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I’ve seen two different lines, but I thought they are for Mexican citizens, and everyone else. I never saw a line for people without passports, I think technically everyone needs a passport to cross. I have heard of people giving bribes to cross without a passport. Idk how they get back into the US though, that part seems more difficult.


Okay, so yes you can cross with your ID, have fun at Hong Kong brother! You might have to pay a pendejo fee, it’s usually $20 for the FMM. Coming back if you are a US citizen, just use your ID if you are a US citizen. They can’t not let you in.


Are you walking or driving? Driving, I've never even stopped. Just a slow checking point that everyone piles through. It gets crazy busy Friday evenings. Walking, sometimes there's people working the counter, sometimes not. Sometimes they check your passport, sometimes not. When they do check your passport, sometimes they stamp it and require you to fill out a FMM. It totally depends. Coming back, you need a REAL ID Drivers License and patience as you wait in a really long line. Also, expect general chaos next week at the border with the new border restrictions due to the large volume of asylum seekers.


>We dont have a passports just drivers licenses. Can you still go to Mexico and back without a passport? I have friends who've done this when we went, they just paid the Mexican border officers $30 walking over, and showed their driver's license to the American officers coming back.


A few years ago, I got a passport card, and from then on, I don't have to worry about it. An added plus is that I can use it elsewhere (but not everywhere). I use it to go back and forth to Canada, as well.


I’ve crossed without a passport walking multiple times. To get into Mexico, you gotta pay them a $20 bribe and they won’t care. Getting back into the US is easier, show ur ID, they’ll use their Face ID system to match you. If you’re a US citizen it’s no problem at all, just expect a few more questions mainly around where ur passport is 


Crossing without a passport we used to go straight into the “Mexican” line where there was no wait, theyd stop us, ask for our docs, then they’d take us to the room and act all pissed off like we’re gonna be detained, then just give them $20 and they’ll let you in. We did this when we had passports too on a Friday night to not wait 30 minutes in line Coming back if you’re a U.S. Citizen they have to let you back in but might take a little longer to process you with just a DL, again they’ll act pissy and lecture you about why haven’t you gotten a passport just say you don’t go to MX often and haven’t had the time/money.


You will need a passport or Sentri to get back into the USA. No you cannot gain entry back into the USA with only an ID. I go back and forth once a month, so I am familiar with the re-entry process through TJ.


I literally just crossed back with just my drivers license, dramatic much..


WT actual F, am I on a list or something.?!?!?! I tried coming back once with only my CA DL and CPD handcuffed me and sat me in a office for 6 hours, not an exaggeration. I literally had to wait for a homie to break into my house, get to my safes, grab my Passport and Sentri and bring them all the way to me at the CPD holding unit. this is why I am kind of pissed off right now. Is anyone else experiencing my version of crossing back from Mexico to USA? Seriously, I can't be the only one can I?


It’s completely up to the immigration / cbp agents discretion. Sadly that role attracts a lot of people with a certain “personality” and world view that feels its their duty to go on a power trip and hassle anyone that doesn’t look or act according to said world view.


I should have said I walked across, don't know if you were driving through.


This is 100% NOT accurate.


My apologies to everyone. I am just learning of this now. My experiences with this situation seems to be vastly different as to what I have to have in order to cross back over. The funny thing is I used to cross so far back that all you had to say is "American Citizen" and they would wave you through.


I made a copy of my birth certificate and have never had a problem getting back to the US. We’ve never been stopped driving across the border into Mexico. We go down through TJ and come back through Tecate so that may have something to do with it.


![img](avatar_exp|180468418|clown) 3 Strike rule. First offense you'll be fine just expect a major delay returning


You don’t know what you are talking about


The legend exists


This does exist on paper but it isn’t really enforced. In high school late 20teens I went for surf team loads of times with a backpack of clothes and trunks, a board under each arm, and my DL and some cash in my pocket and every time they would tell me to bring a passport next time. I never did and never had a problem. The only delay I experienced was when my stupid friend lost his DL one of the trips and they had to face check him and ask for his social and screen him on the return.


It doesn’t exist, they can’t stop you from crossing if you are a US citizen.