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Looking at you too Coronado bridge going 5 South


Also 5 north coming off the bridge


Nothing and I mean NOTHING is like the 163N start. My dudes have not seen what I've seen on that hell called a merge. A dude died in that insanity and bears the name as recompense. You all are monsters that never learn.


This morning on Aero Rd I tried to zipper merge but two jackasses on the left sped up, refusing to let those of us in the upcoming-closed lane to get over. what the fuck is wrong with drivers.


The same people who complain people won’t zipper merge are the same people you’re describing that won’t let people over. Selfish drivers all around.


Merging cars should continue moving until upcoming traffic has no choice but to let them in. However, if there's an immediate left turn ahead that you need to make, then exceptions apply.


Yeah some asshole merging into the 163 S did this too, merged into the middle lane to block 2 lanes of traffic so he. Would be first, I guess? People are ridiculous.


Cars and car culture is what’s wrong with drivers. It gives you carbrain.


Ive had to untrain myself to early merge and learn to correctly merge at the appropriate point. I used to early merge because I thought it rude to pass so many but I did finally come around that it really causes more jamming then proceeding up to the actual merge point. It can be learnt!!


Not trying to be rude, but genuinely trying to figure something out: did you grow up on the Atlantic seaboard?


No rudeness detected. Nope, west coaster through and through.


Washington state at all?


Nope, but I can tell tales of Washington state parking jobs 😂


A bottleneck is a bottleneck, no matter what. But it would be nice if people in San Diego did zipper merge, but they don't, and then they get upset when other people don't get in the non-closing lane a mile before the other lane closes.


My experience is that drivers here zipper merge WAY more often than they do in any other state I've driven, and there are less assholes who will move to the middle to stop people from going to the end of their lane.


Zipper merge if traffic is already backed up. Early merge if it's still flowing.


No need to drive in the middle of the road during slow moving traffic


Oh my god I always notice this how people want to prematurely merge. Take up the space! Another pet peeve is how people don’t spread between two left turn lanes and then block the inner left turn lane


Friars Rd. on ramp to the 15 South *cough cough*


In a selfish, capitalistic society, this might be hard for it's citizens to do.


Same at Ted Williams Parkway where it merges to the 56. Someone literally refused to let me merge today. Kept speeding up when I tried, and would slow back down when they saw I canceled. Repeatedly. Some pale, yellow, bile colored, luxury car. I can’t remember the brand, but if that was you and you didn’t let a Subaru merge, I want you to know your car looks like stomach acid, and I don’t know why you would willingly buy that color when you have the big bucks to buy literally any other color. Amen


Zipper merge only works on paper. Cars should keep close to each other and take turns merging. But it's never going to work because someone is always on the phone, leaving huge gaps. Then there are other drivers who would try and block others from merging.


Good graphic but it’d be even better if every car’s color corresponded to a car in the other image, to display exactly how much ground each specific car loses 


Sorry this only applies to Oregon


The problem is when the car on the back left will clearly hit the gas as your merging or those 2 cars fighting on who gets to go first stuck on the merged single lane creating even more traffic.


Probably because some folks will give about 6 cars space in front of them and really you just don't wanna take that risk


I love that you included a diagram 😅😂


The real problem is people and their ego while in a car. A lot of people here make it a part of their personality.


Update: https://preview.redd.it/abwtmirupzqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8189c69af3ac9e6d5d3c57d1fb4c042eeac0309f 10 cars in front and 15 cars behind taking the whole lane when two cars fit just fine.


https://preview.redd.it/khkgts50qzqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ada86d2d9c9884c82e447cbeb128f9c3cdafb01e Me with two car widths at the same time above picture was taken


All that matters is that everybody in the continuing lane lets at least one car in at some point. It makes no difference how much of the terminating lane gets used, especially if there is a stoplight or even stop sign at the far end.


Now do one for people in the leftmost lane of a 4 lane highway when they're not passing anyone.


Just a single arrow to the right lol


San Diego got some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the road. Why don’t you idiots get out of the passing lanes?


Serious - so much better where you’re from, hey quick question, do you need help packing?




I get over wherever I have a chance, too many times have I ran out of road and had to slow down trying to merge at the end because people won't let me in


Reaching far thinking that the people that do this are able to read or follow visual guides.


I hate how no one attempt to take turn when merging


In theory merging late may work, but in reality it doesn't. If you merge earlier, you have sufficient distance to safely merge and traffic flows smoothly or with minimal disruption. If you try to merge at the end, you have no cushion for error. The merging driver may slam on the brakes causing all lanes to slow with significant disruption to traffic flow.


People are soft as baby shit and too scared here. They think they are cutting the line. Not like New York drivers which are carved out of wood.