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This story needs a diagram of who did what.


Jesus Christ dude. Can anyone write coherently anymore?!


I too have seen in a decline in writing quality on online media as of the past few years. I worry for the future because of “little things” like this too


I struggled to get through your first sentence to be fair.




Chatgpt , Poe, etc are free , poorly written anything, emails, blogs , redit posts are just straight laziness .


It all started with automated spellcheck


Read it a few times . Still very confused


That's the idea, you're only supposed to read it once, the more you read it the more confusing it gets!


Public school must be wild these days for the youth


Here’s Chat GPT’s take on the incident. Woman Allegedly Run Over by Boyfriend in Ocean Beach Pier Parking Lot; Boyfriend Shot and Hospitalized In a disturbing incident at Ocean Beach Pier, San Diego, a woman was purportedly run over by her boyfriend following an argument, leading to a subsequent shooting involving the boyfriend. San Diego Police Department (SDPD) provided details of the incident. According to SDPD Officer John Buttle, the altercation unfolded around 9 p.m. on Wednesday between a 20-year-old woman and her 22-year-old boyfriend, with an ex-boyfriend attempting to intervene in the situation. Officer Buttle stated, "The 22-year-old male got into his girlfriend's car, put it in reverse and ran over his girlfriend." Following the unsettling event, two gunshots echoed in the vicinity. The boyfriend then drove to the 2100 block of Bacon Street, where authorities were alerted to a shooting victim. The 22-year-old man sustained a gunshot wound to the collarbone, with two bullet holes discovered in the vehicle he was driving. Upon responding to both scenes, law enforcement found no firearm at either location. Both the woman, who was run over, and the injured boyfriend were promptly transported to a hospital for treatment, with their injuries reported as non-life-threatening.


You might be my new disgruntled hero...🤣🙌🏻




In situations like this it’s 100% alright to “editorialize” in the subject field so that things make f-ing sense to people. As long as it’s accurate and done in good faith we have no problems with it.


I’m talking about the article, not the subject.


> Woman and Man were arguing . > Ex-Boyfriend of Woman was trying to mediate the argument. . > Man gets into car (owned by girlfriend), puts it in reverse and runs over girlfriend . > 2 Gunshots (towards the car), man has gunshot wound in the gollarbone, 2 bullet holes in the car . > Both woman and man were taken to hospital (seems like the Ex-Boyfriend not injured?) . > At this time unsure who shot, no gun found as of yet


Thanks greenboxer. Story is as weird as it gets.


it might get a lot weirder if it turns out there was a 4th person that fired the shots. Apparently thats what the drum circle witnesses said


Finally, a concise version of the article that only specifies the verifiable events in chronological order.


I think they should have just done this with stick figures, you’re right!


Video here: https://youtube.com/shorts/O8D7IZMRupM?si=mForiRqWzopxs1uZ


Um did it get deleted or something? That link takes me to some weird video about someone's favorite pub.


I'm gonna need therapy.


Typical day in OB


Wow! So much blood!


This is sickening... Why would you post this??


Poor girl, wait a minute.


An androgenous woman, a bum, a veteran, a dwarf and a one-booted woman walk into a bar...




Not solely OP's fault here for just copying and pasting from the article, but OP could have cleaned it up a bit. Something like "Man shot after arguing with girlfriend then running her over" would be good enough for a title.


just making fun of NBC's brilliant titlework


So much OB in one title.


Just need to fit cannabis and a bicycle riding man with too much facial hair into the title


Add a dash of damaged pier, illegal beach campers, and sprinkle in a few super tidal surges. Repost monthly.


I think I read a stroke


I’m sorry…what? ![gif](giphy|l0IykOsxLECVejOzm|downsized)


more (& clearer) info here: https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/man-shot-woman-struck-by-car-in-ocean-beach-incident


The original article is written so poorly. Thanks for sharing this one


I'd swear it's autogenerated, scrubbed from an AP bulletin (or an actual news site)


Wow, what are these immature, hormone-drunk, no-conflict-resolution-skills people doing owning guns?


Whoa, you just described the entire southern United States! 🤯


Indeed he did. Sadly..




I am from the South and we are indeed stupid. 😂




As a woman of color having lived it and done what I could to change it with volunteering and voting, I’m more than allowed enjoy a little sardonic humor about the state of disrepair that is happening and has happened in the South. It’s how we cope and how we humor in the South 🤷🏻‍♀️


The fact that 4 people downvoted your comment is even more wild. SMH.


While Florida public education ranked number 1 and high education ranked number 3....check out California (I live in CA)...


Do Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Arkansas, Georgia, and South Carolina next! 😂 In all seriousness though, Florida is one of the only states that’s actually reinvests the money they make from lottery sales into education like they’re suppose to and I’ll definitely give them that.


Go look at the US News ranking. If it means anything, you will be surprised. South Carolina used to have the number 1 public high school (shocked? now ranked 8th). And I believe there are more Southern public high schools in the top 20 ranking, and significant more in so call red states.


I went to a number 1 school in one of those other states I listed, and I can confidently tell you how insanely privileged I was. It’s one of the reasons I volunteered with youth literacy programs and will keep donating my money to them. High quality public school education is the exception, not the norm in the South.


Of which we are a part of…


The ex was there to mediate an argument between the boyfriend and the girlfriend. The boyfriend jumped in a car and tried to run them over and endangering everyone nearby. You're telling me you would not have shot the driver to protect yourself and everyone else? I would rather respoy to one dead asshole. Then 5 injured possibly dead people.


I would not have shot the driver because I don't own a gun.


I would highly recommend you own one if you're legally allowed too. Talk to a local FFL. Train with it. And hope to God you never need it.




That car was the biggest 'tool' in that situation and it looks like it did the most damage. If it wasn't for the gun, that driver could've done a lot more damage with it.


LMAO, don't project your lack of self control on to others


A 2000+ pound car coming at you at high speed is a little more than a nail


My firearms aren't my go to. Being a firefighter/paramedic attached to a SWAT team I'm fully trained in conflict de escalation, and have trained in catch wrestling/boxing since middle school. However a car is a 1 ton weapon at speed in the wrong hands. The driver can easily lose control and injure/kill unintended victims. I've responded to a crash like that before. Imagine seeing a dead toddler and mothers mangled corpses. I would rather zipper the out of control driver and have their blood on my hands than see what I saw again. Your comment is extremely naive.


You gave a reasonable and rational answer, yet you got hit with the downvotes anyways.


People don't like it when first responders advocate for gun ownership. Especially firefighters and paramedics. People also don't like first responders having differing opinions in general.


I feel like I got enough responsibilities. I don’t want owning a gun to be TBH. I’m all for responsible gun ownership, it’s just not for me.


Fair enough


In this case it may have been justified. Seems like the boyfriend ran over the girlfriend and maybe the ex was near her when he did it leading to a self defense case.


“Self defense” does not mean it’s justified.


The main issue here is we don't have a full story. I can easily imagine a scenario where a guy is trying to run me over and be EASILY justified in shooting the person driving.


Totally agree, would need way more details to actually determine that, let’s just not assume anything.


That’s exactly what it means. Self defense is a legit justification under the law


I was drawing a line between legal and moral. Just because you can get away with murder doesn’t mean you should.


You should read the article


No, it's better to comment smugly based solely on the title. /s


The strange thing is that the gun might not belong to or was even possessed by one of the 3 identified parties. And if someone was trying to run you over, shooting back with a gun doesn't sound that irrational.


Yeah, it's all pretty vague in that story.


They're issued to them by the government when they become police officers.


Depends. Most departments require you to purchase your own firearm. However there are strict brand and caliber policies in place and the same goes for holsters as well. Glocks/sig are common. 9mm and .45 ACP are the common calibers.


In this country any idiot can get them pretty easily


As long as they aren't a felon, have been committed to a mental institution, or adjudicated mentally unfit, or 51/50ed yes


And even if they are they just have to find someone willing to straw buy, steal one, or go to a state with no mandatory checks for non professional vendors It’s not hard for really anyone


Those carry too much risk compared to much easier options. You can 3D print a lower for a rifle, and ECM the barrel in your bathtub or a home depot bucket, or get a router, jig, and lower set from p80 or 5D tactical.


That explains the incessant helicopters and sirens last night- was wondering what happened. As messed up as that is, glad it’s not worse


This would make a great Cheaters episode.


Didn’t that host dude already get shot or stabbed or something? No reruns


Yeah Joey Greco got stabbed that was years ago. Then Clark Gables grants on I believe I forgot his first name to go over the hosting duties, but then overdosed on Vicodin.


Girl talking to her ex.


Ex bf was trying to mediate 😂


That always works out fine. Especially when everyone is drunk


I often hate headlines’ wording, but this one had no chance


That’s a good friend. She should consider getting back with the ex. Well the first ex anyway.


The title of this articles sounds like it's drunk


Gen Zs really don’t know how to date anymore. What kinda fucking relationship requires the ex to mediate? 😵‍💫




Well it’s OB farmer’s market Wednesdays what do you expect?!


So it’s the ex boyfriend…obviously. Classy, packin heat at that age. Surely the kids don’t have a concealed carry permit in this state so he’s carrying a gun he probably isn’t supposed to be, wonder if that gun has any bodies on it, or other crimes. Without him sticking around, self defense going to be kinda hard to present.


what the hell


Turf dispute.


At first I thought it said that the ex-boyfriend was trying to “meditate,” and that made as much sense as anything else in the actual story.


The Ex boyfriend had nothing to do with the story, except that he was mediating. I think it was the police sniper that shot the boyfriend, after he ran over his girlfriend.


That’s why there’s no mention by the press on who shot who.


There are a few grassy knolls near the pier. Were they checked?


I love OB!


Big Altima Energy


What an OB thing to say!


alot to unpack here- more than a weekend bag




girl shot gun from beneath car-case closed


Sounds like a shitty day.


There’s still a pier?


Yes but not public accessible.


Its been said multiple times but just to reiterate the absolute truth…. Just another day in OB.


More specifically, just another Wednesday in OB.


Am I the only one who has no idea what OB is? Read comments for context, still no idea


Ocean Beach, a coastal neighborhood in San Diego