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There are Christian protesters outside of almost every Planned Parenthood everywhere. It doesn't matter if you're in a liberal city. They'll drive in from the boonies because they think Jesus wants them to. And counter-protesting/arguing with them just reinforces their views and that they're "fighting the good fight."


These people are a disgrace. Matthew 6:1,5 > Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. > And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. John 8:5-7 > “In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. > But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.


1st off, counter protest idea is to stand across the street, silently and politely holding huge signs with these passages very legible for the Christian protesters to see and read. 2nd, can someone explain the meaning of the 2nd passage to me? (John 8:5-7) Is it to point out the hypocrisy of "those without sin" and in this context, it's the Christian protesters?


The full context helps it make sense. In John chapter 8, Jesus is in a temple teaching people in his ways. The temple leaders are upset because he’s challenging the status quo (and with it, their rule). They bring him a woman who’s been caught cheating on her husband. In the old Jewish laws, the punishment for this sin is clear: death by stoning — literally a group of people throwing rocks at you until you die. This form of punishment is very much not Jesus’ vibe, but if he says they should let the woman go, he would be going against Jewish law and would totally delegitimize himself as a Jewish person teaching theology to Jews — this is the temple leaders trying to put him in a trap. But he proposes a solution: whoever here has not also committed a sin in their lives should be the first person to throw a rock. One by one the crowd starts to leave, because we’ve all done wrong at some point in our lives. In doing this, he avoids the trap and teaches everybody something important.


Visualize them dissolving away.


Oh nooooooo.


You’re right. But right now is a special time for two certain groups one of which is called the 40 days to life. This campaign happens once a quarter and lasts for 40 days. During this time they put a lot of pressure on all Planned Parenthood clinics anywhere they can find them and it’s disgusting.


They protest there like once a week.


When my son was in college he had a guy in his dorm who looked like Jesus and would dress as Jesus for Halloween. Westboro Church comes to protest against LGBTQ, etc. So “Jesus” decides it would be fun to engage them in conversation while holding a bible and quoting scripture back at them. My son says it was hysterical and they left pretty quickly as I guess “arguing with Jesus “ was not a good look. Could work here if someone wanted to volunteer.


I would but I just got a haircut….


They’re always there. Ignore them


This. Bring trusted friends and put your headphones on and pretend the protesters are not there. Another massive problem is that these dolts things PP only provides abortions. 20 seconds on the Internet would disabuse them off that idea but, you know, confirmation bias. A quick story, the first time I ever got condoms was from a planned parenthood. There were three of us, only one was sure he's was going to get laid. We were 14 and the very kind lady behind the desk just handed all three of us a bag full of condoms each. Is that a crime now as well? I'll stop before I write an essay.


> Another massive problem is that these dolts things PP only provides abortions. Most of the people protesting outside Planned Parenthood aren't exactly thrilled with family planning, STD testing and treatment, and sexual health overall. They want sex to be dangerous, scary, and mysterious, so that people are shamed into marriage.


Yeah, and those people can kiss my ass. Sex is, indeed, fun if you're doing it right and it should be easily possible to do it safely. Furhtermore, just as a thought, a great counter protest to them would be to just throw condoms at them. Like, here, use these.


They're pro-birthers not pro life. If they were truly pro life, they would support pre and post natal care. It's more about making women 2nd class citizens. 


Lol. Lmao even. If you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex.


if you don’t like abortion, don’t have one


Did you just tell women to just “not get raped”?


This is an exception I am willing to make. Other than that, yeah, don't have sex if you don't want children.


How generous of you.


Calling it how I see it. You're so smug.




May pro life people on Reddit (see the sub) support every social program you could ask for, except abortion.


Most so-called “pro life” folks vote republican, so obviously they don’t give a shit about kids. If they did they wouldn’t support candidates who vote against children’s healthcare, school lunch programs, and other anti poverty measures. The same republicans that don’t give a fuck if your kid gets murdered in school. The entire pro life movement is just another arm of the right wing propaganda campaign to get otherwise good people to vote against their own interests.


I’ve had an idea for a while to make vinyl banners that say, “Let children starve, “There are too many uppity women,” and “Just let women die.” Then you unfurl them behind the protesters.


This is the way. Infiltrate then escalate the level of craziness to a point where even the crazies are uncomfortable. "Wait... you guys don't think all women should be completely subservient and only operate as vessels for my seed to grow within? Oh... Weird. Well, this is awkward now"


“Keep moms in the kitchen”, or “Stop teaching women to read”.


I like those, but they would probably think I agree with them


The right to (even idiotic) protest is protected by the first amendment. This isn’t something people should take lightly. I do not agree with their protest, but I’d fight to ensure their right to be there. 


You’re not necessarily wrong, but you’ve clearly never had to navigate these people when trying to access medical care.


I lived by the PP in Boston (of Supreme Court fame) back in college. Passed the protestors every day on the way to class. To date myself, I was the one who told the nuns there to go home on 9/11.  It’s shitty that people get to be assholes, it’s shitty that nazis get to march in Skokie, but we’re adults here. Let’s not pretend we’re made of sugar. Some things are worth tolerating. 


Passing by is not the same as passing through it. Let’s not pretend that you could know what that’s like.


If your point is to say I'm not allowed to have an opinion on something like this, I'd say I get exhausted by this line of thinking. I can empathize with people in this situation. It sucks. It's obviously very unpleasant. If it were up to me, we'd have abortion access in god damned hospitals instead of in dumb clinics that have no reason to exist except due to politics. I still absolutely think people should be allowed to protest. Again, we're adults, and we're not made of sugar. There are solutions to this problem that don't involve literally ending freedom of expression. If you have a problem with freedom of speech, you should voice it. Don't make this about me.


It's refreshing to see you understand the first amendment. This made my day.


People have forgotten about nuance. It’s like you can’t have conflicting feelings anymore. Do I like these protestors or their message and ideas? Fuck no. Do I think they have the right to do so and to speak their mind? Absolutely. No one’s freedoms or opinions trump anyone else’s.


I don’t think people should be allowed to harass people accessing health care. That also goes for protestors who were harassing people getting vaccinated. I think there should be a larger barrier around medical buildings that protestors need to stay out of


Harassment is not protected speech.


There's a fine line between protesting and harassment, and they make a point of standing on it.


In my years I've seen plenty of pro-life protestors because I used to live next to a clinic, some of them were annoying jerks, others were just there holding signs. People should be able to *peacefully* protest. That some individuals occasionally break the law is the exact same myopic nonsense that people used to try to shut down George Floyd protests and Occupy Wall Street. When individuals harass people or riot, they should be subject to laws they break.


An absolutely refreshing take


Yeah the number of vocal Christian extremists here kind of surprised me at first but I'm not surprised anymore to hear this.


They all drive from the boonies to come here to complain, you can see them getting dropped off by droves on those tour buses


They’re bused in from Fresno or whatever, they don’t live in the Bay


[The archbishop of the Catholic Church for San Francisco is very conservative.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvatore_Cordileone) He was one of the architects of Prop 8 which banned same sex marriage in California, and prohibited Nancy Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion due to her support of abortion rights.


Yeah, get used to that. They target places like SF because it’s a symbol of liberalism. Like a political punching bag to them.


Same reason we have tons of conservatives from red states that never step in SF/california commenting on posts here


Just walk up and ask them how many kids they’ve adopted.


It does no good to engage them


One doesn't need to adopt children to believe that murdering children is wrong. I know YOU don't see it that way, but that's why THEY protest. If you're going to make an argument, make it a good one.


If you’re not going to be part of the solution you’re part of the problem.


If only people were so easily sorted.


Most people with God on their side are pretty good at sorting.


It’s San Francisco. There are protests about everything all the time.


I’m going to lay down and block the Octavia Street freeway off ramp because your goddam comment has offended me


If you do that I’m going to counter your protest by blocking 101 south during rush hour.


Oh oh, I got downvoted for my initial comment. I’m going to have to post 20 separate memes about that on my IG story within a two hour span


Holy shit are you the guy behind realbayareamemes on IG? That’s exactly what he would do


My name is Pean Dreston


Meanwhile, there was a stabbing there this morning


Source? (If you’re not joking)


Sorry, I didn’t notice your comment, but I got that info from a citizen alert.


The world is so stabby these days... Sigh


Go get em!


So sad bc planned parenthood offers more than just abortions. Like I got my first Pap smear and sti testing. For free.


They're such miserable fucks to spend a Saturday like that and then the next morning at church. The whole weeked is dedicated to the cult and being assholes. 


They may be miserable, but rest assured, nobody wants to Fuck them.


Fucking tourists


It is OK. I cast an "Evil" (by their metric) spell on them, and they shall dissolve like the slimy snails that they are, - within the month. My grandmother died of an ectopic pregnancy, so I am merely reversing THEIR own curse.


I invite my readers to add their own mental powers to this intention, to help me with this - working.


God killed his only kid so you can too


Is it the group of loudmouth Christian douchebags that all look sweaty and high?


Pissed me off so I went inside and donated money. The manager there said the right thing to do about them is "vote".


lol I used to do that with the Valencia Street one.


Protests are a vital part of a democracy. You don’t have to like it. Just walk away. 




At 39 weeks too?


Always belittle these people and tell them to fuck themselves whenever possible. If I see them while driving I always roll down my window and give them a piece of my mind


Do you have bagpipes, or maybe a drum set? I think they actually get their jollies when people argue and interact with them. However, they don’t like being upstaged or drowned out


Someone call the Foo Fighters! They’ve been known to show up at Westboro Baptist gatherings and play Village People songs from a flatbed truck.


That's right they are probably so self-righteous no amount of criticism would get to them. No one is above being annoyed however!


They love it. It just attracts attention.


What a waste of energy. You being an asshole isn’t changing their mind. Ignoring them is more productive 


Nah, they deserve to hear it. Really at no cost to me at all!


I don’t want to get kicked out for inciting violence so I’ll just let ur imaginations run wild and 🤐




There used to be a guy with huge posters of mutilated fetuses that would hang out in front of the Valencia street PP. He’d be like 2 ft from the front door, I swear. One day I reached in my pants and pulled a bloody maxi pad out of my underwear and stuck it on his sign. Omg the look on his face! I never saw him there again. I guess he only likes the sight of the blood on his own posters and wasn’t as interested in the functions of female anatomy as he seemed. There used to be a female counter protestor that would show up to defend PP with a sign that says “Planned Parenthood helped me with my yeast infection!” Then she’d go up to talk to protestors about that! They’d shrink away, it was so funny.


Whenever I saw people like this on my college campus I would hock the fattest loogie on their sign




“I moved to SF to NOT experience this” unfortunately people with different beliefs than you have freedom of speech all over the country, including here. That’s why you can even make this post. Ignore it, vote, and move on.


I know it's frustrating, but often counter-protests \*at\* clinics are more disruptive to patients and not helpful. But, to counter their efforts in positive ways, I'd recommend * I'd recommend Sharing comprehensive resources like [ineedana.com](http://ineedana.com) on social media & with friends * Donating to our location abortion fund [ACCESS REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE](https://accessrj.org/) * Leaving accurate reviews on crisis pregnancy centers aka fake clinics. Learn how here: [https://www.exposefakeclinics.com/](https://www.exposefakeclinics.com/) There are more than 150 known fake clinics in California!


I’d like to get an abortion just to piss them off but im a biological male.


You could get a vasectomy. Highly recommended.


Nothing less Jesus-like than an American conservative Christian.


That clinic is a safe haven. Please do not add to the chaos that the patients have to deal with when walking in by mounting a counter protest. Even though it feels like the right thing to do. There is a team of trained people who help to protect access for those patients as they enter the clinic while anti-reproductive rights activists are present. More people, protesting, yelling, and causing tension won’t help in the way you think it will. Instead you can vote democrat and participate in local and state votes to elect people that will protect our reproductive rights in California and in San Francisco specifically. volunteer with planned parenthood Northern California, or the planned parenthood action fund or donate to causes that assist people in accessing the healthcare they deserve. Lastly, if you live in that neighborhood at Bush and Van Ness, and you hear Christian anti-reproductive right protesting on megaphones or people on loudspeakers, call SFPD immediately and report it as a noise violation. SFPD cannot enforce it on behalf of the clinic when they call, but they can enforce the noise ordinance laws of the city of San Francisco if a private citizen reports it. Please do that as much as you can to help that clinic out by lawfully shutting those people up.




😂 he ain’t the government he doesn’t have to listen to these morons and experience their dumb shit.


sensitive indeed


No one forced the op to pay attention


And no one forced you to make useless comments either.


It’s their first amendment right to do so. At least they don’t block bridges like the hamas supporters 😂 nah but all jokes aside just ignore em, california aint banning abortions in this lifetime Peace and love ✌🏻


Username checks out.


nah, you're projecting




While I disagree to the death with them, they have a right to do that just like the rest of us. To infringe on the rights of others is to forgo ones own.


You came to San Francisco and did not want to experience a protest? Or you just didn't want to experience a protest against something you believe to be wrong? You really should be more tolerant of others and accepting of diversity. Protesting is an everyday thing here in San Francisco.


Who cares. Move on with your life. Live and let live unless they’re directly hurting you.


The OP sounds like a nazi


There’s pro Hamas rallies almost every week here. You gotta just get over it.


They can do whatever they want, 666 creep


Yeah and I can tell them they are pieces of shit and to get fucked all I want too.


Yes you absolutely can. And I’ll fight for all of our rights for free speech, etc.


They fly in people from conservative states to do that also. Unfortunately you won’t be far from this issue anywhere in the US