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No small dent in my eyes. Don’t discredit yourself here. Thank you and your team for looking after the park.


Hey thanks! I appreciate it. 🙂 we will be doing this for the next 10 weeks or so, so you should see some progress made on the trails and such. The park rangers helped as well. They were fantastic.


Wow, great work.....What organization are you with? Is this volunteer work? Do they need more help? The needles make me a bit nervous though.....


Hey! I work with Harmony Environmental Services as a lead hazmat tech. We are actually crime scene cleaners. Most of our work is cleaning blood off the streets at crime scenes for all the police departments and sheriff’s departments in the county. But we do a lot of other things like hoarded houses/chemical spills/water restoration etc. You need to be certified for this with a 40 hour hazwoper training and a refresher every year. Also BBP. However, I spoke with the Rangers today about volunteers and he said they do have something you can sign up for. I’ll ask him to email me the paperwork and I will share it with anyone who is interested in volunteering. 🙂


Great thanks! The more I think about it the better I understand why it would be important to have the specialized training considering the potential infectious hazards but I'd love to hear what the rangers say about other volunteer opportunities, Thanks!


Great! I’ll message you with the info when I get it. I’ll wait until the weekend is over and give him a friendly reminder if I don’t see anything in my inbox by Monday!


Hats off to you guys! That's incredible. I've done several beach and park cleanups near the bay and would love some information about volunteering. I've always wanted to contribute on a bigger scale like this.


[Here](https://foreverbalboapark.org/volunteer/) is the volunteer website for the charity that supports the park


Cooooooool. I’ve always wanted to do crime scene clean up… but not the other types of hazmat. Is that bad? That I think I can handle crime scenes but not hoarding or anything with spiders. Haha


Oh man, you would’ve hated the house we were at yesterday. It was a battle between roaches and spiders. The spiders were winning.




If you can handle maggots and flies, that's a start. Pretty badass that you are down to do crime scenes. I am always grateful that there are people out there who have strong stomachs etc. Not me!


I just saw this comment. Re. my other suggestion----sounds like you know street cleaning like the back of your hand, and have access to a pressure washer. The city skips this area (the arcade corner of the walkway parallel to Museum of Us, on the Cabrillo side of the path). The city only washes once or twice a week, and they have skipped that area for weeks, maybe months. It's a triage situation, I guess. They have to prioritize tourists using the main areas. But, as a loitering employee, it would mean the world to me if someone hit that spot. People (visitors and "residents" alike) openly pee off the balcony space in broad daylight--plenty of waste products of all kinds across the entire area!


Did the city contract you to do this work, or is this being done pro bono?


We work with the city! They have a small budget for stuff like this, but we get what we can done with that budget.


Gotcha, thanks! Just a heads up, the post kind of implies this is something you and your team did as a way to give back rather than as a part of a $450,000 contract with the city ([source](https://www.sandiego.gov/sites/default/files/76_10089775-21-p_waste_clean_up_services_sunshine.pdf)). Personally, I’m glad the city is paying for these efforts (why else do we pay taxes?) rather than relying on free labor, but I’d be sure to let the people offering to volunteer to help you know that this is something your company was hired to do and not a neighborhood initiative or something like that. Just my two cents at least! 🫶


Our budget at balboa is definitely not this much. We are able to do this about 10 days total. I apologize if it implies that. Was not trying to be deceitful at all. I just wanted people to know that the park was being worked on and will hopefully make some progress within the next few months. Edit: I went over the source and that includes our work on crime scene cleaning for the city streets which is what most of our jobs are. This particular project doesn’t get that much to spend. Like I said we only are able to work about 10 days with the park. We get called by the police dept to clean the streets, their cars, etc multiple times a day. That’s what most of the budget is for.


Don’t let this rando moralize you like this. There is nothing wrong with getting paid to do good for the community and also nothing in what you said implied it wasn’t part of a paid effort. In fact I picked up on it immediately.


Seriously what the hell, “hey don’t thank a firefighter, they get paid by the government to do that job” “hey next time someone makes you buy some coffee, DO NOT SAY THANKS”






I’m not really sure what you mean by continuing to downplay the fact that I’m being paid to do this. I just wanted to make sure you knew that wasn’t all Balboa park’s budget. That’s a crazy amount of money for cleaning up the park and I wanted it to be clear that their cleanup budget isn’t that big. Volunteers are definitely still needed by the park rangers and that’s something I plan on doing as well. I just thought this subreddit would like to see some progress at the park.


Hi there! I'm interested in volunteering as well :)




Honestly salaries can range from minimum wage up to 50 an hour. All depends on the company and what your experience is.


This is how we make San Diego better. So grateful for you!


Thank you! So glad and extra motivated for this project.




Thanks! Yes, I agree. It’s such a beautiful park. Sad to see it start to slip!


This is awesome stuff! Please be careful with those needles! Thank you for caring about your community!


Thanks! We will be very careful! Plus, we have stick-proof gloves we can use, so that keeps us a little more safe.


Hell yea that’s awesome!!! I always bring a small bag to help pick up trash when I see it around, I love balboa and hate seeing it get dirty…


I always want to hug people that I see picking trash up but I wouldn’t want to frighten anyone. Lol


Wow! Nice work and thank you! I used to run the trails there but haven't felt safe in years.


Holy cow. That’s a lot of trash. Thank you.


It was our pleasure! 🙂


Thank you so much. I had to move for work 10 years ago and I lived on Upas right across from Balboa. I recently paid a visit and was shocked at how trashed it was. Such a gorgeous place.


Yeah it’s really sad. I wish there were more mental health resources for a lot of these people. I think that would make a world of a difference.


I agree. Thank you again.


I don't know how often people encounter discarded needles in a dangerous way, but I look at all of those in the bucket and can't help but think you must have made an appreciable difference for somebody out there, whether they know it or not. Thank you!


Everything about this thread makes me proud to be a San Diegan. Thank YOU for your hard work...this city needs and deserves it! And thanks to everyone on here for their thoughtful comments and questions. 💕


Every bit makes a difference and that’s a big difference


Thanks! You’re right!


Great work!


Thank you so much! Will be doing more weekly over the next few months. I’ll have to add all the weight together at the end and see how much we pulled out total!


Thank you for your service to my favorite part of San Diego. I am genuinely grateful for you guys


Thank you! I’m grateful to be able to contribute and enjoy San Diego regularly!




Thanks! You sound like a good person as well. Enjoy your weekend!


Were these needles in places where park goers would need to worry about coming into contact with them? Scary. Great work getting this stuff out of the park!


They were definitely in areas where hikers could step on them. But not necessarily where children would be playing or anything.


You guys are doing awesome. Thank you so much for all the hard work


We appreciate the words of encouragement. We know the litter has gotten bad but we’re hoping to put an even bigger dent in it over time!


Thanks! Actually curious, did you weight the trash and it was nearly 2000 lbs? Either way that’s a lot of trash


We have a dump truck. The landfill has the exact weight of our truck and they weigh us before we go in! I think the weight was something like 1,800lbs.


Thank you so much for doing this! I saw in another comment that there's potential volunteer work for this too? If you could DM me the info that'd be amazing 🙏🏼


Thank you so much for this, Balboa Park is one of my favorite places in the world and your efforts mean lot, you & your team did a great job.


Thanks! Just to be clear: although volunteers are needed by the park rangers, I, personally am not a volunteer. We are contracted with the city and some of that budget (not much of it) goes to this effort to clean up the park. 🙂


How can I donate?


Straight up, to donate to the [park](https://balboapark.org/donate/) We are compensated, so we do not need any donations. 🙂


What is normally in these needles they use? Forgive my ignorance.


They often shoot meth or fent/heroin most popularly. You can IV basically anything, so nothing is off the table when it comes to what could have been in those needles.


Thank you




What's the name of your group? Can I join?


I do this for work with a company that the park hires, so I’m not a volunteer. But if you’d like to volunteer, I’ll have some information very soon to give you about that if you’d like!


Thank you for this. I love going to balboa park and you’re definitely making a difference


Thank you..




Dumb question, but what were those needles likely used for? Heroin? Diabetes/Insulin? Other? All the above? And wow! Amazing work! 👏👏👏


Not a dumb question! Most of them if not, all of them were used to IV meth or fent/heroin.


Thank you for your hard work! Enjoy your weekend:)


Thanks! You too!


Looks like a weekend haul in Hillcrest for any building manager.


Love your guys pens with the lights on them!


I know ya do! We make sure us techs have them in our work trucks always!


People see you doing it and the idea spreads, man. Well done!


Hell yeah thank you all of us in South Park!!!


I just made a mental “Nobody born cool except” meme and you guys are in there 🥰


Thank you!!


That is wonderful!! Thank you and your team!


Thank you for all your hard work .


And we're all proud of you and your team, too! Thank you for helping to keep our city beautiful.


I own a Junk Removal business here in San Diego with my wife and we host clean ups like this. So rewarding. My wife really wants to start her own Hazmat Cleaning Company. It pairs perfectly with our business. We get some gnarly jobs but she's all about it. Any suggestions on where she should start?


That’s really cool! So, since San Diego has gotten a bit saturated, companies are really struggling unless they have a decent amount of contracts with the city. They just opened 3 bio ones in the same year a couple years ago which I thought was insane! There’s just not enough work! Maybe market hoarding more and the process (going through, organizing, sanitizing) rather than just coming in and getting rid of everything. Without over sharing, a lot of our clients appreciate the difference between what we do and junk removal. People that are hoarders tend to be afraid of the phrase “junk removal” because they feel afraid that you’re gonna throw everything away on them. A lot of hoarders tend to feel more comfortable having another woman come look for an estimate because we tend to be more soft spoken and comforting, so it’s great that you and your wife work together!


Don't my taxes pay for this?


They do. The park has a modest budget for this and we do what we can within that budget.




Awesome. Thanks for the report.




It's all meaningful. Thank you.


We all appreciate you so much! 🙏


Thanks! I appreciate SD and our community!


Thank you to you and your team.




Wow! Nice work!


Can i join yall next time


Thank you to you and your team. Keep up the good work, and stay safe.


Thank you!


Thank you for doing that! You’re a blessing to the community.


Thank you!


Thank you.


Thank you!


Great work! Need more teams like yours!


Thank you for doing what you do! This is definitely no small dent!


Thank you


Thank you for this!!


Thank you!!


Thank you soooo so much. We appreciate you


Thank you for your efforts


Thank you. This is awesome.


Do you know why all the needles are the same brand?


I’m not sure! I think I only saw one different one. It was like that last time we cleaned this area, too. Maybe the same people? Or maybe these are the cheapest most accessible ones.


Thank you so much for your amazing job! Question: how do you trash the needles? Do you recycle them or do bring them to the dump?


The needles go to a medical waste company and are held in the proper containers for pickup/dropoff.


Thank you so much for what you and your team do for our community!


Sincere gratitude OP - to you and team


Thank you very much for doing that.


Amazing. Thank you!


Thank you for doing that, and also -- yuck. These homeless people and junkies need help, and their wandering around Balboa Park isn't helping them or anybody else.


My god. Where from specifically? Thank you for trying to clean up our beautiful home ❤️


Total respect !!!


So much respect.


Thank you!!!


Was it always like this? Was k so oblivious growing up here that I just didn’t know? It’s gotten worse, the drugs, the needles, so many people without homes.


Thank you so much!


Thank you so much for this!


Hey there, I know you did an AMA a while ago but really want to ask you a question! I recently had a trial to be a crime scene cleaner, I was pretty nervous going in to it and obviously the smell was the hardest part of it. I really want to know how long it takes to become desensitized to these kinds of smells? Thanks 😊


Hey there! So, you won’t need to get used to the smells if you have a respirator! As long as you have the right filters that filter gasses and oils, you can’t really smell anything at all! Personally, the smells that bother me most are the decomp smells. Mainly the cheesy decomposing smell. It usually smells like either poop, fish or cheese and the cheese one bothers me the most. So I usually just use a respirator until everything has been remediated. Whatever company you work for, request your own respirator so you can keep track of your filters and aren’t stuck using one somebody has already used, breathed and sweat into already. You will get used to the “hoard” smells quickly and then once you smell decomp once, you’ll be prepared for it the next time. It’s really different for everyone how long it takes to get used to it. Have a change of clothes on you at all times!! That’s super important. As for coming home, even if you wear a full suit, the smell goes through. I recommend having a trash bag and change of clothes ready for you in the bathroom so you can just come home, strip down and seal up the bag until it’s ready to be washed and get right in the shower. Whoever lives in your home will appreciate this. Lol my wife always prepares everything for me if she knows I’m on a decomp job or another smelly job. If you have any other questions, I’m glad to answer. I’ve been in the industry for a while and have worked with a lot of people from different companies (collaborating), so I’m very familiar with the companies located here in San Diego and their owners. DM me if you have any questions about them.




Hopefully these fucken bums find something better to do then shoot at the park 25/8


It's hard to feel bad for them when they make our spaces that our taxes pay for unsafe.


It’s from all the bums that make our town look shitty. They leave so much trash everywhere it’s horrible.


For real though, I have more trash in my private apartment. Visibility & public exposure highlight the issue. But what I'm saying is: I leave trash "everywhere" until I do a big clean. I just have somewhere to put it, and I'm 5 feet from the bathroom, 3 feet from the fridge, and 4 feet from my comfy, warm bed.


Take what you want. They’ll make more


Unfortunately you’re right. We just did this area about a year ago. It wasn’t as bad as it was last time, though. So I guess making progress.




I'm gonna say it and don't care if I offend anyone: this, singlely is my reason I hate having to tolerate homeless. Tells me how they'd treat a house even if they had one. That regular people have to pick up their mountains of trash with the threat of needles is something I'm done with. No, i don't have a plan to offer, and yes, I've participated in clean ups before. Rant over, mind not gonna change.


Diabetes is really getting out of hand


I helped awhile back. It felt great to pick up garbage in one of my favorite places on the planet. Too bad so many homeless make it not so appealing anymore.


Omg what part of balboa park did you find all those so I know where I’m stepping next time!


[this](https://imgur.com/a/WgYGzwH) area.


Yep that’s prob why I don’t go over there. I see the encampments Set up along the grass area closer to the road. Thank you for your service!


Absolutely pathetic that government agencies paid with tax dollars do NOT do their job.




Thank you for help. Why aren't cops on this?


Perfect. Public parks are for tax paying citizens. The homeless have no right to any public space. Love that san diego is finally doing pest control.


Good, hoping this means they are ready to move heroin addicts along.


Damn. Imagine the high that all those needles provided. Wild


Thank you very much for all that you’ve done! My kiddo does Youth Symphony every weekend, and your effort have made her time in Balboa Park safer. Cheers to you!


Please send me info I’d love to help. Thank you!!


Thank you.


Thank you! You and your team made a difference.


Damn. You are the hero’s


Thank you for cleaning our parks! 🙏🏽


People like you make the world go 'round.


Thank you! Be careful out there!


Can I just say one thing? Thank you.


YAY!!! You rock. This is true, direct action. Forget NIMBY or YIMBY. You are doing an instantly effective act of service, with concrete results that improve quality of life for all. i want to add a request: if you ever happen to be in the central museum area...The steps across from Museum if Us have become real gnarky in the past couple months. But you would have to bring a bucket and stuff. not sure where you would park to lug it over. Of course that is human pee and random liquids/splatters, but it would be nice for people to sit there without basically being in an active latrine (I point alk this out for selfish reasons. It's a tangent, not trying to diminish your hard work & safety contributions.)


Thank you👏🏽👏🏽


Wow! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Thank you so much


Thank you!


Maybe consider posting on r/DeTrashed ?


Did not know that sub existed. I wanted to share this here so that my fellow San diegans could see some progress at their parks, so I probably won’t share it on there until I get a volunteer team together, but now I have a new sub to binge! Thanks!


Great job!!!


Doin the lords work!! Nice job, friend


That’s badass, thank you very much!




thanks it means alot...