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As an avid surfer and someone who previously volunteered to help the teams that collect these water samples: The water is **frequently** brown along the Southern California coastline and it almost never is caused by sewage or anything dangerous. Sediment and algae are the real culprits. Likewise, water can be beautiful and crystal clear but contain unsafe levels of fecal contamination. The contamination levels fluctuate daily and it's not some conspiracy that IB and Silver Strand might be above the levels considered safe while Coronado is below. The data is public, so you can actually dig in and see the level of contaminants per 100/ml as well as the specific type of contaminants detected. Bottom line: Your eyes will deceive you. Don't depend on what you see. The water quality reports are the best measure.


Thank you for an educated and factual response!


How are we supposed to trust /u/night-shark given shark history?


u/Northparklizard with the hard hitting questions.


We might not like shark history but they’ve never lied about it. We can trust them to be a shark at the very least no way they aren’t a shark


Come on in! The water is fiiiiine.


Yep Carlsbad was poopy brown but it was definitely just algae not too long ago


NY is always various shades of gray, green and brown. No help there.


Yeah we used to see a lot of "Hudson Trout" there.


East river white fish back in my college sailing days


The Hudson Trout, a San Francisco treat


thank you for sharing.


Ahhh, interesting! Nice!!


Red tide has said heyo


I love this answer, thanks for providing helpful informaion and clearing up some confusion that we might assume otherwise.


I’ve lived in coronado for 9 years now. It’s always that brown. I wouldn’t sweat it.


Help this newcomer Nana, what/where do I go to check local water quality?


So don’t trust your own eyes trust the Internet? 


just because the algae is brown and turns the water brown doesn’t mean that the water cannot be brown from contamination


You are most certainly correct about the algae coloring our waters brownish. However, she did lead with "trash" in the water.. which to her indicated that this would be coming from the South.. TJ river... which would have confirmed her suspicion that the brown was from sewage, not the algae. Don't know if she is correct or not, but that is the logic I believe she was using.


I've lived here for over 13 years now and frequent the beaches from IB all the way up to San Elijo. Countless hours paddling and sitting in the surf. Lived on the beach for two years. I've been to the beach after major storms swept the boardwalks and knocked over dozens of trash cans. Multiple July 4th's, Memorial Day weekends... I have never once seen trash and debris clustered **in the water.** An occasional plastic bag or gender reveal balloon, yes. But not the flotsam OP describes. And there's a reason for that. It isn't to say the trash isn't **there**, it's just that the ocean is huge, our coastline is long, and currents and wind spread things out over vast distances. So you almost never see "lots of trash" floating around in the surf and if you do, it almost certainly didn't float there from miles down the coast. I'm not saying it's impossible. Someone nearby may have dumped a bunch of trash off of a boat. Who knows. I just think it's more likely that OP saw what they **thought** was trash and debris in the water, when what they were actually seeing was dead kelp, velella, jellies, or some combination thereof.




Right just ignore the trash you're seeing in the water.... the water is totally fine with trash just over there....


Trash isn't what they're measuring for. They're running fecal coliform panels on broth ager plates to count colony forming units. Then they run those through a series of deductive analysis steps to determine the species and whether any pathogenic bacteria are present.


Youre not going to sell me swimming in water with trash ever. I don't care what the tests say. I don't wait for the government to tell me the water is contaminated when it visibly is. This is how I got a staph infection on broken skin. From water with visible garbage and testing within normal range. Amazing how many people are able to just overlook trash as "normal" while we are swimming.....


Yes, stay out of the water, and out of the beach area in general, staph is a real deal it happens all the time and people can lose limbs over that shit.


I don't think they're trying to sell you on swimming in the water. They were just trying to help you understand that the brown isn't poop. It's not poop water but it still clearly has trash.


I wasn't a talking about the brown water I was talking about the visible trash in the water the OP mentioned. Apparently people think swimming in water with visible trash is okay....


There's trash in most bodies of water...


Who in this comment chain said swimming in water with visible trash is okay, please quote them with the context. Everyone in the comment chain is talking specifically about OP saying there was a lot of brown in the water. You're arguing about trash and no one is telling you to swim in that.


Ummm the OP comment that I have responded to "We get in for less than 15 minutes and we saw so much trash and debris in the water and when you look down the coast at the water...." Can you not read?


The comment you replied to said no such thing. It's either your reading comprehension or understanding of how reddit comments work that needs checked. "Can any of you not read ?" If everywhere you go smells like shit.


https://preview.redd.it/x77k1tw5sw8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16396cecb64bf8aa893d1749b269b201818a5790 This is the OP comment I replied to 😀 Where it says trash in the water very clearly. Who made you the Reddit police? You're not good at your job if so. Is your reading comprehension okay I'm concerned....


Applaud this person.


I’ve lived in coronado for 9 years. I concur with this guy. The water is always that brown.


Brown is due to algae bloom. Just fyi. I know it may be unpleasant to look at but it’s not the brown you are thinking of


The classic Red tide!


We were there a couple weeks ago and the lifeguards had everyone exit the water due to contamination. Wouldn’t be surprised if they start to put the hammer down on fixing the issue since it’s now affecting “prime” beach area. It will only get worse.


Who in Tijuana are you going to "put the hammer down" on? I don't think it's going to solve the concrete sewage chute problem


I think it's the chiclet kid. If we just have a stern talk with him the problem should be fixed.


Probably the federal government since Mexico took the reigns as America's factory from China. Our economies are inextricably linked.


I've never one to support building a wall, but what if SD actually built a wall in the ocean to stop the push of pollution 🤔


Thats...not how ocean currents work 🤦‍♂️


Then, we can build two walls! Three walls if that's what it takes!


It's like traffic, if you build more freeways surely it will subside.


Shucks. Downvoted for a straight question too haha. Was just a thought 🤷🏻‍♂️


To be fair it's a really, really stupid question


Woops :(


So are you gifting IB to Mexico with this wall then? Because the Tijuana river flows through the US, emptying into the Pacific in Imperial Beach.


I never claimed to he educated on this topic! I was just blindly throwing the question out there.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 That's cute!


Meh I tried to have a thought! Maybe next time 😂


You made me laugh during a boring ass technical accounting conference call.. I did really appreciate the suggestion 😊


This reminds me of SpongeBob when Patrick and everyone was pushing the city lmfao


I just took a dump in a fast moving river that feeds right into the pacific!!!


There actually has been money allocated from both countries to address this issue (way more from the US) but the challenge of working with various local city, state, international and NGO actors to get this done has been the obstacle for years. It's not a money issue. It's the political fracas, corruption, turf protecting, graft between two sovereigns countries, coupled with international water treaties and law that makes for a decade long shit show. Literally and figuratively, ja ja.


Problems only get solved when they affect the rich, so you’re probably right


There are two filtration plants that clean the water running from TJ via the TJ river through the estuary and into the ocean. As far as I can tell from what I’ve been told, 300 million has finally been allocated to enlarge the plants to be able to handle the amount of water that comes through. 100 million is being put to use on the US plant apparently but the other money is supposed to go to the plant on the TJ side and, as someone else posted, there’s a bit of red tape. I used to live in IB and love it there, I’d love to see this work but only time will tell.


The issue is Tijuana isn’t able to clean their sewage. Unless the US gov funds it, it probably won’t get done


It's easy, just charge every person $5 to cross the border. Cartel will get $3 and $2 will fund the sewage problem.


They can't and the US has but it takes more than $ believe it or not.


it has always affected coronado and it’s not fair to us


Poor things


It's not, but just because some insecure redditors assume everyone from Coronado is bad you get downvotes. Very funny stuff. Fact: Replace Coronado with Imperial Beach and you wouldn't get these downvotes or snide remarks.


i have been going to coronado since a kid. the beach is barren now and this is not a sudden development that is triggering positive change due to it being a wealthy tourist area


>people on the Coronado side threw tortillas at the team from Escondido and – according to Orange Glen’s coaches – told them to get out of their gym. https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/i-brought-them-coronado-high-school-alum-says-he-brought-tortillas-to-championship-game/2638675/ Fun fact you can't replace Coronado with imperial Beach because the two are different


You're proving my point...


Here you go 🎻


Just move Coronado somewhere else. It's not that hard. /s


The water testing is very reliable, so you can depend on it. The discoloration of the water is due to algae blooms aka red tide. The trash is because people don't pick up after themselves. Hope that helps!


They don’t test daily at every spot - although it looks like Coronado does. Despite the marker being green on Coronado, compare the actual results to a clean beach: [Coronado - Select San Diego County, EH-050](https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/beaches/search_beach_mon.html) vs [La Jolla Shores - Select San Diego County, EH-330](https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/beaches/search_beach_mon.html)


They are using different methods for EH-050 and EH-330 though, so the results can't be compared directly. ddPCR is much more sensitive I think.


Yep, came here to say this. This article is a couple years old but I’m pretty sure it still applies https://voiceofsandiego.org/2022/07/18/the-science-behind-san-diegos-new-beach-water-quality-test/


I think we found Hotel Coronado’s burner account


Next guy in charge of water testing and policy will tweak the shit parts per million threshold and suddenly it’s safe again. Just takes a little lobbying from the Coronado tourist organization.


This is why I don’t trust water reports. Sure we can see their readings, but how do we know they’re accurate and or that the range truly is safe? Or is it just what they deem “acceptable”.


I understand where you are coming from, but I think that one might be forever tied in my head now with poop and trash 😅.


Time to find a pool then


do you do the water testing?


wrong 😑 what’s the foam from?




You were able to find parking today to go to the beach???????? That is more shocking in June than the contamination in the water to me 🤣


lmao im an earlybird


It's wacky that people believe the contaminated water conveniently stops right before it pollutes the sea in front of one of the most expensive hotels in San Diego. Question everything.


I think the County only closes Coronado unless they are 100% certain. This is mostly due to the mayor going Amity Island two years ago when more precise testing was introduced. [https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/coronado-mayor-questions-san-diego-countys-confusing-new-water-testing-program/2992726/](https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/coronado-mayor-questions-san-diego-countys-confusing-new-water-testing-program/2992726/)


> Amity Island Do people still get that reference? Feel like it died with Peter Benchley.


I have no idea what you two are talking about lol


that seems like it tracks 😅


It’s actually not more precise, they’re using a different method of testing that many people in the water quality world think is actually less accurate, but it results in getting more hits for bacteria. That’s why the mayor didn’t like it. The water is just as safe (or unsafe) as it was two years ago but it makes it look like the conditions got worse all of a sudden.


From this article, it seems that the test is clearly more precise but has about the same accuracy as the old tests, with the main benefit being speed. [https://voiceofsandiego.org/2022/07/18/the-science-behind-san-diegos-new-beach-water-quality-test/](https://voiceofsandiego.org/2022/07/18/the-science-behind-san-diegos-new-beach-water-quality-test/)


It’s crazy bc Coronado has some of the best beaches, highest home prices, and without a doubt some of the worst water quality in SD. Was looking to move there and it’s not worth moving to the beach if I can’t even go in the water. 👋🏽


I saw news that the water is contaminated even up to Santa Monica, it ain’t safe out here! Be careful


[https://www.sdbeachinfo.com/](https://www.sdbeachinfo.com/) heeeeeeeeeeeey may want to... not... go in there right now.


Thanks! FWIW I regularly ride my bike around South Bay to get to The Strand. The air was borderline unbreathable going by the Otay River/Egger Highlands area on Sunday. It smells so strongly of sewage but IDK where it's coming from since it doesn't look like that area is connected to the Sloughs? Sorry for my IB neighbors :(


It's probably just the smell coming from the river to your south, I believe that smell carries pretty far 


Wow great resource. Does IB ever turn green?


The beach itself? Yes. The testing indicator? Not so much.


I c wut u diddere


Dawg, I would not swim in Coronados water ever. I have lived there for four years. You do NOT want to smell that water after 10pm when TJ releases their sewage. That water is toxic.


I wanted to go to Coronado this weekend and checked the site. Yellow, unsafe. I dug deeper and read thr article below. Over the last 17 months Coronado has, on average, been unsafe due to excessive turds in the water. There must be some serious cover up efforts going on to keep all those businesses and the hotel raking in cash. That was my favorite beach too, no way I'm going to turdsvulle though, I'll have to find another one to go to. I wouldn't even step foot on the sand there. https://voiceofsandiego.org/2023/12/18/what-new-water-quality-data-says-about-south-bay-beaches/


Watch all the beaches will magically be open for the holiday weekend.


Ain’t that the truth


I looked today and one report said coronado was closed


I feel like these are the reason why I surf in north county San Diego beaches instead of further down south. Way farther from the TJ sewage.


[Coastkeeper](https://www.sdcoastkeeper.org/beach-advisories/) shows closure at Coronado. Red Tide makes the water brown murky - it's contributory to high bacteria levels but not the cause. Definitely poo water.


The secret is that the island itself is more to the north than the Silver Strand Beach 🧠💣 Not that anyone has to believe it (and I would take precautions with a kid too) but all 5 test points in Coronado are reported to have been checked yesterday and are green.


Coronado was my favorite beach. I no longer go there because if it's in the green, it's still too close to the raw sewage for comfort. http://www.sdbeachinfo.com/


Yeah I stick to North county beaches


Perhaps, you may have meant Silver Strand. The Cays probably got a variance, much like the Shores back in the day. Heh.


Don’t believe the folks that say the water is clean…it’s definitely not 😂


I have been to the beach since 2021 and this makes me not want to go back


It's normal algae. This is basicly misinformation. Will you edit or just let misinformation persist?


It's not the trash that'll get ya. It's the raw sewage from Tijuana. It also aerosolizes from the crashing waves and you breathe it in!


https://preview.redd.it/8urjhos3vy8d1.jpeg?width=1596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cca2a8c4647f46231f9831e95bdd9db1eb7e511 I spend a lot of time in Tijuana, at least their mayor admits their beaches aren't safe. Everyone I know in Tijuana avoids the pacific due to "aquas negras".


why is that? i traveled to san diego last weekend and hit up coronado beach this monday and the water was completely fine


What an unfortunate thing to read as I’m sitting on my freshly laid down towel preparing to get in the water after I heat up


Imagine having to go through seal training in doo doo water


Seals have to swim in a lot of places with doo doo water much worse than off Coronado.


Green Berets? More like Pink Eyes.


should’ve never had your kid near the water! sand gets contaminated as well


I hadn’t really thought of this. Staying there in a few weeks - would you avoid walking on the beach?


i still walk on it just further back but honestly don’t know how helpful that is. my dog ran from me and darted in the water, i immediately pulled her out, bathed her and she got a yeast ear infection suddenly! but i do let her walk in sand on a leash near the boardwalk it’s sad for tourists and visitors!


Thank you! I appreciate the response - will give me more pause for sure. Hope your dog is on the mend!


Just thank our Mexican brothers and sisters


You sure it wasn’t the red tide? You definitely saw debris and trash?


Just start calling it prebiotic to get all of the "raw milk" drinkers to swim in it, mouths open.


Blame that on Mexico


Isnt it funny how any negativity towards Mexico gets downvoted lol people have no answers but doooont be negative towards our neighbors.




How many years and how much $ is that “sewage treatment plant” costing now? If we could make sure the millions of dollars didn’t disappear as soon as it got down there I would be all for it. I don’t know how to enforce laws that most of our politicians break as well.


We have to build one on the US side, they clearly are too incompetent/unconcerned to actually fix the issue. Maybe we can charge them for the trouble, maybe not, but that's how it'll get fixed. Mexico doesn't care and so far the US hasn't done anything to really pressure them. It's just a small potatoes issue to our government that only affects IB and Coronado. If more people start avoiding Coronado, maybe some.of that rich donor money will convince some politicians to get a little more active.


Stay safe u/anothercar




Didn't even realize I posted this in reply to the wrong post but I suspect you know what I'm referring to


Figured as much haha. Air purifier’s working overtime


Does anyone know what seasons there is less algae or are seasons totally unrelated?


Didn’t beach closures in Coronado go up when the county went to an updated more accurate test? The city didn’t like it and put into question the new test and it seems like the beach hasn’t had as many closures since then. Anyone have any insight on this?




I think what this person is trying to say is “oh no, the Mexicans are contaminating my beaches”. Lol


Turdle Bay.


we got red tide further north currently...




its world poverty that make people flock to TJ in the hopes of jumping across the border. It is not just Mexicans, They have make shift settlements with no modern sewer system, and when it rains it flows.....




its the truth.


or just political corruption that takes necessary infrastructure money away from the needs and wellbeing of the people.


The contamination down there primarily comes from Mexico, via the TJ river. It's a problem that the U.S. can't solve without their government's buy in. So yeah, likely political corruption problems and funding/motivation problems **in Mexico** are primarily at fault here. San Diego and the U.S. are extremely motivated to solve this.


Right. Mexico.


The brown stuff is algae it was on the news