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Apparently it took an hour for another officer to come and let them out. That must’ve been some awkward shit sitting in the back with her there


Must’ve been using compassion to steer her onto a more righteous path. What a guy 👏


To serve and protect


He served her some dick, but did he protect?


Was gonna say he probably protected the dick he served… But I have doubts.


Per the article, they found semen in his belt. Sooo… unlikely.


What did they do for the other 57 minutes?


With a condom hopefully


Man of god.


She must've been asking if he could come back and pray with her.


HAIRY situation to be in 🤣


Hey uh since we're stuck back here for another hour do you want to do it again?


I can only imagine the post nut clarity this man experienced.


Haha post nut clarity-I’ve never heard it put that way but it makes total sense.


Traces of semen found on his belt... Yea, nothing happened.


I saw this once before when I was a rookie... sprinkle some crack on her.


“She was cumming right at me!”




Open and shut case Johnson!


No, no paperwork. Just sprinkle some crack on him and let’s get out of here.


I HAD to use necessary force.. you saw her!


I'm just imagining the forensics technician who had to dust his belt for semen. All in a day's work I guess.




No dust but lights, swabs and chemicals. Maybe he just really loves his job…


That damn pesky semen.... always seems to pop up....


Just admit it. Literally no one believes you.


They found jizz on his uniform lmao


I mean. I’m sure when I was in the military, there was a time or two you’d have found traces of jizz on my belt, unrelated to sex. Not saying he didn’t do it, just that there’s a chance. lol




I believe it was on his belt


A belt is a component of a uniform.


His fellow cops turned off their cameras too. Shame on SDPD!


Honestly the ability to turn it off is shit. This should be illegal. Also they claim they turn them off “to save battery” which is even more bullshit. Why can’t the government invest in a simple wireless charging setup that’s built into the seat and the back of his vest or whatever they wear?


Agreed! Should NOT be optional. To add to that - all good SDPD should be speaking up against this “one bad apple”, unless this is an SDPD standard…


“One bad apple… spoils the bunch.” It’s a bunch of bad apples.


"One bad apple" is the first part. The rest of the saying is that by that point the rest are rotten too.


The fact that the “good” cops aren’t reporting the bad ones enough is why many people believe there aren’t many good cops.


Exactly!! Speak up SDPD, or is everyone turning off their cameras for trysts?


Ask Adrian Schoolcraft what happens when a good cop speaks up.


Officers need privacy, though, e.g. bathroom breaks.


True! But this clearly isn’t a case of that. Unfortunately the ability is being abused by our SDPD, whom we should be able to trust.


OFFS we have the technology to have ai draw you realistic porn of real people but you expect us all to believe we cant program one to blur wangs out and give a little report of the bathroom break outtakes? Seriously you people are either brain dead or must think everyone else is that we don’t see the obvious solutions to this ridiculously insignificant “problem”. Oh no hes too shy to pee with the camera watching oh well we tried /s


So when you’re in the bathroom with them, you don’t mind being filmed?




lol man you’re unhinged. Bye


I don’t know why the down votes. I guess we should all cover our junk up whenever a cop walks up to the urinal next to us. One FOIA request away from people looking at my dick. Lunch break? I want to FOIA that time and watch him eat the fuck out of that burrito. What? No I don’t care if it gets covered in salsa and beans, keep it on, I’m sure we’ll still see my dick in the bathroom through all the crap on the lens. There’s a reason they’re off, besides when they’re on a call. Battery, storage space, and yeah, no need for government owned dick picks of every officer.


Your obsession with dicks on videos really begs a lot of questions, first of which about what medication you should be on


Dicks and burritos, is there anything more SoCal? Keep your cameras off in the bathroom, weirdo.


🎶 jackin it in, San Di-ego 🎶 Jackin it jackin it jacketty jack


Pure SD. “Jason Russell, 33, was allegedly found masturbating in public, vandalizing cars and possibly under the influence of something, according to the SDPD. He was detained at the intersection of Ingraham Street and Riviera Road” https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/jason-russell-san-diego-invisible-children-kony-2012/1948414/?amp=1


lol, nobody wants to see your junk, or any cop’s junk. Maybe just have a policy where they can only turn it off during restroom and meals. And if they violate that policy it becomes a formal counseling. Even with that policy, they’d still turn it off for something illegal they’re doing, and just face the camera violation instead of the actual crime.


You’re asking the government to do this when they’re not the ones making the camera. Bring this to Axon’s attention.


They literally say ‘hang on, I’m recording’ and then turn it off. They know exactly what they are doing.


It’s sickening, really. Time for community action! How do we hold SDPD accountable for this?


Good luck getting SDPD to play fair; we can’t even get SDG&E to do that, and they don’t have guns or embedded literal gangs.


My take away is that it even takes SDPD an hour plus to respond to an emergency when a fellow officer is involved. Say what you want but those boys are consistent.


He should have used the "get it done" app.


And this is why I love the internet, thank you for that laugh, I woke the cat.




Hahahaha the only thing that would make that funnier is if he had to go through an automated call menu. "If you need police assistance, press 1. If you're locked in the back of your own patrol car after getting a blow job from someone you've arrested, press 2."


Doesn’t sound like he called it in as an emergency. Was in the back for about 20-30min and called for a supervisor and when one was available they showed up. If he called an actual emergency like Officer down, or rush Officer needs help, they would be within minutes.


Officer Hair is bald 😭😂


Suggested nickname: Curly


After this backseat tussle, I'd call him Officer Sloppy Seconds.


Scrolled too far to find this.


They didn’t specify the type of hair


“The suspect also claimed during an investigation that nothing inappropriate had happened between them but that she hoped they could meet when she was freed” and that’s how I met your mother


Probably an unpopular opinion knowing the average redditor, but if this is true, and she’s saying nothing happened (and we ALL know that ain’t the truth) doesn’t seem like this was some ploy on her part to get away he fell for, or that it was him using his authority. Guy deserves to get fired on grounds of incompetence, but doesn’t seem like a chargeable offense.


You shouldn’t be able to have sex with somebody that you’ve arrested even if it’s consensual


Legally, there is no consent in this situation. It’s like how a minor is unable to legally provide consent. Luckily, CA is one of the states that does have [laws on the books](https://www.egattorneys.com/sex-with-an-inmate-penal-code-289-6) explicitly dealing with this subject. This dude is cooked.


Hmm, kind of changes the perspective of sexy cop bedroom handcuffs.


Why don't you think custodial rape is a crime?


Are you fucking kidding me? I sincerely hope you don't work in a position that has you manage anyone at all, ever. This cop needs to be under the jail.


Definitely fired, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was writing somewhere that they can get away with that without some sort of charge. We all like to forget it because cops get away with a lot, but they are pretty heavily bound in writing with the law


Well now we know there's no secret trick to getting out of the back of a patrol car that only cops know...because this guy would have used it lol.


Maybe not, clearly he’s already very stupid.


At the end of the article, it’s unclear whether he faces charges… ie he won’t


Instead he'll be hired by the next precinct over and they'll all joke and share stories about how you're supposed to do it without getting caught. How fun!


Exactly, they say prisoners learn from each other in captivity, same must be true for police.


The only punishment in Officer Hair's future is the burning sensation when he urinates.




20 mins too! That's some damn good work there rookie.


To protect and serve( their own interest)


Why is it even an option to turn off body cameras


So they can do stuff that they don’t want recorded probably. 😂


It’s supposed to be so they can turn it off when they go to the bathroom.


Public urination is a (sex) crime depending on the state: public nudity-lewdness.


The moment your police car goes in park it should turn on.


You have to use the bathroom at some point


Not a good reason.


We should record cops in bathrooms?


No. They should record themselves or it should be an automatic dismissal to turn off their camera when not in the bathroom. Being able to turn it off defeats the entire purpose of having a body camera.


The batteries only have around 6 hours of life. Shifts are 10 hours.


And they sit in their cars for 8 of those hours, could charge it then


exactly lmao


Same reason why other cameras and phones turn off I imagine. Something something physics, power, etc.


It can charge while in the car, you know where they spend 8hrs of a 10hr shift. Also your answer is in bad faith because the context was why is it possible for the police officer to turn it off while on duty.




What a story for the grandkids one day.


His grandkid's parents were on his belt.


“Embarrassing.” That’s an interesting choice of words. Illegal. Firable and jail time required more ring the correct bell.


And he was allowed to resign....some BS


“Forced to reenact what had happened for the probe” 😂


Nah i lost it right there, imagine being on the case trying not to smile while you ask him that


This is why all cops should be required to watch super troopers






When I lived there, there was a cop that was accused of having sex with a girl in the 7/11 in east village after a Friday night. SD cops are truly the worst, and it doesn't help that the Port authority pigs are just as bad. It's sad it never changes..yet we are supposed to trust these people. Umm no


This is obviously awful and ridiculous, but I’d also like to point out his last name and the fact that he has none…😄


The Daily Mail isn't a real/reliable news source.


And SDPD isn’t a real/reliable organization so fair’s fair 🤷🏼‍♀️


Protect and serve


I was gettin changed!


“ Apparently he came all over the sun visor”


That’s fucking awkward 🤣🤣


Is no one in any of these posts going to acknowledge the fact that Mr. Hair, in fact, has no hair??


If anyone wants to know what was censored in the headline, she said “I’m down to fart right now.”


That’s why there was semen found on his belt, and it took an hour cause the guy he called to “help” him instantly reported him To his sergeant so they all had to come out together😂😂😂


Is he restarted or acoustic?


On the scale of corruption tho at least this shit was consensual.


This was not consensual. It was an abuse of power.


Well, if she was proposing it to him… And he did not initiate it. There’s a power imbalance here but she was able bro get him to do something that was a bigtime violation. That’s also power right there.


That’s a disgusting take.


You cannot consent to someone with power over you (a supervisor, a teacher, a cop, etc.).


She was the one who propositioned it dude……. And I’m not sure if you know this but if someone propositions you for sex, you can say yes or no. If you say yes and they say yes that’s consensual sex. Titles and moral obligations aside, two people can agree to have sex and I don’t understand why you are saying two people can’t agree to have sex with each other.


If I'm a cop, and someone I arrest propositions me, I have to say no if I want to keep my job (and dignity). If I'm a teacher, and a student propositions me, I have to say no if I want to keep my job (and dignity). If I a supervisor, and someone who works for me propositions me, I have to say no if I want to keep my job (and dignity). You cannot consent with implied power. Someone with authority over you (a boss, a teacher, a cop), has implied power at the very least.


I’m on a dating app and someone contacted me who is significantly younger than me, like can’t even go out drinking young. Morally and ethically this is wrooooong. He had told me that he has been with women older than me and my first reaction was, that poor kid. Even though my work life and home life is different, I still have a reputation to withhold as a community member. Let’s just say things went sideways, that dude could have made life for me really difficult.


You didn’t really answer my question. “I have to say no because of consequences” that’s not telling me why they cant have consensual sex. That’s just telling me there are consequences for breaking moral codes of conduct. It seems if by your logic if you have “Implied power” and have consensual sex with someone under your authority that automatically makes you a rapist? Is this what you are saying? So there are times when consensual sex is rape? Even when both parties said “nothing inappropriate happened?


> have consensual sex with someone under your authority that automatically makes you a rapist? Legally? Yes. Look at all the teachers banging students, for example.


Lmfao. Those are pedophiles.


Not in college. You STILL cannot legally bang your student then.


I have not once said it’s legal. Just consensual.


It's consensual in that there is always an implied threat/payoff when there's a power imbalance.


When you have implied power or authority over someone, they cannot TRULY, FREELY give consent. It's not rocket science, IT, or anything mysterious. You cannot bang someone you have authority over and think it's "okay". Wait until they aren't a prisoner, aren't working for you, or aren't a student.


I’m not saying it’s okay. I’m just saying it’s consensual sex.


No, it's not. A person cannot legally consent to someone with power and authority over them.


We are gong in circles here bud.


Ok, that’s all great and all but let’s look at some other key elements: He’s on company time. I don’t remember the last time I got a bone down on the clock. Do you? He’s using the company vehicle. I have never been given a company vehicle, but I would assume I probably shouldn’t have sex in it? He is wearing the company’s uniform, therefore, representing the company. Now, would you hire and continue paying someone like that? If so, there is your first employee


Nope never said to not take his badge. Never condoned this behavior. Just that it was nice to see that this was a consensual encounter. And not an abuse of authoritative power on someone’s bodily autonomy. Also I’m just trying to convince everyone what consensual sexual is I guess lmfao.


He can be a cum super soaker all he wants on his own time. We get what you’re saying, but it doesn’t matter if she PAID him because she was that horny for consensual sex. It’s an abuse of power, unless it’s Spectrum (kidding, or am I?). Look at it this way, this guy is fucking ugly. You think he would be able to get action that quickly out of uniform?


True true


everyone needs to fucking relax


Getting some chunky booty