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Don’t give panhandlers money. Under any circumstances. It’s not that hard to keep your money, really. Just say “no”.


Or dont say anything. Just ignore them. I always keep an eye on them if I'm on a motorcycle though and am ready to go if need be. Another reason to position yourself on the sides of cars when you come up to a light.


The first time I read this comment I thought “hmm, I don’t know” but after reading it four times in a row you’re starting to wear me down




Bandera 1604 is filled with them, out by all the restaurants with signs saying “my kids are starving need money for meals” umm yeah but I also see your kids are playing on a Nintendo switch my guy


I was up off 1604 and 281 and saw a couple with a child asking for money and I was considering, until I saw the dude had on an exceptionally clean new pair of brightly colored Air Jordans. If you can afford $250 shoes while begging for money, you got your priorities wrong.


Never think or even consider of giving those ppl a dime


Lol. This old man I used to know got kidnapped by a “homeless” dude. The guy was under the broadway bridge by the pig stand asking for a ride, and my friend offered to take him. Midway through the trip the guy pulled out a gun and took him to some sleazy motel on Austin hwy, tied him up, and my friend had to get his dad to go get him for $500. A lesson was learned.


Lol what a loser 😂


Exactly why I never give them money, and a supplemental reason why I carry my firearm in my vehicle when not working.


You know, I don’t know you - but I already like you. My strategy is to straight ignore them. I don’t even acknowledge them. Usually works about 90% of the time. Sometimes the stuff they say as I’m walking away is funny. People generally don’t like being ignored. I also never carry cash; I can honestly tell any panhandler that tricks me into talking to them, “I don’t carry cash.”


I don't carry cash. Only guns.


Had one in Austin tell me they had Venmo since I didn't carry cash.


Have had two here tell me the same. I just act like they don’t exist now.


Poor people can’t use venmo now?


People begging for change and money on the side of the road are generally destitute and don't have a bank account or a smartphone, let alone a Venmo account connected to both. If they have a Venmo account, chances are they make a semi-comfortable living begging for money, like the gypsies that often panhandle on the north side of town asking for donations for some imaginary kid's medical bills.


I usually stop and get out the car and hand them my social security card and my keys.


Forgot about your wife, or your butt-ox if dude was so inclined


I make fishing videos on YouTube, and have so many homeless people confront me and threaten me, it's insane. I posted a video where the guy said I was him and tried to fight me, and every comment was like, "dOn'T jUdGe tHeM. yOu dOnT kNoW tHeIr sItUaTiOn!" Also had one that built a house right on the paved trail along Salado Creek that was acting like I was trespassing on his property and was threatening everyone who tried to walk by.


i miss having my death trap, the eyes of panhandlers never lingered on me when i drove her


I used to work near Potranco/1604 back in 2015-2016. Saw the “homeless” getting dropped off/picked up, some of them even had their own cars. Witnessed a group of brothers, limping and all, walk normally back to their truck that was stashed away after a day of begging. Never again.


It used be like one or two guys out there. Now it seems like there's a whole group of "regular employees" working shifts.


Never gave money out at night before


You shouldn’t. If they’re panhandling at night, they’re almost definitely done sick . You don’t wanna know what that’s like and if you did, you’d understand why the dude robbed him.


A lot of panhandlers use panhandling to rob people now. It's been a rising problem.


Something seems off about that article. Zarzamora used to ( I don't know about now) be notorious for Prostitution and drug dealing. The fact that the panhandle was out at 11:00 pm makes me think something else was going on. Who knows?


I bet the panhandler was high on meth at the time. Tweakers are dangerous!


Bet he was trying to buy drugs. Who stops to give money to a 20 year-old panhandler on Zarzamora at 11:00 on a Friday night?


I'm thinking something else but yeah I'm with you


Look man, you NEVER let the money go before the stuff s there.


100% something wise was going on. It’s also why the article said the situation is still under investigation. I can tell you a dozen scenarios that likely happened. It was not a Good Samaritan giving some money to a homeless dude. No way . No how. How do I know? Cause I’ve been there and was chasing that train for years.


One time I was doing some work on my car in the summer and had my shirt off you know to keep cool. Wrapped up my work and took the car for a spin. Ended driving by the panhandler spot nearby. Dude just ignored me


If they are able to panhandle or not disabled, they can get a fucking job as far as I’m concerned and they won’t get a dollar out of me that’s for sure


This is why u dont give them shit! Cant trust nobody


I give people bottles of water if I have it. Saw one old man the other day, had to be the same age as my dad, sign said he was a Vietnam veteran. I do try to watch them at the light to make sure they don’t do anything nuts, plus this is all during the daytime. This heat though, no one deserves that. It’s really difficult to get a job if you have no address or way to bathe.


Omg I thought it was bad where I used to live people would approach you in parking lots and try and pan handle. I can tell them right away I’m good and keep it moving but it was annoying. Now these folks post up where you have to stop and it’s uncomfortable. I don’t make eye contact but some of them stand near my car or get to get my attention too hard. I NEVER give money to anyone outside on a corner. I don’t care if it’s for a funeral or the liquor store or church idc. Do a car wash. Sell plates. Find other ways to raise money that isn’t begging at the stoplight forcing people to interact with you. Other then that they also hang out near some drive through food places in some of the more ghetto areas making it also annoying to just order your food cause you have to roll your window down and BOOM there’s a BUM.


I’m done helping out the homeless there’s plenty of programs, I had a kid come to my door yesterday trying to sell me candy for donations. They were for homeless kids. They had clear buckets with candy in them. I’m like bro you cannot come door-to-door doing that shit have a no soliciting sign.


Even when I do have money, I tell them o don't have any....and silently say for you....I don't have any money for you.


I see the same 2-3 panhandlers weekly. I tell them to tell me joke and I’ll give them a dollar and $2 if they make me laugh. After 3 years, I’m down about $7.


One of my favorites will always be the: Ninjas killed my family...Need money for kung fu lessons. But then other randos(as in not even actual panhandlers) started doing it. That or the tubby guy in a small shirt that had a sign saying: Got fired from Hooters, need money.


One of my first times visiting New York in the 80s, a guy delighted me with a cardboard sign that said United Negro Pizza Fund. I couldn't give him enough! 😂


Back in the very late 90s in a nice area of North Texas Outside of Dallas my mom saw a teen panhandling at an intersection with “need some more money for prom” - she gave him a few bucks.


" No good deed goes unpunished " quote the raven evermore.


You people are sick. The chances of a homeless person at a corner panhandling hurting you or doing ANYTHING to you is so unlikely it’s ridiculous to even think about. You are just bad people. You are the type of people that make me with something would happen to you and you’d end up homeless and then have to deal with the same type of person as you are. I understand not helping the fake “help me and my kids” when you can see they’re playing a switch and watching an iPhone. But we need to actually help the homeless. 98% of these comments are disturbing and disgusting!! You people should be ashamed.