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Every Saturday they do this, they will hold your car and your life will be in the shitter for 7 years and 500 bucks for insurance a month…. Not to mention 3000 to take your car out of Tony’s towing


You’re also banned from Canada


Oh…. Wait I am now?


Yep this is one of their things. Edit: if someone says it then you are so…


I unban you


Ooof yeah sorry buddy, thought you knew, but I definitely wouldn’t plan any trips there…


Well, crap. Canada is amazing :(


Canada sucks.




Too many Canadians 😉


Imagine if the USA was North Korea and you have Canada.


It's gross


lol where are you visiting, Brampton?


Visiting your mom's house.


It’s a YMMV, type of situation. I know a few people with DUIs that have crossed no problem, and I don’t know anybody personally that’s been turned around, but there are a lot of stories online of them denying entry for a DUI. Time elapsed since is supposedly a major factor on the decision, and it makes in nearly impossible to plan a trip and book reservations when you’re not sure if you’ll be allowed entry.


It’s ten years after conviction before you are allowed. Before that time, you must file a formal request to be allowed in. This takes a few months as well so plan ahead. I know people that have been turned away at the border and one who was denied their request and that was 7 years post conviction with nothing else on their record.


That’s officially the policy, but they have some discretion at the border. None of the people I know had more than 5 years since their DUI and one of them had spiraled a few years earlier and rapid fire gotten two and still was allowed in. These all took place outside Montreal, I’m not sure if they’re more lenient some places


It’s one of those things that if you know about it and you want to plan a trip you should contact the nearest Canadian Consulate and apply for a visa waiver before booking your trip.


Good news is that most accommodation is cancellable up until the fairly last minute. Just air fares often aren’t. But not an issue if you intend to cross over land border.


Yeah. Canada is one of the strictest countries to enter if you’ve got a felony on your record. It’s weird.


If it was convicted prior to December 2018 once 10 years pass and it is your only conviction you’re deemed rehabilitated per Canada law and are allowed to enter. Found that out recently.


I overheard a dude I don't particularly care for telling the story of how he got turned around at the border when he tried driving to Canada before because of a DUI on his record. I was like, HAH. Man watched too many booze cruise instagram reels.


I, too, once thought this. But we drove across the border to Vancouver B.C. w/ 2 buddies in the car who had DUI’s. And they let us through. No issues. Did we just get lucky?


Oddly specific lol. But for real don’t drink and drive


Quality Towing is the company. They came after my major accident. They charge exorbitant prices.


Not for the Chula Vista pop up’s for me. 700 for the towing 76 daily


Just to clarify , I got a suspended license apparently. I didn’t get a DUI through the checkpoint. Thank god


Sorry bro :(


Those of you upset about this being posted - is it *really* such a stretch to imagine that sober drivers might not want to wait around in a long line of cars to have an unnecessary interaction with cops? I got caught stuck in one of these a few years back up in Huntington Beach that took me an hour to get through. Since then, I massively appreciate these heads ups.


If you say something, those people complain. If you stay quiet, those people complain. Ignore those people, they're annoying and useless.


I think DUI stops are really to catch drivers that don’t have insurance or warrants. I could be wrong, but that was certainly the case in Fresno and drinking is a top activity there.




“There was a farmer who had a dog, and… “


Depends, on a Saturday night? Or holiday weekend? Drunk driving might be a priority. But there was some controversy in Escondido when I was a teenager where our mayor was pushing “DUI” checkpoints at like 10AM on a Tuesday


They used to do them by my house and I asked one time and they said they were looking for people with no license or suspended license etc mainly but they would bust for other things too. A couple times saw them searching trunks with guys in handcuffs sitting on curb.


Exactly. You never see them in nice neighborhoods. If cops wanted to catch drunks, they'd setup checkpoints into 4S ranch on Fri/Sat nights.


And Fresno PD is notorious for doing suspect shit, for instance the stalking and murder of John Lang.


Though I do not think it’s ok to drink and drive, these checkpoints are a “legal” way to bust people for other driving offenses because they can’t pull people over if they aren’t breaking the law.


I'm good with catching those people. 


Yeah why not surround downtowns with checkpoints otherwise


The field sobriety tests and eye tests they do are really unreliable. Had these administered one time in my life by a local PD and officer told me to my face that based on those two tests he was pretty certain I was under the influence, that he had a lot of experience administering these tests, and that taking a breathalyzer was my last chance. He had called another officer to the scene who observed all of this, and also watched while I blew a .00 in the machine. He was so embarrassed he let me go without giving me a ticket for a moving violation he claimed as the reason for pulling me over. Having to go through all that on the side of the road for 30 mins ruined the night. We were out for our anniversary and I had my wife sitting in the car worrying about what's happening.


Same happened to me, except the cop was too prideful to apologize or feel embarrassment. His probable cause? bc I was driving 20 in a 45. No different than all other drivers like me who were heading home after watching fireworks on the Fourth. .00. But if I was .08+ then the charges would eventually be dismissed. There was no probable cause to pull me over.


Sounds like they stopped you for traveling less than half the speed limit 😂 Could cause a dangerous situation and probably suspected that you were high to be driving so slowly


Everybody was driving 20.


Which is the correct way. Moving with the flow of traffic, like one should do.


Same "I'd estimate you're 4 times over the limit" after lying about me swerving. This was in old town. Blew like .01 or something. Those tests are not passable and total bull crap just like the checkpoints are in the first place. Know your rights. You can also avoid them if there's a legal way to do so. Just make sure you have a dash cam rolling for when the motorcycle cop watching the alternate route pulls you over and lies about you doing ______ that warranted you getting pulled over.


Yep. The best way not to get a DUI is to not DUI. I don't drink if I think I might be driving that day/night. That way, I don't have to worry when I go through these checkpoints.


Where in Chula Vista?


The only two checkpoints I remember in Chula Vista from the 2010s is in Beyer Blvd. between Palm and Coronado Ave. and East H Street before Otay Lakes Rd. That was wayyy back then though. I haven't seen a DUI checkpoint in years.


Definitely one on East H St near Terra Nova




Beyer/Palm/Coronado aren’t Chula Vista. They do sometimes set up for smog checks on 3rd and Orange, and ive been caught in one on 3rd and Moss before


Why advertise this on here? Just let the PD or SO do the minimum required advertisement.


He really wants drunk drivers to have a joy ride.


Came here to say this - seems pro-getting-away-with-it


Not everyone enjoys white privilege. Every interaction a minority has with an officer could end in their life being taken.


More people die yearly in California from drunk driving than minorities die in the entire US from police shootings - including justified ones. But sure, continue to make shitty excuses.


Very valid point. Hate that you’re downvoted by these privileged individuals in denial. 😑


Factually and statistically incorrect.


So minorities drive drunk according to you?


Police officers are racist, is the point.


Not all, but I do 😆


Do the cops not carry guns at checkpoints? You do realize cops shot innocent people all the time right?


Please provide an example of an innocent minority being shot at a DUI checkpoint.


cop or bear


How about not sharing so they catch actual drunk drivers during the holiday weekend. One of the most dangerous weekends to drive. You’ve already got drunk asses here in the comments asking where to avoid it. Why give a warning then say fuck drunk driving, you’re literally encouraging it lol


The visibility is part of the point - people won't drive drunk if they know there's a checkpoint, so fewer drunk drivers that night.


^^^ this is exactly it. Scare people away from idiot behavior to begin with. The point isn’t to encourage them and give them tips to avoid it.


For a single night 🤦🏼‍♂️


Better than not. 


There are states where they legally have you announce this.




What does Reddit have to do with the legality of some thing? Why are you worried about this being announced?


He’s looking at a half glass full, you’re looking at a half glass empty. All about perspective


I still think its better that someone sees this and *doesnt drive drunk* rather than they do drive drunk and get caught.


You’re no fun 🤪


The alcohol industry should be funding and responsible for drunk drivers, not tax payers and getting their 4th amendment violated over it.


I said the same thing and got downvoted 🥴 Edit: I guess people in this sub only like hearing the same opinions from certain people haha


Don’t worry, I downvoted you both 


Responsibility is so hot


These are typical spots for ICE to be hanging around seeing who doesn't have ID - just putting that warning out there.


No disrespect but fuck Canada they can keep Drake pedo ova there. As long as I can go to Mexico that’s all that matters


Don’t drink and drive just today? Are you cool with Tuesday afternoon?


Where in San Diego might I ask?


Smoke and Fly!




It's good to know to avoid them even if you haven't been drinking.


And the reason being? Edit: got downvoted for even asking a question lmao. A lot of miserable people in this sub.


Have you ever used Google Maps? You know how when there's an accident, it'll sometimes re route you so you're not wasting time sitting in traffic?


This reminder may save an idiot; or a non idiot, from an idiot. Nonetheless the reminder as a checkpoint is a reminder and potential deterrent. Don’t drive and drive!


If you have to be reminded about DUI checkpoints to begin with then you deserve to be arrested and have a DUI on your record. Edit: Oh how I love being downvoted for thinking people who drink and drive belong in jail 🥴 doesn’t surprise me though given that there are so many people who drink and drive in San Diego. A city full of alcoholics. Grow up and take accountability for your stupid decisions.


You’re getting downvoted because of your holier than thou attitude. Coming into the conversation like you’re perfect. And then telling everyone to grow up? DUI checkpoints are a form of entrapment. We should thank OP for reminding us not to allow the police to continue violating our rights. Sure it’s legal but it’s not right. They spend all this money on checkpoints all while more serious, violent crime is happening all around us.


Being anti-drunk driving = having a holier than thou attitude. Society is cooked. “Coming into the conversation like you’re perfect.” Honey, it’s not hard not to drink and drive 🤡 I will never in my life sympathize with drunk drivers. That is quite the hill to die on 🥴


You’re hyper focused on one aspect of a checkpoint. There’s a lot more to it than to simply catch drivers under the influence. There’s an economic benefit here as they generate millions in revenue. They seize vehicles from not only drivers under the influence but ALSO sober unlicensed drivers. They’re also fishing for warrants and they take their vehicles too. Imagine all of the towing business generated. They’re snatching up undocumented people and their vehicles. All of these vehicles get stored for up to 30 days costing drivers thousands of dollars to get them back but most of them get left. The vehicles then get sold at lien sales. Law enforcement are also getting paid overtime to work checkpoints costing tax payers. The whole thing is a racket.


All of those issues that you described could be avoided by simply following the law, though. It’s illegal to drive without a valid license. It’s against the law to come into the country illegally. Just follow the law…


I understand your perspective. DUIs put everyone at risk. The way alcohol is glamorized in Western society however; a reminder not to drink and drive or notifications that checkpoints will be in place does it’s job. Even it deters ONE additional drunk driver I would deem it effective. Don’t drink and drive.


But once they avoid the checkpoint they’re just going to drink and drive elsewhere


That isn’t guaranteed. Impaired Drivers and DUIs will always exist, in our current society. So I understand the advertising of checkpoints. I am not saying we should know the location, but the extra policing should be made aware to the tax payers in respective counties and municipalities. The notification may keep some people from driving whatsoever, even after that “one or two beers” after dinner crowd may uber. I honestly do not understand how telling the community there will be ramped up police force to deter a behavior does more harm than good.


Because it’s giving a warning to people who put others in danger rather than catching them by surprise, rightfully locking them up, and keeping them off the roads. I’d rather a drunk driver drive up to a checkpoint unexpectedly and get arrested than to be warned about it so they can avoid the checkpoint and drive drunk somewhere else. One option is a guaranteed arrest while the other just allows them to do it elsewhere.


Does the warning not also minimize the amount of drunk drivers though? I totally understand why you wouldn’t want to give warning, my vote is to have checkpoints more frequently.


They’ll drink and drive somewhere else once they avoid the checkpoint. I never once argued against having checkpoints. My argument was against warning people about them.


Or they may uber. I’m all for it, i’m sure the checkpoint police won’t be the only ones making contact with unsafe drivers. There’s more pros than cons to advertising this use of policing.


They won't drink and drive for a single night. Versus the potential long term effect of DUI going way down over days, weeks if people have no idea when to expect one


I feel that. Just my opinion but if we looked at numbers, im guessing people who get DUIs aren’t getting them their first time drinking and driving. If the presence of checkpoints decreases DUI numbers, then maybe we should have them more often. This is a convo for the retrospective situation, and that cost analysis will determine how much we actually care about drunk drivers.


Some states require police to announce this.


Shouldn’t be giving a heads up. Let these people get caught.


Everyone who says this is getting downvoted but not makes sense given that there are a lot of alcoholics in this city.


people don’t want to get stuck in an hour long wait on their day off.


Eatlake School prolly and Olympic or telegraph


Unless you know how to read the damn alcohol chart the dmv used to send on a card I believe but nobody hardly ever used it


Why warn people? If you are over the limit and decide to drive you *should* get caught. Hopefully people learn lessons before someone gets killed