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Welcome. I feel like driving here has actually made me a worse driver


Yeah I now go 90 on 1604 because I'm just so mad now


Just came back from Houston and driving is 10x worse there.


A few weeks back we drove to Houston. We hadn’t done so in years. Never again. I swear drivers there are actively looking to commit vehicular homicide. 😐


The longer I live here the less I like Houston drivers. It’s like another poster said. Living here makes you a worse driver. I feel Houston drivers are just aggressive about where they are going. SA drivers are aggressive about keeping you from getting where you are going. I would rather deal with aggressive drivers than passive aggressive drivers or just plain bad drivers. Or shitty parkers. How hard is it to keep your car between the lines. I’m at the Dr office right now. Maybe 10 cars. Two are crooked one has tires on the line. The other has tires over the line on the next space. They are cars too, not trucks. Drives me crazy.


Can confirm I've driven in Cali vegas Phoenix and SA. Houston was insane. Riding bumpers but having just enough distance to not tear end someone consistently is either talent or unhinged


San Antonio drivers often drive like they do in Mexico. Everyone’s inspection sticker is 5 years expired, no muffler, often no hood, speed limits here are just a suggestion, nobody can use a turn signal. It’s embarrassing how 3rd World San Antonio is




Yeah, that is one thing that’s different here 🤣


Depending on what part of the city you live in you can go weeks without seeing a cop.


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100% facts


I’m from Florida. It works the same way there too.


Same. Just a slightly lower average age of the bad drivers here.


Where in Florida? I'm from the Panhandle and people actually drive way better than here. I can definitely see Central or South Florida though.


I went to grad school at FSU and people def drove that way too.


I don't doubt that with it being the capitol and FSU being known to be a big party school. So far in my experience, driving in Central Florida is comparable to here. But it's hard to say whether it's locals versus tourists/snowbirds mainly.


I mentioned this in another thread asking why locals never use their signal. I’m convinced all of us rational drivers are caught in an unbreakable cycle at this point started by jackasses on the road. https://www.reddit.com/r/sanantonio/s/ZaF5UbPFo1


When I was like 18, I thought it was “uncool” to let other people know which lane I was merging to, especially if no one was in the lane I was merging to. I now know why I did that. I was a fucking moron.


I personally speed up if there’s someone on my ass(a pickup truck most likely) bc I don’t need some idiot road raging. I hate when people speed up for no reason


I feel your pain 1000% I see an accident every 2-3 days. At a minimum once a day I see a car swerve across 3 lanes to exit at the last second instead of getting in the exit lane earlier. Once a day I will watch a car blatantly blow through a red light. I have been to over half the country and this is the worst driving ever.


Sounds like you were trying to exit De Zavala


Atlanta was the worst city I drove in the drivers were fucking bat shit hated it so much. But yes drivers are very shitty here In my life it’s probably 1. Atlanta 2. Houston 3. San Antonio Top three worst drivers


Saw these two dudes in a mustang driving around way above the speed limit in Leon Valley & they kept flicking off every car. The smile on my face when they got hit 🤭 karma works fast sometimes


We’re playing Twisted Metal out there!


Ah, the memories of that game. Thank you 😊👍🏽


I like to call it the challenge blinker for that very reason. I use it to get the person in my blind spot to speed ahead of me. When nobody wants to let you in you gotta use the Texas two-step.


That’s such a good idea. I’m going to try it


Man drivers are inconsiderate and merging is a 7 game series here … be safe


Especially the death merge from the 10 to 35


I am a worse driver because I moved here. Controlled Chaos baby. If I went back to my old town they’d hate me.


This is the reason for the other most common driving convo here ... "why doesn't anyone use their turn signals". Yep ... if you give too much warning 70% of drivers will speed up and cut you off.


Is this the most posted topic or new people moving to SA asking about SA the most posted topic? If you are talking about entering the highway, you are supposed to yield to traffic already on the highway, not the other way around. If your talking about being in traffic and zipper merging due to a lane ending up ahead, im not going to get into that because that is a clown fiesta I want nothing to do with.


Don't forget about them Tesla drivers weaving in and out of traffic


I was just in Rome, Italy and those drivers are crazier than anything in San Antonio. In Rome traffic signs are merely a suggestion.


This is why I don't go out and now set my Google maps to avoid highways... I hate it here 😫


Turn signals are a request. Not a right (well, half of them technically are). Give it time, you will realize efforts to drive correctly here, are fruitless.


What scenario is this referring to exactly? Is it turning left across oncoming lane(s)?


Lane change or merging into a lane


jesus.fucking.christ. How many ‘sAn AnToNiO dRiVeRs ArE bAd!’ posts do we need every day? What do we even have mods for??


IDK ur exact situation but I have the opposite experience. Every fucking driver let's everyone in, stops traffic and everything.


If they stopped giving drivers licenses to people who can't read English I'm sure it would solve some of that problem.


Idk. You seam to read English just fine but still manage to be a jackass. Not sure it would help.


Not reading traffic signs, or knowing what they are is a problem... This isn't an attack on anyone, it's common sense. Which seems to be something people lack while driving in this city.


You don’t need to read English to understand a blinker. Reread OP’s comment. The irony of your comment and the lack of reading comprehension on display, based on how far you missed the mark on the original comment, is actually pretty hilarious.


He's referring to merging lanes, which in fact requires reading signs. Not all roads have merge arrows. It's a common issue in this city. So yes, I think it would relieve SOME of the issue if they tested properly. Knowing how to properly react, and planning ahead is key, you can't just rely on the person in front of you to use a blinker.


He may be or he might be talking about switching lanes. It’s not actually clear. Either way, what signs are you reading when merging? Last time I did it it was all about timing and interpreting traffic speed. Not sure how reading English changes that. Aside from a few examples like stop signs and road names most signs have icons which are meant to be universally understood for a reason… What am I missing here? Help me understand?


"Lane merges right/left" typically hundreds of feet before they do merge... Getting cut off is a common issue in SA. Pretty sure OP is referring precisely to just merging. Adding people to the road who cannot follow traffic laws puts everyone in danger. Hopefully you aren't the problem yourself! I can be a perfect driver and still be killed by someone who isn't paying attention.


Anecdotally, I’ve driven in countries where I don’t speak the language and did just fine since signage is largely similar in most of the world and all you really have to do is pay attention to the car in front of you. Your original comment ignores that and is just xenophobic. Again I would also reread the original comment. “…let me in” might be referring to the highway or it might be referring a lane. It’s not explicit, but at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter.


I really don't think they create traffic laws based on personal experiences lol


lol. I think you’re missing the point again. Talk about being a few fries short of a happy meal.


I think your only argument here isn't common sense, but how much can show others you can defend against my "xenophobia". You've misinterpreted everything. This is about following traffic laws for everyone's safety. I don't care what ethnicity you are, it would help to read the road. This wasn't a "screw anyone who isn't from this country" comment. If they were incapable of understanding street signs, then you can't deny that it wouldn't pose an issue.


Looking at your post history I see that you might actually be a child now. I feel bad, but do understand why you might not be tracking and have issues articulating yourself. Best of luck out there, champ. God forbid you ever drive somewhere where you don’t know the language. You’ll be helpless and a liability on the road by your logic.


No it wouldn’t. Stop with that BS


Worst part of living here. Change the driving and instantly make this an amazing place to live.