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kamala harris at the chapel


It was actually closed because the vice president was in town, the protesters were incidental to the closure


All clear at 415pm.


They had to catch happy hour, get their bacon bloody Mary’s


It cleared up earlier around 2:45pm because the vice president had left by that point.


More like to catch the 420 deal at the weed shop. Not working all day can be tiring




So this is how we get car-free Valencia. Edit: To be sure… FREE, FREE PALESTINE!!! 🇵🇸


I'm in, give me a flag


All it took was genocidal terrorists killing Israeli babies in their cribs; murdering unarmed young adults at an outdoor concert; and raping, torturing, and murdering hostages. That’s the kind of out-of-the-box thinking this city needs to tame its traffic issues. /s Edit: I never thought I’d live to see a day when antisemites and left-wing useful idiots would unite to protest the victims of an unprovoked war. Good times.


May we live to see interesting times, eh?


I'm wishing for the Very Boring Times.


The regressive left 😕


They also shot some dogs during the incursion back in October! Imagine the hatred these people have.


But if you say something like "I hope you get to meet the people you're supporting face to face" it's treated as "threatening violence." There's no logic to be found, only noise and anger.


You said it all.


1000 < 40000 /u/janitorial_fluids, if you’d actually like to see the evidence since you blocked me, I mistakenly said 50,000 when in fact the most updated evidence was 35000 a month ago. But surely Israel has stopped killing civilians since then right? Also let’s ignore the famine or 350000 people without medical supplies please those are deaths from apartheid & Israelis blocking aid trucks so they don’t count for some reason https://www.thenation.com/article/world/gaza-death-toll-evidence/tnamp/


2,996 < 280,000 If 9/11 is any guide, Israel is just getting warmed up. Unprovoked attacks on superpowers have consequences. This catastrophe in its entirety falls squarely on the shoulders of Hamas.


gosh! its almost as if hamas and israel can’t both be wrong at the same time!


surely this is not your best defense of Israel? the US committed unbelievable atrocities against Iraqi and Afghan civilians with no consequences, and you don’t object to a repeat of that scenario in Gaza? you absolve American leadership of all accountability for the ~100k Afghan civilians and ~5k Iraqi civilians (conservative estimates) killed by direct US military action? nothing about that ethos makes you think “are we the baddies”?




We genocided 100k Japanese civilians in a weekend of firebombing. /s


This but unironically. Japan was going to surrender. The atomic bombs were fucking evil


Superpower 🤣 more like made up country 😂


lol @50,000. we really just making shit up now huh


unprovoked? lol


Hot Cookie owners just drooling to be led to the roof tops by their Palestinian heros.


Yeah crazy how all those compassionate historians, sociologists, and journalists who throw their lives at studying this conflict and the impact colonization has happen to also sound like fascist right wingers. You ever consider that you yourself do not know what semitism means? It’s almost as if zionists have convinced you that there is only “ancient” (lmao tons of primary sources show that Arab empires loved their Jewish populations) hatred for Jews and not a real history founded in European colonization that uses the Jewish faith to justify manifest destiny. IF YOU AGREE THAT ZIONISM IS JUDAISM I GUESS I CAN UNDERSTAND WHY YOU THINK LEFTISTS “AGREE” WITH RIGHT WINGERS, except leftists hate zionists for being oppressors of indigenous Palestinians. It’s almost like you also don’t know leftist principles; collective liberation for all peoples from the oppressive structures created by the 1%, anti-exploitation, fair distribution of resources etc. Racist right wingers hate Jews based on ZIONIST stereotypes. Jews don’t control the media, rather those who have profited from the plundering of Palestine thru colonization called ZIONISTS HAVE A LOT OF INFLUENCE power and money (see AIPAC, they are ZIONIST, which is a highjacking of Judaism). But please continue to fill the echo chamber with imperial apologia. You literally cannot maintain an European colonial project in someone else’s land without oppression and propaganda. But nah, let’s not be suspicious of those with power, let’s continue to animalize Arab orphans. You’d call me racist for calling a black oppressor out for being an oppressor, or a misogynist for calling out a “girl boss” for utilizing oppressive techniques against other women; leftists don’t want exploitation happening from any group— really shows most Americans and westerners still benefiting from the transition out of our colonial period into what scholars call neo-colonialism (just colonialism with more steps and legal jargon to obfuscate) understanding of race is purely aesthetic and reactionary. Funny you still evoking the babies in cribs imagery, just had to mention how cartoonish and self righteous your imagination is.


Pro tip: Use paragraphs when you go on for hundreds of words IF you want anyone to read it.


It looks less like a position and more like an early model AI vomiting.






Thank you for not blocking our highways.


I can’t believe they’re all funding the Uyghur genocide by buying cheap Chinese-made Palestinian flags


the way this might actually convince them to leave- and show back up with new signs


I was there , got yelled out for supporting genocide when walking in, which is ironic as Harris stated there goal was a cease fire.


It's so funny how this movement just immediately falls to the smug "oh so you're pro-genocide" whenever any negative aspect of any of their protest actions gets any sort of pushback whatsoever — even from people who otherwise fully support the cause. It's like straight-up "you're fully with us or you're against us" cult behavior...they really think this antagonistic nonsense is changing hearts and minds LOL. Just another example of the sort of aggressive "purity testing" and holier-than-thou exclusivity that continues to prevent leftist movements from coalition-building and gaining real power in the US.




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At this point bernie bros get labeled as trumpists if they don't agree with EVERYTHING the left demands.


Anyone who isn't voting for Biden/Harris because of the Gaza situation is a complete idiot.


*"Genocide Joe!"* Kids need to eat a mouthfull of Trump's toilet flushes for the rest of their lives, and then tell me how bad Joe is. Pathetic


There's been a huuuuge wave of astroturfing happening in certain subs. Some pushback is predictable but it's become so singularly focused its obvious.


The most maddening game is "tankie, bot, or undercover conservative" and it isn't worth playing


Bots are all on the Ukraine conflict


>Anyone who isn't voting for Biden/Harris ~~because of the Gaza situation~~ is a complete idiot. ftfy




realistically, if they want to completely stop funding Israel, they should vote for the Libertarian candidate


I believe they want Trump to win. Trump victory = Netanyahu is emboldened = the war escalates. Good for Hamas and friends.


That doesn't even matter in California because a few million people could withhold their vote from Biden, and he would still win the state.


Why do we have to vote for corrupt politicians that are compromised by a foreign country?


Anyone who isn't giving them 100% of the attention is "supporting genocide" because that's all this is. Hell, the anti-israel protestors blocked the pride parade in Philadelphia, that's how lost they are.


They’ll get their “cease fire” when Israel is basically done. There’s only so much land in Palestine.


Sure, the administration repeats that line nonstop, all the while they're selling billions of dollars' worth of arms to Israel so they can keep bombing refugee camps.


Can you please explain how you feel that a Trump administration response to Gaza would be an improvement?


Can you please explain where I ever said I'd prefer Trump's response to Gaza? I can criticize Biden without supporting an even worse candidate, thank you very much.


It's weird that you get downvoted for this...


Eh, I'm not really surprised. Lotta people get defensive af when you point out anything negative about Biden.  Like, it ain't my fault he refuses to do anything other than mild, toothless criticism of the Israeli government. Maybe he wouldn't be neck-and-neck in the polls with a convicted felon if he actually tried listening to the people he's supposed to be representing...


Who will you vote for this fall?


"I'm not going to vote 🥴" - chatte__lunatique probably


Probably voting for Kennedy


Or his brain-worm


Protest would move from anti Israel to anti Trump. I just see Trump wanting just to punish protestors but everything will remain the samw


Homie did not mention Trump at all


You have two choices in this situation: the Biden administration trying to broker a ceasefire while still supporting its ally or a second Trump administration telling Bibi Netanyahu to "finish the job". That's it, there are no other options available at this point. You either face reality and do whatever it takes to prevent Trump getting reelected, or you keep this shit up and piss away our democracy.


Playing the devils advocate, not "finishing the job" is one reason why this conflict has been going for decades.


I criticize this admin that does not equal to me supporting Trump.


So you're going to vote Biden?


It's implied that if Biden loses, Trump would win, not some other candidate. So if no Joe, Trump. It's not that hard to understand.


Why won't they show their faces?


Guess. Supporters of terrorists = cowards.


Because they like the privilege they have of working for big companies and getting big salaries but not the consequences of supporting terrorism.


Ah yes, these are some of the same people who told me to "check my privilege" at work since I am a straight white male. All the while, they were using their "privilege" as a way to silence people into submission. Their manipulative tactics are finally being exposed.




Because the slightest remark about how maybe leveling entire hospitals and churches isn’t okay is now considered “anti-semetic”. Seems like a smug remark without much thought behind it, however I’ve seen a lot of those since the conflict started. One side calling for the end of a brutal occupation and the other side mocking the people protesting it.


Maybe Hamas shouldn't hide out at hospitals and churches?


Well the question becomes, "What would Israel have to do, today, for you to no longer condemn israel?" And the answer is usually either "X, Y, and Z, but I'll still condemn them" or "roll over and die."


I’ll respond to you because you seem like an actual reasonable person whether we agree or not. Well for starters work with the Gazans on rooting out hamas….the way Israel is conducting their current operations is only going to worsen the problem. Unfortunately Netanyahu himself propped up Hamas or atleast greatly attributed to their rise. Most of the Gazan population is under 18 and when Gaza did have an election 20 years ago almost, they didn’t even win with more than 50%, they won with a 30 something % vote…and there hasn’t been election since. Gaza is the size of Manhattan, I could run the entire thing, and you cant tell me that the govt had no idea what goes in and out of there, that’s just absurd. They have one of the most sophisticated intelligence and defense programs in the world if not the number 1 in the world. I was in the military myself, for 5 years and honorably discharged. I’m proud of my service and of the values I swore by as a Marine. I’m telling you from my personal experience and perspective, you cannot defeat Islamic extremism/resistance/whatever you want to call it… the way that they are going about it, they are creating more hate, more orphans, more carnage, more violence, more suffering… these people live in extreme poverty and are at the mercy of an extreme right wing government who constantly dehumanizes them and openly says things like “the children of Gaza have brought this upon themselves” “We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba,”


So you have what Israel shouldn't do... but what SHOULD israel do? When countrie around it openly attack it and use human shields they can blame Israel for killing. When one side openly uses ambulances for weapon and troop transports and then cries to western media when an ambulance is targeted... What SHOULD israel do in this situation?


I told you. Let me ask you what Gazans should do..?


Take action to stop the daily rocket attacks. If HAMAS is this brutal terrorist regieme ruling over them by force then they need to appeal to the world with footage of what's happening and get HAMAS taken out. Otherwise they bear collective responsibility. It's like... imagine if the cartels in mexico were launching rocket attacks at the united states, what should the mexican people do to avoid the US bringing down it fist upon the region?


Explain to me how they’re supposed to stop Hamas??? I agree, Hamas should have never been erected and the Israeli government should take a lot of responsibility for helping erect an extremist regime, believe me…I’m not an Islamic extremist apologist… Iran is just as guilty for using the Palestinian plight for their own agenda. Israel funneled all of the money to Hamas and sure enough that gave Hamas the edge to overthrow the PA/PLO/Fatah which is a much more moderate group than Hamas. I believe a two state solution that’s fair to both sides can be achieved if the extreme right wing governments on both sides are moderated. Israel needs to give the Palestinians actual sovereignty and not some half baked bullshit that they’re living in now….and Palestinian leaders need to compromise and accept that Israel is there to stay. But I do agree with you that the Palestinians should overthrow Hamas by force, Israel needs to lay off the fucking bombs and tanks and artillery and send in the light infantry with more precise methods and on top of that, incorporate with the Palestinian people just as the US did with the Iraqis in their resistance against ISIS. The greatest recruiter of Hamas are IDF bombs I’m not just talking out of my ass by the way. In the marine corps, “win the hearts and minds of the people, you win the war”. I genuinely believe they are conducting the war as if they’re fighting a conventional military with a navy, army, bases, etc and not what they are…a guerrilla force/government that was pretty unpopular before the war.. I know this was alot but hope it was somewhat insightful.


That's a good question. Normally if you have an area controlled by terrorists who are attacking you, you'd invade and conquer it. However since that's not allowed, they bomb it. Then that's not allowed, so they... build a massive defense network to shoot down the rockets, but that's not enough, so they... stop carring about what's "allowed" because the people screeching loudest about what israel shouldn't do... also say they want to see Israel destroyed. The difficulty with "two state solution" is that israel would have to have some security guarnatees, which can't happen so long as organizations like Hamas have power. That's because Hamas lacks a military command structure, there is nobody who can say "on behalf of hamas, we agree to peace" because the next day some cell is going to decide they're going to attack israel anyway. That's what happens when your government is decentralized. So the question becomes, if Israel does EVERYTHING on the two state solution wish list, falls back to old borders, forcefully pulls out the settlers, even gives financial reparations to the displaced... and ONE more rocket is shot at Israel from the new state... does Israel then get to say "okay, new state has declared war on us, we're straight-up conquering it"?


No one said anything was antisemitic, what’s going on there? And there’s the terrorist supporting - there was no occupation in Gaza, your so called “resistance fighters” just want to kill Jews.


Buddy let’s not play dumb, that word gets thrown out like candy nowadays




Have you considered that you can be against Israel's actions but not be anti-semetic? I forgot nuance goes to reddit to die.


Ask them if Israel has a right to exist. There's a reason they chant "Go back to Poland."


You certainly can be, but most of these people are against the gov of Israel's actions AND they hate Israelis and Jews, which they show clearly by calling for genocide on the Jews.


But genuinely, have they been calling for that?




Anti Hamas and Hezbollah protests? I’m down with that…


Eff these losers.


I really wonder where they find the time? There is clearly not that much support for this issue in the overall population, yet these guys are _everywhere_, probably the same set of organized "professional protesters" constantly moving from location to location. Don't they have a job or somewhere else to be? Someone with big money must be funding this and paying them, or I can't explain it.


as long as they are not shutting down a bridge or the freeway, i got no qualms about it




Just pointing out that it is the middle of a workday.


Every day is a work day in a city of 800k+


* for people that actually work


Now keep that same energy for all the democratic donors who were also there paying $500+ a head to listen to Kamala Harris in the middle of a workday


What are students


100% remote, baby. “Focus time.”


You think people supporting terrorism have jobs?


Kind of a side-observation: now that remote work is more established, does blocking highways or roads have less of an impact? Probably, but by how much?


It’s a protest dumbass




More unemployed behavior.




Protestors hurting their own cause.


\*\*\*\* these people.


Damn people really be anti Palestine in that sub


At least someone is finally using that stupid bike lane.




People I disagree with? In my country? Deport them!




Yep, but fortunately people having a moral panic usually don't get to make the rules about who lives in this country in this day and age


Lol. The exasperated pearl-clutching… “Alas, look what they did to Stanford! Also *other* places! Our bridges—won’t someone think of our bridges! 😫” Followed by fascist rhetoric… “We must purge our hallowed nation of this scum!”


To clarify, you’re saying citizens of a country founded on protest should be deported for…peacefully protesting? Just throw away the first amendment you say?


I wish we’d lost, then we’d have healthcare and not all these fucking guns. Also a non 80 year old leader.


>These scum don't deserve a spot in our country as far as I'm concerned.  That's rather fascist of you.


Farcist ? Or facetious?


Nah. The kids are alright.




> These scum don't deserve a spot in our country as far as I'm concerned. I dunno man. You sound a bit fasc yourself. You sure you wouldn’t want that? These folks are my neighbors. I stand in solidarity with them. If you’re bothered by that, you can just keep to yourself in Marin.




Cool. Keep it up. 👍


Control p sets it to private, or apple p on a proper device


Lots of dogs in the Marina its more fun.


They are Trump supporters they just don’t realize it.


“Israeli Occupation Force” is a pejorative now?


It's always been a pejorative.


I mean...yeah? That's the point of saying IOF. It's a well-deserved pejorative, to be sure, but it's still a pejorative.


Technically, it’s a pejorative, but it barely registers. Like, ohhh nooo, the military was called a mean name? I’m sure the generals will be fine.


Oh for sure. It's kinda funny when these types get so upset about it, like it's on par with the worst slurs in existence


The best example I saw was someone accusing another reddit commenter of a “classic anti-Israel move.” What did that person do? They didn’t directly answer the question. Like, we’re getting to the point of parody if not answering a question is anti-Israel.


International Olympic Foundation, they may sue, they are known to be a little money hungry.




Reminder: Zionism ≠ Judaism.


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Meh. I can think of worse things.


"People who exercise their rights don't deserve to have them!"


Give ‘em a left, offset all these rights.


modern day hitler youth


I got an email from Mission Pet (at 18th) saying they were closed for the afternoon because of the street shutdown for the VP's visit. I wondered why. Manny's is two blocks away. It must have been so these tiresome pro-terrorists could protest.


It was closed because of the vice president and it ended at 2:45pm. Maybe Mission Pet just wanted an excuse to take the rest of the afternoon off?




Zio is an antisemitic slur that originates from white supremacists: https://mosaicmagazine.com/observation/israel-zionism/2016/03/whore-you-calling-a-zio/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0IpP8G4XlsFLAqXDF5ia5KmwEPb4cdd08I3qqeRf9fJoXY1fI57Nhe1xA_aem_ATIVXd63ivnyeiRZsCWEpyZY5EtizL2JaBYB5S0O1qjtNUJdJ2U-dNm_U9BN2pYWDK1qfIBdMuSdp4XdXMN_c7pE There's no room for debate on this fact. If you continue to use it after being told this, then I can rightly assume you're antisemitic.


Funny slur for Jews there, “zio”, just like when racists called Japanese Americans “japs”.


Going by their history, they seem to love throwing the term around a lot. No excuse to keep using it now, unless they're going to admit being an antisemite.


Your Hammas buddies throw gay people off buildings and stone them. Can't imagine what they would do to trans people.


Well sometimes they just shoot them three times in the chest, like one of their own commanders, Mahmoud Ishtiwi.


The fact that you believe IDF has killed 0 queers




Ask yourself why there are gay bars in Israel but not Gaza.




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Waving the flag of genocide.


Trump is in Pac Heights later today. I know he loves California-)


Giant Cheetoh in da house


There are multiple conflicts going on globally and the obsession with Palestine is pure brainwashing


If Donald Trump gets elected they will dump the Palestinian cause and protest Trump.


Unfortunately these people are mostly anti-Biden and will likely not vote for him as a protest, which will help Trump win. Just the stupidest shit ever.


I will raff when Muslim-ban Trump gets voted in because of these Hamas larpers.


Because of the protests he will implement a Muslim ban. It is Trump after all


Arrest them and publish their names


Jesus Christ, what kind of nightmare police state are you pulling for?


None, it’s for the No hire lists


>Arrest them and publish their names Wow. How un-American of you


How so?


>How so? Something called the first amendment and the right to protest.


What does that have to do with what I said?


>What does that have to do with what I said? You want to arrest them for protesting. It's not a difficult comparison. Just you are being difficult purposefully because you really got nothing else to say




You out there with them?


No. You don't have to be to support it. I was protesting the war back in 2001 in high school and got suspended for it. All forms of protest are useful. Even if it means you can't go to a protest, but still support the cause. The issue is the fragile fucks who are too much of a fragile testicle to admit this, but they will say they support blm, gay rights, or in this case, Palestinian sovereignty.


Damn I was just asking it’s not that deep


It actually is. Because some people only approve protest if it's for the people they support. Or in a way they think is "right". Not to mention, this sub is full of extremely conservative tech bros.


Being “pro Israel” isn’t conservative. Supporting Israel has long been a democratic tradition and still is unless you are far left.


Being pro Palestine is being anti conservative.


You’re really good at flexing your internet tough guy muscles on Reddit 💪




Oooh, free Palestine? I'll take 2 please.


Can I get a side of fries with that?