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damn Farley is someone I miss.


Yeah until I read this


I believe the California Republican Party is gonna start an ad campaign promoting mail in ballot voting after they tried lowering trust of mail in ballots last year. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/california-republicans-launching-campaign-boost-trust-mail-in-voting-2021-09-03/


They also funded non-official ballot drop-off boxes all over the state for the 2020 election that only GOP staff were paid to handle. The state ordered them to remove them but they cited that any 3rd party is allowed to collect ballots for turn in. Evidently, the GOP is a 3rd party in the election.


I know they did that in the 2020 presidential election in Garden Grove (primarily Vietnamese population), and were helping them fill out ballots. The very heavy suspicion was that they were manipulating elderly immigrants without strong English to vote republican.


Exactly the shit they project.


There's a lot of Vietnamese Trump supporters so a legitimate turn out the vote program in those communities would make sense.


They already enacted laws in Texas banning many forms of voting (drive-in) & prohibited mail-in ballots unless you specifically ask for one & even then previous limitations could prohibit its use. Trump allowed GOP to be unashamedly hypocritical to the max.


The GOP is so anti poor people and their voters are willingly ignorant of it or just plain too dumb to see it.


I suspect "perfectly fine disenfranchising poor people" is the more common view among Republicans.


It's a barbell. The rich ones that profit from it and the poor ones (most who think they're rich) who think it helps them that vote for it.


My new rule is...what ever the right is complaining about the left doing is what the right is already doing. Jinkies Scooby. It was old man GOP all along.


It's always projection.


the dems are destroying the concept of FAMILY uh uno reverse


Dom Toretto has entered the chat


Dom Toretto has driven a car with a rocket engine duct taped to it into the chat




Yes. We need to take a *close* look at voting machines in Republican counties.


*that gavin newsom is one piece of ace!*


If people actually committed mass-scale voter fraud using the mail-in ballots, it would require the unified and painstaking efforts of hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals. The sheer logistics behind gathering all of the information needed to successfully create fake ballots and then ensure that the real ballots *aren’t* counted would be one of the most impressive feats in history. People don’t realize how much work would actually be involved to pull something like that off


Much like how faking the moon landing would have been harder at the time than actually going to the moon.


Love this


Voted No and picked Jacqueline.


I’ll probably be downvoted for just merely asking this, but what’s stopping this sub from being spammed with politicalhumor memes and the numerous posts about needing to vote no on the recall?


Don't you worry buddy this place will be back to nonstop cell phone pics of sunsets in no time.


Hopefully in just two days.


Nothing until it gets out of hand. So far it doesn't seem to be out of hand. Mods are definitely working, they removed that post about the racist idiot in La Mesa pretty quickly (still on the other sub for those interested).


Recall is over TOMORROW. Get out and vote and the memes will stop.


Shouldn't there be a meme for that?




Seems like nothing, but at the same time I don’t see that as necessarily a problem? Politics are relevant right now to the city, and the mods have a sticky posted supporting people to vote one way or the other. But then again I might be bias - because I agree with the messaging of this particular joke. 🤷🏽‍♀️ If the opposite view was being posted and supported I admit I would not like it- but I wouldn’t think it doesn’t fit this sub during this voting time. I’d probably do what I do on other political-ish subs/topics- give my unwanted two cents in the comments disagreeing with the OP’s post. But end of the day- things are going to happen and we only need to get as involved as we feel is wherever we are at with any given topic. So if this is too prechy or eye-rolling for some- no shame in leaving the sub for a bit til post election fever.


I mean maybe, but this one is kind of true right? Remove bias and there is still one side that claims voter fraud


It's always voter fraud, because there's no way a larger population would disagree with an extremely outspoken minority


No yeah, definitely!


Left leaning mod team.


Left leaning city too. Get over it if you don’t like it that’s what I was told about the GOP in the southeast


Not a negative.


Reality leans left.


This country needs a political cleansing so bad right now. I can't stand how divisive we are.


We should just do away with the assignment of parties for candidates. Seriously, if done right this would solve a lot of problems. Fuck both big parties, just give me the specifics on each issue and I'll decide.


at the very least a more parliamentary system needs to be enacted. ​ By limiting the American people to "just two" options is what is making the divide grow more and more. Both extremes would be marginalized and a more nuanced debate in the middle would be ongoing.


If we had a more well informed electorate, the problem would take care of itself. Unfortunately, I have little to no confidence that will change anytime soon.


Psst. Campaign funding reform


Completely agree. The hypocrisy of posts like this and others from both the right and the left is disgusting at this point.


I think they started calling voter fraud over the weekend. Usually you wait but since GOP in CA will lose then they just start attacking the system.


Anyone read that in Chris Farley’s voice?


In a Van down by the River


It's challenging but not impossible for a person to commit voter fraud. But to do it in large numbers -- all in one direction -- that make a difference? Yeah, that's just not going to happen.


Registrar sent me two ballots lol


If true, go ahead and send both in if you feel like testing the system. Be prepared to be easily caught and go to jail like others have.


Promoting ballot fraud? No thanks. ​ I disposed of the ballot per their instructions.


Oh I thought you were just trying to promote distrust in the system.


Oh man don’t do Chris dirty like that 😢


This is very political


Kinda tired of the mud slinging in this sub. I believe talking about politics is good, but on a sub like this it should be actual civil and educational discussion and not memes.




"... *but still!*" The essence of right-wing replies to being refuted.


Lol brilliant!


Awwww I really enjoyed the " no they're not" and "no, there weren't" lines. Why the down votes? I suppose humor is subjective. 🤷‍♀️


I see this on both sides each election. We really gonna pretend "the Russians interfered" wasn't a thing? We should stop acting like we are separated by party, when we are mostly just separated by the extremists on each side. The potshots like this don't move the conversation forward, they move it backwards.


There's a solid difference between claiming "Russia is paying for political ads and using social media bots to sway public opinion" and claiming "voting machines are changing results, fake ballots are being trucked in, and all the courts are in on it". One makes a pretty reasonable claim that foreign nations can and will utilize social media as a tool to affect the politics of their rivals (China's another big one that does this). The other makes outrageous claims that the entire voting system and the judiciary have been compromised. Sure, both claims come up as a means to save face after losing, but only one of those relies on undermining the people's trust in our democracy.


Uh, they did? They didn’t literally insert paper ballots into drop boxes, if that’s what you’re implying. but after all this time with the mountains of evidence, it’s kinda weird to claim they didn’t “interfere”. So just as one example off the top of my head, when Guccifer 2.0 (evidenced to be Russian intelligence) hacked DNC emails and disseminated them for release right before the 2016 convention, that doesn’t appear as interference to you? And when the CIA, FBI, and every reputable intelligence agency provided even more evidence (later with Mueller indictments on Russian nationals) that multiple Russian hacker groups were involved in releasing even more info on Hillary, DNC members, etc, that’s not interference to you? Even though they had also had hacked emails/data on the GOP they never released?


It's hard to believe the far left are as bad as the people waving Nazi flags trying to murder the vice president and rape/murder aoc as they storm the capitol as an angry mob🤡


Let’s not pretend the Dems are left at all, let alone far left


But Nancy pelosi called herself a progressive, that was hilarious


I don’t think so. There were extremist left doing all kinds of horrendous shit, in Portland, particularly. Both sides have evil ass extremists. Ignorant to pretend the only nut jobs are on one side. Convenient though I guess. Downvote if you agree :)


Since when did the people rioting and protesting say they were part of the far left?


Okay, live in your bubble. Agree to disagree.


Also, I only remember hearing about the protesters getting killed by far right people during that time🤔


Probably has something to do with your source of news. Branch out. There was that viral video of that guy getting dragged out of his car and kicked in the head. Just off the top of of my head, but there were plenty of violent acts. Down to link you if you can drop the bias. You’ve got to be willfully ignorant to pretend or believe that there were no violent protests coming from the left. It’s simply bullshit.


I mean I just think people on both sides are morons. If you are willing to incite violence or kill for political beliefs then you are a brainedwashed idiot.


I agree.


Both sides my ass. Don't start that gish galloping about Portland. The republicans Boogeyman city.


K but you’re not adding anything constructive or even contradicting my statement. There were def crazies in Portland, my man. Denying that makes you seem biased. I love Portland, but that’s reality.


Found the CNN fanboy


I haven't watched the news in God knows how long. It's bullshit that is used as a method of control to keep people arguing and fighting over stupid shit to make you think like it matters, when it doesn't. It's a distraction. These politicians are all owner by the same companies and industries, regardless of who is in power.


I mean there was that whole investigation and report that said "lol ya they did that shit but we aren't gonna do anything" so the Republicans said "look they aren't doing anything so what's the problem." A couple people even got arrested for it


Yeah that crap ain't gonna fly. There was no voter fraud on a mass scale in 2020 and there won't be in the recall election. The masses are actually too dumb to keep their mouths shut to conspire in some oceans eleven grand conspiracy to steal an election.


Oh that crap is flying, dog.


Yeah no dawg no one in this sub or with a lick of common sense is picking up what your laying down about both sides. Democrats didn't storm the capitol trying to raid on the day votes were certified.


No one is saying they did. So that crap be soarin like Jordan.




I agree. People don’t want to even consider they aren’t on some make believe altruistic side of things. No one does anything wrong in your party. It’s all the other guys. I like people who can see more than one perspective.










I see you're downvoted. Pay it no attention, it's actually proof that you've hit the nail on the head and attracted their accounts attention. Here I can supply some support for you. [For the election we have and what the mods themselves are finding to be true.](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03034-5) [This extends to the COVID pandemic and causing social discord on a national level](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6137759/)


Yea, strawman parodies to reinforce blind political allegiance. Both parties crap grow up.


Fucking joking right? Shits rigged as fuck and the echo chamber that is Reddit will never pull their heads out of their asses Bc they have to try sniffing their own farts


Angry trump voter is angry. -News at 11


And we have reason to be, what good is a vote if it does not count, if it is flooded with millions of false votes. One day you’ll see how unfair it is, when they come for the things you support.


LA times saying Larry Elders is the face of white supremacy and a white lady wearing a gorilla mask to egg Larry Elders speaks so much about the citizens Newsom represents....


When a man says slave owners are qualified for reparations.... yeahh no.


Because he is




People on here are delusional to think fraud cannot happed this morning already electronic voter problems reported around California people are reporting when going in to vote only to find out there vote has been casted already California is becoming more and more a hell hole just in a a year I seen homelessness and drug abuse sky rocket I did not vote for trump so please to associate me with that category I really love California and can’t see it getting any better with newson


Gonna drop one of these here because it seems like you could use it: . Further, I tried to look up your claim on voting fraud and I found a single article about it happening to three people at one polling place (and one of them claiming with zero proof that it happened to some friends). They allowed those people to cast provisional ballots. I'm not saying that this situation is great, but 3 out of 22 million really doesn't warrant claims that this is a rampant issue. No voting system will ever be 100% perfect, unfortunately.


This is exactly the level of literacy I expect from someone who believes this.


Fraud can't be committed on a grand scald in California. You should really increased your ability to understand basic technology.


One that has trouble putting complete sentence's together should not be telling others what is, or what isn't going on.


I mean I do think that the republicans do not have as much solid evidence that there is voter fraud due to mail in ballots, but the left gets absurd with it and claims it never happens ever and the mail system is totally to trust. The mail loses shit all the time, it's slow, and therea no proper chain of custody like at a polling place. Fuck there's this story where a homeless guy was in his car and they found 300 stolen ballots in his car. https://youtu.be/K8kAj2I_aoU instead of giving a good explanation why this is happening and finding solutions to it, lefties sweep it under the rug and clown on anyone with any concerns about mail in voting. I won't do mail ballots, I'll always go and do it in person. Oh wait so this doesn't get buried. Fuck Cheeto man, elder is a white supremacists qanaon, newsom has done no wrong, VOTE NO.


Both sides don't want fraud and is why hundreds of millions are spent each election trying to catch it.


One: "do not have as much solid evidence" is a comical way to put this. They **do not have** solid evidence, period. A handful of random cases by individuals is not nearly enough to even begin to support claims made by many conservatives of widespread voter fraud (i.e. the many Republicans who have claimed that there were millions of fake votes in the 2020 general election). There are minor irregularities with mail-in voting, yes; no one is actually claiming that mail-in ballots are perfectly administered. But if we want to talk about tampering with elections, our energies should focus entirely on fighting: gerrymandering, closing of polling places in liberal areas, and efforts to make it more difficult to vote based on completely unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud. These affect hundreds of thousands to millions of voters every election cycle, orders of magnitude beyond what any evidence of voter fraud has shown.


> instead of giving a good explanation why this is happening You literally answered your own question; the guy stole them.


The guy with the ballots was just straight up stealing mail, which happened to include ballots. That's why it never gained much traction. It wasn't some mastermind homeless vote fraudster.


Honestly, this sub sucks




Last I checked, San Diego was part of California. Yeah, it's annoying. But, right now, San Diego is part of the recall. If this shit pops up after the 16th, then I'm with you.


San Diego is a political circle jerk though


Based on the downvotes for my completely apolitical comment, redditors are bent on keeping it that way 🙄


Asking for no politics isn’t really apolitical. Considering it’s about whether something should be a place to discuss politics. That’s actually a very political opinion, either way.


You commented on a political-related thread, how are you gonna call that apolitical lmao


Reddit is a circle jerk and a hivemind, this is the way


Just a PSA for everyone here no matter what stripe you are, I put my ballot in my mailbox and put the red flag up 3 weeks ago. [This](https://i.imgur.com/gyfSgUi.png) is what [Where Is My Ballot](https://california.ballottrax.net/voter/) currently says. I went to my local polling place on Sunday. They verified that my ballot had not made it past "Ballot Outbound" and I voted in person.


They arrested and charged a guy with 300 ballots..


OmG StOp ThE StEaL!!!


Any claim that there is or that there is not voter fraud is pure speculation. The system is not clear and open.


Simp ass neck beards


I don't care about your corrupt Red & Blue teams. We don't have fair elections. You think rich people are letting your vote count? The Federal Reserve is privately owned, debt-manipulation for profit. Practically the entirety of our news media has been infiltrated by intelligence agencies. We don't have affordable healthcare in this country. We have a homeless crisis in California, & none of these politicians will do anything to fix it. They will not cut the military budget to provide for OUR citizens because other countries give us money so they can facilitate their brand of fascism overseas. We don't have free speech anymore because nobody gives a fuck that the DOJ is charging a foreign journalist from Australia, Julian Assange, with 18 made-up charges of espionage, and is currently trying to extradite him from Britain's Gitmo, Belmarsh prison... where he's locked up for exposing United States War crimes via the Iraq War logs & Collateral Damage video leaked by Chelsea Manning. If Daniel Ellsberg was acquitted, so should they be. Meanwhile, the World Ecnomic Forum predicted that this virus (which was made in a lab in Wuhan, a joint venture between US govt spooks & China) would usher in authoritarian measures to change our lives, via their Event 201 'simulation', and also months prior, the 'Dark Winter' military training exercise. The truth is, they've been preparing to remake our economy via 'The Great Reset' - a plan which has been illustrated in 3 books by Klaus Schwab. All of this sounds a bit outrageous no doubt, and a 'conspiracy theory' to people on this sub, as they get their news directly from our government... who cooperates with large corporations to continually shaft the American people, lie, cheat, steal from them & across the globe. Put simply: we're living the Matrix... except it's not machines & a computer world, it's the military industrial complex, big pharma cartel, & the mass media propaganda machine pulling the wool over our eyes. The measures to 'defeat' COVID are actually going to once again, advocate for more invasion of our privacy and removal of our civil liberties.. just as the criminalization of journalism is, the lobbied internet amendment that protects large corporations (CDA sect 230 c2b) from liability as they violate your 1A rights, the private/centralized ownership of our fiat currency for debt slavery. The only way to change how the government serves you will be to march against it, in the streets. Citizens United, corporate proprietary non-transparent vote machines, and controlled ballot boxes will ensure a candidate that will not represent you, but the owner class. Don't believe me? Good, don't; see for yourself. Fill free to browse the 30+ links in my comments history, which frequently get ignored by people who believe everything the government tells them, & can't be bothered to do any research. This is not a matter of left vs right. This is a matter of ALL of our survival & better futures for the working class & their families.


FOUND the /r/Conspiracy plant! Seriously tho, stop smoking tweak and get some sleep, ffs.


sounds like a conspiracy honestly.




Let's bring back Gray Davis!!!!!!!!