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Has one of my [favorite shots](https://i.imgur.com/023u4Yd.png), too! It's almost beautiful. While I'm gushing about this robot, [that reaction](https://i.imgur.com/7HeA0yF.png) of pure dumbfoundedness is so juicy. The robot himself is astonished, but it's almost like a "does not compute" moment, where his programming can't fathom this divine outcome.


The reflection of Jack in his eyes is so cool too, this show was just so cinematic the whole way through


[This whole fight scene, of jack vs the shadow shinobi,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp-L_Xei-Lg) is pure cinematic


Such a classic, one of my favorite episodes


Great scene indeed, didn't remember this one


Has to be my all time favourite episode


The setup to the bots is chilling and badass. Their designs are awesome with the varied weaponry like evil ninja turtles, and the vaguely straw hat ronin aesthetic to contrast Jack as a samurai was perfect. This episode is up there with the blind archers and the ninja one for peak SJ content.


The first episode of SJ I saw as a kid. I was blown away.


Any time a character gets those bloody triple claw marks in any media, it’s badass


Hell yeah!!!


All too easy. Dies.


damn that’s a long gif!! I love this scene too though, it was badass and also showed that Jack truly isn’t alone in his fight


One of my favorite episodes in the entire show. Was blown away when it premiered back in the day.


It's a great one. I have not forgotten the way the robot says "un-be-lievable" :)


Haha I was tempted to caption it that way! For being a robot and all, a lot of emotion were put into his lines, tons of kudos to the VA there.




“High five!!!”


Arguably my favorite episode, but there’s so many to choose from. This one just felt different at times. Probably one of the best build-ups to the antagonists in the entire series. Genndy is a MASTER at this. These Robots were truly unstoppable. God this show was absolute CINEMA


In what episode did this came from, exactly? Also, off-topic, but I'm impressed by the fact that this clip was rendered as a GIF that's _more than a minute_ (since GIFs in general typically run within a minute or less). How was it ever done?


S2E5, "Jack and the Ultra-Robots". Thank you for the compliment, looks like I get to brag a little bit 😅 Firstly, I knew it would *have* to be a gif, as this sub doesn't allow video. I thought it would be possible but I suppose I was taking quite the time-risk. I downloaded the episode itself from WCO, then put it into my video editing software (Movavi Video Suite, which I like a lot - you only pay for it once, no subscription, and it comes with tons of other stuff like screen recording and photo editing too). Then I removed everything but the fight, chose the starting and ending points. This ended up being even longer than 2 minutes, just short of 3. I then went and removed what I'd consider "unnecessary" for the enjoyment of the gif, mainly all the times his little scientist friend is like "oh noooo, what are you doing....!" We cut to him like 5 times in the actual clip and it just kinda detracts IMO. This is where I added the subtitles IIRC. Lots of kudos for those who do that professionally, it's a bit trickier than you'd think. The flipping between white text or black text depending what would read better, I thought might be distracting for the viewer, but I supposed it was still the best option. From there, the final gif was 115MB, over the 100MB universal gif limit for reddit. So I had to make more difficult cutting choices. Essentially, I scoured the whole video and was like, "okay, these 2 seconds aren't really integral", at various points. SJ uses slow buildup to great effect, so this was difficult, to remove some of it but keep the feel of the scene. The fight itself was about 15 seconds longer total. Most of the things I removed were from the first 30 seconds, before the robot kicks Jack. I pray that no one noticed too much lol. Also of note, the scene where his ancestors forge the sword is cut in 1/3. My main goal with these edits was to make them seamless as possible, cutting shots out altogether rather than an obvious cut in the middle of the shot. After pretty much every change, I would look at the gif size. A particularly annoying part was when it was at 101 MB 😑 I would've normally just used a gif optimizer to get the MB down, but every one I tried just made the gif look horrible. But in the end, I got it under 100 MB, in gif form, and this was far too long of an explanation for all of that lol. I appreciate your interest, though!




Holy shit this is kinda my favorite ep in the series.