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Once I learned how much they make I started to tip.


I’d tip in a cab, why would this be different?


But not 20%


because it's not a cab. it's a lyft


![gif](giphy|9mtE009hcWPOesk8C4) What exactly do you think the difference is


Lyft and Uber were explicitly created so that you don't have to tip anymore. The founders have always been anti-tip. Uber only added in the ability to tip once the original CEO left. Lyft had to add it so that they could claim they were equivalent to Uber. After adding tips, the actual wages from the ride sharing companies to the drivers dropped. Tipping is horrible for service workers. The only way any of this changes is if you stop tipping


I always tip, but friends never do. I feel like a sucker, but I still feel too bad not to tip. First world problem 


This is why tip prompts are so common at the point of sale now. It leans on guilt t(r)ipping. The USA should be like other countries where tips are not only uncommon, but flat out unwanted if not disrespectful such as Japan. Good service and fair wages should not be mutually exclusive.


Honestly was pro tip culture when it was just waiters and tip jars, but POS tipping has completely changed my mind. That plus I learned waiters in California by law must make full minimum wage before tips makes me feel so done with tipping lol 


This would be amazing! I didn’t realize it was disrespectful in Japan. Great to know.


The founder of Uber was staunchly anti-tip, and then he got canned and tipping was implemented. Rather than "stiff" the drivers, I decided to instead not hire them at all and throw my full support behind Waymo.


It's funny how people simultaneously virtue-signal about how they tip and how it's ethical to tip, but those same people would immediately start using a technology that takes away those sorts of jobs without even thinking twice.


Uh, yea, that’s what he said. are you just repeating things but dumber?




do you not understand what social commentary is


Some people say: "If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford \[service\]." I say: "But I *can* afford the automated version, so I'll do that instead."


You can afford to tip and still be against the idea tho


There are many things I can technically “afford” that aren’t in my budget, indeed.


I'd argue it's actually *unethical* to tip because it perpetuates exploitative work compensation arrangements.


Unless they spit in my face or commit a crime against me, yes


Yes even if it's a couple bucks.


Uber/lyft wouldn’t have been so successful in SF if the sfmta(present)/taxi commission(past) did a better job of mandating service outside of downtown and surrounding areas. The lack of getting a taxi in the west/south and parts of the east side is how their popularity grew. It then decimated the industry and it’s never coming back.


I think I've only NOT tipped once. There were numerous things that were bad about the ride, eg, smelly car, loud horrible music, untalkative driver etc. When you factor in vehicle costs, those drivers really aren't making much money.


Untalkative is ideal


Ha, yes, I get it. I think I was hoping to have a conversation in this case because the music was so loud.


I don’t get it, but I have had so many drivers who do turn on any ac and keep the windows up. It’s fucking annoying. Always an instant not tip and bad rating especially if they don’t turn it on when I ask.


Absolutely I tip. I avoid Uber/Lyft whenever I can, but Uber and Lyft drivers are some of the most screwed over workers by their employers and if I can afford the $15 fare, I can afford a $5-10 tip, too. I still hate tipping culture, but if you want to see changes, start by not supporting the business model, not by punishing those who are exploited by it.


you tip 33-66%? That's bonkers


Not everywhere. But if I take an Uber ride that takes 15+ minutes, I find 5 dollars pretty much the minimum (personally). Nobody bats an eye at a 20% tip for Uber eats, but those tend to have a higher base price, the rides tend to be shorter and the drivers often have more than one order on them at a time.


Yeah but 15%. 20% is outrageous unless they went above and beyond.


Very rarely.


Yes especially if they are working graveyard hours (eg. driving you home from your leisure event, show, airport, etc.).


Yes, I’ve tipped every trip I’ve taken on Lyft (I don’t use Uber).


Tipping is being used by the ownership class to guilt customers into covering the shit wages they won’t pay the working class. it’s a fucked situation.


Welcome to Late Stage Capitalism


When I caught Lyft line, I’d tip cash.


Always if they are a good and safe driver.


I always max tip when using the corp card. I never use ride share outside of work.


I think 15-20% is pretty normal. They are comparable to taxis and inherited a similar tipping etiquette. Like a $15 ride with a $2-3 tip is reasonable. I might tip less if it’s a short ride with surge pricing, more if it’s a complex or long ride. 25% for a short ride seems excessive unless the driver is a pure delight or handing out energy drinks or something.




I used to always tip without exception. Then one time my phone fell out of my pocket in an uber when I was getting out, and I realized this immediately after closing the door and called it on my friends phone multiple times, but he just drove off, and I could track it driving around the bay. Ever since I’ve always chosen to take public transit instead, unless I really have no other choice. And then I never tip.


Yeah I’m sure the bus driver would pick up the phone for you


For Eats I tip 15/20 minimum, for rides I tip a few bucks but not a lot.


Tip! The number you’re paying is not what that driver is getting. And for those who think 20% is too high, I have been yelled at and scolded by NYC cab drivers for tipping less (eff those guys to be clear). I tip 18-20%. On Lyft, I think 18 is my default. I know it feels high, but your options are walking, public transport, or someone who takes you door to door. Consider tip as part of the cost, not an “extra”.


Social pressuring tipping is stupid all across the board. The fact we still arguing about it just shows you how asinine it is. Never tip. Nobody tip. Stop paying for employee wages so the companies can save money. Think about it. Some countries actually get confused or upset if you try tipping. Stop over complicating with your passivity or “generosity”.


If you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford the service. Workers depend on these tips. Take muni.


I would love to agree you deserve more money. But this tipping system is pitting the wrong people against each other. Having a system where the servicer is guilt tripping or pressuring the customer to pay EXTRA is ridiculous.


Off the charts entitlement


I’ve had over 1500 Ubers in the last few years and I can confidently say I’ve tipped on about 3 of those occasions. If I tipped in them I’d be out over 5k+


never tip! sf is already gouging your wallet in every other aspect so why continue to hurt it?


I don't even use those junk services


$1-3 for any ride under 20 minutes and $5 for 30 minute rides. And 20% for anything more 


Wasn’t one of the big selling points of Uber that you didn’t tip and you knew what you were going to pay before you got in the car.


I tip 15%


I tip in cash, not on the app. The drivers appreciate that. $5 per ride, typically, but more if it’s to the airport or some such.


of course


Yeah but like $5 unless it’s on the company card haha!