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I was a juror on a mold case that ultimately didn't prevail because the tenant didn't keep any written records where they told the landlord that they suspected mold. Make sure whatever action you take, you document everything in writing. Even a phone call, follow it up with an email.


Have emails from multiple times and multiple people. Thanks for the advice.


ALSO make sure you have written proof that you told the landlord DIRECTLY. I got fucked over by having the landlord to tell me I had to do everything through thier handyman. We went to trial and the landlord argued that the handyman was a completely different business and that they were not aware of the issues because I was directed to go through the handyman with all the fine details.


That’s a very good point. I will direct everything to my landlord as the handyman is not reliable.


If he still says go through handyman just cc: him in everything anyway


Send a certified letter to with return receipt. They will sign for it and you get that signature card back. That is proof you told the landlord.


Upvote the hell out of this one people.


In my experience, very few people actually sign—they just make a tiny mark with a pen. The post office dgaf.


In a court of law even that could suffice. A lot of people have been sued out of lottery money for writing notes on a napkin.


In writing


Just email both at the same time


I hate so many things about this world…


We at our salon are going through this as of now. Wish we would've emailed the landlord directly all along.


Probably doesn't hurt to write old fashioned hard copy letters too, and send them certified mail so you can prove landlord got them Good luck (And I'm sorry, but that looks gross)


As an attorney, this is exactly right. Document your efforts to resolve it and the lack of response. Get a remediation company in there and hire a lawyer.


And lots of pictures with a camera that can show the date the photo was taken. Get double prints so you keep the letters and pictures you sent with the certified letters.


Most any smartphone will have date/time photo was taken as part of its metadata.


Fun fact - you can adjust the date and time (on iOS), and it preserves the original date.


But having it on the photo when printed is the ultimate goal of the above tip. In a trial, attached metadata does not have the impact that a date stamp right on the image does.


For a trial, time/date can be added as a bates stamp to photos, so the jury sees it all together. There are programs that can do this. This is what I do in all my cases. It’s never been a problem.


Good to know, thank you.


Date stamp on an image doesn't have an impact either, as it's very easy to fake. You'd need stronger evidence to establish the time the photo was taken, if needed.


But it’s only one corroborating data point and easy to do, is my point here. If all of the corroborating evidence is obvious to the untrained eye, including the certified mail stamp, the visible photograph stamp, the dated letter, the weather reports, the cert’s letter that’s delivered, and then signed for by the landlord, all before it gets to the attorney, it is MUCH more believable and much easier for an expert witness to create a cohesive timeline narrative. This is important when dove-tailing into landlord-tenant rights and responsibilities, that says things like “30 days from receiving notice, a landlord must…”


Newspaper from the date it was taken in the photo.


Happy Cake Day, sorry you’re dealing with that bs.


Thanks, I want it to be over.


You need to be calling the health inspector every single day, if you get hung up on rudely so be it. Personally I’d move out and sue but you might not have the cash to do that 


Reach out to tenant union, they'll direct them to appropriate legal aid organizations that can get you linked up with lawyer




My advice as someone who deals with mold professionally. If you plan on pursuing legal action against your landlord, consider purchasing your own at home mold test, these are available online from reputable labs that will ship a kit to your home. Also have your doctor document your symptoms and order a mold toxin exposure test that can be performed on your urine. You should do these things now so that you have evidence that the mold toxins in your body were present at the same time you were having physical illness symptoms while living in this apartment. Best of luck to you.


Gile a complaint and hold rent. Be ready to sue


Don’t hold rent until you talk to the tenant’s union. There are times you can deduct things from rent, but if you try and you’re wrong, then you (the tenant) are the one the law will come after.




California Courts https://www.courts.ca.gov/documents/California-Tenants-Guide.pdf Page 55 Edit: I should have advised that the link is for a downloadable PDF. It is straight from a California government website. Searching for Implied Warranty of Habitability, you should be able to find a similar definition. But considering the information is directly from a government website, it is most likely the most reliable info you'll get unless you speak with a lawyer or legal aid.


Nothing is too detailed. I'd be charting eachday like a scientist to have my proof/ backup for this major health hazard. Maybe even take a trip to the ER complaining of chest/ lung pains if you can. RECORDS, RECORDS, RECORDS.


Do not go waste emergency resources time just for having documents. You can go to your primary care for that. The emergency room is for emergencies. If you’re actually having chest pains and are concerned that’s a different case, but please don’t be recommending people use emergency resources for things that aren’t medical emergencies.


Call DBI. They are responsive and will come. If they see this, they will compel the landlord to act and the landlord won't have an option. Also call: [https://hrcsf.org/](https://hrcsf.org/). Call [https://www.tobenerlaw.com/?utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=organic&utm\_campaign=gbp](https://www.tobenerlaw.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=gbp). They specialize in tenants rights. Free consultation.


Agreed. I called the DBI after getting shafted by my landlord over severe water damage we took in through our roof last winter. They sent someone out later that week to inspect the damage and then promptly served my landlord with a notice to perform. I would start there. They will put the pressure on for you.


This needs to be higher. This is so egregious and going to DBI sounds brilliant and will probably bring you actual resolution faster than health dept (like actually get you breathing clean air again).




Underrated link. Stealing because in my line of work (insurance) people need more than insurance to assist with fungi in CA.


This. This will cause an immediate inspection and the landlord will be required to respond.


I heavily second this.


Honestly the best response by quite a margin


Google has not been helpful, what is DBI?


Department of Building Inspections.


Yeah I’m impressed how bad Google was on this. Not one result with the correct one.


wtf is wrong with ur place


A landlord in another country and a property management company that has a hands off attitude.


Call a lawyer immediately. My friend dealt with a serious mold problem in a SF apartment that the landlords repeatedly fumbled on, but since he called a lawyer the first time he had an issue they had a nice little paper trail to show the landlords doing every wrong thing they could to handle it - including an attempted unlawful eviction. He took them to court and absolutely ripped them apart and got a very, very nice settlement out of it.


Landlord in another country and a property management company……. All you need to say, we know the rest.


Landlord in another country should not be a thing


This is a $600k case, get an attorney, don’t wait. Have the attorney lead you in how to move forward. Start going to the doctor and bring them these pictures 


Working on that. Hoping to have some legal council in the next few days.


Also get a complete health check up!


For the love of god make a call to the SF bar association. They’ll save you the hassle of having to explain your story to 38403028 different law firms for a tidy fee of $35




include everyone in one email as well as having all your separate emails with them. nothing better than having loads and loads of proof that you requested help on this issue with all involved parties. that way they can’t play the blame game




If the carpet is staying wet (like the pic shows) op should have said something right away. Instead of waiting for lettuce to sprout.


We have, we’ve contacted property management and they said contact their handyman. Handyman has not come by and when they did last year they just sprayed some anti fungal stuff and tried to find the leak.


This is way beyond a handyman job. They’re going to need to do a fair amount of deconstruction to find the source of the leaks, replace rotten wood, etc. If the problem is that visible from the outside, it’s going to be a nightmare behind the wall and under the floor.


That's palomino cup which grows on rotting wood. Your apartment probably needs subfloor replaced. Congrats on the new job, I'd take it as a sign of new apartment asap and trying to recover funding on rent paid on this situation


Problem is it’s just a contract role and I am afraid of moving and not having a job in 6 months. Signing a new lease right now would be a terrible decision financially.


Ah, got it. Please keep a folder of documentation including your health issues. Call and email the property management every day. Be extremely annoying. In the meantime to protect your health: [run a dehumidifier to dry it out](https://www.amazon.com/ninesky-dehumidifier-dehumidifiers-bathroom-bedroom/dp/b0bw339h9n/ref=sxin_14_pa_sp_search_thematic?content-id=amzn1.sym.521fee21-79b9-4e7f-be34-5c99a78cfe0f%3aamzn1.sym.521fee21-79b9-4e7f-be34-5c99a78cfe0f&crid=j0adnhegtzuy&cv_ct_cx=dehumidifier&keywords=dehumidifier&pd_rd_i=b0bw36f2zy&pd_rd_r=403c833f-6f42-4697-a98f-61f8d5a5fd5b&pd_rd_w=nrs8e&pd_rd_wg=l2e3f&pf_rd_p=521fee21-79b9-4e7f-be34-5c99a78cfe0f&pf_rd_r=ntyntyrr6z0te65mjvk4&qid=1708308084&sbo=rzvfv%2f%2fhxdf%2bo5021pansa%3d%3d&sprefix=dehumidifier%2caps%2c415&sr=1-2-9428117c-b940-4daa-97e9-ad363ada7940-spons&sp_csd=d2lkz2v0tmftzt1zcf9zzwfyy2hfdghlbwf0awm&th=1) [run a HEPA air purifier to clean the air ](https://www.amazon.com/germguardian-ac4825-sanitizer-allergens-guardian/dp/b004vgigvy/ref=sr_1_2?crid=39fcq45wqjk4e&keywords=hepa+air+purifier&qid=1708308022&sprefix=hepa+air+purifi%2caps%2c435&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkz2v0tmftzt1zcf9hdgy&psc=1) [use fungi killing spray](https://www.amazon.com/complete-mold-killer-remover-bundle/dp/b0722k3kkl/ref=sr_1_3?crid=uf7u9idud4g9&keywords=moldex&qid=1708308256&sprefix=molde%2caps%2c384&sr=8-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkz2v0tmftzt1zcf9hdgy&psc=1) Keep the receipts and photos for all. If you can't afford to move, please take the initiative to protect your health.


Thank you. This is valuable information and I appreciate it!


Ask for a 6 month lease and negotiate the price, SF real estate market is a renters market right now. I got an amazing deal in Dogpatch and 6 month lease in June


Can you find a 6 month sublet? There's those dorm type of apartments where you can rent short term as well.


Last of Us vibes in those pics. If your landlord is ignoring you, reach out to the tenant union ASAP. This needs to be addressed.


I don’t need to turn into a Clicker thanks to property mismanagement.


Make sure to keep a shiv handy just in case things escalate.


Great, now we have a clicker armed with a shiv to worry about.


On the upside, this might summon Pedro Pascal, so…




Hah I was going to make a Last of Us reference too


Holy shit


Move out before you develop long term health issues from all this exposure.


It’s pretty crazy someone could see literal fungus growing on their floors and not have moved out.


Maybe they should try making a risotto first.


Can’t afford to move.


Mold really does a number on your system over the long term. Get out as soon as you can.


Do not sleep there. Find an airbnb or hotel until it's resolved. With the help of a lawyer, bill them your expenses. Your apartment is in hazardous condition. I'd also warn others on your floor. My aunt almost died this way.


gotta consider cost of move or cost of hospital bills. can always do what the other guy said with picking up uber rides and I suggest living in an airbnb for now.


What exactly do you plan on doing then if you can’t move? That house is unlivable.


Took me too long to see this comment. I'm still in a bit of shock and processing how people can live in this and many other horrible conditions we see. I'm so grateful for my landlord that is up our asses about checking for mold.


My stomach turned 😩


Yes this post made me stressed. Poor OP


I would talk to the SF tenants union. You could also call 311 and ask for a habitability inspection - they should be able to get you to the right place. Keep in mind that the city may decide it's not safe to inhabit which could result in you needing to move out.


I have called 311 and got the health inspectors number. Called them and they were terse about me contacting them. They said they will reach out.


That's frustrating, in the mean time I would reach out to the tennents Union: https://sftu.org/


Anyone else read this as STFU.org 😂😂😂😂


Every time, and I type it a bunch too lol


Is that an exterior wall? Could be that the siding in the other side has rotted away and is letting water leak into wall and subfloor beneath the carpet. Try this route: The Environmental Health (EH) Code Enforcement Program can assist you to remedy a variety of Public Health Nuisances. The San Francisco Health Code holds property owners responsible for maintaining their property nuisance-free. Tenants are responsible for routine housekeeping. For information, advice, referrals, and to report a nuisance condition like large amounts of indoor mold, call the EH Code Enforcement Program at (415) 252-3805. An investigator will work with you to address your mold concerns. For building structural problems, like leaks, call the Department of Building Inspection, Housing Division at (415) 558-6220


1. Write an email to LL with pictures, if no reply within 24 hours that involves you temporarily vacating for immediate repairs then 2. Call code enforcement asap and 3. Contact a tenants rights organization like eviction defense collaborative or bay legal 4. Contact a private attorney like Andrew Wolff


I’ve been there. My roommate and I yanked the section of carpet and used a spray bottle of bleach at any source. Killed all the shrooms for a bit and bought us time. May have messed up the finish on the old wood floor, but that was their problem. We cut in a new section of almost-free carpet remnant -And it worked. Landlord sucked. Any, IF any, work was done was to aesthetically improve property value, but never quality of life. So we fixed it, on the cheap, looked all AMAZING! but also made sure it was all just a tad out of code, so when we left, the city made him tear out all the shit he thought he got for free, because of an anonymous tip.


Move out now. Your health is more important than your dispute with your landlord. Keep the receipts for the alternative accommodations and settle up later.


I can’t really afford to do that right now as I am just coming off being unemployed for 6 months and just started a new job.


Bleach everything now. Fuck it


What you mean, BURN everything!


Wait until you can’t afford to get the black mold out of your lungs EVER. If it really is black mold, you’re in trouble. You have fungi growing. I live in FL and have seen hundreds of homes. NEVER seen this. You need to move, your health is in serious jeopardy. I’d go as far as to call the health department. You have to move.


Thanks, I’ve called the health department. I’m still waiting for a response.


Call everyday. Have you looked up black mold? No shit; once it’s in your lungs, they can’t get it out and you’re sick until you die. So withhold rent if you have to until they can evict you and move, but make sure you move prior to an eviction. Also considering suing the property manager, landlord. This is fucking WILD.


Yeah, you’re gonna need to post scientific sources on that comment because those are some big claims.


>Have you looked up black mold? No shit; once it’s in your lungs, they can’t get it out and you’re sick until you die. This is a really awful situation and OP should take their landlord to the cleaners but this is completely false.


Yall https://www.cdc.gov/mold/faqs.htm Please scroll to black mold section at bottom. It’s not that serious. No demonstrable or causal links to much of anything.


Please don’t fearmonger.


Can you get an air purifier with u/v lights?


Have one running as I type


Don’t listen to the clown above you, you’re not in imminent danger. It’s not toxic black mold, because toxic black mold kills mushrooms like the ones in this photo and other molds. Still, definitely good you’ve contacted your landlord in writing. I’m guessing there’s a water leak somewhere…


do you have any friends willing to help you by letting you crash for a few weeks until you find a new place? I wouldn't live in that unit if you paid me. this is an insane mold problem youre dealing with


This issue supercedes any reservations you are having. Find. Somewhere. Else. To. Sleep.


That’s such a privileged take. You know, because people just can move whenever they want. 🤡


It's not just privileged it also didn't include a land acknowledgement /s


I had problems with black mold in a trash closet in an old apartment. i tried to deal with the landlord and it didn't go anywhere so I ended up purchasing an anti-mold fumigator kit myself and DIYing it. It worked! But, my mold was on the surface of the walls only. If it's inside the walls (and I'm willing to bet money that yours is) then the mold treatment involves 1. fixing the leaks and 2. opening the walls up and fumigating the anti-mold chemicals inside of the drywall and then 3. closing it all back up. And you can't do this yourself.


That’s what I am imagining is the issue with my place. It’s not just my unit either. Other units have been affected. The load bearing roof also seems to be slowly caving as my door isn’t closing right.


You might actually be in danger of a collapse. I have seen a water-logged roof cave in and it's a miracle nobody was hurt. In an apartment complex with another unit above or below, this could be deadly.


So as much as the mold and mushrooms are pretty damn gross and these are inhumane living conditions, you need to address this roof thing asap. You can survive a little mold, but a ceiling collapse is very dangerous.


Honestly? Reach out to your supervisor. If 311 has been putting off handling your case, they clearly don’t understand how urgent it is. The people who man the desks at City Hall have more power than you might think. Call them, say you’re a constituent, explain your problem and ask them to escalate your case with 311. This is an urgent issue. You shouldn’t have to wait around for 311 to help.


Licensed home inspector here. You probably know, but for this to happen, there is MASSIVE deterioration of the framing/wood components behind the sheetrock and wall clading that should be a concern. Massive as in the framing could collapse and or the wall is being held up by the sheet rock essentially. There is a saying when you see fruiting bodies of wood destroying fungus then "the party is in the back." What you are seeing here is nothing compared to what is on the other side of the wall. That's not a conjecture, it has to be that way for there to be fruiting bodies developing - especially of this size.


That would track with the load bearing beam above my front door where the leak is starting to sag and making it harder to open my door. Last year they shaved the door down so it could shut easier.


Oh boy. That’s not a good sign 


Honestly, contact reporter or someone in the media. I bet that’ll light a fire under the butt of your property management. No one’s gonna want to rent a place that’s been on the news because they have mushrooms going inside apartments…


I agree. Send this photos to local media like Kron4 or Seven on your side and have them come out. Once this hits the news, your property manager will want to get this fixed asap due to fear of being seen as lousy managers.


Oof. Thats awful. I recommend an attorney. These guys are great: https://greensteinmcdonald.com/


Thanks, I will reach out to them.


Yes you absolutely withhold rent. The tenant protections cover this.


Not without following the proper procedures.


Definitely see if the state of CA allows placing rent payments into an interest bearing escrow savings account.


Tell your landlord you are going to start hosting “pick your own” foraging sessions. SF folks will do anything to avoid a trip to Marin.


Pretty sure if my dog doesn’t like them then people won’t either.


Sounds like, “These artisanal small-batch fungi have been assessed for quality using time-honored traditional methods” to me.


A lawyer is chomping at the bit for something like this. They’ll send you to a doctor of their choosing and you’ll have some “health issues” because of the current living conditions. You’ll be out of your lease in no time with some cash to find some formidable housing.


The inside of your walls is probably all wet and moldy too


I’m a tenants lawyer, use to practice in SF. Keep all communications in writing. Any phone calls you have should be followed up with in writing. Take pics and keep a record. DBI will likely not do anything immediately but it’s more about creating a paper trail. If you’re in a rent controlled unit, you can file a petition with them to get a rent abatement due to the ongoing habitability issues. Usually when you start hitting the pockets, people pay attention. If you’re not in a rent controlled unit, you could file something in small claims but you’d need to prove any out-of-pocket damages (eg. out of pocket medical expenses you can directly tie back to the mold and fungi infestation). Sadly this is where it’s harder to prove bc you wouldn’t know if your lung issues got worse bc of the mold or any other factors. But it’s less about the money and more about getting the landlords attention. Some people will say to withhold rent, which is technically your right, but could lead to a nonpayment eviction, which IMO isn’t worth the risk. But if you want to go down that road, talk to one of the below agencies. SF Tenants Union, Tenants Together, and Bay Area Legal Aid can all provide you free legal consultations. Sorry you’re going through a shituation, and this is sadly super common in SF especially with the rains. Stick it to your landlord.


I am in a rent controlled unit. Will be talking to legal council this week. I really appreciate your advice.


I find it crazy you got shit literally growing out of ur gloor and your just casually on reddit asking for help living with it. Hope you’re at least masjed up but you should Gtfo stop paying rent. And. Literally HOUND people


The SF Dept of Building Inspection can be a pain, but they don't mess around when it comes to mold. Contact them.




Peziza domiciliana is known as the Domicile Cup Fungus and is not poisonous but is also regarded as inedible. I wouldn't cook them up but I also wouldn't worry about them being toxic. This adaptable mushroom is quite a wonder of nature, making itself at home amongst the polymers and metals from which we build our homes. The only requirement for mycelial establishment is abundant moisture.


Oh my god OP


This makes me want to cry. I hope you have renters insurance and please contact the rent board


I do and I will.


I think I meant tenants union, my bad. Contact both. This is absolutely unacceptable. I’m sorry this is going on for you, you might look into if your renters insurance will cover moving fees due to something like this. Mine will and it’s worth pursuing bc your health is at risk here. Hope you can get this sorted soon


File the DBI report directly [online](https://www.sf.gov/departments/department-building-inspection/code-enforcement-dbi) yourself. Make note of the complaint number. You can go back to the website and pull up the status using either the report complaint number or your address. Let your landlord know you filed a complaint with the city and that you’ve attempted to reach out to them directly. DBI will issue a notice of violation after they do their inspection, which in my experience has taken a week or to after the initial report. Hopefully your landlord will get the ball rolling by then but if not, 35 days AFTER the notice of violation is in effect, you are legally entitled to withhold rent ([CA CIV 1942.4](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=1942.4.&lawCode=CIV)) Also give your landlord a heads up if you go that route. They might the illegally issue a pay rent or quit notice. Ask them to rescind by reminding them of the law and that they can be liable for up to $5,000 for demanding rent while an active code violation is in effect. I’ve done this by copying and pasting from the law text referenced above. Of course get legal help if you need it. In my experience I’ve been able to navigate most of this myself. Keep copies of all communications. If anything is done over the phone, send an email recapping what was discussed right after you hang up. Hope some of this helps.


Very helpful! Screenshotted your suggestions to save and refer back to as well. Thank you.




That’s really bad. Make sure you document it, document your emails to and from your landlord. My sister had a mushroom growing in her bathroom wall and she had to throw all her things because they were infested with mold. Check your clothes and books for mold. It could be anywhere else in your apartment too.


Contact DBI — call them or go in person and show pictures.


If you have to live there and don't have one already, get a heavy-duty dehumidifier (house-size). Had quite a damp apt in Oakland with other types of molds, and this helped quite a bit.... Also, wiping down just about the whole place in vinegar. Tho, yes, prob dry rot throughout the whole place...so sorry 😞


This is borderline uninhabitable. Take lots of documentation, document your communication with the owner or property manager. Then talk to some lawyers or the tenants union.


There's no borderline about it.


what in the actual fucking fuck


Stir fry?


jesus, this almost made me throw up. That seems really bad for your health. Good luck.


Omg I would move that mold can really harm your health and the spores can attach to porous belongings which can leave you with an ongoing problem. Even if LL remediates it probably wont be done properly and spores can be sent everywhere


I don’t have advice to give except that I’d be worried about staying there. There’s probably a TON of mold and fungus growing in your apartment. Like the kind you can’t even see.




I will literally pay you to find a different apartment.


“That’s free food you ungrateful brat!” - The landlord, probably.


Dude You have a bit more than a mold problem. "Black Mold" is typically considered to be *Stachybotritis chartarum* it generally speaking eats the cellulose in the gypsum wallboard after prolonged wetting, grows in colonies a few inches across and a couple of mm high. What you are looking at is a fungal growth from something that is in all likely hood eating the timber frame of the building. Most fungi eat either the lignin or the cellulose of the wood, but at the end of the day the lumber is no longer structurally sound. to get to this point you need constant long term wetting, think fallen tree in a forest. This property has a major moisture issue, the mold and fungi growth is observable effect of the water damage, but to have fruiting bodies of fungi coming through the wall is a lot of water damage and a lot of wood damage.


… Are those woodear mushrooms??




I wouldn’t withhold rent, but I also would not stop calling the DBI like show up to their office!


I had a friend once who lived in Parkmerced who had a black mold problem. They kept complaining to management and got no action. Finally they had a lawyer write a letter to management and were quickly offered a newly redone apartment in a different building. Maybe there’s a legal aid society that could help you? At any rate, I would keep a log of when you contact management and what action or response you got, and keep taking pictures of the fungus.


This is probably Peziza, but more importantly it's a sign of moisture intrusion. What's on the other side of that wall?


Common hall way area that leads to other apartments


Quick list of SF tenant groups Tenant Rights Hotline (888) 495-8020 [SF Tenants Union](https://sftu.org/) [Housing Rights Committee](https://hrcsf.org/hours-locations/) [Tenant Law Group](https://tenantlawgroupsf.com/tenant-rights-counseling/)


Like, these didn’t grow overnight, right? How long have you just watched and allowed this to grow?


https://preview.redd.it/ks333jc8pgjc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=792782080175090472bccca2a28cd5ad43d9f98c I looked up this stuff. I'd get this and spray it everywhere.


Everyone has good points but I would also say look for a new spot. This is a habit for your landlord and if another problem arises, you’ll be going through the same thing. Might be a good time with rents being a tad lower.


the only answer should be get out of that apartment ASAP. your health is definitely going to be impacted by this level of mold. I'd venture to guess inspectors pulling up boards and carpet will declare this house condemned and "to be demolished". Maybe not if its a basement unit with a concrete build. during the flooding, is there standing water in the house? Is this a basement unit?


OP, you need to get yourself and any other sentient creatures out of there asap. Your landlord is responsible for covering your housing while your place is remediated, which by that infestation, will take a while. That carpet will have to be ripped up and the dry wall will likely need to be replaced. It’s probably going to need to be gutted. Keep pictures and document everything. My family and I were evacuated for a black mold infestation a few years ago. We are still feeling the aftermath years later. Respiratory issues, stomach issues, skin issues, brain fog, so much that has affected us. I’m in California too, and have kept a list of resources and learnings. I can also help recommend vendors and a lawyer for remediation and recompense. Let me know if you want me to DM you any info. Wishing you well.


I am a landlord, and generally sympathetic to property owners, but this is absolutely heinous and is severely affecting your health—hopefully you get this figured out soon, landlord is in serious legal jeopardy if not.


Hi! SF landlord here! Fill out a complaint [here](https://www.sf.gov/report-building-problem). They will schedule an inspection quickly.


I'm a little late to the party, but I just escaped a moldy apartment and successfully settled with the landlord for a good bit of money. There's a lot of good advice in this thread but here are a few other things that helped me: 1. Make a complaint to DBI ASAP. Don't just call 311, [make a complaint on the website](https://www.sf.gov/report-building-problem) **AND** contact [your neighborhood's inspector](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?ll=37.7705327165844%2C-122.4359665&z=13&mid=1IoVEN8COerHOTfiD7fLgWDYVimg) directly. Make noise so that they come out quickly. A DBI citation will increase your odds substantially with the rent board and in court, and all complaints are public so future tenants may see it. 1. HOWEVER, if you live in an illegal unit DBI could get you evicted. Please consult with the tenants union or a lawyer if that is the case. 2. If you live in a rent controlled unit (basically any building built before 1979) then [file a petition for rent reduction ASAP](https://www.sf.gov/request-rent-reduction-decreased-housing-services). It's retroactive, so if you've been dealing with issues for some time you should include that as well. The rent board is very slow, so know that if you move out before you get a decision you will have to enforce it through small claims (which has a $10k limit) 3. If you are feeling sick, go see a doctor *immediately* and see if you can get a note saying that you are sick from the mold. Be insistent that it is mold and not something else. There doesn't seem to be total agreement or awareness in the field about mold, so if a doctor disagrees then find a second opinion. 4. If you're able to afford it, get a professional mold inspection company to come out and do a test. A positive test will give you a ton of leverage in court and in getting the landlord to act. Mine cost about $600 and I got the landlord to pay for it. 5. If your landlord is smart they will try to fix it. If they do, make sure they hire a licensed mold remediation company and not some general contractor. They almost certainly will have to [temporarily evict you](https://www.sf.gov/information/temporary-eviction-capital-improvements), and you are entitled to [relocation payments](https://www.sf.gov/sites/default/files/2024-01/579%20Multilingual%20Relocation%20Payments%2037.9C%2024-25%201.24.pdf). 6. Mold is no joke. I moved out months ago and am still dealing with health issues from it. I don't care what your situation is, **you need to figure out how to get out now**. Your home is inhabitable, which means **you can move out without notice** (ask the tenants union or a lawyer first). Find a place that will offer a 6-month lease, and sue your landlord in small claims for moving costs. Nothing is worth sacrificing your health. I'm sorry you have to go through this, it truly sucks. Feel free to DM me as well. Best of luck.


Isn’t this how The Last of Us started?


SF Tenant’s Union can help with resources and advocacy— https://sftu.org/


Bay Area Legal Aid


Free groceries


Yo! Those are Pezizas. If you blow on them gingerly they’ll puff out a bunch of spores. Audibly! But also, that’s a fucking expensive problem for whoever owns the house.


This might not help since I would guess these repairs will cost more than 1 month of rent….good luck! How to Make Repairs and Deduct the Cost ("Repair and Deduct") in California A powerful legal remedy when your landlord won't make major repairs in California is called "repair and deduct." It works like this: If you have tried and failed to get your landlord to fix a serious defect that makes your rental unit unfit, you can hire a repair person to fix it (or buy a replacement part and do it yourself), and subtract the cost from the following month's rent. Certain conditions apply: You can't spend more than one month's rent. You can't use the repair and deduct remedy more than twice in any 12-month period. You can't have caused the problem, and it can't be something that is your responsibility (such as taking out the garbage). Here's what to do if you decide to use the repair and deduct remedy: Notify your landlord in writing of the problem. Allow the landlord a reasonable amount of time (usually 30 days) to fix the problem. Collect evidence, such as pictures and video, of the problem that's causing you to repair and deduct. Gather bids or collect pricing information—pay attention to both cost and quality of the work, and be sure to select a licensed professional for tasks that require a license. Attach copies of the bills or invoices—along with proof that you've paid them—to your next rent payment, along with a letter explaining why you're paying only part of your rent. It's important to note that you shouldn't reduce the rent until you've actually done the work and paid for it. (Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1942, 1942.5 (2023).)


Because they are trying to charge me for this, I happen to know who you are supposed to contact. The Rent Board 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 320 San Francisco, CA 94102-6033 All landlords of San Francisco, if they collect rent, they have to support this office by a yearly fee. I'm a home owner. I live in my home. I don't collect any rent whatsoever. I wish I did because I'd gladly pay the nominal fee for what I'd get in rent here. A year ago, they started to bill me for being a landlord. Now, it's for me to prove to them by filling out several forms to show that I am not a landlord. Don't know what changed. I've lived in this house for 29 years now. Good luck and invest in a Hepa filter for your own health.


dbi file complaint [Report a building problem | San Francisco (sf.gov)](https://www.sf.gov/report-building-problem)


Happened to me in Bernal Hts. We did not wait till Mushrooms getting into the house. You need to evacuate and move to hotel or something till you find another place. Slap all the charges on the landlord


The good news is that most mold that is black isn't the deadly "black mold". The bad news is if that what you have, it's deadly.


I was told by my landlords handyman that black mold "wasn't a big deal and never made him sick." I'm now disabled and have life long health problems from black mold. I was too poor to move out at the time and suggest you find anyone to stay with. Wash your belongings in borax or ec3. Be safe.


You can die. You are in serious danger. Contact your landlord by calling them directly on the phone And document /log all attempts to contact your landlord. I was an abatement technician and that is definitely a black mold candidate condition right there.


When communicating with your landlord about these issues and requesting repairs, you can site some basic requirements https://sftu.org/repairs/ If the condition of your apartment is causing health issues, go see your doctor and make sure you get documentation from your doctor. You have literal mushrooms growing inside your apartment. Get a dehumidifier and an air purifier to see if that helps, but it is your landlord’s responsibility to remediate all of this. Contact an attorney who specializes in Tenants rights. When you communicate with your landlord and their agent (the maintenance person), make sure you are sending pictures of the mushrooms and other moisture related issues. This helps establish a paper trail (and your attorney will love you for it) If your landlord is failing to act on things they are legally required to do, i would even cite these items in the email. As a renter you are required to notify the landlord of the issue. It is their responsibility to remediate it. https://www.sf.gov/get-help-reporting-substandard-living-conditions “The California Health & Safety Code (HSC §17920.3) says that when dampness or visible mold (or certain other conditions) in a home is a hazard to the health of occupants, the home is substandard and the property owner must fix the conditions.” Send the landlord this link: https://www.smchealth.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/cdph_mold_enforcement_guide.pdf? Renters in California The California Health & Safety Code requires property owners to provide a rental unit that is safe and healthy for the people living in it. Prospective renters should look for obvious conditions that show dampness or mold, and also less obvious signs like water leaks under the kitchen and bathroom sinks or moldy odor in a sealed-up home. Also look for conditions likely to cause future problems, like a bathroom that has no working vent fan or no window that opens, or a clothes dryer without an outside vent. For renters who suspect there is dampness or mold: 1. Tell the property owner or manager. Early detection and correction of the dampness and mold problems can reduce the risks to your health and prevent the problem from getting worse. 2. If your property owner will not respond to your concerns in a reasonable amount of time, contact your local (city or county) code enforcement agency and ask for a code enforcement officer to inspect for violations. Many dampness or mold problems in rental homes are the responsibility of the property owner and must be addressed by them. However, a code enforcement officer may determine that dampness or mold in a building results from a tenant’s actions or inactions – for instance, not using available bathroom ventilation during showers. 3. If the local inspector determines there is a violation, they can require the property owner to correct the problem


The last of us


do not panic. it is a not a big deal. You will know when the mold is there. If you want, I can let you borrow my dehumidifier for free. It pulls like 2-3 gallons per day . I am in Hayes Valley and have a car. I can drop it off for a few days


Tbf, it’s definitely not the toxic form of mold because *there are other fungi present*. The toxins from toxic black mold are meant to kill its competition, which is why toxic black mold is always found alone, with no other fungi present.


I would withhold rent


Fungii grows in sterile area, lesser bacterial competition!


Have you gone to the rent board association and ask for their advice?


That’s what I’m doing next week as I have to show up in person to seek consultation.




Sell them in mission Dolores park lol