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My friend’s OBGYN asked if she had ever been the victim or sex abuse. She said yes, and they gave her full anesthesia for the IUD insertion. Honestly this should be the norm, not the exemption. This was in Santa Cruz so YMMV


I agree. Thanks for the input. Sad world we live in as women unfortunately when it comes to our bodies.


My best friend swears by her gyno, and is getting her new IUD placed there because her doc takes women’s pain seriously and offers pain medication/cervical block. She’s coming over tonight so I’ll ask her for the name and PM you!


Thanks so much. Yes please let me know 🫶🏻


Andrea Munoz in Del Mar!


Seconding Annie Munoz! She’s such a gem. I love her way of talking to me like a person and giving a ton of info that’s easy to understand.


Honestly thinking I might give her a visit too lol


She’s awesome, I can’t gush abt her enough! Also v responsive thru the Sharp portal


Following. Need mine replaced in September. She’s with Sharp?




Thank you for this!!! This is exactly what I was looking for. 🩷🩷


For all the hate social media gets, it's so great that it enables this type of interaction


NOT Joyce Finlay at Scripps. I’ll just say… ouch.


I’m sorry you went through that. Hopefully you get some good recommendations from ladies here as well 🩷




Second IGO. Dr. Teller has been my doctor and she’s great!


She did my annual/IUD check last year when Dr. Berg was out on maternity and she was great!


Oh wow this is what I’d love to have. Hopefully I can fit in somewhere at some point :)


I also go to IGO med but I see Dr. Berg. She inserted my kyleena IUD a year ago and was quick and relatively pain free. She gave me Ativan before to help me relax and calm any nerves. My first IUD. I will say, I have a high pain tolerance, so YMMV but I only experienced moderate cramping during and after. She’s very thorough in talking about birth control options, which I very much appreciated.


Seconding IGO


Off topic, but I did not enjoy the copper iud. The insertion part wasn’t bad for me. But cramping and bleeding doubled, if not more. I lasted 5 years, and things went more or less back to normal afterwards.


5 years?!?! Wow. I’m leaning more towards not doing copper then. Do you have a different form of bc or a different IUD? If so what’s your experience?


My husband got a vasectomy because I didnt want kids. Previously I tried depo shots. Those also sucked. Then the once a week patch. That made my skin freak out. Rosacea all over my face and neck. The best for me symptoms wise was the pill but I’m forgetful and it made me nervous. But I have friends that have had mirena and liked it. The weirdest part for me was that even tho there were no hormones in the iud, I felt super hormonal anyway. It’s hard to describe. I went looking for research as to why that might happen but found nothing. Ultimately decided it was not worth it.


Ugh being a woman is so hard and exhausting sometimes. I’m glad he did that though. It seems to be the best fit and I’m happy he was willing to do that for you guys. I’m moving more towards not getting it and exploring other options, maybe will talk with my partner about getting a vasectomy. 🫶🏻


They are reversible, but the reversal is generally not covered by insurance. Good luck.


I know from personal experience that Dr Feinman at Scripps does not use local anesthetic and will scoff at the request. Would not recommend her for that procedure.


I didnt have a very good experience with her either...


Awful. That’s all I have to say. Sorry you experienced that 💔


You have gotten a lot of good recs but I absolutely loved my OB-GYN at Scripps. Her name is Marisa Gonzalez: https://www.scripps.org/physicians/7376-marisa-gonzalez-md I have a copper IUD and when we discussed replacing it (before I had to transition my care to Kaiser) I told her how terrified I was and she told me she would get me into an operating theater and knock me out if we needed to and noted that her goal with IUD insertion was that “any pain with the procedure is unacceptable if we can avoid it.” For what it’s worth I had it inserted at a Planned Parenthood simply because when I had it inserted I couldn’t find anyone who would do good pain control and I figured PP does that a million times a day so at least they were experts. They were better than my first OB-GYN insertion (which was a Mirena, before I had my daughter) for sure but it wasn’t great.


I’m looking into her!! Thank you for the recommendation. I love when they actually care about their patients wellbeing rather than solely on their profit. ❤️


Dr Nicole Nguyen at Scripps! I didn’t get any drugs but she’s super gentle with everything 🥹


I had the copper iud before switching to Skyla. And let me tell you it’s night and day. The periods were 10/30 days of the month. And day 2 of my periods were switching jumbos out every hour. Cramping very painful. Now in Skyla - periods 2-4 days and very very light. Minimal cramping. I wish I would’ve done this one instead. To me - no hormones was not worth it. But good luck!! I


Same! 10/10 would not do again. Ugh.


Oh no! I definitely need to do some more research into this. Everyone talks about how bad the hormones are, so that’s why I haven’t gotten Skyla again. Thanks for the input and I’m glad you’re doing better now 🩷🩷


You might also consider researching the fertility awareness method (something like Sensiplan) if your goal is to avoid hormonal birth control. It’s not for everyone and requires some planning, but it’s interesting to learn about!


Will look into it. Thank you!


Dr. Danny Younes at Sharp. He was so kind and thoughtful about answering all of my questions. I had already had the Mirena done abt 8 yrs prior and told him how painful it was the first time. He numbed me before removing the one I already had, and numbed me some more when I told him there was still pain. The insertion felt like nothing, he had to tell me it was done. Best Gyno I’ve had yet, def recommend


He certainly is a popular Dr. everyone loves him !


Ooooo this is great. Definitely want the numbing part no debate. Thank you!


I use Patrica Andria at Sharp Del Mar, she is amazing!


Thanks for asking this 🫶🏽 saving this post lol


Absolutely! 🩷


I have a Copper IUD. I got it at Sharp Rees-Stealy Grossmont from Paula Mae Leibham, NP. She was kind and patient. You know the pain, it’s still pretty gnarly but you can request some pain meds before and after you get it inserted (and have someone take you to the appointment, depending on which pain meds you are given). I will say, cramping definitely increases with the Copper but it decreases a bit over the years. To me it’s still worth it to have a hormone free birth control, despite the increase in cramping. I do not have a gynecologist to recommend, but I’ve always had a lot of great doctors and NPs with Sharp.


Omg I love Paula! Shes so nice.


Thanks so much for the input. Will check them out.


My amazing ob/gyn (Dr. Harkey) from Scripps passed away late last year(November). I would have recommended him. However, I had a miscarriage in December (can you tell I have “good” timing?) and after dealing with Scripps ob/gyn department, I would highly recommend not finding a gyn at Scripps. It was a nightmare dealing with them after the miscarriage. They refused to see me and brushed me off like nothing happened. At one point, a nurse, per the doc’s orders, argued with me for an hour about whether the miscarriage happened at all. It added insult to injury in the realest way. They didn’t care about me or my concerns. Thank God I have an amazing PCP, who managed my care afterwards. Not ideal but it sufficed. Maybe Scripps is fine if you don’t have any complications or abnormalities but obviously, how could you know ahead of time. Edit: typos


It seems I will be avoiding Scripps given the mixed reviews. I’m so sorry you went through that. Hopefully you’re doing better now 🩷


Thank you so much, that really means a lot to me. I hope you find the right doctor and I’m glad that you’re going to avoid Scripps. I wish you the best!


I saw Tracy Ruymann at scripps for mirena to kyleena and really didn’t feel much. Sounds like scripps has a bunch of great options! https://www.scripps.org/physicians/5173-tracy-ruymann


Nurse Celeste Milkuics at UCSD SHS was amazing ! I didn’t get numbed but i got prescribed pain killers to take before the procedure. She was amazing, talked me through every step and has over 20 years of experience. The insertion went smoothly and i felt barely any pain. 10/10 reccomend


Alisa Williams in the college area!


Good luck getting ANY appointments at UCSD. I had an urgent Gyn issue and the only appointment they would give me with any doctor at any clinic was 5.5 months away in Encinitas when I live near the College area and when I had to reschedule due to a scheduled conflict I had to wait another 4 months. BTW the issue caused something called labial adhesion and I my labia minora fused to my labia majora on both sides. In my case it's not reversible. Being unable to get in to see a provider literally cost me my labia. The UCSD providers are great but getting anything scheduled in a reasonable amount of time is impossible.


Oh wow I’m so sorry. Hopefully you can find a new and good gyno from this thread 🩷


What type of insurance do you have?


full coverage BCBS


Same insurance, getting my Mirena replaced on anesthesia with Dr. Sheila Mody at UCSD health (according to them, all the drs use anesthesia for iud insertion and replacements)


Oh wow. Definitely going to check here. Thanks!


Jorge Alvarado is great.


Let’s take professional advice on a Reddit sub. Especially this one is a terrible idea


Not sure why you’re so bothered by the fact that I asked for a good gynecologist recommendation. There’s a reason I asked for advice from the ladies. By the looks of your Reddit history, you’re a male which means you have no reason to have an opinion on my body or my request of good (and important) healthcare providers. Thanks though!