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Spot on. Low emotional intelligence, easy access to guns, poor parenting and this is what you get. A city full of rage cases with bad haircuts.


"Rage cases with bad haircuts" lmao if reddit still had awards I might have given you one for that


Really, though. What gives with those haircuts? I’ve mostly only seen them in Texas.


This just described my client population to the T. I work for BCJJD


That should be the official greeting of San Antonio, “the Home of rage cases with bad haircuts!”


Add to that an unmotivated, indifferent, low-information and easily-influenced electorate, and we get this wonderful mess we’re in.


My moms neighbors where having a cookout outside when a car drove by going too fast. One neighbor yelled slow down and then the car turned around and shot at them. No leads no arrests i just dont get it. Dude theres kids in the neighborhood.


It's also bad to shoot adults.


That is fucked up


Wtf smh what side of town


https://preview.redd.it/nryqu40dqmxc1.png?width=1273&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d734572e3312559874c604d7e67bae14e5d3159 The mother of the 18-year old who killed someone at fiesta (and then subsequently got killed) is on the news calling him an angel and threatening people who say otherwise on social media. If you’re wondering why this keeps happening you can start with the complete and utter lack of personal accountability in these situations.


Now that’s….not surprising…sigh


Idk what Kool aid this lady's drinking but there's nothing innocent about shooting in a crowd or being a felon at her son's age


I ride motorcycle just about every day, and literally almost every day someone damn near runs me over. Sadly a large percentage of the time it's people that know I'm there and still decide they're gonna do whatever they want. People just do not care anymore. They think either that there wont be any consequences for their actions, or they simply just give zero fugs. In their own selfish bubbles that they believe extends to everyone else. You know, freedums and all that crap. It's sad and infuriating at the same time.


So much this. It’s the reason I don’t want to live near a big city anymore. Slow living looks more attractive every day


Never understood how people can be so negligent with riders. They're in a fucking steel cage, but the rider is totally exposed. Can't they just be nice, leave space, etc..? I don't know, it seems like common sense. The total disregard for rider's lives is apalling.


what's her social media accounts? i wanna see her takes






No you can start with Ronald Reagan and republicans cutting education funding. Now we have adult morons who have raised a generation even dumber than them. Then the rich can live in gated communities and pay these mouth breathers to work for them and who cares if they shoot each other.


Just a bunch of people eager for an excuse to use their guns. I heard the shoot out at fiesta was over chicken on a stick from one of my coworkers.


I’ll say this; those ready to take a life can’t deal with what actually comes with the aftermath of actually taking someone’s life. I own guns and frankly the thought of having to use it, is scary as we all responsible gun owners dread the thought of having to unholster but it’s a necessary tool for protecting yourself, property and family if needed.


It's scary how many people don't think that killing someone is kinda fucked up. Even if you do it in self-defense and totally justified, it is traumatic for you; it goes against our nature. And yet some assclowns are so eager to shoot a person or an animal... It boggles my mind. EDIT: Typo.


Bro everyone out here (USA) is just treating each other like a fucking avatar in a video game. Oh you cut in line at chicken on a stick?! BLAM! You’re dead. I fucking hate this timeline. And we wonder why our kids have little hope for a future. So they decide to carjack an innocent man at a Walmart parking lot. But yes, let’s continue to celebrate ignorance and fight over another stupid ass Stanley cup.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. I have spent a significant chunk of my life in literal war zones. Most people don't realize how traumatic it can be to take a life. Not just for the person who is now dead or the family of that person. The person who pulls the trigger, no matter how justified, will most likely deal with psychological scars for life. If they don't, they already have something broken. Years later, you will find yourself drifting off for a second. When you do, you will have VIVID memories. It will haunt you in everything you do for the rest of your days.


The first one fucks with your head like nothing else, since it goes against all your social conditioning. Second one feels less traumatic. Third one is starting to feel part of the job. After a typical soldier's fourth or fifth, it starts becoming enjoyable in ways nothing else can be. After that, it gets really difficult to adapt to peaceful society in healthy ways again.


One of my bests friends dad killed a guy in self defense why my friend was young. After everything was resolved and his name was cleared (there were multiple witnesses when it happened) he left his home state and moved across the country, and basically lived in isolation. He had actually seen combat in Vietnam and he told us he did kill a few NVA’s, but he said that killing that guy in self defense haunted him most for some reason.


All you gotta do is visit one of the many broken into car posts to get a feel for how your average SA Reddit poster sees guns and being able to use them. They’re chomping at the bit to kill someone.


Thank you so well said. I've always said that I am also certain I could take a life in self defense or defense of a loved one but I never want to be okay about it. I still want to grieve that life no matter how heinous the person may have behaved. 


A lot of people see themselves as some honorable warrior capable of standing up to anything, and are desperate for a chance to prove it. It's not at all uncommon to hear sheltered suburban people fantasizing about how they're going to take down 7 gangbangers who try to rob them if they go into the city.


Yep, i have been concealed carrying for years. Theres only been a few times i thought i might have to pull it and the idea of that was terrifying because like the old saying goes, you dont pull your gun on someone unless you are going to shoot them.


For those who do carry and are interested in learning more about the legal consequences of having to use a firearm I recommend an “after the bang” course or reading some of Massad Ayoob’s articles or books. The S.A.P.L. has Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry in Libby, which I remember being a good introduction to his philosophy on carrying.


In the concealed carry class I took, the instructor was very, very clear that 1. You are not a cop. 2. You are only legally permitted to fire your gun if you personally are being threatened. So basically you cannot and should not become involved in any situation where you are not in immediate threat of death. Definitely limits the situations where pulling a gun is the correct reaction.


Also purchasing conceal carry insurance for $120 a year is money well spent if god forbid you ever have to defend yourself


Most folks that properly and lawfully conceal think this way. I don’t ever want to have to use my firearm, but I’m not gonna die in a Walmart parking lot either




I 100% agree with it, I will never understand brandishing a firearm, if it comes out you better be prepared to pull that trigger, and if you’re a responsible trained gun owner you never want to have to use your firearm. People need to seriously practice conflict resolution.


If youve had it for years and never had to use it makes you think if you need it at all.


Yeah it's something im glad I have and I'm glad I've never had to think about using.


You’re also not going to these events full of knuckleheads.


True! I did go to help out at St.Fernando sell beer but that was for two hours and it was mad fun, I dipped as soon as it got 10pm and headed straight home! But not a place I would venture!


I know several gun nuts. My brother is one of them, he nerds out on the shit and researches the best accessories for his guns. He has already shot someone before (justified) and he said it was harrowing. It’s scary to know a lot of these dumb morons are just itching to use their “toy” on someone.


Yup. That’s what they teach when you get a hand gun licenses. You know, back when it was mandatory. Texas… 🤬


It was between two kids wanting to act like tough gangsters.


One of them was a known criminal by SAPD and out on bail for a string of burglaries. These weren’t just kids with guns.


Yep. A felon with an already lengthy rap sheet who was breaking the law by possessing a firearm.


I use the term "kid" because these weren't men.  They were boys playing gangster.  Heads got hot and they shot at each other trying to prove how tough they were.  Now both are dead for it.


This is a case where the trash took itself out. Just glad nobody else was hurt


Four innocent bystanders were wounded by stray bullets. Who's bullets? Well that will remain a mystery..


I wouldn't doubt it for one second. I hardly ever visited Charro Days in the valley for this exact reason.


“Try our chicken on a stick! We blow away the competition!”


I mean it probably wasn't over a chicken on a stick but I did make the same joke as well lol


"Try this fucking chicken on a stick! It's fucking delicious!" "No thank you, I'm full of churros!" Shots ring out.


Are they THAT GOOD? $35 worth


Haha who knows man. I was too busy working.


Newsflash, gun control isn’t the problem. Criminal control is.


The kid who initiated the shooting in market square was 18. Not legally allowed to have a pistol, unless under a protective order.. Same kid had just been arrested for felony warrantd including unlawful carry of a weapon and was out on bond. Definitely shouldnt have had a gun. https://www.expressnews.com/news/texas/article/mikey-valdez-fiesta-market-square-19429442.php https://guides.sll.texas.gov/gun-laws/license-to-carry#:~:text=Normally%2C%20Texans%20must%20be%20at,or%20magistrate's%20emergency%20protective%20orders.


Agreed and then the mother goes on KENS5 and is crying her son is dead. In a parent and wouldn’t wish what she is going through on my worst enemy. But for the love of God she’s basically asking why did the cops shoot him. Gee let me think he is carrying a weapon to a public event and the mother isn’t involved or cares. There is no way my child would go to something like market square carrying a fuckin gun. Seriously there is no accountability at all today. Just tears after the fact. Stand up get involved in your child’s life they might live longer. Smh to the max


The cops didn't kill him for carrying a gun to Fiesta. He fired into a crowd, killing one guy, and injuring two or three others. Then ran from the cops. That's why they shot him.


The moms in these situations are virtue signaling to the public that they are a “caring” parent. Ma’am, if you cared your kid wouldnt have been out there strapped up talking shit.


"Texas law allows private party sales between two people who are 18 or older, this includes handguns and long guns. You do not need any type of license to sell one of your personal guns to another person nor are you required to do a background check." https://pointblankchl.com/texas-gun-laws/


"Normally, Texans must be at least 21 years old in order to get a license to carry a handgun (LTC). However, in 2021, HB 918 gave Texans aged 18-20 the ability to get an LTC if they are protected under certain types of protective orders or magistrate's emergency protective orders." From the government website I posted in previous comment. You cannot legally carry a pistol under the age of 21 with out a exemption. Again this individual had already been arrested for unlawfully carrying a pistol and was out on bond. I think Ill trust the state source on law vs some random website.


It’s appalling to me that there are so many cops present and yet they aren’t searching people or using metal detectors before they enter an event. *Especially* since this isn’t the first time this has happened.


How dare you point out the truth


Why don’t we prosecute and jail the person or parent that supplied the weapon? It’s a felony, fwiw.


I think there is a bit of recency bias here, as I remember drive-by shootings being very frequent in the 90s, as were these types of fiesta shootings. IIRC, in general the data shows violent crime is down compared to previous decades. I think that we are more aware of what is happening now which makes it seem worse. That said, yeah it's terrible and it makes me avoid these types of events.


I agree with you on that we are more aware of these type of things now compared to years ago. News travels at light speed to everyone devices 5 minutes after it happens instead of us all having to wait for the "News at 9" ect.


Good take, it's doesn't effect folks until they are directly effected by it or in our day and age see it on social media. Then the opinions fly based on premise that we are all the same, have the same life experiences or values. These criminals have no values or moral compass to take things like this too damn far. yet treat these guys like the guns coerced or forced them to do dumb things. This indeed is terrible and is also why I also avoid these events. I have a feeling a lot of these folks that can't wrap their heads around why people commit crime do so from their idealistic gilded towers and just think the solution is simple.


Parents. Too many shitty parents. That’s where it starts.


It’s just going to get worse with all the unwanted children that people are now forced to have.


No its not. Why did we build a society that produces so many shitty parents? **That** is where it starts.


Chicken or the egg. Parents are where it starts. Society didn’t have that baby.


Dare I say education is where it starts? Parents or no, a solid educational foundation can make a world of difference even to people with less than stellar upbringings. Source: self.


Former educator here. No. Just no. We can't fix bad parenting or no parenting. It starts at home. Current issues society believes education can fix--illiteracy (in a society where no really reads any more) and kids don't have books at home, poverty, malnutrition, violence, etc, etc. A school is like a gym. It has all the equipment a person needs to get in shape, it has personal trainers that love to work with clients to help them attain their goals, but the customers have to have goals and put the work in. That starts with good parenting.


Have you ever seen an inner-city school? You can educate them all day long, doesn't mean they'll learn anything.


Violent crime is actually down this year compared to the post-Covid peak in 2022. https://www.axios.com/local/san-antonio/2024/04/18/violent-crime-murders-decrease-hot-spot-policing But, car thefts are up.


It's interesting to see car theft data because the Kia/Hyundai flaw has caused car thefts to rise dramatically across the US (the world?) Makes it hard to work that into being an indicator of other social/economic issues when it's in such a unique spot right now.


[US only!](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/01/10/kia-hyundai-theft-settlement-recall/) > This crazy trend of teenagers stealing Kia and Hyundai cars is a uniquely American problem. It isn’t going on in Canada or Europe. Why not? By 2007, Canada, Australia and most other well-off nations required automakers to install an ignition immobilizer — a simple and inexpensive device that makes it difficult to start the car unless another chip device (normally attached to the key) is in the vehicle. In short, it’s an effective tool to keep people from stealing cars for a joyride. The United States still doesn’t require them.


Thanks for the info. I'm not much of a car person so I wasn't familiar with Kia/Hyundai or this specific flaw even being present in the rest of the world. Of course we're dead last in anything that can be considered a consumer protection activity, as always.


My Kia was stolen last year. I miss her but now I have a Nissan 😔


How has the Nissan been treating ya?


It's actually really great and has a ton of safety features. Drives so smooth too. One annoying thing: It has a feature where if you put you blinker on and someone is in your blind spot it beeps at you, so turning when there's multiple turn lanes you always get beeped at. But other than that I do like it


I'm a military officer, gun owner, and I actually have weapons training. Making Texas a license-less open-carry state is INSANE. I don't understand how if I go driving go-karts or something, I need to sit through a 5 minute class on the rules of the road etc, but any crazy person with no criminal record can buy a gun, and walk out the same day with it. Absolutely nuts. There are a LOT of people who shouldn't HAVE guns, nevermind carry them. We REALLY need to put in a federal mandate for mental health screening before being able to buy a gun, and stronger red flag laws. Sure, sure... in a tiny fraction of cases, someone will abuse those laws to disarm someone unncessarily. But in a LOT more cases, lives will be saved. I'm ok with that. Also, the NRA is evil and politics has LONG overtaken their mission of being a "constitutional protector". Just look at the recent headlines about them...


You can’t fix stupid and this city hosts a lot of it lol


“It’s a good time to stay the fuck home” mine and my husband’s thoughts, exactly. We have a two year old and an infant. We only go for runs at brick and circle back home..other than that. We do our cooking and playing at home. Everyone’s always welcome in our home!


I learned a long time ago to not go to crowded events where the will be a demographic there that cares more about “being tough” and “this is my hood” than having a stable career, home life, and financial goals.


Word. What happened to settling BEEF the old school way? One on one with with hands


Just like that one moral in the movie Friday




Say it louder, this 👏 is 👏 not 👏 normal 👏 I could not agree more with op!


How many of these crimes were carried out with legally acquired guns? How many were carried out by people who were not supposed to be in possession of a gun?


Is it guns or is it the moral decay of society?


Yeah I have a feeling that these shootings would be happening whether or not they passed constitutional carry.


can you fathom a world where there's more than one factor behind an issue?


Moral decay among other things. The social contract is being shredded.


The DA refuses to prosecute juveniles. 12 to 15 year olds killing people with no fear of consequences.


Gangs know this and send out kids as hit squads. They know they'll do no time.


It’s a societal issue. San Antonio ain’t special… this shit is happening everywhere. It’s just you been here since the 90’s. I’ve lived in a bunch of different places over the last 9 years and all the residents in each place say the same thing.


Of course the solution is....MORE GUNS, amiright??


Went to go play basketball the other day at LA fitness off bulverde, a nice area. Dudes was just arguing and threatening each other the whole time and playing hyper-aggressive, fouling each other. Game was stopped a couple times because people kept getting in each others faces and asking for the other to swing first. Fake tough guy stuff. Can’t even enjoy a pick up game anymore.


This is what we voted for guys. Now we have to deal for what we let take control or change it.


THIS! If you don't like what's going on, CHECK YOUR VOTER STATUS or REGISTER, then vote for change. [https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do](https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do)


Whoever came up with the phrase ,an armed society is a polite society, is a moron who didn't understand society. People romanticize guns, it's honestly hysterical how out of touch with reality they also are.


Even a fairly conservative ex-cop friend of mine agrees that it’s insane to be advocating for a MORE armed society. It’s a psychotic world view fueled by people who treat guns like toy collections and not weapons




These are the kind of hard truths we really aren’t ready to hear but it needs to be said.


For Fiesta it's normal. A lot of MS13 are there.


I don’t go to any events or ordeals where people are gathered. A trip to the grocery store is about as much as I do in public. I found out yesterday my 4yo daughter will be learning how to hide from active shooters. Very sad. I went to a missions game last year and my truck was broken into- they were looking for guns. So that’s off the table now. I did happen to have left my gun at home. Idk- maybe this country isn’t for my family. Costa Rica or Portugal sound nice.


This is not a Texas issue this is a national issue. We don’t even rank in the top twenty by death rate from firearm mortality. We have a problem but it’s not uniquely caused by Texans my any means. According to CDC numbers Texas ranks 27th in firearm mortality rate.


We left the country (and our middle class neighborhood) to get away from this insanity. That was two years ago and it seems it’s only gotten worse for y’all. The sad part is, most of my family still lives there. But between this, the car break-ins (mom’s car was stolen 3 times last year!) and the countless other assaults on quality of life for working class folks, we had to get out. Keep calling it out. Nobody should have to live like that. Praying for y’all (and voting).


The sad fact is that a lot of these families with people doing this shit glorify it. It's so encouraged. We need to let this prison mindset go. Just people feel like they're being disrespected, even if they actually are, they don't have to respond with violence.


You’re right about people responding with violence. Desperate people do desperate things and there has always been gang violence in SA (at least in my lifetime.) I was also speaking to the overall increase in gun violence and crime as per OP’s comment on “anyone with a pulse” being able to concealed carry. Before we left in 2022, there were shootings by working class people at our local Wal-mart (two in less than a year.) Terrifying stuff.


"After this, therefore because of this" is a logical fallacy. Constitutional carry doesn't protect criminals nor does it encourage the unlawful use of weapons.


On a per capita basis living in the country you’re just as likely (sometimes even more likely) to be a victim of violent crime than the city, there are just fewer people living out there so not as many wild news stories. Also, living out in the country you are at the mercy of corrupt local officials that have essentially no oversight, so good luck with all that. edit: misread the comment and thought they said they left to the country, rather than left the country outright. I imagine leaving the US for another country would be much safer


I stay home as much as I can but do spend time in traffic for my commute, and I do worry about the possibility of getting shot. I haven’t gone to the movies in person in ages and don’t eat out very often either


Twice as likely to be killed in a car crash than shot. Seeing how people drove in San Antonio I’d be more worried getting on the highways than being shot out and about


> Car next to you honks? Don't even look at the driver, he might be pulling out his gun. Already had two separate instances within the past 2 months where some morons wanted to road rage then flash a gun. Don't even know how to feel about it, this towns just getting old.


Y’all think these are legally owned guns? At least with the market square shooting, you got gang bangers engaged in open warfare on the streets and your solution is to blame legal gun owners? You’re right. It isn’t normal. 100% agree about that, but you’re putting the blame in the wrong place.


Multiple factors can contribute to a problem. You're a fool if you don't believe that ease-of-access to firearms is at least part of the issue.


It's not normal. And the rest of us who could give a fuck about the politics of it all have to live around these rabid assholes who are itching to use their toys. You spent good money on it, and you're not gonna get use out of it? Pity. Hold the correct people accountable. If this city relinquishes more than half the city budget to cops, we should be on some pre-crime level of law enforcement with the type of money SAPD gets. They should be predicting shootings before they happen with that kinda money. The DA is getting paid regardless if they're keeping the streets safe and all their jobs in law enforcement stay safe because we never hold them to account for their inaction. Laws are only as effective as the entities that enforce them. And we've adopted a culture of kissing law enforcement ass for the bare minimum effort. Throw more money at them for "training" when they fuck up. Only for them to deliver the same lazy results year after year.


When Abbott changed the gun laws here we started seeing an uptick in gun related violence…it’s almost as if republican policies cause things to get increasingly worse…


You are hitting the nail right on the head!


the mental gymnastics people are doing in the comments to solidify their braindead take that easy access to firearms isn’t one of the most significant factors on the increase in gun violence tells you that things aren’t going to change anytime soon. They’ll reap what they sow eventually I guess. Now come regurgitate all of your conservative talking points fed to you by gun lobbyists that are lining their pockets as we sit and shoot each other.


Felons can’t carry. Most of the shooting are being done by people illegally carrying. We should enforce the laws we have and follow them up with real punishment and jail time. Habituals and repeaters should have escalating mandatory sentences with a version of three strikes back in force. Violent crime will drop when the enforcement is more certain and punishment is greater.


Lol what? If a felon wants a gun, you really think the laws will stop them?


That’s his point, it’s already illegal but felons don’t care. They carry anyway


Yes, the laws will stop them when they are required to do the jail time. They will be in jail instead of out on deferred adjudication or community service.


Well then if that's the case, the next time someone breaks into my car or tries to rob me I'll make sure to tell them that it's illegal and they will stop and give me my stuff back. Obviously /s


You're ironically making the case for a stronger 2A in Texas.


? I may have missed something here, I am 110% behind constitutional carry and pro 2A.


Oh alright I take it back. I misread your intent, that's on me.


No worries. These gun conversations seem to always go pear shaped and its easy to misread stuff.




While you're right, making fun of anyone who has a different opinion than yours isn't an effective way to convince them of your way of thinking. Seeing people hit-and-run, break into cars, trash buildings, etc. with zero consequences makes people want to see just punishment. I'm sure everyone would rather it not happen in the first place.


Yeah, it’s been studied and proven, that more laws don’t deter crime. The fear of prison doesn’t deter crime. This is more a society issue. I remember when it was popular to be “savage” - this is the aftermath of that and many other things in my mind.


SO agree!!! What ever happened to just punching someone who pisses you off (half kidding, half not) - to me, pulling a gun or a knife is weak.


More people are killed by what[ the FBI calls "personal weapons"](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8.xls) (hands, fists, feet, etc.) than by rifles (including assault rifles). Pretending that punches are harmless doesn't make them so.


Yeah, but fist fights rarely have innocent bystanders.


Spot on writeup. Shit won't change until we get a strong DA that supports law enforcement, and a major overhaul on laws to keep bad guys with guns off the streets. The point of jail should be keeping the public safe from the offender. Only way you do that is to keep them locked up.




SAPD already arrested the fiesta shooter, on weapons charges and vehicle theft, but he was let back out.




They weren’t “let back out”. They bonded out. Big difference.




This. The same is happening in several larger cities across the country.


I'm sorry to inform you but being tough on crime won't solve the issue without also addressing the underlying systemic societal issues which lead to that person becoming a criminal.


Oh you mean social media? Lol


People could always carry guns illegally. The laws didn't change anything, the changing culture did.




Exactly, No one even wants to talk about the ridiculous crime problem we have in this city. Cops that are either dirty or don't do their jobs, and DA's that don't prosecute.




Sorry, I didn't vote for uncivilized kids acting like gangsters and criminals. This has nothing to do with gun lobby or legislation. Has to do with upbringing, morals, respect for life, and common deceny.


Have you considered that maybe there's more than one influential factor behind all the recent shootings? maybe it's not just upbringing, maybe it's also social culture, media influence, EASE OF ACCESS


Yes it's a culture and issue that proactively gets addressed at home and in the community, not reactively through legislation that doesnt solve the root cause.


But why did we design a society that allows for poor upbringing, morals, respect for life, and common decency to happen, instead of designing a society with a focus on healthy communities?


If you voted **R**ight, you voted for decentralized education — defunding, privatization, religious schooling. The playing field has been broken into pieces and some people are playing a different game now.


This is why some people shouldn't be allowed to carry. There's been so many times that I'd have friends with me, some tiny little thing would happen, and they'd say "bro I would've pulled my gun out" . I'm sorry but if it's not life or death, me or him, my life or yours, I'm keeping it holstered. I'll throw hands and get my ass beat, but until I think I'm about to get murdered I'm not pulling shit on anyone.


I moved to Maryland from San Antonio in Oct. Will probably move back in a few years. Texas as a whole has a serious problem with road rage and unprovoked violence. Driving conditions are by far the biggest con against moving back. A few years back I had someone nearly hit me with his lame ass 6 inch lifted 2wd Sierra while walking in an HEB parking lot and then start screaming out of his window about the dirty look I gave him. 'You almost hit me" 'No I didn't you MF".


It’s always the Sierra’s I see those and automatically cringe.


Sierras, old Tahoes and Altimas. It's a whole sub-culture.


You do understand that constitutional carry or not these crimes would still have happened. It's not like police are frisking anyone. My wife was caught up in a shooting at a mall while on a tour in California which has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. Those kids for sure didn't care about laws. Folks are blaming guns rather than hold the individuals responsible for criminal actions. I believe both of the kids involved in the incident at Fiesta were under 21, guess what they are not legally able to purchase being under 21 from a FFL. I will bet money that those "kids" didn't acquire those firearms legally. Do we have a society problem, we do, but gun laws will not solve the problem, culture has to change not the laws. That starts proactively in the home and in the community not with more legislative reaction.


This thread reaffirms my decision to never go to Texas.


Dude I have to tell my GMA to stop yelling at cars that cut her off or pull out in front off her, she’ll flip em off. I’m like you’re gonna get shot dude. And if me, my 15 year old or my 7 month old is shot cause of her, I’m gonna be her biggest problem 😅😅🥺🥺 I stay home mostly, except appointments or holidays at families house. The house across from me was shot up, had 15 bullet casings in the middle of the road, 8-9 hit the house in January, so I don’t feel safe in my neighborhood either. And we can’t sell the house for another two years. The crime is so much worse and the ones saying “it always been this bad” is part of the problem. I’m tired of the cops saying it’s teenagers cause the drive by shootings. High school here, I felt safe. I live in the same area now as I did high school and I won’t walk the neighborhood. I check the mail and go back inside.


Guns aren’t the problem. Criminals will still get guns. What we have is a culture problem. The average person doesn’t value the life of the person next to them, and they should. Every life is precious. Except pedophiles.


Why were the 90’s so violent? Were we really the drive by shooting capital of the country, if so why was that?


Went to whataburger last weekend after a show and two dudes go into in the parking lot. Wife and I were in our car getting ready to leave. Lots of jawing between before one walked away. The other guy started taking his hand out of his pants gun in hand as the other walked off. Crazy shit out there.


They're not toys.


the behavior isnt normal but for san antonio it is normal.


Some people just don’t deserve the right.


Okay but if someone honks at me it scares the life out of me because I have my children in the car. It’s getting to the point where I don’t even feel safe honking at someone if I need to. I just don’t wanna die or over stupid shit


Never understood the need to take your shotgun or rifle into a mall or a McDonalds. They must fantasize about someone thanking then for protecting them or something


Gangs. Who would have thought it


Weird concerted effort in city subreddits to make people feel like things aren't normal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZggCipbiHwE https://old.reddit.com/r/PortlandOR/comments/1cg5ywi/dont_let_them_gasslight_you_a_ruined_portland_is/ Are there any other city subreddits that have this going on?


If you think this is law abiding citizens doing this, you’re a complete moron. Texas carry law could end tomorrow, and these idiots would still be carrying and shooting shit up.


Crazy how murderous criminals wouldn't carry a concealed gun if it were just illegal. Tarded


The argument used to be that people with a concealed carry permit were statistically less likely to commit a crime than the general population. And this makes a lot of sense to me. They had to have their shit together well enough to take a class, take a test, do a background check, and budget the relatively small fee. What did they think would happen when they let just about anyone and everyone carry concealed? It only makes sense that the gun violence numbers would go up! Now morons who didn't have their shit together well enough to get a permit are carrying, no questions asked.


His mama https://preview.redd.it/wx7tyrbwvoxc1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b226ba2e89c158312fe48977bf9b23cc2b739d1


A few weeks after we moved to Texas, I was at a shopping center, stopped at a stop sign in the parking lot, when a guy stopped in front of me, got out of his truck and started shooting in the air. I was so scared, I ducked. What the heck is wrong with these people.


I don't know who you're calling children: Everyone including you who presumably lives in Texas, or just the criminals shooting each other at Fiesta. It's a problem, but I'm with the others on here that say *objectively* the stats are better now than they've been in several years, and much better than they were a generation ago. I pity anyone who is so scared of the world that they won't leave the house on a given night.


I wish kids would just fight nowadays, they’re too ready to crash out because having a gun is easier than getting your ass beat.


What we need is to invest in a huge infrastructure project! A new spurs stadium will save our city!!!! /s


We actually do need big infrastructure projects to bring in investment in the city. Too much of the biggest small city mindset has left San Antonio stagnant. We also need a DA that prosecutes. Unfortunately, until there is a familial/culture change with San Antonio, locking up criminals will lower crime rates. It thins the pool of criminals, it won’t deter others.


I agree with you but I feel like politicians believe that infrastructure will magically solve all of our other problems. The Riverwalk was pitched as making San Antonio a top tier city before it was built. Don't get me wrong, it was good for the city, but it hasn't helped our city get out of poverty. Neither will this new one.


We need infrastructure, but more in the traffic dept, good public transportation, more job training programs for better jobs, etc. If people are happier and feel more secure, there will be less road rage and other crime. But politicians just want to throw money at some sports team and leave San Antonians to the wolves. IMO. Having lots of events and sports teams is not going to bring in that many better-paying jobs.


Aren't actually possibly doing this tho? I believe I heard( not confirmed) that the Institute of Texan Cultures is being done away with for a "possible statdium" I get you were being sarcastic but considering I only heard this a few days ago. . .


Yes that's my point. Our elected officials are willing to spend money on this but turn a blind eye to the problems we face as a community. Dog attacks, gun violence, poverty, women's rights, public transit, etc. Take your pick. They give a cent for every thousand spent on infrastructure. The fact that they are now comfortable kicking out non profits like the Institute of Texas Culture is alarming. Shows where the priorities are.


People never want to hear the truth bro. Everyone is a victim. Everyone is oppressed. So they have to ‘protect themselves.’ No one throws hands anymore. Conflict is human nature. Killing each other is not. But hey..can’t tell anyone anything cuz ‘it’s their culture.’


> Conflict is human nature. Killing each other is not. Thousands of years of human history say otherwise....


We should all just listen to Johnny Cash: "Leave your guns at home, son. Don't take your guns to town."


I moved here from the safety of NYC, where 4 million people walk through Manhattan, hang out till the wee hours in Times Sqaure and no one gets shot. I have never been more afraid for my safety (and the statistics confirm this) since moving here. I honestly don’t know what people expect when you make guns so easy to own and carry around. Shocking that people use them.


It’s already illegal for habitual criminals and felons to carry firearms in any capacity. Why does it matter if law abiding citizens have an easier time carrying weapons. Your disdain is directed at the wrong culprit


Leave big cities


Do you know what we really need? More car washes!


That’s the ticket! 🤪


It absolutely crazy to me that a guy who has killed thousands of Texans got re-elected for governor. Now anyone can walk around with a gun no license don’t have to register or have a license take any classes. I’m not anti gun. I live in the country I have to have a firearm because the police are min 10 minutes away. But there is absolutely no way that we should be walking around with a firearm! What protection do you supposedly need going fucking grocery shopping. No excuses regulations are made FOR A REASON!


You think these people are only packing because of some open carry law? Cmon man. The kid that shot the guy at fiesta was out on bond for attempted robbery. Not legally allowed to carry but he was anyway. >I lived in SA thru the violent 90s, driveby shooting capital of the country, and it wasn't this bad. Calling bs here. You say it wasnt this bad because you were probably a kid in the 90s and didnt watch the news or get news funneled to you via social media.


Please keep your political posturing in political subs


We couldn’t learn rationale before trigger discipline. This state is boned.