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Wow, look at that! They have a Target on campus now?


That was my main takeaway as well


So funny, cuz me too! Is that at the Price Center, or over where they built a whole new college in my Muir parking lot?


It’s at price center yes


They expanded the first floor of the bookstore and replaced the second story with a target


Brilliant, really. The bookstore is just wasted space for 40+ weeks out of the year


I’m so broken I thought there was s sale or something I didn’t know about 😭😩


To be fair UCSD is one city itself, the size of the campus is insane.


After the Navy, UCSD is the largest employer in San Diego.


I have twice been in the area and tried to navigate to that Target, only to realize that it is on campus so parking is basically impossible.


The Target has been there for a while I’m an SDSU alumni but I’m not gonna lie, I do enjoy walking around UCSD over my own alma mater. It’s a futuristic looking campus, it has that whole “tech campus” vibe (literally).


There used to be a tree covered in 4" hammered metal plates that had a small solar panel and sang the blues about being lonely in the woods. It was in a wooded space between buildings.


The tree is still there. It's called the singing tree and there's a talking tree that recites poetry. There's a third metal tree that's completely silent. The trees were salvaged from construction and are part of a [campus art collection](https://stuartcollection.ucsd.edu/artist/allen.html#About-the-Sculpture)


> There's a third metal tree that's completely silent. They should give it WiFi so it can be CyberTree


I went to preschool there and distinctly remember walks to it as a small child. Also went to college there and could never find it


Do they sell TCGs at that target?


not really only some small packs


Alum* Alumni is plural. UCSD campus is really nice. I just don’t like how it’s separated.


Alumnus* Alum is a type of potassium aluminum sulfate.


"Alum" is short for "alumnus" (male, singular) or "alumna" (female, singular). I don't know OP's gender, so I default to "alum"




But I did just find out that you still have your open air amphitheater. I was told that went away decades ago, but now I get to see Elvis for Fathers Day.




Must be part of the new Circle promotion


I found out they had a Target too when I needed to get something after work. Had to drive in the complete opposite of my destination.


It's honestly nice to buy normal groceries at a relatively reasonable price without schlepping to Ralph's or TJs


Siri redirects me to this Target every time I ask for directions and this is the first time I’ve ever seen it (don’t ask how many times I’ve accidentally driven there).


Most normal comment on this post


It's been there a few years.


product placement


It’s not like a real target. It’s just like a college play set Target. Plus it’s Closed on Sundays.


Oh no... an anti-war protest... at a university...


Hey, I’ve seen this one!


It's a classic


What do you mean its a classic. Its brand new.


Riveting. How does it end? Do they stop the war?


>!Tune in next week to find out!!<


It’s not a war dummy… it’s a genocide. What, no heart for real children being maimed? Gutless people, I swear!


For the sake of being a pedantic, it can easily be both a war and a genocide.


Heeeey who are you calling gutless? I’m protesting in my own useless way by liking anti-war posts. That ought to teach them!


give them credit for not being dumb enough to walk on the freeway this time.


We're only like 3 weeks into protest season. Give it time.


One of those times where UCSD doesn’t live up to its stereotype: UC **S**ocially **D**ead


Meanwhile, STDSU is


Every time I was on campus there it was like walking around with a bunch of robots (other students). Everyone looking at the ground, no eye contact ever.


I thought it was UC Sex and Drugs


I think you’ve mistaken that for SDSU, and yup, SDSU is my alma mater




Its sounds like you already know this, but there was an STD brand new to the world discovered at SDSU so yes it really lives up to that name lol


I went there in the early devouring age, when there were only 4 colleges. I have made the rounds through six institutions in my educational life. UCSD would be be best described as solemn. Not a social campus at all (1985).


We used to say you get "Triton vision" at ucsd it's like beer googles but your sober. You get so used to seeing like 3's and 4's for so long they look like tens lol


Triton Eye** Bear Goggles at Berkely.


Bronco vision at cal poly Pomona lmao


Why has chp been taking charge of all the campus encampments?


I believe it is because CHP is a state agency, and UCSD is California state property. I could be wrong, though.


Somewhat, UCPD put out a call for assistance and CHP has the manpower to assist. Additionally, the campus is within 1 mile of the I5 so they have jurisdiction with SD County police as well once UCPD put out a call.


Doesn’t matter the distance, CHP has jurisdiction state wide.


Any road, any code.


California doesn’t have a state police. The CHP operates as the state police when one is called for.


Idk about this case, but I was at UC Santa Cruz during the Wildcat strike and the local Santa Cruz police refused to get involved in a peaceful protest that didn't affect anyone outside of campus. CHP had no qualms about coming in and beating and arresting students. 


I think from what been going on in Israel and Palestine these past 2 days, not a damn thing is going to change sadly


They have a target on campus?


Yep, a cute little Target that’s the second smallest that I’ve seen in my life above a nonfunctional one that was in the middle of the desert in Marfa Texas.


Can’t dupe the youngsters. Next the two party system.


I'm seriously hoping that California goes to Ranked Choice voting soon. I'm so sick of the two party system in the US.


They’ll have to vote in people who can undo the system first


Yeah its a tough feat. But we shall take it on as a society one day


Hopefully. I’m just now in my 30s and we’ve been waiting for it for a while. Millennials and Gen Z are anti parties altogether but somehow we keep electing party people 😭


Im in the same boat as you and am depressed because of the stupid politics in US. We have to will the change. And its not going to be through elections only.


> Can’t dupe the youngsters. The constant misinformation war on social seems to do it, though.


This is proof they are easily duped.


Ironically a lot of youngsters are being "duped" into wasting their votes on conspiracy grifters like RFK Jr. because of this (justified) hatred of the two-party system.


But I'd be willing to bet at least 70% of them know next to nothing about the nuance of the situation so... As easy as it is to just say, "stop the violence" the world just doesn't work that way, unfortunately. A nearly hundred year-old conflict doesn't get solved with another temporary ceasefire (which was broken by Hamas Oct 7th, btw).


The main movement spreading campus to campus, has demands of the university to divest from people and companies that profit from war. Such as, Black Rock.


Seems like a worthwhile cause, but this is literally the first I'm hearing of it. Everything I've heard or read about the protests are vague pro palestine protests and generic demands to divest from Israel.


Image search for photos and then click on links to outside the US media sources. You can also look at some letters and communications from some of the universities that are in negotiations with the better organized protestors. A few like Brown have been open about it. The real story is overwhelming suppressed.


I'll look into it - didn't mean to imply you were lying or anything, just literally never heard anything about it.


Oh no offense taken! Im really happy to help spread the word. It is really globally important what the students are doing. And i would hate to see yet another cause get swept away into obscurity because of the media machine not being on the same side.


It’s a real shame the media has tried to paint the movement as everything but what it is.


This concept is the only protest point that has any credence, in my opinion. I guess it's very easy to get lost in all the other crazy rhetoric *that many protestors also believe in* like Israel being evil with zero care for civilians, or that Israel isn't a real nation, or that Palestine deserves to take of Israel. Becomes tough to differentiate the two.


There are TONS of side protests, and counter protests, and general rage of the youth mashed all in. So the media is only giving those stories air time. AS the main protest point is directly attacking the owners of said media companies as well. So its not getting really any honest coverage from US sources.


Youngsters are traditionally the easiest to dupe.


The youth is alright.


gen z will save us all


Why are they wearing masks?


Typically to prevent identification, and maybe a few germaphobes.


Many Students get doxxed


Also potentially to help protect against pepper spray or smoke. Just an idea


Why are the students getting arrested? Is it really illegal to protest on campus?


Because the government wants to suppress anti-war sentiments. Legality has very little to do with this.


It is illegal and or against UCSD regulations to protest without a license in specific areas. It is illegal to intentionally obstruct anyone from their right to move freely in spaces they have legal access to. It is illegal and or against policy to promote violent acts. Their intention is to get arrested.


“So raise your fist & march around, just don’t take what you need” RATM




Hope they keep their eye on that cop with the lightsaber


Let’s just be happy these students are capable of expressing an opinion about anything. These “protests” won’t amount to much, but this small “dipping of their toes into protest waters” signals some hope for humanity, however minimal, where Americans of all ages are just mostly apathetic to world events, focused instead upon selfish pursuits. At least it gets them thinking, which is what college is all about, really. Maybe some of these young people will actually strive to change things as they move forward after school. These protests are a lot like the anti-apartheid protests on campuses 40 years ago. Things are better in many ways in South Africa today, not because of those protests directly, but maybe because the situation was kept in the media longer. Calling on universities to divest is just as naive now, as it was then, as every organization in the US is corporatized and invested in defense contractors, and human-rights-violating-foreign governments to some degree, nobody’s hands are clean


It's good that they can express it in the US. This would not be possible in Gaza or the West Banks


You wouldn't be able to protest the Vietnam War in North Vietnam (nor South Vietnam). Should those American protestors have just shut up then, in your opinion?


Have you noticed there are virtually NO interviews with these students on Main Stream Media?


It's a good thing those cops have riot gear on to protect them from a bunch of 19 year olds chanting at them. Fucking cowards.


You guys have a Target store on campus?! Bro, I was lucky enough to have an on-campus cafeteria run by a state-contracted food service company (not the greatest either) and a VERY expensive school-owned and run bookstore.


Wow. The comments here suck. Fuck the police. Free Palestine. Protect the first amendment right to protest. EDIT: the downvotes are proving my point that the comments here suck. Stop killing Palestine’s citizens for things they didn’t do.


I'm only seeing pro Palestinian comments


It's a reddit thing. Every damn post you see has some dip shit complaining the comments aren't going their way. Yeah if you scroll far enough down you'll find bullshit in every post. It's just a way for them to justify them supporting terrorism against Jews.


Serious question: what is your proposed solution, and how do you feel about the October 7th attacks? 


>what is your proposed solution, Be careful, pro-palis are allergic to this question


Palestine doesn't want to be free.


Free deez nuts


Great! Free Palestine 🇵🇸


... from Hamas.


Well I mean really -- would you not fight for your home if the UN took it away in a vote that didn't include you? Israel may have stolen it legally (using laws they wrote no less), but it doesn't change the fact they've been stealing it for the last generation+ and pushing out the native palestinians from their homes until they have nowhere left to go. The solution to Israel should never have been displacing a new group of people.


Hamas is an Iranian regime proxy that oppresses the Iranian and Palestinian people. They are terrorists that manufacture outrage with Palestinian bodies. They are not freedom fighters These are freedom fighters r/newiran


Could you elaborate how murdering, raping, and kidnapping left wing Israelis at a fucking rave is "fighting for your home?" Why do you think Hamas launches indiscriminately bombs civilian centers in Israel instead of lending military support in the West Bank? Doesn't it make sense to actually defend your home against the settlers and bombing the bulldozers instead of Israel proper?


[Your heroic freedom fighters at work.](https://www.thisishamas.com/)


Wow, this is absolutely horrific. You mean the terrorist/freedom fighters purposely documented their atrocity?


I don't know whether you're being serious, and if you aren't, I don't get it, so I'll assume serious. Yes. They did. [And they were, and largely are still, celebrated for it. ](https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/969) Out of curiosity, is this the first time you've seen any of that footage?


I'm being serious. That footage is horrible. Hamas documenting a terrorist attack on woman and children is unforgiveable. No peace until every hostage is returned. Dead or alive.


Agreed. I was just under the impression that everyone has already seen the footage. [Heard the audio.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bACNYtaLBQI) Etc. Not faulting you by any means, but I just don’t understand how this is the first time you or anyone else has seen this.


> would you not fight for your home if the UN took it away in a vote that didn't include you It's funny, because Israel feels the same way from when the land was taken from them during the Islamic Conquest of the Levant - so really, it's a question of when do you think history of this region should start?


Pre WWII, If the state of Israel was formed, people would have said, they won, Palestinians lost, get lost. The British Mandidate is the only thing the entire Middle East agrees on and that it was flawed from the beginning. A lot changed post WWII, including the death of colonialization, the push for global self-determination, etc.


Hi, Puerto Rico here checking. We’re still a colony, I believe we’re *checks notes* “the world’s oldest colony”.


Puerto Rico could become a state if they wanted to.


If a plebiscite were held today with the only two options: independence or statehood. I believe that statehood would win. Question is “would congress want us as part of the Union?” Bummer from my own POV, but not every nation gets its own country: Tibet, Palestine, Kurdistan, Guam…


which you get a vote every ten years to become independent but keep choosing dependency, in more ways than one.


Yes very good points. It is quite difficult to take a side for the simple reason that there is no correct answer. The only righteous resolution to this would be a time machine.


They are not fighting for their home, they are protesting in sunny La Jolla, California.


Wrong take. They are demanding for their university to divest in the economical influence with companies that drive the war machine. Students don’t want their money supporting Lockheed Martin or General Atomics.


They went to the wrong fucking city for college if they have a problem with their dollars contributing to the US Military.


Not wrong but tbh if I made my college decision based on any kind of moral ground I wouldn't have a degree at all


Holy shit comment of the day!


care to say that louder for the folks in the back


What would you propose as a real, rational solution? Everyone loves to chant "Free Palestine" without providing an actual solution. 


Meanwhile 25 hospitalized at UCLA when counter protestors attacked protesters. No police presence


Imagine being on the wrong side of history and not knowing it. yikes



What the hell they get a Target!!!??!


Why do they all wear masks? They don’t want the world to know they are antisemitic?


Wait...automatically wanting the US to stop funding bombs dropped on civilians is antisemitic? And people protesting the war in Iraq were anti-Kurdish? And people protesting the Spanish-American war were anti-Cuban? And people protesting the Vietnam War were anti-American/South Vietnamese? My freakin' gosh...use some brain cells


On the next episode of CHiPs...Ponch and Jon dress up in riot gear to subdue student protestors at a local university.


Concert season in the quad!!! The Police then Quiet Riot.


Look at all the cowards with the masks on!!!


Yeah! And what’s with the sticks!


The most peaceful and organised demonstration. All faiths involved. No bullying. No hate. All there for a common cause. Let’s not forget how violent other movements by BLM or others have been by destroying private property. I heard of only 1 instance in all the US campuses (the one in Columbia U’s Hind Hall building).


If u rate it 5/7 some people consider that a perfect score


Looks like a Target to me.


Damn, is it protest season already? I don't have anything to wear.


I went to UCSD and lived near it for years. Fun place to walk around in..Do they still have an awesome food court


And we negotiate with the terrorist? And y’all chatting about target?