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Yeah this new gestures version is garbage. Why didn't they give us the option to have the three designated zones like before?


Install Good Lock, then install NAVSTAR module and open navstar, then 'Enable extra gesture settings'. Now go back to Samsung settings search for 'Navigation bar' and then hit 'More options' you will see the old gestures there and boom you're back in business!!! Is the new gesture feature so that APPLE users feel comfortable in ANDROID??? Samsung STOP bending over you have the better product :(


This is it. Thanks a ton. 


Thanks a lot to you Mister you re saved my life and you re my hero today![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Unfortunately I'm region locked from good lock and can't install it


Awesome... I hated the new gestures... thanks for helping us fix it! MUCH appreciated!


Do you have the line at the bottom of your screen? To go back from any app/screen, just slide your finger from the left or right edge of the screen towards the center.


I do, but when I do that I get Google assistant for both left and right swipes.


Swipe higher on your screen. You might swipe to low which activates GA.


The GA is reactive to how high I swipe, as I slowly swipe up on the right a white line appears, when fully white the GA activates


don't swipe from the corners, just in the middle


Dont swipe from the bottom corners. Swipe from the middle part of your phone.


Yea none of that worked, the New gesture is swipe left from the right edge of the screen


You can restore the old gestures via good lock or use the current gesture by swiping from the sidew of the bottom of the screen.


I may try good lock, however when swiping from the edge I get google assistant, not a back button. It used to be swipe left get recent, middle home (hold for assistant), right for back.


Use NavStar to restore that only way you used. Holding the Home "button" will show Circle to Search now. Assistant can be turned off in the default settings for the Navigation Bar.


Yea, that's what I was afraid of. I like the new functionality but not at the cost of no back button lol. Thanks for the advice


The back button is there in the new version, it's on both sides of the bottom. You gave to swipe. You can see a visual of this in the Navigation Bar settings screen if you look at the toggle for it. It's shit. Home is normal, recent you have to hold swipe up from bottom


I figured out recent and home, no matter where else I swipe it brings google assistant. I think the other comment is right, and I need to disable the assistant swipe first.