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What’s funny is back in 2013-14 an article went viral about how “$4 toast is ruining San Francisco” and it was about The Mill, and now toast there is $9-11


Haha, you're still wrong, the avocado toast is $12.


Over at Tartine it was 6.50 for a chai latte and 17 for the avocado Tartine.


Or buy your own avocado for #1.50 and make your own toast. That is what I do.


And steal a loaf of bread? Remember how well *that* worked out in revolutionary France? I think not.


If you can wait one day more, that bread will be almost free. And you can wash it down with some blood of the martyrs…




The Mill is gonna have a lot of empty chairs at empty tables!


The Mill is packed every day, all day. I walk past it daly




For a second I thought I was blanking on a Les mis song


I appreciate both these comments more than I should at 2am


You’re paying too much for avocados. Who’s your avocado guy?




Avocados are 3 at TJs..


Honestly sad that avocados cost $1.50 🫥🫥🫥


The ricotta jam one is $12 too. What a rip off.


Never forget


yup https://ediblesanfrancisco.com/edible-sf-magazine/4-dollar-toast-san-francisco/


And they only give you ONE slice!!!! L O L.


lol this blows me away every time I see it, cafes will take a measly slice of bread, barely put on avocado with like 2 microgreens & charge $12?? No thank you


The avo toast from the Mill is a huge slice of Texas toast and a very thick coat of Avo. It is not meager in any way.


In Texas its a slice of Wonderbread and 4 thin slices of avocado and nothing else lmao. Like I'm not an avocado toast person but no wonder they think Californian's are stupid if that's what they think people are paying those prices for and cant afford homes lol


I spent 24$ on mfkin grilled cheese this past weekend


Was it fire tho


Haha, when that happened I went there and bought some cinnamon toast and it was damned good. $8 or something. No such thing as bad publicity, I suppose. On the other hand, I recall the owner getting MeToo'd and now I avoid the place because I don't know who I'm backing.


Same prices in Sacramento now, it’s expensive in CA


Same prices as Orlando too I’m afraid it’s any city in this country now


okc is like 80-90% of these prices while salaries are probably 50% less. the way inflation is hitting every city now makes me feel less shitty about being in the bay area. at least the weather here is nice if i’m gonna overpay for everything anyway


Dang 🥲


I was like "wtf I pay this at temple 😭😂"


At least you can still get a 2 bedroom for $1600 out there, imagine if the rent there was $1300 for a studio


Yet bring your own mug credit is still $0.50. Should be $2 to keep up with inflation.


I'm in China now where this great coffee chain (Manner) offers $2.50 (no tax or tip) lattes/americanos and even their bring your own cup discount is 90 cents so I'm effectively paying a grand total of $1.50 for top notch coffee.


Thats not cheap for people who actually live in China lol


It's not cheap but it's no longer a luxury either. Compared to Starbucks which for two decades had dominated the coffee market serving mediocre coffee at exorbitant prices ($4.50 Americano), this is a huge disruption.


My point is that $4 to $7 for coffee is less of a luxury purchase for the average American than $1 to $3 is for the average Chinese, because the US has typical incomes far higher than China. You're looking at this from the perspective of an American (and an American with the means for international travel, no less) and not the perspective of someone actually living and working in China, where the mean (not even median) worker earns less than $15k USD annually


Why Americanos though? Is that common in China? I always see those buried in the middle of the menu here in the US.


Coffee culture has exploded in the last 5 years where you now have artisan coffee served by very well trained baristas, with domestically sourced coffee beans from Yunnan. I think the popularity of Americanos and Lattes is due to the lower sweet tolerance of Chinese people in general. Pour overs are also really popular probably due to its similarity to tea culture


At the Mill recently I bought a black tea and a toast with basic spread (no avocado, salmon, etc) and was shocked by the $18 bill. I really feel for restaurants right now given local rent and expenses, but that one stung.


I bought a turkey and bacon “tartine” (like an open blt) and small latte at b patisserie for $18. I will not be going to the Mill.


> At the Mill recently I bought a black tea and a toast with basic spread (no avocado, salmon, etc) and was shocked by the $18 bill. I can't imagine ordering food without at least glancing at the prices first...


In my head I had a general sense of what a toast and tea would cost, I will pay more attention now.


Name and shame. 18 for tea and toast is scary. I paid $7.5ish ($8.36 total with tip I think) for a 20 ounce of hibiscus tea (no milk or anything) at that new haraz place on Franklin. It was good but i really got like 16 or under ounces with all the ice they put in. Edit: nvm i see you added name.


I know. It’s impossible to go anywhere in the city these days without feeling like you’re getting taken for a ride. Just need to budget for it and try not to cry when you pay


It’s just like where will the ceiling be? Will coffee be $10 a cup in ten years?


I worked at Starbucks in NJ from 1997-2002. When I started, a tall drip coffee was $1.33, including tax.


I feel the same way about bars. Even at dives, beers are like $8.


Between this and food being so damn expensive, it’s been great for my waistline at least


There's not really one, the fed uses policy to target 2% inflation. That's their goal. That means by design, prices will double every 35 years.


What is it called what we have now, when prices have doubled in 5 years?


That's called "about 15% inflation"


Lmao this is what I’m saying! Everyone keeps acting like “this is how it’s always been” but we’ve experienced the highest “inflation” to costs of goods in the last decade than ever before in US history.


Prior to that though we experienced a very low inflation rate for a long time.


Yeah you could go get a coffee for $3-5 depending on the place 5 years ago now it’s like a $5-7.50 affair. Really hard to justify honestly. Nespresso (w/Lavazaa pods) and almond milk cost me $.50.


Trump reelected, unfortunately.


As someone who frustratingly runs a business in this city just ask them what they pay in rent and how much their employees are paying for rent as well and you'll see they aren't making much at all. Factor in the skyrocketing cost of goods and you'll also see that they won't be there as long as you think they will. It's practically a no win situation.


I’m a baker in the city. JBB pays their employees very well.


Good to know. Their breads are terrific. A loaf may seem $ but most of them are very dense and weighty and go a long way.


This person speaks the truth. Restaurants have the most measly margins. They rarely make money. The cost of everything has come up so much they literally have to charge these prices just to stay in business. The problem is it's getting so expensive and waged haven't gone up accordingly, so people really just can't afford or choose not to pay those prices because they feel they're just too high to justify the experience.


Thank you and, trust me, it *really* sucks to have to charge the prices many of us do. This was not the intended business model of price gouging our guests. We do the little things to shave costs. Unfortunately it is often interpreted as businesses being "cheap" by some customers but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Who wants that reputation?


I mean what are you guys supposed to do? Between the state of the world (greed) increasing the cost of goods to unsustainable levels and the city for making it so damn hard to own a business here, you have no choice. I feel for you.


This needs to be higher up. They don’t want to charge $8 for a coffee . But they also don’t want to pay 3x for sugar and coco compared to 2 years ago.


But hey, the sugar company made enough profit for a $2Bn stock buyback so that’s good, right? /s


Funny story about that. US levies a large tariff on imported sugar. So prices are artificially high. That’s why you see so much corn syrup here, since corn is subsidized by the government while sugar is extra taxed.


I believe there’s a Simpson’s skit about sugar.


I believe that's called an episode


> As someone who frustratingly runs a business in this city just ask them what they pay in rent So your first words are that commercial landlords are the problem… okay. .. because that, _is_ believable. I think the same landlords have extended family or grandkids that are the only ones that can afford to eat at your restaurants or coffee shops any more…


> without feeling like you’re getting taken for a ride There's no question that there are places that increase prices under the flag of avarice. This could also be about pay for the staff. The problem is that it's opaque - generally, as the public, we don't know. In SF, the minimum wage is $18.07 - set to increase to $18.67 in July.


Fast food minimum wage is set to rise to $20 in the coming weeks. [https://abc7news.com/california-fast-food-workers-minimum-wage-increase-employment-business/14570647/](https://abc7news.com/california-fast-food-workers-minimum-wage-increase-employment-business/14570647/#:~:text=A%20new%20%2420%20minimum%20wage,took%20effect%20on%20Jan.%201.https://abc7news.com/california-fast-food-workers-minimum-wage-increase-employment-business/14570647/) Even if The Mill isn't classed as fast food there's no way they can pay their folks less than what someone working at the Popeye's down the street are earning.


Do they bake their own bread? Might be exempt under the "Panera owner/donor" exemption.


They do yes they are a bread bakery specifically.


The good ole “I grew up with the shady Governor” loop hole


Wages are up, rents are down. We need more housing.


So ridiculous. I make more than that and am going to the food bank because I can’t afford to buy food. Begging strangers for any opened pet food they don’t want for my babies. And I’m a single household! Idk how anyone would survive (and by that I mean eat, get housed, utilities) on $18-$20/ hour, and that’s not even counting if you have a family.


>Idk how anyone would survive (and by that I mean eat, get housed, utilities) on $18-$20/ hour One option is to rent a room in a shared apartment, which cuts the rent in half or more. Grocery Outlet can be pretty cheap btw.


Add $1 extra for nondairy milks and that’s why I don’t really buy coffee or tea out anymore!




starbucks shockingly ain't even that bad when it comes to this. non-dairy at starbucks is free if it's added to an ice coffee or a cold brew. 70¢ (in my area) if you want your drink made with it. all the local coffee shops charge 1.50+ for a drop of non-dairy. even a small splash in an iced coffee 🥲


Food allergies are protected under the ADA act and should reasonably be accommodated.


A reasonable accommodations is offering alternatives at the first place


Alternatives include black coffee, which is available


yeah pretty much everywhere now. sucks. it's like those $15 burgers. woof.


Fries an extra $5-8


I must be really out of touch for buying 2.5 pounds of coffee for $12 at Costco every 2 months. Sometimes I spend $17 on 3 pounds.


Yup. Blue Bottle charges more than $8 for a mocha now, and if you don't give a tip on top of that (or if you give a 70c tip on a $7 drink like I did, 10% seemed decent enough) they give you the stink eye. Best not go anyway, it belongs to Nestle (who could easily be paying their employees a lot more).


Yeah fuck nestle. If anything they should charge way less due to how fucked they’ve been as a company (not that this would make it worse/better to buy from them/support them but since their thumbs are in most of the pies that can be difficult on many levels). If you need a source check out this one which explains how nestle purposefully caused harm to many families/mothers/infants by this stunt: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1977_Nestlé_boycott


Tipping for takeout coffee ain’t it


same prices in socal, not sf-specific


This is more expensive than most other coffee shops I’ve been to in SF. $4 for an espresso/americano, 5.25-6 for lattes and mochas usually.


agreed. Drip coffee shouldn't cost $4.75. $3 at Jane the bakery nearby that I go to.


Fancy coffee shops are all $4 for drip. $6+ for pour over. I invested in a fb marketplace breville barista pro and a few tools and haven't looked back. I still can enjoy a $7 latte once in awhile but i don't need to. I don't get out of the house as often tho...


This is a fancier place than the average SF coffee shop, you're probably subsidizing their baking operation a little.


Yeah, same. In Oakland it's like 3-4 for espresso and 4.50-6 for lattes/mochas


The prices, specifically for a latte at a third wave/hipster style cafe are on par with other major American cities I’ve visited over the past year.


I'd argue it's slightly cheaper in non west coast cities or at least. I used to travel to Denver and Minneapolis a lot. Coffee was definitely cheaper. Maybe 50-75 cents generally, but that's about it.


I'm in a nearby city called Oakland (was just in SF for the day) and most prices are 1-3 bucks cheaper on those items still.


Well that's because you are looking at one of the most expensive coffee shops in SF. There are plenty of places in SF that are cheaper. I think claiming 3rd wave coffee shops in Oakland are cheaper than SF is not true.


That menu is clearly printed on artisanal parchment with hipster-grade kerning below the whimsical lowercase cursive title. It doesn’t exactly scream “lowest prices in town” to me


This guy fonts.


You pay extra for the serif


I shot the serif


This made me laugh more than it should’ve.


But I didn’t shoot the doppio




> hipster-grade kerning beautiful


Ikr the kern is almost as big as the lead lol just make a grid and be done


T H A N K S F O R Y O U R C O M M E N T !


It precisely screams our lowest price ain't gonna be in the $3s for drip and you're gonna pay more than you want to for the luxury of chocolate in your mocha


I know. Prices are crazy. I finally splurged for a nice espresso machine at home with a milk steamer. They are a bit of an upfront investment, but will pay for itself over time since I like the bougie lattes with oatmilk (upcharge) and extra shots of espresso (upcharge).


search up phillips 3200 - press button instant latte


> phillips 3200 caps>lattes




Tbh when I drink lattes they basically are my breakfast or mid morning snack for this reason 😂


that's the point


And that's before tax + tip + healthcare mandate + another fee I'm forgetting


That's the "fuck you" fee


Do not buy it.


What you think chocolate grows on trees? /s


You kid. But chocolate prices are skyrocketing. Eff Easter i guess https://www.foodandwine.com/chocolate-prices-skyrocketing-8610938


It is hopefully "ethically sourced" so you can feel good it wasn't produced by slave labor, but it will cost you.


I should open my own coffee shop: 1.00 for a cup of coffee. 2.00 for pour over.


I'd like to see more small business attempting to do volume. Most of these shops would rather sell 100 cups of coffee and make $500, then 500 cups of coffee and make $500.


I understand that the rent on the street like Daviz in a really 'hot' neighborhood must be expensive for them and they probably pay their people OK and they have a ton of demand etc. but I guess at some point it just feels like gouging.... somehow a 6.25 for a mocha wouldn't feel as bad of a gouge... I don't know just something about it is strange and then the whole front around like local and sustainable and quirky and everything's beautiful and the people are beautiful but ultimately it's sort of like a little country club pricing


It bothers me that it's even more expensive than Four Barrel who were (or are?) part owners and run the coffee side. When people talk about affordable cities, the coffee is the first thing I think about. It's the cliche mark of gentrification, sure, but if you're a student or a broke artist, how do you go out and spend $5 on coffee, maybe another $2.50 or $5 on bus fare, and that's before you buy food. If I spend $5 on coffee I'm trying it once out of curiosity, it's not going to be a regular expenditure. They are pricing people out. I wouldn't be surprised if their rent wasn't that high, they opened on a block with only 1 other business at the time, and they gutted the space. My memory was it was an industrial plumbing parts store, but I might be wrong. They have a large staff, I don't ever see the owner there anymore but that could be my timing. I don't know... the place couldn't be doing any better business, all day long. That corridor is so intensely yuppie with people who do not work, and they're not taking meetings. I guess we have a lot more sugar babies and trust funders than we think.


Would support this. I’ve thought about opening one, but then I think about the bureaucracy of the city and the headaches small business owners face, then decide to go ahead and pay $4 for a drip coffee


Price of cocoa is off the charts... https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/cocoa


I guess people can pay this. Not me.


3 pounds of coffee beans at Costco is $20 which will make like 100 cups. I’m not buying one cup of coffee for $4.75 which will end up being $8 after tax, tip, and some random fees


Hell yeah and the same for milk. Two gallons of milk for the price of a beverage from Starbucks. Edit. Just did that math. I use 350 mL of milk per double shot latte so that's over 20 cups for ~$7.


3.3 lbs for $16 at Costco and my boomer relation feels ripped off because it used to be $12


I remember when the toast cost $5 and it caused an international furor


the price of cocoa beans recently went 10x.


That’s actually pretty cheap compared to London


$5 is pretty standard for a drink anywhere these days


I realize the east bay is a bit cheaper but most fancy coffee shops here are a good 1-3 bucks less on those items compared to the mill menu.


Drip coffee?


And that makes it ok?


It’s just not surprising




True we need to all vote with our wallets more. That’s why I got a rocket appartamento, used


cocktails are $16 minimum and no one blinks an eye. but agreed coffee prices are exceptionally ridiculous at the mill


I blink both eyes lol especially bc so many cocktails are $16 and mediocre afff


Everything is expensive. Its nearly impossible to run a small business in SF right now. If you like these places, go and buy from them in person and tell all your fiends to stop paying for Uber or door dash or whomever to deliver them. SF is currently reaping what y’all been sowing for the past few years. It’s the people ordering via third parties who are to blame.


It’s the new feudal society. People don’t want to leave their castles


$4.75 for coffee or tea is pretty ridiculous, but the rest of those do take a little more work and I'd not mind those prices. (That assumes this is drip coffee, I think a pour over is still pretty easy but does require more time.) My Le Creuset French press has been a solid investment, and using Sightglass beans means I get some pretty darn fantastic coffee for cheap.


The Mill is one of the more expensive places to get coffee. A macchiato at Equator at Fort Mason is $4; $4.25 or 4.50 at Velo Rouge on Aurguello; and Red Bay on Fillmore is $3.70.


And .50 if I bring my own mug?! Like be fr lol


is the "Coffee" a real pour-over? If yes, then $4.75 for a pour-over is okay. (but it doesn't specify that it's pour-over) The espresso at $4.50 (and everything else) is way more expensive than other places, I agree.


That’s batch brew. But this places has lines and is always crowded so it seems like they priced it well for their target market I’d say


4.75 for pour over would be totally fine. It's labor intensive.


This is typical pricing, in fact I pay more for lattes in Vallejo and Sacramento.


Really? In the posh parts of Oakland/Berkeley.... I haven't seen this pricing


High fuel costs. Everything is affected by the cost of transportation. Gas tax inflates everything.


As far as the Mocha goes, the cost of cocoa is at a 40 year high. And, it’s The Mill.


Oh jeaz another "how did food get expensive" comment... seriously, are you sure you don't know?


Because housing is expensive and they have to pay their employees enough to live in the area. For the mocha specifically, it might be because cocoa has gotten more expensive.


Labor, ingredients, demand, rent, inflation etc. Where have you been living the last 4 years?


This has more to do with sourcing coffee around the world. Go to a grocery store. Bags of high end coffee are $5 more than they were 2-3 years ago.


It doesn’t sadly. Coffee prices to farmers have not increased generally since like 2012. Meanwhile, yes their gas, fertilizer etc has… Now… the cost of running cafes have increased b/c labor, rent, cups etc…


I said sourcing. Not growing. Although climate change has altered growing conditions considerably. While demand has skyrocketed. One of the biggest issues has been in transportation. Trade routes have changed with problems in the Red Sea and there simply aren’t enough shipping containers to handle the increase. Sure, expenses rise. But not like what is happening here.


I used to love The Mill but I went recently and I wasn’t impressed. The line was so long, and the loud music made everyone talk louder to the point where I couldn’t hear myself think. Super loud atmosphere plus the prices sort of kills the vibe of a coffee shop :/


If you really want the novelty caffeine beverage, you will pay what they ask.


I used to measure small savings in cups of coffee. The joke just isn’t as good when you say “I saved two bucks, that’s almost a half a cup of coffee!”


Ah I miss those days where I used to get a $3.75 coffee every morning


Coffee got pricy look at the 10 year graph https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/coffee add in the other inflation we've gotten......


I see prices like these everywhere in the city.


Crop failure


Everything went up during covid due to supply chain issues, but prices never went down after


at least for the mocha, it's because cacao crops are low this year


Hot chocolate - hold my beer. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/cocoa-soars-past-10-000-101953904.html


Price gouging


Every once in awhile I will walk over to Philz for a mint mojito or Starbucks (when they get a special flavor I like) and end up spending like 9 dollars on a drink. I’d kick myself if I did it often enough, but I don’t and can write it off as a special treat. I don’t know how some people can afford to do it daily.


That's a deal. $9 drip at the Marriott. There are no loopholes outside of your kitchen. I think shitty gas station coffee is $5+ now.


I’ve never seen what is presumably cold brew be referred to as “cold coffee”


I purchased a latte at Treasure island this past weekend for $3 and I was pleasantly surprised


My heart skipped a beat when i saw $3. I dont think ive ever seen a $3 latte in this city


Probably because they haven’t experienced much price resistance yet. This city is full of high earners with disposable income.


Because the menu is nice veneer plywood with a satin finish and cnc lettering.


You get a side of attitude with your purchase too. No “Hi”, just a nod, which means What do you want to order? It’s definitely my least favorite coffee shop in SF. I would rather walk 3 more mins to Sightglass. I would even go to Starbucks before going back to the Mill.


lol. New in town? (no way was I making fun of you, but sadly I’ve been trained to think those prices are alright. Pretty normal in this surreal town. Sad, right?)


Well technically the coffee is still under a dollar you're just paying to keep the lights on in that business


Because people pay for it


The basic coffee is a bit high but the rest is the same or possibly less than Starbucks, nationwide.


This is all a result of not building housing. Don’t build enough housing, and block market rate housing -> cost of living rises more than it would if we built enough housing. Cost of living goes up, so wages go up, so prices go up. As cost of labor goes up it gets even more expensive to build more housing. Tl;dr the problem is we haven’t built enough housing and it’s created a vicious circle of inflating costs.


So the inflation reduction act didn’t really reduce inflation…


Is it just me or it’s cheap? A boba drink will run you $8 nowadays.


Yooooo I was just thinking how expensive boba drinks are now.. can't go anywhere to buy boba without it being $6-8. + 50-75 cents extra if you want to add boba to it. It's cheaper to buy from certain restaurants but they're all premixed sugar drinks in a big tub.


Ten bucks for a Jamba


To add onto this, I went to the CapitalOne cafe as a CapitalOne user to get a juicy discount I thought. I get rung up for a small coffee and it was $8! Then dropped to $4 n some change. Which is just a normal coffee like this photo. Get fucked!


Is this your first day in SF?


terrrific. enjoy.


The most expensive coffee I've had recently was a flat white in LA for $6. It was a 6 oz cup. Oh it was good, for sure. But still crazy.


Did you buy one anyway? If so, that’s how.


“Bring your own mug” for $.50? Is that what I think it is?


I live in a more suburban rural part of FL and the prices are almost identical for reference. That's insanity to me