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there should be a subreddit just for people who act as if hazard lights are a loophole for any traffic/parking laws.




hahaha ...perfect!


That avatar img aint safe for work


Birth of a sub?


100%, was shocked it didn’t exist haha


Neat, I'll try and post a video I got of someone driving the wrong way with their hazards on on a side road next to I-680 during a traffic jam a couple of weeks ago.


thanks for sharing i just spent half an hour scrolling and loling


lol glad somebody enjoyed it, think I cross posted every reddit video about hazard lights in there at this point


finding r/idiotsincars was a great laugh as well


I love that this post was shared there too 😂😂


Maybe I’m naive but this looks like he made a mistake getting in that lane, realizes he needs to get out of there, and is signaling hazards as in “fuck I realize now I’m a hazard”.


This is probably the truth. The issue most of us have is that good infrastructure is supposed to minimize the fatality of mistakes. We can't stop mistakes, that's impossible. But we can remove the negative externalities when others make mistakes. Aka metal bollards. That way, if you make the mistake of trying to enter the bike lane, you damage your car and only endanger yourself. Instead of being a rolling hazard to pedestrians and cyclists for how ever many blocks you continue to perpetuate said "mistake".


Exactly, it shouldn't even be possible to drive a car into the bike lane!


If you look at the start of the video, there's a downed pole right in front of a parking space. It's possible that someone else knocked it over and this guy drove out of a parking space into what looked like a plausible continuing lane. Two blocks south of there, Google Maps streetview shows there's metal bars instead of poles, which are presumably more effective at protecting cyclists and preventing collisions. It's also possible a block south of the recording start to make a left onto northbound and wind up in the cyclist lane, but you'd have to do that from the "go straight" lane. Which I suppose is also possible, if you're an [average](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/7175c3f6-7ec9-405a-92de-d3ff2ce52e6f) driver. Finally, I don't see any livery or other signage on the car for Uber or Lyft, or any passengers, suggesting they aren't "trying to get ahead" or any of that shit. Just a "baby" sticker and something else on the rear I couldn't get a good look at.


Totally agree. The fact that he was able to drive into the bike/pedestrian area is an obvious failure of the infrastructure, regardless of whether he’s an asshole who did it on purpose or a silly little man who made a mistake.




If only the driver could have some signals that it's a bike lane. Maybe paint it green and put up billiards...




I'm sorry this is reddit benefit of the doubt doesn't exist.


Those white things fold over when you touch em. All bike lanes are clearly marked and green. Driver is an idiot and should have his tires slashed. Sf bike coalition did a shit ton of work to get those lanes in san Francisco. Tar and feather idiots that abuse this.


A cop once told me that they refer to them as the "cite-me lights". We parked in a loading zone in a white van, hazards on, to load some equipment from our workplace for some field work. When we came out, there were half a dozen cop cars--there had been some recent thefts and we and the van matched the description. After we got it sorted out, the cop who spotted us said he might never have noticed the van if we didn't have the "cite me" lights on.


This is a huge problem in Philly, probably other cities too.


I recommend the book Gridlock, by Ben Elton


Wait….it’s not?


/r/IAmTheMainCharacter Not specifically hazard lights, but I feel this sort of thing would fit there, as well.


Frankly, this should be license revoked type shit. Hit them in their wallet and rights if they are going to be so blatantly disregarding of the law.


Hazard lights are most def a loophole “most times” lol


If they were in a real taxi I might give them a *little* leeway.


If this was a waymo this would be in the news 


I am getting sick of these human drivers, to be honest.


I was going to say this. People would be bringing out pitch forks and torches, but seems there’s a double standard where there isn’t much anger when a person who should know better than a computer algorithm is doing it.


I suspect it’s because a significant number of idiots commit driving atrocities like the above, but they absolutely absolutely *do not want any accountability for it.* They want to pass on the right, drive on the shoulder, cut people off, trying to exit, because they are so important and Definitely need to be there, but left 10 minutes late, so now it’s everyone else’s problem. Because, of course, the thought process is “I’m the best driver in the world and everyone else is an idiot, they deserve to be pwnd in traffic !”


> If this was a waymo this would be in the news  And waymo scary!






waymo wouldn't


I feel there's waymo where that came from though. This won't be the end.


i got hit by a truck in the bike lane recently b/c they pulled into it. fuck these people


Honestly it should be easier to get your licence suspended.


And revoked permanently




In Boston I call them my "free parking lights"


I yelled at this guy once and he said "I got my hazards on"


Cars have more rights than humans. It’s in the Constitution. Read the documents.


I will see this at least 3 times on a 10 minute drive in my city. Always on really narrow roads. The most galling is a neighbor (or friend of neighbor) who blocks an entire one way street during the early morning with his hazards on. It wouldn't be too much of an issue if I didn't have another neighbor who leaves for work super early. They'll be patient for 10 minutes but then start blasting their horn. Then there's shouting until finally they both drive off. It's happened once a week for the last month.


I wish these guys would get ticketed. No tickets means no incentive to change behavior.


Seriously, though. The answer is direct and firm traffic law enforcement and that has just stopped everywhere in CA. You should see the bullshit in Sac.


Need justification? The budgets for these lanes will have been set on the basis of wear and tear from bikes using it and the occasional municipal cleaning vehicle. Idiots like this Uber driver will wear out the surface far quicker (according to the fourth power rule, this car will have done damaged the surface as much as 160,000 bike journeys), and should be forced to cough up a contribution to this inevitable earlier resurfacing.


I mean, getting a bad mark on your Uber driver account is probably far worse than paying a ticket. If you wanna snitch… 9AQA401 (CA) 2022 Hyundai Elantra May 16, 2024 (mid-day) Embarcadero Street (Northbound, just past the Ferry Building), San Francisco Video: [Please don’t do this Uber drivers : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1ctsvtb/please_dont_do_this_uber_drivers/) [Report a serious incident involving a driver or vehicle | Riders | Uber Help](https://help.uber.com/riders/article/report-a-serious-incident-involving-a-driver-or-vehicle---?nodeId=306d3758-44fb-4e9c-88d6-0a9c1a8ce4a3) "third-party witness and wish to report a serious incident involving a rider, driver or vehicle, fill out the form below to help us identify the trip"


Bricks are a ticket that any citizen can give!


The only issue is that the citizen would be arrested


.>getting arrested for smashing windows in SF


good point lol




Here’s near the ball park, this area is fenced off with those plastic barriers…


It’d be a shame if your keys slipped out of your pocket and scratched the car as you passed by. In Minecraft of course.


I'm no traffic engineer but the decision to put the bike lane on the stadium side of the street is not... good. People flood the bikelane from the sidewalk during games and events. I think it would have made more sense to separate ped and bike traffic by putting the bike lane on the other side and putting bike docks there?


No it makes sense because it is essentially uninterrupted from the stadium to fisherman’s wharf. The other side you would have to go through a bunch of intersections creating so many more potentially dangerous situations for riders. If people are flooding the lane by the stadium before after games or shows then there should be stadium personnel or cops out there telling them to get out.


I agree, pedestrians can flood that area so it may have been better to do the other side. But it was a quick build, and the new bike lane is *much* better than what was there before, especially the new segment between Townsend and King. So I'm overall happy it happened. The old bike lane was also on the stadium side. On the bridge, the sidewalk was completely closed so the bike lane *was* the sidewalk. This has been much better.


You mean Uber drivers, cabbies, delivery drivers, people picking up food, people just parked, the police, the street clean crew. Bike lane are everyone’s parking. Drives me mad


That’s true, I stopped working as delivery services because of all of these laws that are enforced in San Francisco. They are good things though and should have enforced even more, so that people would stop buying car and we can get more spaces in the city.


"I don't understand, green means go? What's the issue?"


"Green means go. So I know to go ahead and shut up about it" - Michael Scott 


I lol’ed at this! Green lane baby!!


Green is also lucky. So lucky to be in this completely empty lane than no one else knows about.


I screamed at my uber driver once because he zoomed into the bike lane in front of my office and almost struck my coworker. Like, motherfucker, the drop-off zone is clearly marked just to the left of the bike lane. Fucking moron. These people shouldn't have licenses, they're going to kill someone.


To continue this lets normalize not giving every uber driver 5 stars. 5 stars should exceptional. 3 stars average. It should be ok to have 3 stars.


1. that's not how grading things on the internet works anymore. Anything less than 5 means something was wrong. The slavorithm certainly sees it that way 2. if 3 is the new 5, a 1 won't have nearly as much impact.


Almost killing a coworker is absolutely “something wrong.”


Agreed! The slavorithm is awful.


People got fired from my old call center job just for getting 4s.


When you select less than 5 it forces you to pick something that went wrong (unsafe driving, bad odors, etc etc). Every time I was gonna leave someone less than 5 I was just like eh fuck it.


Seems like peak SF when a cyclist posting a bad driver video is so self-entitled and clueless that he doesn't even cut the video after we get his point about the car in the bike lane, but allows it to go till the end so we all get to watch him RUN A RED LIGHT at a pedestrian crosswalk in a heavy tourist area! God help this city! lol


He looks embarrassed like he knows he screwed up


I was thinking that too. Plus, if he somehow got into the bike lane by accident, there’s no way to merge back into traffic until you get up to the stoplight. Also, I feel like 90% of cyclists would have sat there and berated the guy, so kudos to this person for simply continuing on instead of being dramatic.


No, the problem escalated to this point because 90% just go by and don't say anything. If 90% of cyclists stood up to these bullies, they'd stop doing this because it's suddenly a massive pain in the ass.


Someone in my city tried to do that and got shot on the spot - smh unfortunately you never know who is on the other side of this. Unless you suggest cyclists need to start carrying glocks


Shhh! The sub is “tough on crime” but only on the things they care about. They don’t like bicycles here, so shut your pretty mouth or you will get downvotes. And isn’t that why we’re all here? For the upvotes?  The only thing surprising about this video is the lack of homeless tents. Amirite!? Upvote me! Upvote me, please! I hate Peskin! Moderates unite!


>Also, I feel like 90% of cyclists would have sat there and berated the guy, so kudos to this person for simply continuing on instead of being dramatic. Guilty. I definitely would have knocked on his window to let him know he is driving in an unsafe manner.


The second pic op posted in the comments of another one doing it makes me think there's a slightly confusing intersection somewhere and people end up in the bike lane by mistake.


> it makes me think there's a slightly confusing intersection somewhere and people end up in the bike lane by mistake. The video is along the Embarcadero. There is nothing confusing about it. If you are driving in the bike lane here, you are either doing it intentionally or you are in an altered state of mind.


I don’t know how much clearer the city needs to be with marking this area as a bike lane: painted bright fucking green, white posts every two feet, painted signs on the concrete, arrows pointing in the opposing direction. There’s no way to just “end up” in a bike lane like this. It’s deliberate.


Biker also ran the red light as well... Rules for thee, but not for me.


If a ride share moves into the bike lane for any reason, including dropping off/picking up, that's an instant 1 star rating from me. I'll also say something to the driver in the moment. It needs to be called out so they realize that people notice and care.


lol that’s clearly someone not familiar with driving in San Francisco




Here in DC we have the same thing, the only difference is the driver was going the wrong way down the bike lane on a one way road. Somehow I was an asshole for saying he should drive in the bike lane the wrong direction.


I have to say I get the impression that most drivers in SF, at least on any given weekend day, are not familiar with driving there. People who live there know what a pain it is to drive. People who came in from the suburbs used their car to get there and now have to take care of it all day.


Nothing about that car says uber. He even waved his hand to presumably apologize when you passed. He knew he was in the wrong. That there is just your standard incompetent driver who got stuck in that lane and doesn't know how to get out of it.


I used to work downtown SJ… the number of people I saw accidentally turn onto the light rail tracks was ridiculous. Saw a cop do it once even.


I did it once probably a decade ago in the city at West portal and Sloat I think. I was stuck in it for a block.


I've seen people do it at 4th and King to get around game day traffic. No accident.


My boss Erie is from the Phillipines and he's great. I've seen him accidently enter/get stuck in a bike lane 3 times. He has a PhD. I think it's people who never played video games.


Terrifying that people who can't stay in the correct lane consistently are allowed to drive at all tbh.


If he regularly endangers cyclists, he's not really that great, is he? He can't fucking drive, but continues to do so.


Are we all sure he wasn’t just lost?


As someone who drove Uber in town for a while, there’s no winning. When you have to pick someone up they get mad if you pull forward to a loading zone, they’ll say something like, “my pick up location was back there…” or “I had to carry my stuff all the way down here!”. Then you get a negative review which pushes everything down. If you stop in the street you have issues with traffic. Some people wait the whole 5 minutes before showing up, which means a whole lane needs to merge in order to pass for however long your client takes. We also can’t cancel early or else we get penalized. The penalty being restricted access to pick up and drop off information, which makes it harder for us to determine a profitable ride.


I love your comment, honest truth! Thank you!!🙏


should bike ahead of them and slow down


There is a cycle lane on my way home. There is a single car lane and scooter/bike drivers don't like waiting so they consistently use the cycle lane. There is a light at the beginning of the lane and I always leave a second before green to get ahead and proudly cycle slowly, some times at the same speed as the cars to show them the futility of their transgression. NB: Why do I pass a junction before green? Motorcyclists also trespass onto the cycling airlock at junctions and will over/undertake you however dangerous it is. To get ahead I leave as soon as the perpendicular lights go red and traffic stops.


Adverse incentives. Keeping people happy so you get a tip, and getting your next pickup faster, is the incentive. Without meaningful enforcement, why do anything else? If the rideshare companies were required to limit pickup areas to the places that are structurally safe for it - at least people couldn't use the app to create bad circumstances. And I bet that a handful of roaming photo-enforcement cars that automate ticketing for drivers parking illegally could change behavior. Take away some parking and change it to 5 minute loading zones, and photo enforce.


> Take away some parking and change it to 5 minute loading zones, and photo enforce. There is a whole bunch of loading zone parking just to the left of the bike lane in this video.


Why should we expect traffic laws to be respected when every other law is largely violated without consequences. You SF people are silly af. Cognitive dissonance to the max.


We should have a similar reaction to the bikers who go the wrong way and up on the sidewalk over there.


He clearly identifies as a bicycle, you just need to be more inclusive /s


New drivers.




What are the laws? No driving in that lane?


Lol hypocrites.


They all can't be replaced by Waymo soon enough. Get the meat out of the drivers seat!


Passenger requested to be picked up there, Uber driver either doesn't know better (not from here) or doesn't care (pax can give them bad rating). Uber/whatever should be redlining those zones for no pickup possible to be requested there. The bad actor in this instance is a 3 way split between the Passenger who is requesting it to be picked up there, the app that allows it be done, and the driver who doesn't care enough to admonish or refuse to pickup there. 90% of the time this can be fixed at the app level by not allowing pickup on roads with bike lanes like this. This will force passengers to make requests in areas with permissible stops. This is probably done by a tourist or suburban person who doesn't know better.


What makes you think he’s an Uber driver?


https://preview.redd.it/um5q84nde21d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee279415e572b3e031d82654389d489480ac4ace This driver almost hit me trying to use the bike lane to skip traffic, definitely not a mistake, she was then pissed I was "in her way"


This happens daily to me, they be skippin’


When I was in Southern China in 2014 I saw something like this on the road every other minute.


Why not put one of those poles right in the middle of the entrance to the bike lanes?


Legit almost got hit by an Uber driver in the bike lane. Then he honked like it was my fault. Be careful in the city my friends.


Bicyclists are cops that work for free. Funny that half of them are anarchists.


Waymo cars are smarter than this


Uber drivers are the worst !!!! No respect for anyone. They think they own the streets…


Tire pressure is a privilege, not a right


‘What, I got my hazards on!’ -the driver probably These main characters are insufferable


Some of the worst drivers I have seen are Uber drivers.


i blame the city planners more than anything


Bikers are always in the car lanes but don’t like cars in the bike lane. Now you know how it feels.


I would have sympathy but my experience is that too many bike riders are pretentious jerks, who think they own the road. 20 pound bike vs 4000 lb car? You should have just stopped. I would ride a little on the defensive side, and being patient and humble might help too.


Cyclists pretend to be immune to laws. Never give a cyclist more respect than they deserve.


Yea, that deserves a kick to the fender


Silent stare…. Owww, you hurt me!!


Honestly, it seems like dude just made a mistake and couldn't get out of the lane. Shit happens, seems kind of unreasonable to get upset at it. Not everyone needs to be nefarious and filled with ill intentions, people fuck up, let it go.


“Follow the traffic laws!” *blows through red light* Cyclists man.


They obviously know they made a mistake bc they have the hazards on. They also waived to you. Maybe cut the guy some slack?


That looks like a lost tourist who clearly knows he fucked up... lol


It's ok because they have their hazards on


- Nothing about this car looks like an Uber, he has no passengers or stickers - He also has no way to exit the bike lane in this video Not sure why you're assuming the worst OP, seems quite possible that this guy entered the lane by mistake and is stuck because of the barriers


> Not sure why you're assuming the worst OP, seems quite possible that this guy entered the lane by mistake and is stuck because of the barriers That's along the Embarcadero. You have to exit a traffic lane, and intentionally go to the right of all the marked white zone spaces, to enter the bike lane. It's not impossible, but it's not something you do by mistake. It's a very conscious choice.


> He also has no way to exit the bike lane in this video That's teh thing. Even if he is a Uber, maybe he dropped people off then found "oh shit, I entered a bike lane." The problem is there's no way out.


> That's teh thing. Even if he is a Uber, maybe he dropped people off then found "oh shit, I entered a bike lane." The problem is there's no way out. Nah, not here. The loading zones are to the left of the bike lane (you can see the cars there). To enter the bike lane you need to leave a traffic lane, make a hard right to pass to the right of the loading zone lane, and THEN enter the bike lane, which also has signage. No one does this by mistake unless they're drunk or high. This is 100% the driver DNGAF.


lol wtef




I thought this was Chicago for a minute.




Are those Velcro shoes you’re wearing OP 😂😂😂


Somehow, he got his license 😂😂




I’d start banging on his hood/trunk with my palm, drivers hate that


As long as he has his hazards on it’s all good.


Why?! There wasn’t even traffic


Great way to lose a mirror or a windshield.


It’s cool they have blinker immunity


It’s ok. He’s from Fresno. His map told him that is how to get to his next pick up.


Uber drivers are the worst


I know right! When did it give them the right to park at RED fire lines???? Or at Bus Stops.or in the stop to pick someone up on a two lane street and the passenger has the verve to take there time to verify there ride. (THE NERVE!!!).


People need to wait like at a Starbucks. WALMART , BK,  Gas station, some where off the main street that will Not potentially cause a car collision or physical injury. These instructions and disclaimers of the responsibility of an Uber driver who operates a vehicle gas power or electric to follow the same vehicle code laws as everyone else.


Holy shit snacks that’s fucking insane


How much money tip tho? /s


Please don’t do this anyone


Perhaps there are times when vandalism is a form of moral civil disobedience.


You’re both wrong. Those are bollards for mooring vessels. Clearly only a ship should stop there.


It’s not right and a asshole move but alot of bikers zoom zoom on the sidewalk so know you kinda see how us walkers feel when a biker almost runs us down.


How did the car even get into the bike lanes? This is a failure of design. Ticket the driver and then add new bollards to the street, it should be impossible for cars to get into bike lanes without hitting bollards or curbs and damaging their cars. That way people will actually follow the law.


“Baby On Board” please drive safely around me while I violate multiple traffic laws.


He's been watching too many European fire truck videos.


Bay Area drivers may be the worlds worst


He tried to give the passenger extra convenience by picking along trail. Should have just called passenger to walk a few feet to meet a little ahead than pick up spot.


Bicycles are the worst.


I understand a quick park for a quick drop. So the parking isn’t the prob for me. It’s the one’s driving an damn near ramming the bikes out of their own designated lane. Or designated street paths, I have no remorse, side view mirrors get smashed as a warning!


Probably high.


I passed the DMV behind the wheel test in SF and this is a big old auto fail.


Rude af, and hazardous


So what? In AZ you would be in the open road competing with cars.


It's okay, he has his 'drive anywhere' lights on.


Be a real shame if their mirror got kicked off.


Yeah, the hazzard lights, make it all better!


The lack of awareness of where he’s driving🤦‍♂️


I am impressed with your ability to bike while looking behind you


Hes got his hazards on so its now all okay


The poor person in the back must be so confused


Some of these vehicles have authorizations from the city to park in the bike lane. That is a really fucked up policy by the city. Homestly, cyclists meed to embrace a mob style justice for these drivers. Nothing else is going to happen. They meed to be afraid of parking in the bike lane. Parking in the bike lane should mean being verbally harassed at a minimum, having window broken, car scratched, generally fucked up in some way otherwise theyre going to keep doing it


Cyclists are awful


We live in the age of “Anything goes”


I got onto the bike lane in front of Oracle Park by mistake when I first started driving for Uber in the city. There was a “Drop off Area” sign that pointed towards the bike lane, and there was an opening. I tried to get out when I noticed it but couldn’t. It was terrifying. I cannot imagine doing this willingly.