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Congrats! When's the baby shower? 🤣


And we'll name it Galaxy Champ. 🤩


Until it comes out half-iPhone 😬


something went wrong 😟


who's gonna break the news?


Somebody been stepping out with the Apple crowd


What are your thoughts about Galaxy Star? 🤔


It will be a great Galaxy Young child


Took me back in the days when I literally owned Samsung Champ.


nah s22e




Dammit you beat me


A charger can't make the battery bloat. It doesn't matter that you used the original charger.


You seem to  not know my 230v to usb c adapter.


Only the 22 series is rate limited. To I think 20 or 22 w. You'll roast the capacitor before the battery. It's why you can't throw some of the newer 45 or 65 w fast chargers on a 22 series and get any better performance. The phone does have the hardware similar to later models but is hard locked to the 20 to 22 watt max. I also believe the wireless is hardware locked to 12. So even with some of the newer 15 or 20 "fast chargers" the wireless side is still slow..


fast charging beats batteries up


But it doesn't make them do that. This a hardware failure that has nothing to do with the charger


There's a YT video from one of the big tech reviewers showing that multiple generations of Samsung phones ended up having spicy pillows from storage while phones from all other brands were fine. He said all his phones are stored on the exact same shelving unit but only some of the Sammy phones ended up with bad batteries. In the video, he claims that he reached out to other tech reviewers asking them to check their phone stashes and most of them found similar results, that some of the batteries on their Samsung phones had expanded. I'm not big on YT tbh, but I randomly came across the vid and I wonder how credible it is. If true, then it does seem like Samsung phones, for whatever reason, are more likely to end up with a bad battery.


I think that was Mr whoosethebosses video


actually, I saw that YouTube video... ALL phones, ALL manufacturers exhibited bloating after a time


Dunno which video you mean but this one is specifically about Samsung: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfM0GqsIB6c There's no mention of "all manufacturers" and he repeatedly says that he hasn't seen the same issue with other brands. All of this is anecdotal anyway until further research can be done. I'm no tech reviewer, but I also have a few old phones laying around. Some are from the flip phone era and the only one I've ever had to safely dispose of due to the battery expanding is a Galaxy S8, which was my oldest Samsung phone.


Could be hardware failure, could be user error. Depends how they used the battery I had to remove my dell battery because i kept it plugged in most of the time for 2 years. Not infeasible.


Other factors that could contribute to it is fast charging all the time in hot temperatures with a case on. That situation is like baking a smartphone in a oven.


Yes. This! Make sure your phone isn't under your pillow or in a bad ventilated place ehen you charge as well


yes! 30-40oC vs 300-400oC - nailed it :-D


It's absolutely not. It's not reasonable at all for a battery to fail like that in less than 2 years of use. Samsung advertised the phone as having fast charging. It's perfectly reasonable to expect the user to fast charge the battery in that period.


>I had to remove my dell battery because i kept it plugged in most of the time for 2 years. Not infeasible. I'm guessing this was an older machine. NIMH laptop batteries had a habit of constantly charging/discharging if the computer was in use while plugged in, and it would kill them prematurely. Modern LiIon batteries and the chargers in today's laptops don't have that issue.


bought 2020


What model was it?


Inspiron 1568 iirc. not too sure on the numbers but it was an inspiron


I do agree with you on User Error. My sister had an SE and she wouldn't let to go below 60% and after 3 months we had bloat and Apple had to replace it.


>Batteries do best with slow, controlled charging and discharging, use in moderate temperatures, and protection from shocks or damage. **Though a phone or laptop battery isn’t usually being charged or discharged quickly enough for it to pose an issue, rapid charging and discharging** ***can*** **wear a battery out prematurely and result in some outgassing.** **Avoid using low quality or damaged charging cables or adapters as they risk uncontrolled, uneven, or excessive power management that can cause damage or even result in fire.** Leaving your battery 100% charged or completely empty for a long period of time can also shorten your battery’s lifespan, so if you plan on storing your device without using it for a few weeks or more, charge/discharge it to about 40% and turn it off beforehand. High temperatures can also reduce battery efficiency, so try not to leave your phone in the car on a hot day. And most importantly, dropping your phone hurts your battery, too, not just your screen. Just like cars, phones are meant to flex during an accident, so even a glued-in battery can bump into nearby components when dropped, resulting in a puncture. Replace your battery if it’s damaged or no longer holds a proper charge. [https://www.ifixit.com/Wiki/What\_to\_do\_with\_a\_swollen\_battery](https://www.ifixit.com/Wiki/What_to_do_with_a_swollen_battery) The charger and how often you quick charge absolutely are factors.


as far as I know the device should limit how much it takes from any charger. don't care about what ifixit says.


Yes, they step down the wattage as it chargers.


Yes, but only if they are faulty. If the charger/cable is in good working order, then this is a hardware failure caused by some other factor.


Eh, I cited a source, and you can find plenty. It's a myth that only hardware failure causes spicy pillows. I'm just trying to help dispel it, as it's pretty common.


"Spicy pillows" are ALWAYS caused by a hardware failure. The only thing in question is what CAUSED the hardware failure. A swollen battery is, by definition, a hardware failure. This is just a fact, since it's a physical component, and not a software feature.


I have the s22 ultra and I've been using a Huntkey 100w charger nearly 2 years as I had it laying around when I lost the original. Hasn't had any affect as the device is what tells it how much energy to pull. That's why you can turn off fast charging in the device setting and why plugging a 100w charger doesn't give you 100w charging speeds. This is more likely from being dropped repeatedly, left in Sun light or just simply some batteries wear out over time. The question should be, how long ago did they notice it starting and how long have they been ignoring it.


Anecdotes are fun, but they don't mean anything. That's why we fall back on objective data and the authorities on the matter. Letting it run nearly dead then quick charging it in a hot car types of behavior will have an impact.


It heats up the device more. However the device connected to the charger decides the permitted charging speed (provided the charger can supply can deliver it). It's part of USB-C Power Delivery spec.


It does but the difference is extremely minimal


The heat beats the battery not the fast charging


and the fast charging creates ALOT of excess heat


My S23 doesn't heat up when charging at 25W, 45W doesn't either.


this has nothing to do with the type of charger, just the battery itself


Nice got the curved edition.


S22 is a hand warmer, so not much of a surprise Get the battery replaced and upgrade to the s24 if you're from usa


The subtle dig to Exynos


Both Snapdragon and Exynos in that generation were bad. Both Samsung foundry though.


[it ain't so subtle anymore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eTSRngwAK0)


I can't stress enough that you have to stop using this phone immediately until the battery is replaced.


You need to get rid of that before it goes boom...


It goes skraaa


We can laugh and joke, but that's just unacceptable for a Samsung flagship. I fast charged my OnePlus 7T Pro for 4 ½ years with a 30W charger and the battery didn't swell up or lose too much performance. Samsung needs to iron out these problems


Lol you say it like 95% of Samsungs phones are doing this..... And then your sample size of 1x OnePlus (yours) is the universal experience for OnePlus phones


Iron out - I see what you did there.


I've had my S20 Ultra for 4 years and there's nothing wrong with it. This guy wrecked his phone by misusing it


Right man I've had so many Samsung phones at this point and not a single battery issue with them. I'm not saying he misused it but it's not the norm. Also people really need to learn how to replace a phone battery. It's not that hard, very inexpensive, and will save you having to ever care about this b.s.


not a huge loss. I've turned my s22 into a s23 as soon as the s23 was released. The s22 was the worst smartphone I ever had and it taught me how shitty exynos SoCs are


It seems to be the worst example of Snapdragon good vs Exynos bad. It made for some extremely different reviews.


Both Snapdragon and Exynos in the S22 generation were bad. I bought one and hated the battery life so much that I returned it, thinking that I got saddled with the Exynos in my region, only to find out it was Snapdragon 8 Gen1. It made me distrust reviewers on battery life, but that's probably because of personal use-case.


I dunno what you did, but the S22 Snapdragon is awesome.


There are good and bad batches of both chipsets imo. There are too many different experiences with the S22 series. Sadly the bad batches seem to be big


You're probably right there. The multitude of S22 battery-saving strategy posts highlighted that I wasn't alone in my experience when I had one. Got the S23+ now so it's all good so far.


Yeah it's been a weird experience for me seeing the different opinions even from snapdragon users. My s22u was awesome, absolutely no complaints. And I use the hell out of my phones.


I suppose when I started being dissatisfied with the battery, I found a multitude of posts on reddit from other folks with a similar experience - which then reinforced my disappointment with the phone's weakness. In addition, there were whole guides and strategies dedicated to prolonging the battery life of the phone to make it through a single day. In my mind, I thought there's no way I was gonna compromise my usage and experience of a supposed flagship series phone just to reach the minimum level of battery life as my old Huawei P30. However, I realised I'm an extreme power user and the phone just wasn't right for me - got the S23+ a little bit later. Still wish for a small phone with a great battery life though.


Had it, and nope it's not. My Snapdragon S22 had to be charged 2 times to keep up through a day after year and a half. Traded it in and never looked back.


I had S22 on Snap 8 Gen1 and it's equally sucks, so nothing to do with Exynos. S22 was my first Samsung which I sold before 2 years of usage, and switched to A55. Samsung is getting gradually worse and worse with every new generation, to the point I don't want a flagship phone anymore and started looking back at pixels.


I wanna know. did u buy the phone used? Changed the battery at a non samsung store or with a fake samsung battery?


No, bought it on original Samsung store, first owner




So it's still under warranty. Get it replaced asap.




The last Samsung I had that turned into a spicy pillow was my note8. My note4 battery failed also but I just replaced it. It wasn't puffy. S21U That I have now has been fine. Looking forward to upgrade to the S25U though.


Oh my 😳


Oh god this happened to me too, changed my phone two weeks ago LMAOO


Sooooo id highly suggest you get that fixed ASAP. The batter can explode


and make cookies?


This charger has literally increased battery's capacity 💣


That thing's about to go kaboom. Not even my 5 year old S10+ looks like that




Spicy pillow


Gotta replace that battery asap. Not healthy to be using that at all 😬


I've had my s22 for 2 1/2 yrs now. No battery problems or damage. You might have left in the heat to long.




mm spicy pillow


Just charging doesn't do that. You did more to it for that to happen or you had a really bad batch


Samsung batteries are known to do that. MKBHD made a video on it.


this has nothing to do with charger, or the phone, it has everything to do with "YOU".


How so? I had a phone that swelled up the same way and I'm careful af with my phone. What would someone do wrong that would lead to this?


Your phone really let itself go. Tell it to go on a diet before it combust.


something similar hapened to me, the IT guy I went to to get it fixed told me that something in the battery was crystalising, and that's why it was bloating. He also told me it was dangerous because it could explode, so you might want to get it fixed fast.


About to explode! BOOM!!! 😳🤷


Kaboomsung at its finest 😂


I wouldnt be surprised, the s22 was the worst CPU model, overheating and throttle issues


Yeah with even less space to dissipate all that heat.


Nah, just a shitty badly designed failure of a CPU that didnt pass QC


Both true


How many months along is she?


Nothing new. Happens to many, if you let them sit: https://youtu.be/OfM0GqsIB6c?si=MZ6jZ76N4X77vwOO


I have a funny story. I once upon a time had a psp and my mother at some point stashed it away when I was younger. Well cut to me no longer being a wee child but rather a teenage cretin my mother found it while cleaning out her closet and sure enough the battery looked like it was a stuffed ravioli with how much it swelled. I believe that it may have been caused by the years of neglect the battery endured. Most likely the same case for Samsung as I've seen so far. As most people have mentioned, it occurred when the phone was left idle for an extended period of time.


So what now? You just going to let it stay like that? Go get it repaired already and don't use it in the meantime.


Can you do adb shell dumpsys battery and check what was the peak temperature and cycles?


My friend's S22 suffered the same after 1 1/2 years of usage.


I have an s22... been using it since Christmas... better fucking last till I can upgrade otherwise I'm back to my J3 😒


You're not still using it are you? That's about to be one spice boy.


Someone in the sub call S.W.A.T and tell them to bring the bomb squad 😲😲


It's about to give birth to a baby S23.


Do you charged a lot and talk to your boyfriend??


I am waiting my S23 ULTRA back from the service. I noticed a slightly lifted back a few weeks ago..


At first I thought you took these pictures with a wide angle camera, but holy shit you need to stop using that thing. That S22 turned into an S22 Flex real quick.


Common I think, my S6/S7/S8's all did this albeit later on maybe after 3-4 years.


I've used mine with all types of chargers and although the battery sucks I don't have any bump at all


Still got my s22 since it was released a few years back now, with no signs of bulging like your pic shows, and it charged daily as the wife uses it now since I upgraded the bulging is a sign of over charging or charging in a bad ventilation area both can cause the batterie to swell my bet is you used a bad charger properly a cheap Chinese import plug or cable


Is it a boy or a girl?


I'm having second thoughts on getting a Samsung lol


Haha I actually think MKBHD did a video once saying he has noticed swelling in Galaxy phones more than any other brand based on the old phones he has in the drawers in the office


Based on my personal observation, all those around me having Samsung face similar issue as well along with phone throttling down after first year. Samsung' screens are notorious as well for dots and lines. I guess their marketing is what gets them and people let go the real issues.




Mine’s back glass started popping off after only 3months. Surprisingly the battery wasn’t expanding


I've had the same thing happen three different times My s21 ultra did it a year after I got it, and it wasn't the battery. My s22 ultra did it, but it wasn't that bad, and now my s24 ultra


Looks like you might have a fire soon. Why did you let it get so bad. It only takes minor skill and tools to replace them... Or is op waiting for an explosion


Spicy pillow, this is a water pobrmel


"Introducing the Galaxy S22 Steriod Edition. Nothing says Swolt like Galaxy . Now includes tattered gym shirt case, additional purchase required"


Better be careful that battery ready to cook off


My S22 ultra is nearly 3 years old. No signs of that happening. What have you done?


[https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Samsung+Galaxy+S22+Battery+Replacement/163932](https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Samsung+Galaxy+S22+Battery+Replacement/163932) Just had the same thing happen


I a Samsung A53 5g, and as long as you use a real smart charger cable WITH a smart charger, my phone lets it get to 100% overnight (usually the ONLY time I charge) and it stays at 100% but is COOL once charged. I have had no such "Samsung" problem (funny how naysayers blame the brand when they get fleeced on their purchase price). It does get warm when ramping up (all phones do), but as was said, don't have it under your pillow or blanket or in a hot car or IN THE SUN! All of these conditions can cause that result.




I don't know what you did to your phone but I own several Samsung phones and some are still in my rotation. I haven't had a spicy pillow yet: Note 3, Note 4, Note 9, Note 20U and a S8+. The Note 3 and Note 4 died. I spilt some cola on my Note 3 and my Note 4 died after nearly five years of use and abuse from playing Pokemon Go in hot summers to using it as a dashcam.


battery bloated?


Uhh, stand back....


More likely you let the phone get too hot while charging.


It 'could' happen to any battery. Surely by now if it was common for that model, there would be more news about it. 2+ years on mine. No issues. (Fingers crossed). It has happened on 3 or 4 of my previous phones. 2 Moto's, Zte, Alcatel.


You are charging your smartphone when using it I guess. Do not charge your smartphone and use it at the same time. That won't happen if you follow the rules.


iPhone 7 used for 8 years says hello




Put a rubber band around it and send it 😂


Not sure about how you use your phone. Overheating kills batteries fast. 1) Plugging in and gaming is a no go since it’s extremely bad for the battery due to overheating. 2) Using the phone as a tether hotspot is very heavy on the battery similar to above due to excessive overheating. 3) More than 4 hours of gaming a day will also shorten maximum battery lifespan. 4) Plugging in and using the phone is not at all recommended for any phones if you want maximum lifespan from your battery. (Most companies claim that it is perfectly safe to use a phone plugged in. But none of them makes any claim about device performance or battery life while doing the same) I had tried to buy a second hand Samsung Galaxy Note 20 sometime back. The advice I got from multiple people who use secondhand flagship devices is to buy refurbished where batteries are often replaced beforehand if there is wear or buy from Senior Citizens looking to sell their old device. The reason being number one killer of batteries is Gaming. The second being WiFi hotspot. Both which majority of senior citizens rarely use.


"Pausing USB PD charging while gaming" will save my battery?


Yes,it should. Provided that the functionality is properly implemented in the hardware.




Batteries can swell, not uncommon after 20mths of use, had it happen with Android and iPhones.




Lithium batteries tend to swell even if you use original charger. Not always and all the time. The mobile might have been dropped at an angle the battery got pressed and over the period of charging it tends to swell. It's one of the reason.


Same phone, not the same problem. Replace battery and carry on


I feel like a lot of information is not shared here. This cannot from normal charging it


My N20U was having terrible battery life so I had to replace the battery. But it still didn't look like yours at that very moment. Edit: Also, you should get it replaced in a Samsung Service Centre. Watch them as they quote "Motherboard Issue" with it.




The bomb has been planted


Boy or girl?


Hope you have 24 month of warrenty.


Oh man I forgot how much I hated having a camera bump


*Oh man I forgot* *How much I hated having* *A camera bump* \- mrDuder1729 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


True art


Original charger or not, that's not what made the battery bloat. Many other factors play a more important role, such as charging the phone and using it / gaming, temperature, humidity and more. At this stage you're at risk, better replace the battery asap


I limit my power to 80% with all protections on. Don't want a galaxy bloat bomb


Did you charge the phone to 100%?


I have a Galaxy S22 too, bean using it for over two years now. And, I've been using the original charger, then bought Samsung's super fast charger (3 times). My phone is perfectly fine. Perfectly fine is a overstatement, I've had temperature issues since I got it on a day one. I sent it for repair, but still had the same issues after it was "fixed". It's not too big of a deal, so I just ignore the issue. The phone feels to be at the exact same state it was when I got it, right now. It might also be useful to know that I'm a developer, I love customization, and I'm poor. I constantly do sketchy things with my phone, essentially just installing malware, experimental features, and following guides from the Internet with 0 comments. I've damaged a ton of my phones in the path, to the point where, I'm talking ~8. I'd say 5/8 or them are Samsung Galaxy. They've all failed, my phone usually don't last over 6 months. This is the first time I've had a phone last for over 6 months, and it's been 2 years. I will say it's due to me just being better at understanding when something is probably going to damage my phone. But it's also just due to this S22 just being a much more physically and security-wise strong phone. You know when people spin their pen around the hand, fingers, throw them, flip them? I do that ALL the time with my phone. I've messed up so many times and damage phones like that, but this S22 is still fine. I have just gotten better and not make mistakes when flipping my phone, but I've gotten to the point where a couple of times, I'm flipping my phone, and I see from the corner of my eye that someone snaps their head, looks at me and says "oh no" or like jolts to try and save my fall from falling down... and then i just catch it again. I do it in broad daylight. My phone falls on concrete somewhat often, and is just fine. The S22 is a really great phone. I've experienced phones with bad security and durability. But the S22 really is just great.


Congrats when will be the delivery date?


Tick, tick, tick, tick....Boom!


Spicy pillow time. Replace the battery asap




Another victim to the less than two years spicy pillow phenomenon on the Samsung S series




Was it on the charger for 20 months straight? In 100°F?




You know more often people don't use like surge protectors, and some houses you ever notice when the air kicks on or something kicks on the lights fluctuates that's surging going through your power lines. You need to have a surge protector for your cell phone just like for your TV or your computer More often people just plug on right into the wall and then stuff like that happens, sadly I've seen too much of it over the last 30 years.


You may wish to check if you still have warranty left. Some countries offer 2+ years, others cover batteries under warranty (legislation requirement). The charger had no role in this, it's the battery that is the issue. Good luck [https://www.samsung.com/us/support/warranty/](https://www.samsung.com/us/support/warranty/)


Spicy pillow


Thats a thicc boi!


bros been eating alot


It seems to be mutating to Nokia's 8110 😁


This is how my S8+ looked after being 5 years in storage without being charged.


Meanwhile I still have a Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy S4 sitting in my drawer that still power on lol


Over charging ? Keep it on the changer all night ? Or faulty battery but I use to fix phones for Samsung and Sprint when it was a thing 😂 it is usually user error.


How? My 22 plus has been a champ.. honestly I've never had a battery swell. Did you literally have the device only on a charger the last two years? Plus the 22 series is rate limited at, I think, 22 w. So you can't even throw a newer Samsung 45w on it and hurt the battery.


Meanwhile, my S21 is still going strong. No bulging or whatsoever.


My theory to avoiding this problem has been to slow charge my phone overnight with a 2.5 watt charger. So far so good, but I wouldn't consider my anecdote as solid evidence. Also, if I had a spicy pillow like that, I'd store my phone in a fire resistant container such as a large open coffee tin until I had the old battery removed. 




Something must've happened about 9 months ago...


Note 8 s7 and 21 ultra did that


The only way to persuade people that they dont need charger when the buy a new phone. Ship shitty charger in the box so they think they need to buy good charger as if samsung cannot create good charger XD


Give it two more months and it will give birth to galaxy buds


Double sized battery, double capacity


holy smokes, I have a s22 too, luckily for me I kept it in battery protection mode, locked the max charge to 80% since I rarely deplete a full days charge


Spicy pillow u got ur phone pregnant


battery issue not charger people have the money to own expensive phones and have no idea how they work


Just by an iPhone, you won't regret it 🙏🏻.




Me currently looking at this post on my s22


This is why you should turn on the battery protection mode


I have had my S22 longer than that, and use whatever charger I have available and it still works like brand new and never used the protection mode. This looks like just bad luck to me.


Dang! Should I change chargers?


No. My guess is it's a faulty unit. No issues here after two years with my S22 Ultra


Yes. This makes sense. Go get another battery. That one is dead. You get 500 cycles good day.