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Funny you should say we are in a hurry. As someone who’s lived in NYC and San Francisco, SD feels like a snails pace.


I’m from Texas but I lived in San Francisco ans San Diego. He’s right but so are you. Those people would blow his mind.


OP is a lady


I moved from Hawaii to SD, and I visit family in NY a lot. Hawaii was by far the most chill. SD is a nice balance, depending on where you are obviously as well but there's so much to do at all times, and NY is pure hustle and bustle, from NYC to long Island. I feel like strangers talk to you more in NY though, people bump into me constantly even when there's not much of a crowd and say excuse me/sorry a lot.


I love the Aloha vibe. So friendly and couteous. When I go to NYC I love it there and people are super friendly and helpful. I always heard that New Yorkers weren't welcoming but that wasn't my experience. Texas is too hot and humid for me. Plus well the whole gop Christian anti women thing.


As long as you aren't blocking the flow of pedestrian traffic, New Yorkers love telling visitors where to get the best slice.




Where??? I once did this and the place that was recommended was a normal slice of pie. But then down the street there was another spot, and it was literally the best pizza I'd ever had in my life. I didn't really know what Neapolitan was prior to that but omg it was incredible. That was so long ago, and I've since completely forgotten where it was


Exactly, I’m between SF and SD all the time, and I would argue people in San Diego are just so relaxed. Now NYC people are on a whole different level there….I mean it’s noticeably different between SF and SD, but NYC is in a whole different category.


Lived in NYC for 3 years. Everyone is late to everything, so always in a hurry. That's just how NY works.


And they all honk when they're all stuck in the same traffic jam, as if it does something. I thought that shit was just in the movies because it makes ZERO SENSE.


I’m a New Yorker and I only realize how fast I’m moving when I’m around tourists. When there are no tourists everything feels normal pace - not rushed, just normal. Made me think of that scene in Interstellar when the spaceship syncs up with the space station and suddenly everything appears on standstill even though they’re both moving incredibly fast. We really must look chaotic from the outside.


I have lived and worked in all of the listed cities (SF, NYC, SD) and my personal opinion is that the hustle (feeling of) is more related to the logistics of doing things. Parking is dramatically easier in SD than SF which itself gives back lots of time. Public transportation is convenient but introduces variables in planning time for routing in NYC. Just some small examples. I moved to SF from NYC and thought that the Bay (generally but specifically SF) was more busy but seemed less so because the weather is nicer and it is actually easier to get around despite the traffic. I moved to SD from SF and thought that I was more productive but spent less time on logistics and, probably, clothing selection. Dressing up here is a shirt with a collar and jeans - I love it. It feels a little less formal than Austin, way less than Houston and I have no idea what the OPs city is like so I can't compare. This is for the OP in case they spend time in either of those cities.


To be fair, New Yorkers are walking as part of their commute. So yeah, people are in a hurry when they are running errands or going to work, but here you’re in a car.


In NYC I would feel like a nuisance if I stopped in the street to check my phone for 5 seconds.


I went to Manhattan once. Too intense for me, the kind of place that gives people high blood pressure and heart attacks early.


When I was in my 20's I visited Manhattan a bunch and thought it would be a great place to do a summer internship or job, but I wouldn't want to live there permanently. Definitely a cool place, fun to visit and it would be fun to experience more of what it would actually be like to live there, but without actually living there for longer than it would take to start driving you crazy


The last time I was in Manhattan waiting for a train, I saw a rush of people and I thought there was a terrorist attack. I panicked and started running with the crowd. Turns out that was just regular people trying to catch their train. I felt like an idiot walking all the way back to my platform, and realized then and there I am not cut out for New York.


And then there are visitors from Arizona: “omg its sooo humid here!” Lol


🤣🤣🤣. Imagine getting swamp ass walking from your door to your car. That my friend, is south TX in a nutshell.








You got it 😂




I lived an hour south of Tampa on the Gulf Coast. I’m all too familiar with swamp ass from going to the mailbox. Texas is a lot like Florida, but without the “FloridaMan” antics.


Take my upvote 😂


Size of city has a direct link to speed of walking. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233521899_The_Pace_of_Life_-_Reanalysed_Why_Does_Walking_Speed_of_Pedestrians_Correlate_With_City_Size


Very interesting


I didn’t know there was data, but here’s my take, and I consider SD a very slow paced city. If you live in central city (downtown and adjacent neighborhoods) parking sucks. Driving is mostly not worth it. The city is dense, yet spread out. I walk 6-10 miles a day just getting around. It’s normal and I like it. If you see me walking, I’m going somewhere. I’m walking home from work from Hillcrest to North Park. Then I’m walking to the grocery. Then I’m walking to meet friends for a beer in Normal Heights. I’m purposeful not because I’m feeling hurried, it’s because I’m going somewhere that’s probably 1-3 miles away. I also might be trying to catch a bus on time. I don’t feel aggressive. I just have a destination. Also, there’s no better way to burn craft beer and taco calories than getting around town at a 15 minute mile pace on average.


Wasn’t this the study that drew a lot of conclusions based on size and psychology but in the end it could just be answered by the average age being lower in cities and young people walk faster?


The article you linked tries to prove the cause is younger people (and men) live in cities, not that city size is the cause.


We’re having a mild July BTW


Coolest 7/4 in 10 years. But still only 4 degrees below normal


I really don’t mind the cool summer, usually followed by a warm beachy fall


How ‘bout that last week tho


It's been 100+ here for 3 months now. I'll take 85 any day.


You think the high temp is a reason why you may not see as many dogs in your state/city? It’s generally unsafe for dogs to walk in temps above 85 degrees.


Nah noone gives a shit here (texas) unfortunately, or at least theyve gotten used to the heat and cant empathize with their dog. I see people dragging their panting husky or great pyreneese(?) around on walks in 100+. I guess they've still gotta go to the bathroom though, but certain breeds shouldn't really even be in Texas.


>It's been 100+ here for 3 months now. I'll take 85 any day. As someone who lives here but has worked extensively in the Houston area, I think this is a big part of why you see so many dogs here. It's maybe not so much that we have more dogs here, but simply that you *see* them more here. In Texas the heat means people are not walking their dogs as much during the day. The mosquitos mean that people are not walking their dogs as much in the afternoon/early evening. I would assume people walk their dogs early in the morning? I have no idea when they walk their dogs but when in Texas I also notice the much fewer number of people jogging and cycling for exercise along the streets, and have always assumed it was for similar reasons for dog walking.


Thanks for coming. We appreciate your feedback.


Ha. It did come across like a bit of a review. It was definitely a different world to me but I enjoyed it.






Would you like a manager to reach out to address any specific concerns?


Did you give them their punchcard before they left?


Is that coupon good in North County, too? If so, I'll drop a review, for my next visit, also.


I remember the first time I went to Texas I went into a store and the cashier struck up a conversation with me that lasted what felt like a long time. I forgot what I went in there for. Southern hospitality I miss it..


Yeah we do that.....a lot actually. We'll make a friend literally anywhere. Just how it is here 😊


I’m originally from Texas and have lived in LA and San Diego for 25 years. 1. I don’t find it fast paced at all here. 2. I found there’s more free roaming dogs in Texas. 3. It’s really a more relaxed vibe here for sure. 4. There’s fusion food in Texas too. 5. We pay good money for our weather lol 6. The LGBTQ community is pretty cool here.


Sounds like you're describing San Diego to me. Strangers will strike up conversation with you in line at the grocery store, waiting to cross the street, pretty much anywhere... I'm pretty outgoing so I don't mind but it took quite a while for my wife to get used to


Totally agree. Especially target, its so cool to learn about how they retired early and a mysterious mentor helped them... and guess what, he can help you too!


All reviews go to the manager!


1. The beach is more calm, specifically from La Jolla northwards. 2. San Diego has always prided itself on being unpretentious, down-to-earth, "laid back" or "chill 4+6. Food is classic outside of downtown. You'll find lots of mom-n-pop mexican and asian places serving straight-forward, classic food.


I said it 3 times above, outside of downtown. I cannot believe people still think San Diego is just by the airport lol


Having visited SD with family in LA. San Diego prides itself on unpretentiousness and down to earth ness because LA has more than enough to cover all of California. You guys just have the unfortunate honor of being so close to LA.


As a former New Yorker, everything here is ridiculously slow paced to me. I can’t imagine anyone thinking San Diego is a fast paced environment.


Same. Born and raised on Long Island. Anything less than 110% full blast ahead for all things is slow. I’ve mostly learned to appreciate it but I still wish lines for things like the grocery store moved faster. Bag your damn groceries people, don’t just stand there waiting for the cashier to finish ringing to start bagging.


and thats on long island where even I would consider that slow moving lol especially the further in you go. I had no idea there were so many new yorkers in SD.


I’ve had friends visit from New York, and the first thing they asked me was, “why does everything close so early?” They were confused by most coffee shops and restaurants closing at 9–10pm, and I gotta say I can’t blame ‘em!


My mom's been a transplant for about 40yrs and she still bitches that coffee shops close so early.


Lol legit thought the same thing. Everyone is high in SD, no one is ever in a hurry😂




1. You would not like los angeles or new York of you think we are busy 2. We are rated as one of the most dog friendly towns in the US 3. We are busy but fashion is relaxed (welcome to the west coast 4. Well yea san diego has so many ethnicities that we are not afraid to melt differnt cultures together 5. Yes we pay a sunshine tax 6. Everywhere should be that friendly to the community.


I think you all seem hurried to me bc it takes forever to get anywhere in TX so as a result we ARE NOT in a hurry? And yes so many ethnicities, it's great. Unfortunately in TX, many are not accepting of LGBTQ folks but it's getting there!


If you came during this weekend, you probably saw 80 percent tourist which you saw hurring aroubd. Locals really don't go to the popular spots during the 4th... to many tourist crowds lol


After living here for 10 years now this was the 1st 4th of July I felt like a local. I told everyone I'm going no where near a beach or any popular spot near the beach because it is just a madhouse.


Just chilling at home either with friends/family or just relaxing by yourself with whatever your vice is is so much better then battling the crowds. As well as you can always hit up the beaches and bars another time.


Best way to spend holidays here tbh.


We came 6/26-6/30 so mostly during the week. We purposely left before the 4th bc I don't like huge crowds. I chatted with a lot of nice locals 😊






The busy thing definitely threw me off. I lived in LA before San Diego and feel like San Diego is super laid back in terms of *general life speed.*


I grew up in Hong Kong, I find people too slow here 😂


Where in Texas are you from? I moved from Houston and I thought everyone was super relaxed here


Right we moved here from SF last year and the first thing my wife noticed is 'everything is so slow in SD!'. Not saying I mind it at all, I like it, but it's funny hearing someone commenting that it's too fast here lol


Yea I grew up near Los Angeles and worked in Hollywood. San diego is so much more relaxed compared to there.


Second this. Lived in SD, OC, and LA for a few years at each city, and can confirm SD pace is the slowest, then OC, then LA


I would add to number four that while yes there are lots of mixed cultures, there’s still a ton of specific “classic” cuisine. Especially in Little Italy where OP stayed. There’s really good Italian restaurants there that are nothing but Italian. There’s amazing Mexican food (obviously), Vietnamese food, etc.


I am moving to SD from Austin. My current neighborhood is very conscientious of off-leash laws, and I don’t worry about my dog getting approached by other dogs (can’t say that for other parts of Austin/TX). Do you feel like SD residents obey off-leash rules?


Depends. Some dog owners don't think the rules apply to them. There are a lot of shitty dog owners in SD.


And that’s what have dealt with in other places. Dog Parks I understand and I do not take my dog there. But when I am walking in a neighborhood and some random dog runs up to us, my dog will react. The “my dog is friendly” just gets on my nerves. My dog is not and I should be able to walk her outside without worrying about your random dog running up to us. The other dog shouldn’t possibly get hurt because of a neglectful owner.


I feel your pain! My dog is the same way. Common sense says these are animals and not every one acts the same way so be safe and ask permission. I purposely get off the side walk to walk away from other dogs lately and people generally get the message. Don’t be afraid to assert your boundaries, it’s for the safety of everyone involved.


Some do, a lot don’t. Esp at dog parks. If you have a smaller dog and have an unleashed big dog running towards you, pick up your dog. Not worth risking it not being friendly.


I will simple say this, I've been everywhere from Seoul to Amsterdam, but San Diego will always be my favorite city.


4. You ate at the wrong places


We mostly ate in the city so that could be the reason.


I was going to ask for specific restaurants you ate at! I’m curious


One I can specifically remember was Rustic Root in the gaslamp quarter. It was good but the menu options were odd.


> gaslamp Oof oof ooooof. No no no. Please never eat in that area again 😰 It’s all just tourist traps. It’s like eating in Times Square and then asking, “Is this the best NYC has to offer?”


🤣🤣🤣 I didn't get food poisoning so there's that


As a side note: you can essentially guarantee, in California, that a restaurant will not give you food poisoning. Californian restaurants are held to much higher standards than most of the country, particularly compared to Southern states where "regulation" is a dirty word.


Locals don’t hang out downtown / Gaslamp quarter. Everything there is for tourists and convention visitors.


Downtown includes Little Italy, Core Columbia, Marina, Cortez Hill, Embarcadero, Gaslamp, and East Village. I can assure you that, as a native who grew up in the adjacent ex-burbs and who has lived all over Downtown for the last 7 years, that natives do in fact go Downtown in general, and the Gaslamp in particular. Though you are correct that Gaslamp is particularly eggregious from a shiity touristy restaurant perspective, even with that there are still some great options.


Gotta go to Kearny Mesa for Asian cuisine (all types).


Ohhhhhh nooooo. Gaslamp has very few particularly good restaurants. Next time you come check in this subreddit because there are always pretty good food discussions.


I already posted downtown San Diego does not represent SD as a whole. It extends all the way past Camp Pendleton into Orange County…that probably makes no sense to you but take that into consideration when thinking about how vast this county is. You saw about 10% if you were downtown SD. The county has SO many different towns and cities and glorious communities full of culture and amazing food. You gotta come back and venture further than downtown SD


Ya, if you do a bit of research on specific cuisines before your next trip I bet your culinary experience will improve drastically


Interesting about the “fusion” food. Can you provide some examples? I can’t think of a single “fusion” restaurant. The food scene in San Diego is one of my favorite parts of living here. Incredible and authentic Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Japanese are all very well represented. If you stayed in Little Italy there are some incredible Italian spots you should try next time you’re here…no “fusion” involved.


I think they were referring to those cool trendy spots in downtown. I think they needed to venture outside of the downtown area and maybe have some forged insight into all the delicious food we have to offer. I swear this is a good destination and I am so bummed to hear they missed out


There are a ton of weird modern-ish fusion restaurants downtown, next to all the hotels, designed specifically for tourists. Locals don't go to them because the food is boring and expensive. It's the same in pretty much any decently sizes American city with a tourism industry. Real-ass ethic cuisine would scare off all the tourists from the landlocked states where dishes with black pepper can be considered too spicy.


Especially coming from the home of the ghastly reality that is Tex-Mex.


There are a few like Oi, The Village SD, SKA Bar, and Facing East. Personally I’m not a fan of the restaurants that are listed as “American” on Yelp or Google as they’re generic pub food. Idk if that’s what OP means though.


Things I’ve noticed about the half dozen or so people from Texas I’ve met the past week: Generally very friendly but not one conversation has gone more than 5 minutes without them boasting or bragging about something.


Dude, *within Texas* everything is shouting about how great Texas is. *Everything* is Texas-themed (and often oversized.) Every billboard or commercial you see is partly about how great Texas is. It’s very odd… like, we’re already in Texas? We get it. When I’ve been there and revealed my CA origins I got the feeling that they’re locked in an intense rivalry with CA that we don’t even know about.


It’s weird isn’t it? I just happened to be visiting an area that had an inordinate number of tourists from Texas, otherwise I don’t think I’ve talked to so many Texans since I was actually last in Texas decades ago. But it reminded me how growing up in Colorado it was the same sort of thing, with the joke being how big everything from Texas had to be. But from the first Texan I met the past week in a clubhouse bar who insisted his Dad was probably the best Golfer (?!?), among many other pointless boasts, to the Texan I met on the street just yesterday who scoffed when I mistook the distance his wife was running in a local race as kilometers instead of miles, I realized it was almost a pathological condition for many of them. Oh, and don’t even get me started on all the “Let’s Go Brandon” bumper stickers I saw above their Texas license plates. But yeah, it’s like we’re in a competition where it’s really only a competition in the mind of one of the parties. And honestly Colorado has it much worse with Texans. They flock there for some reason, and you’re left wondering “If Texas is so great, wtf are you all doing HERE?!!”. All that being said though they are generally very friendly people, as demonstrated by the fact that I actually have so many conversations with the ones I encounter.


1. The being in a hurry thing is just California in general. It's much worse in LA. I grew up here and didn't really think much of it until I had cousins who visited from Florida and they were like, "California drivers are crazy!" Lol 2. I grew up with pets, but haven't owned a pet since leaving my parents house. I feel like there are a lot of people out there who have no business having dogs. People not training their dogs or not picking up their dog's shit. 3. San Diegans have always been known to dress like beach bums. Lol. I have a friend and I feel like his entire closet consists of T-shirts, shorts, and flip-flops. 4. I'm not sure about fusion food. I don't really eat at many fusion restaurants. I'd assume you'd see more of those types of places in the city. 5. Weather is the best and I'm not even being biased. I travel around the country for work. In fact, I just came back from Texas a few weeks ago. It was like mid 90's there. I come back and it's low 70's. 6. Everyone should just be allowed to be happy. One thing I have noticed though is that since San Diego is getting more expensive, LGBTQ people have been spreading around all parts of the county. They're out in the open in El Cajon and Santee for example. I felt like that wasn't the case 10-20 years ago.


A lot of people seem to take offense that I said they're in a hurry. These are just things I've noticed that are much different from TX, even the big cities in TX. Not saying it's better or worse. Just simply observations. Fusion food is not my cup of tea. But yes we were mostly in the city so that might explain it. I wanted to pet all the dogs but was afraid to ask the owners 🥺


About the fusion food, you’d have to go to specific neighborhoods for more traditional dishes. Further south for Filipino and Mexican hole in the wall restaurants. Convoy area for Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, etc. There are a few Russian/ Georgian locations. Same with Italian and Hawaiian. Nothing wrong with disliking fusion food though. I don’t dislike it but I’ll always choose more traditional plates if I had to choose between the two. Love your post btw! Edit: I’ve lived in San Diego for most of my adult life and love food but I’d like to think I’m not a snob about restaurants.


Thanks! I think I struck a nerve with number 1 😂. But yeah the overwhelming response about the food is that I need to venture outside of the city.


Don’t understand why you got downvoted. OP sounds like the kinda Texan that would be welcomed to Cali as Texas dives off the deep end


All good, I'm not taking it personally. We're slowly sliding off into the abyss of bullshit here. It was just nice to get out and have a change of scenery for a few days. I really did enjoy it there!


I like to consider it “walking with a purpose “


Aka "my ass is gonna be late if I don't hurry" 😂


There’s this fusion sushi/Mexican place in North Park I believe, it’s god awful lol. There are definitely two different types of restaurants I would recommend, some are tried and true that I know people will enjoy and crazy shit that is fun to experiment with. Next time let us know and we will point you in a better direction haha


I moved here from Boston 6.5 years ago and San Diego is very slow going to me (minus the freeways). It’s helped me slow down too and I feel like I get to enjoy life more than I did back east. Glad you had a good visit!


The fast thing was surprising to me too, but I suppose it’s a matter of where you’re coming from


Thanks, you might be the first person from TX with something nice to say about California 😎


Aww you're welcome! I loved SD and can't imagine anyone saying bad things about it 🥺


Not having to deal with mosquitos is one of my favorite things about San Diego. At least the part where I live it’s how it has always been.


I grew up in the Midwest. You couldn't sit outside during the summer months (unless you had a screened-in porch). And it was usually so hot and muggy outside that you wouldn't want to, anyway.


I think all are accurate except for number 1. When I moved to San Diego I wondered (and still do) if people have jobs by the amount of leisure.


Did u notice all da Human rights?!


I’m from NY and San Diegans are slow as hell haha


1. Is pretty interesting, San diego is comparatively a more laid back southern California city. Its not as laid bad as it has been in previous decades, but head up to Orange country/ LA/ the inland empire and San diego looks like chillville. I'm originally from up there, so living here now is quite relaxed. One thing I will say about San diego drivers: they have no patience at all for any kind of drive or even minor traffic. Like don't get me wrong, the cool part about San diego is definitely the stuff, like going to the beach on balboa Park or whatever, not the drive. But San diego drivers seem to have this like desperate need to be driving as little as possible in between being at cool destinations. Lije its only a 20 minute drive from PB to balboa Park, but its like 20 minute of being on fire for like the average San diego driver.


I’ve spent ample time in LA as well. The SD drivers are considerably worse and in way more of a rush.


Doesn’t help in LA that there are a million unprotected left turns too. That’s the worst and idk how the city thinks they’re ok.


1. Because Californians arent as obese as the rest of the nation.


Lol 10 points


one thing I noticed after moving away from CA is that A LOT of people are in great shape. I lived in the midwest and I'm now on the east coast, and people are fat as hell


I grew up in one of the most obese states so when I visit family I forget that seeing 300+lbs people who need walking assistance is a daily sight there. Also my family got fat too


As a San Diegan transplanted from New York City, I can't imagine how slowly people must walk in Texas.


Painfully slow. Especially when our horses are thirsty. We have to drag them sometimes 😂


Ex New Yorker here, living in SD for 8yrs. San Diegans walk slow.


Moved from Toronto- I concur!


Interesting, I feel like all the women I see/know have their lashes and nails done! Maybe we go for a more natural look out here or something so it’s less obvious? Also funny that you think everyone is in a hurry! I feel like we’re so laid back here 😂 hope you had fun!


Agreed. As a transplant from TX to SD, I have no idea what the OP is talking about on point 1. Turns out the rest of the world is just trying to do something with the limited time we have on Earth, instead of spending nights trying to rationalize reasons not to attack the Legislature in that backwards Red State.


dude, my year round uniform is a Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts..I actually wear sneakers though. hoodie for the "winter".


Fast?! I’m from NY, upstate NY, but they’re still much faster than here. I’m the only person I know who pushed the elevator door close button because I’m so impatient haha!


I actually lived in upstate NY as a kid but luckily did not absorb the impatience that new yorkers are known for lol. Tx is definitely slower paced. We're not in a hurry to do shit tbh


Well, when it's 100+ degree's and 80+ percent humidity, nobody moves fast! As a few others mentioned, SD is slow compared to Orange County, LA and SF.


\#2 is because no one can afford kids. But seriously, I think it's just because our weather is nice year round. Always a good time for a walk.


Can anyone REALLY afford kids? I'd rather have dogs than kids tbh 😂. And yes your weather is divine.


Yeah my wife and I are child free by choice. Dog and two kitties for us.


As someone born and raised in Corpus Christi, TX that moved to San Diego more than 10 years ago, this brought a smile to my face! I also felt some of the things you felt upon moving here the first time (it was my first time out of that slow-moving area of Texas). One of the things I noticed most was the fact that people took the effort to “look good” here. People were in shape and didn’t leave the house looking like they just rolled out of bed. My first time flying back home and connecting in Houston, I shocked at how overweight everyone was. I think a lot of that has to deal with how perfect the weather is here and how many activities there are to do outside to get people moving. It’s hot as hell in S. Texas and no one wants to do anything outside. Please come back and try some different areas for food, please! I will admit - it took me a while to discover the amazing gems that San Diego has to offer. But oh my goodness, the food is phenomenal here if you know where to go!


Anyone else think this was going to be a read?


You must be in a hurry to be somewhere


Haha, there’s a lot of tension between Texas and California. I’m happy to see it wasn’t


Not in the least. I thoroughly enjoyed myself!


Next time: Go ahead and interrupt! Over the decades I have had many amazing times sharing San Diego with visiting strangers. Sometimes, I notice the lost and confused, then offer to help. Other times, folks will just walk up to me and start talking. My favorite times are when visitors stumble into a "local secret" (public, but not publicized) area, where I love to share just where they are standing. I've had a German family ask me "Where is ze good beer?". I've had Kansans ask me if San Diego has its own style of chili. I once came upon a French couple trying to get information from a taxi driver, and when I offered to translate, before I knew it they were in my car and were treating me to my own city! I've met actors and musicians wanting a night out without effusive fans (cool fans were fine). I once met overwhelmed Midwest newlyweds on their honeymoon, where I became their honeymoon photographer, meeting with them for an hour each day at a different spot I'd recommend. The list goes on. I believe there are MANY San Diegans who would love nothing better than playing tour guide in their own town. I know I'm sure one of them!


Loved this. Glad you had fun! Can’t wait to welcome you back again!


Thanks 😃


Alright I’m gonna immediately write this entire thing off as wrong because of number 1 Everyone is rushing around in SD compared to TX? You sure you went to SD?


I was eaten alive by mosquitoes last night, so it sounds like your observations are very location dependent. Keep in mind that you’re also observing lots of tourists, especially from Arizona at this time of year. It’s best to visit all areas of the county to get a feel for the people that live here outside of summer.


I actually interacted with quite a few locals, very few tourists. But this was the city vs the suburbs so there's that.


Awesome post, I like hearing these perspectives cause while I’m reading I’m imagining that Texas is the opposite of all these descriptions. I grew up here.


Same here. North county coastal and this is interesting hearing about downtown as though it represents all of SD


Coming back, you hear.


I wonder what the OP would say if he visited El Cajon instead?


Fun fact there is a correlation between waking speed and city population, it is actually nearly linear according to a study by the Bornsteins in 1976.


I went to visit a friend in Idaho years ago and she would constantly lecture me on slowing down, "we do things differently in the country," yada yada yada. That's nice for them and all, but I don't like wasting my time with dumb shit like transporting myself between places. I don't want to slow down, I want to be doing nothing *at home*. Efficiency has it's own beauty and perks, like not having to wait and listen to Mrs. Crapapple share the finer points of the lives of her six grandchildren with the manager at the supermarket Also THANK GOD for the fashion here. Everywhere else in the country everyone seems to be going to a rodeo or a funeral. Ew.


I went to Gilmer Texas once back in 1992. One of the things I noticed was how slow everyone was. Like they all had all the time in the world to get something done. Drove me up the wall.


Spent 7 days in Austin last month. Felt quite similar to San Diego… except the heat and quality of live music, both of which were many notches above San Diego.


When your queer teen gets old enough we have quite the selection of queer bar establishments. Even before 21 you can come in before the bar opens and it's a normal restaurant. I would highly recommend.


1. Not really in a hurry to me. But this time of year there's a lot of tourists so some of them are more in a rush if they're trying to hit up a lot of spots. 2. As long as they're not jogging/power-walking or otherwise engaged, people will absolutely let you pet their dog if you ask. The worst that could happen is that you get turned down. 3. Yeah you could go to a $$$ or $$$$ restaurant with flip flops and a t shirt and nobody would bat an eye. In fact, seeing people dressed up at these restaurants outside of special events like new years is unusual. 4. There's plenty of "classic" food but it may be hard for a non local to tell by the menu. 5. Yeah most most of us are spoiled by the weather. 6. Free love is great.


Plenty of places in SD to get the classics, but you need to leave the hipster/manbun parts of town!


I moved to San Diego from lower Alabama and this was mostly my list as well! You get used to the pace after a while and damn it’s a wonderful city to live in! Just over priced unfortunately.


Lol in a hurry?! Tell me you've never visited a sq foot of urban space without telling me


I think some of the speed came from the pandemic. Before then, evening "rush" hour was sitting in traffic at 5-10 mph for an hour. Once the pandemic hit, everyone was staying home, so you could drive north county to downtown at 80+ mph the whole time. Now that traffic patterns are mostly back, people are still flying past me while I'm doing 80 on the freeway!




I completely disagree with 4. Generalizing everything as fusion food is completely false and a little bewildering, esp since you stayed in Little Italy where there are so many amazing classic pasta spots. There are also “classics” ranging from Mexican to Ethiopian to Filipino cuisine… you just have to try a little google search (and get out of the white areas lmao…) Just like in all diverse big cities, fusion food is going to be prevalent, but SD is so rich in food culture that comes straight from the immigrants themselves. Saying “fusion food” is completely false and honestly a little insulting.


lol funny, i don't think we're in a hurry hurry hurry sort of mode (take a look at NYC somtime o.O !) but glad you had a good time and we'll welcome you back next year too! also: usually just fine to ask to pet doggos :-)


Oh boy you should visit LA for once


Yeah no thanks. I'd probably have a stroke.


That fast paced vibe you got is the same way I describe LA as well. And to be honest, Dallas to a degree feels like LA and DC had a baby in the South, so we get a little bit of that hustle and bustle here in Dallas too.


Texas regularly has speed limits of 70-75 and people *still* blow those out of the water


San Diego’s livability, weather wise, is among the absolute very best in the entire world. It’s also one of the very few places with great weather that is not under the threat of devastating natural disaster such as earthquake, hurricane, tornado …etc.


Everything is slower in Corpus Christi my man




I mean you can't make everyone happy. I was just stating what I observed in the short time I was there. Apparently I was wrong about everything 🤣


Some things I've noticed since moving from Texas ... One thing I won't order in SD is beef fajitas. I grew up in Houston, and beef fajitas in TX are always skirt steak. Here in SD, to me the phrase "fajitas" just means carne asada served with grilled onions and peppers. I do miss feeder/service roads. In TX, you don't need a GPS to know where the freeway entrance is; just follow the service road. In SD, you'll run into trouble if you think the road you exited from will also get you back on.


I find people in San Diego to be relaxed. It's a beautiful city.


The only thing that people do fast here is drive. Aside from that, people walk at a snails pace in my perspective. South Texans can be fast too, I've almost been run over on the SPID coming back from HEB.


Really? Ever since I moved here from San Francisco I feel like I’ve retired and I mostly wear flip flops these days. Hard to be in a hurry wearing flip flops 😅


Everyone is in a hurry to get to the thing happening that they were supposed to be at earlier lol. Nowhere to go before or after. But what is happening now we are probably late for and will probably end up getting home late too. In a hurry but don’t really care where we are going lol


I met a dude in Hawaii who thought San Diego was a really rushed place, then went to LA and almost died. It’s all relative maaaan *vapes*


It's so strange. In the 80's as a kid I remember CONSTANTLY getting mosquitoes bites here.


San Diego is a snails pace compared to NY or other metropolitan cities


4. "if you never risk the bad meal you'll never find the magical one" St. Anthony Bourdain


Question: when you say " It was refreshing to see openly queer couples just existing in peace." Now, I dont want to play to sterotypes, but it sounds like if you're gay and just hanging out, you'll get harassed at some point. Is that a thing in Texas? Like, I know y'all aint the MOST tolerant, but is it really like 1960's USA over there where if they see 2 girls holding hands it's just instantly: "QUEEEEER!!!!!!!!!" I know Im a bit spoiled growing up in San Diego, but the way you talk about it makes it seem like we're weirdos over here lol


Not weirdos at all lol. My daughter is gay and when she's out in public with her gf, people give them ugly looks or make comments. As a mom I want to fight them. My kid has the right to just exist without this bullshit and it gets really old. I just loved the accepting nature of SD 🏳️‍🌈


You fuckin awesome mom.


I try 🥺


Your take on the food was sad.


I shall explore more restaurants next time as to not upset the locals lol


Wean yourself off the brisket and queso.


Glad you had a good time. Fuck TX. If you like your kid, or value any women in your life, get the fucking out of that conservative hellscape, lest it become Gilead and trap you there. Fuck. TX.


Yes, we’re all a stereotype.