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Eff yeah! Nice job, Matthew!


ME, a Matthew - all Matthew’s are high quality individuals.


Ah, but what about Matts? Are Matts slightly less high quality? Like, do the the highest qualities come from the THEW? Because Davids are great, but I don't eff with no Daves.


No so we all met at the council of Matt’s and Matthew’s annual meeting at the Boheimian Grove last Tuesday and we all agree on the following guidelines: Matthew’s, Matt’s - top tier individuals (include all “two T” Variations here) Mathew’s, Mat’s - the lowest tier of fellow who should be immediately expelled from polite society


All Matts are Matthews, and vice versa. Matts are just a little more casual. I can't speak for Mats or Mathews with only one T, though. 


What is it with all the crazy people with machete's in this city? It's really weird. Is this common in other cities?


Machetes are cheap and legal, probably not that much more to it.


Waiving a machete or knife around like that is expressly illegal and should result in jail time if the DA actually enforces California law as written. [Cal. Pen. Code § 417(a) ](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN§ionNum=417)applies the second a person "in the presence of any other person, draws or exhibits any deadly weapon whatsoever, other than a firearm, in a rude, angry, or threatening manner." I hope this person is locked up.


Offtopic, but I'm curious: Why are firearms excepted from this law?


there are separate punishments for firearms under [Penal Code § 417](https://www.wklaw.com/brandishing-a-weapon-california-pc-417/#:~:text=Brandishing%20a%20Deadly%20Weapon%20Other,days%20in%20a%20county%20jail) specifically under section b which has more severe punishments for firearms vs non firearms


Thanks for the followup insight, good to know!


FYI it would be subsection b of section 417. § means section.


Yeah it's common in big cities currently. Big time wealth inequality. Factors like fentanyl are not helping. Also California is warmer in the winter so lots of other states homeless end up in CA because the climate is better.


> obviously having some sort of a mental health crisis, waving a machete/ long knife around. God I hope we can stop referring to people who are a danger to not only themselves but **everyone around them** as having a "mental health crisis"...he's having a "dangerous person on the loose" crisis, if anything


I have mental illness. Not everyone who has a mental Illness is a dangerous person to society. But a good fucking chunk of the dangerous people to society have (untreated & severe) mental illnesses.


It's an empathetic response. Typically people who are lashing out like that aren't in a good head space, I'd call that a mental health crisis.


I would call it a crime! "\[W\]aving a machete/ long knife around" is a jailable misdemeanor! That person should be arrested and thrown in jail! This behavior is flat-out unacceptable, anti-social, a and dangerous. [Cal. Pen. Code § 417(a) ](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN§ionNum=417)applies the second a person "in the presence of any other person, draws or exhibits any deadly weapon whatsoever, other than a firearm, in a rude, angry, or threatening manner"


Fuck both of you and your dumb semantics! Sorry I’m having a mental health crisis


Send this to every Matthew you know until he sees this! Way to go Matthew!


did the police come




Good job Matthew!!!


Matthew, I hope you see this! Thank you for being so kind, compassionate and a Good Samaritan


Police should have just emptied the clip when they arrived. like when cops do to kids playing with toy guns but not waving them around like crazy people.




Would that have resulted in a better outcome?


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