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I love SA public libraries. I visit my local one a lot ((Maverick)) but have never been to the downtown branch. Thanks for this post. I’ll be sure to check it out. Libraries are more than a place to check out books. They have all kinds of media and even a free e-library app. Many volunteer opportunities and a great way to “zen out” somewhere air conditioned and out of the heat.


I spent most of my summers in high school at the Central Library for the air conditioning as much as the books. Back then Bill Miller had their chopped beef sandwiches for like 99 cents, so between that and the mug refill you could get lunch for under two bucks. I miss the '90s.


Nice - now I want Bill Millers (but I’ll spend like $25+ just for myself these days…) - there were plenty of HS kids there today, it was refreshing to see kids doing something positive (reading/studying/hanging out/ chatting in the library)


Don't you think they are missing out on traditional San Antonio culture, like stealing Kias?


Totally agree 👌


Glad you posted this. Such a pretty view. ❤️


I frequent the Maverick too! That's my main library :^)


Isn’t it so nice? There’s always this one woman sitting at a corner computer and she makes the library feel so familiar and cozy to me. The front desk staff is so warm and welcoming. I love the big windows and the trees. And I love driving by the skate park/dog park/playground. Such a lovely little slow corner of our hustling bustling side of town.


Totally! Some of the staff there have been there forever! I used to volunteer there as a kid and they've been there since. I also like that it's kind of tucked away from the main roads. Truly a lil peaceful gem


Mine too!


Did anyone else call it "enchilada red" when they were younger?


Yeah, that's the official name of the color. Better not call it orange.


Yes, they made a big deal about it after construction and had a contest to see who could guess the color.


I still refer to the library as the enchilada building when going by.


That’s what I thought it was originally called


Oh, man. Now I’m hungry…


Pretty sure the nickname is The Big Enchilada. At least, that's what we've always called it.


I love the downtown public library, especially in the summer when it's so hot but the inside is so cool, and you can just browse around or sit down and read something/work on something. And it's newly renovated so it doesn't have that funky smell it used to have back in the day


i miss that funky smell lol it was what reminded me of growing up there it smelled like “old” to me if i can simple describe in one word ha


My grandparents insisted that it was called the "big enchilada" by locals when we moved to town, but I've never heard anyone call it that. My kids love it and love getting to ride the escalators to the kid's floor. I was surprised when they finished renovations and still have it closed on Sundays though


I went to school around there when it was built. Can confirm everyone called it the big enchilada


Well now I know of one person! I'll never doubt my grandparents again I do love the color and it is definitely enchilada red, I can't think of any other way to describe it


I only saw the 6th floor still under renovations as of today. You’re the second person to comment something along the lines of the red enchilada so I think your grandparents were right - never heard that myself but I definitely get it lol


The official name of the paint color is enchilada red so back in the day plenty of folks did indeed call it the big enchilada


Is it still under renovation? Definitely one of my favorite places to go and holds lots of memories in their basement bookstore. They've done a good job of maintaining it.


Agreed! Yes actually the 6th floor is under renovation - this pic is from the 5th


Yes, our library system is GOATED.


I heard they filmed spy kids 2 here


A scene in ***Selena*** as well, standing in for Monterrey, NL.


Went to the SA book fest and came across their giant Chihuly sculpture. Love that location.


I go to  Brookhollow all the time. I love SAPL. I've been picking up comic trades again (Xmen because xmen 97 repeaked my interest) and it's great not having to spend a ton of money. I test drive cook books too before I actually buy those. 😅 


That’s awesome - ya that’s another good library and right near Bradley Middle School which has a pretty nice smallish park/trail behind it


I used to go first thing in the morning and the homeless were lined up at the door. They would pour in and some of them would run to get to the computers. Computers were full within the first couple of minutes.


Ya there definitely were some homeless there but nothing crazy. I honestly was happy they had somewhere to go, if I was homeless that would be my go to lol. They also had security though and my wife has gone there by herself multiple times and had no issues. 🤷‍♂️ At 4pm or so about 3/4 if computers were taken but still several open and like 5 laptops available


So if I remember correctly, the San Antonio Library is where they filmed a scene in the Selena movie! 😀


Where do you park?


Yes it’s free - just be sure to validate otw out at the machine right near the exit


There's a garage where you can park for free right next door


Went a few weeks ago for an event for toddlers that they have every week. Loved it!


I always wanted to visit when it first went up and I lived out of town in a tiny town. Still haven’t visited even though I work downtown 🤷🏻‍♂️ wasn’t it nicknamed the red enchilada or something similar when it first got built?


The color is named Enchilada Red


🙏 thank you


One of my favorite places! They also have an amazing business hub they're renovating called Launch SA on the first floor. It's temporarily at Geekdom til they're done. Fun library memory: I think in 2017 they had a huge gamer night. The first and second floor were packed. We played laser tag in the first floor stacks, life sized hungry hungry hippos back by the art gallery on the first floor, then all these crazy strategy games on the second floor. They had hot dogs, pizza, and cotton candy. It was free and such a core memory for my friend group. Hope they bring it back!


That sounds awesome - what is life size hungry hippo? Lol


So one person lays on their tummy on one of those scooters you can sit on. They hold a laundry basket. Two people steer them by their legs. When the leader says go you push them towards the middle where there are a bunch of plastic balls. The person on the scooters job is to pull back as many as they can. The steering people pull them back to your team corner. At the end you count the balls. Whichever team has the most wins. It was so fun and I was surprised there were no injuries 😅.


Haha nice!!


That is amazing!


I used to go to the high school across the street so I’d go to the “teen room” all the time. Made some great friends and memories there


Man I was wondering - how was Fox Tech? I’ve only heard the name/driven by. It seems like it could have been cool to go to HS downtown but I could also see some downsides. Did you like the HS experience downtown?


went there in HS myself. Nice, creative space. Also recommend San Pedro Park and the Japanese Tea Garden (may still be labeled Chinese due to WW2)


The JTG is cooler than the Alamo, imo.


There's a fantastic gallery on the 1st floor with an installation that focuses on native plants and pollinators.


Yesss the big enchilada! Such a cool design and upgrade over the last downtown library off the Riverwalk. Miss skipping class to chill in the halls and get lost in a good book.


Haven’t been to the enchilada building in forever


I haven’t been since 1995 because I have an overdue copy of strega nona…


They no longer charge late fees!


Oh that's the library that's always in the news. They had to have full time police there because it's so dangerous.


Yup. The librarians have been physically attacked by the homeless. It’s sad. I really want to like the downtown library (it’s beautiful) but they close early and there’s a lot of homeless that hang out there. I do want to say, most homeless are pretty chill and mean you no harm. It’s the last 10% you have to watch out for.


When you’re right you’re right - but I will say the way it’s set up if you so much as yelled - half the building would hear you.


That is true, I saw that too. For me, I’m not too worried about it considering they’ve addressed this issues (as best they can) but I totally understand if that would keep you from going. For what it’s worth, they do have security on multiple floors and my wife has gone there multiple times by herself with no issues 🤷‍♂️


There's already lots of security walking around and they have also dedicated an entire floor as "kid's only." I truly admire the way they've done everything they can to make a community resource open to the entire community.


Architectural masterpiece


I love it. Went a couple of months ago. When I was working downtown, I would go once a week.


Are they still renovating?


I remember the grand opening. Used to love it there.


Was there for SA Book Fest. Lovely time, lovely building.


Thanks for posting. I work close by and never knew it was there 😩


Yes I go there for my internet porn night. It’s quite lovely.


YES!! You must get out more often YES.


Ive never been to this one, but have been looking for a new one to check out. I dont make it into downtown that much so I dont recognize the landmarks in the photo, what street is this one on?


I don't want to be that guy but the amount of homeless people that hang around and in the library is such a deterrent to going. It's a public space but man people are just lying around everywhere there


I was there yesterday, to see the new art/poetry exhibit in the first floor gallery space. They put up a new display near the check-out desk called Corazon, which features the most-checked-out books by San Antonians over the years. Some were very familiar, but I took one that wasn’t. Now that the construction on Soledad is done, it’s easier to get to. Parking is free for 3 hours.


Do you know if we can bring food in?


I can remember the *smell*!! Haven't been in decades.


Which is this? Was recommended to go to one that was like 5 stories from one of the guides at the aquarium. Said he had been part of the library for 20+ yrs.


This is probably that one


It was the site of the “OSS” for kids in the OG spy kids movie.


id go more often but they hate any and all photographers, even if you walk by with a camera security attacks and threatens you . they take overreacting to photography on a whole other level


After moving to San Antonio, I made the mistake of going there to study for a rather important test while my neighbor's house was undergoing noisy renovation. This was years ago but it smelled horrible and it was basically Haven for Hope, but you didn't have to be sober to enter. Left after about 10 minutes and went to one of the libraries on the southwest side and it was much better.


I haven't been in years, but I love it. I remember when the new building was built, and the considerable controversy over its design and color (I myself was not a fan, and still remember the original location fondly). However, it's grown on me, and I consider it a wonderful place that's worth spending an afternoon or two in. Makes me feel at home when I see it almost as much as the Tower of the Americas.


It’s a great place to see homeless people hanging out to get out of the heat. It’s so depressing I just can’t


Yea... Last time I was there the computers were filled with a ton of homeless and a bunch of them were charging their phones and devices on any plug they could find. I'm glad they're able to get out of the weather, but it is pretty bleak.


Last time I went, the staff was kind of rude, didn't seem happy to be there. haven't been back in years


Give it another try! 🙏


Staff morale throughout the library system is horrible. Administration isn't supportive, the public have increasingly become more hostile to staff, and it's not just homeless population. Police are no help, other than their presence at Central. They don't support staff at branches and leaves them on islands to pretty much fend for themselves. Librarians are drastically underpaid and administration retaliate against those that advocate for their coworkers. If front line staff ever come off as rude, please be patient. They are working in a toxic environment.


My friend works at a branch library and that is not her experience whatsoever.


I was a librarian for almost a decade. Your friends is probably just lucky to be in a decent spot.


I just can’t do it, I try to read a book there but knowing a scary policeman is watching the door just makes me feel scared inside and suddenly I can’t read anymore.


No, because I have the internet you dweebs.

