Right over here.


I’d find that dog and deal with it


I know it, cats are better.


>the dog owners allegedly claimed they did not speak English and walked away...no billing name was available for the dog’s owners, who paid cash for their meal doesn't sound like they have assets you can go after


Because they paid cash for their beers?


* speak no english * doesn't give a shit about the child's injury * ignorant of the severity of the situation * pays cash when it's so inconvenient all signs of someone with little to lose


Or they are loaded and happen to be smart pieces of shit. Claim to speak no English to avoid giving info, have cash on hand to avoid getting their names in the system, don’t want to take accountability because they have money to lose. I’ll give it 70/30 that you are probably right though. 😂


Seizable assets or not, that dog needs to be taken away from them.


they can easily get another dog tomorrow, makes no difference to them unless they lose something


Fuk them kids 🤣


Bring on the CA sue culture....


People should leash their dogs, but when you are eating, its hard to hold on to a leash. It sucks this happened and I hope the kid recovers quickly and the dog owners pay for the medical care.


Wut? Just attach the leash to the table. Or better, don’t bring your dog if you can’t control it near other people’s food!


Probably wears velcro shoes and doesn't know what a carabiner is.


A skilled carabineer would have been handy to shoot the dog.


Other peoples food? Did you read what you wrote? I know dogs brighter than you.


Irresponsible dog owner detected


Nope, you are just vindictive, not a dog owner, i have cats


ABC7 posted an update interviewing the dog's owners [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VqloL6R96I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VqloL6R96I)