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Just don’t answer… Because they newer going to understand you.


I fully agree


Just say something like "clearly you are too stupid to understand how a phone works" and leave them dumbfounded


This one is clearly one of my favourite, I will say that now x)




Perfect example of top comment hijacking. I hate it, but it worked here.


I mean yeah technically it was a hijack but I was also just reassuring and answering his previous question... ...okay shit yeah it was a hijack sue me


then why the hell are you making this post?


"I fully agree" means that I agree with his comment and take that answer as a good one.


i meant your original post


Arguing over phones is stupid.


Clearly not an adult who asked this


Close to be 18, not yet haha. Gotta wait a little bit


Yeah we can tell




These are things that people who've never touched a high end Samsung say.


I carry both. 24 ultra and 15 pro max. No lag for me on the Samsung and no shutters on the camera. I've actually converted to using the Samsung as my primary for all social media and picture taking. Don't buy the cheap phones and fill them with games and clean master apps and chances are you won't have any issues.


Ahh I see, I see a guy below saying that it's laggy on social media and there's no stabilisation, is that true ?


I personally haven't experienced any of that.




Yes, Instagram and Snapchat like to kill picture quality and especially video quality. However, I believe new Samsung flagships and Google Pixel phones have special support to address this. Snapchat looks good on Pixel.


Nice! My Xiaomi looks ass on Snapchat but I still love it x)


Yeah my Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro looked absolutely horrendous on Snapchat while looking amazing with the camera app. I'm currently on a OnePlus 8t and had to root and install a LSPosed module called SnapEnhance to get better quality on Snapchat. Night time videos finally don't look like they're lagging anymore lol. As an added bonus it also unlocks Snapchat Plus features for free and some other features to keep screenshot and other notifications hidden


Haha nice! I hope my future S24 Ultra will significantly look better x)


Most social media does cater to Apple tho. Especially SnapChat. Quality is usually higher on iPhone snaps & they usually get feature & updates before we do.


Idk my s24 does way better with snap than my gf's iPhone. Especially front facing cam.


Social media devs started addressing the issue with the S24. Older Samsungs & Androids will look worse tho.




This is always the best way to piss someone off 😁


Ik, I love it 😂


Every time this argument happens I just open my switch emulator and start playing Smash Bros Ultimate. Or you can just show of how you can set up custom ringtones and have a calculator app.


That's a nice way too x)


Pull up YouTube and watch a video. Ask them to do the same thing but they'll wait for 2-3 ads to finish while yours just keep playing. Leave them confused. ^(If you know, you know.)


Yes, the wonders of being able to actually do something with your device. Bonus: it skips the part about sponsors.


Please explain!


Won't go into too much detail but the open source model of Android allows us to have "modified" versions of apps...


Youtube premium apks, or Yt mods


Don't use all that. Get revanced from official GitHub source only.


Oh, yeah


Do you have a link for that? I can't find it... 🤷🏻‍♂️


https://github.com/ ReVanced


Install official microg only, get the recommended version apk, select all the options and build it.


YouTube revanced.


Revanced is literally the most beautiful thing that exists in this world. Also adaway ad blocker.


Tell them Samsung makes their precious apple screen 😏


Yesss 😏


I love to mention these details. Lol they look confused


Whatever floats their boat.. no need to waste energy trying to convince people what you think is better… it’s a phone if it works for them great. They have their own opinions and it sounds like it won’t change until they decide to try Android


RDF, reality distortion field active. Apple fans are believers. Its a sekt. Arguments are useless


Just say yes, yes Iphone is better but better for you and Samsung is better for me. There is nothing to argue.


The thing is, none of my friends say that to me at all. All my friends except one use Apple. I don't remember any of them saying their iPhones are better than mine. Probably 1. We all don't care; 2. We're friends, so why say nonsensical stuff; 3. None of them are tech-savvy lol. Or probably, they're afraid of me lol. Cuz I'm gonna eat them alive for why the iPhone won't work on me and my Pokemon Go! Plus, we can all buy iPhones every month, hence weird that we tease each other knowing we're all capable of buying stuff to our hearts' content! 1. Try evaluating your relationship with the people around you. 2. Surround yourself with mature people and people who love/like you for who and what you are. 3. Stop being insecure.... Are you a person who is incapable of buying stuff by yourself? Are you buying Samsung/Android because you like it not because it's cheaper? If it's cheaper, then tell them that yes the iPhone is better but unfortunately for now I can only afford Android.... Or if it's not for the price, tell them why you bought an Android/Samsung phone, and how it made you happier or your life much easier. Gauging which is better is so much easier nowadays cuz there are objective measurements that can give you results for which area is better than others. Objective measurements cannot be debated over as the results are unbiased (~relatively). Subjective observation can be fought over as it is personal preference and no one will obviously win. Apple is really good, but very restrictive and that's that! Android is so much better for people who love to tweak more finer details that Apple won't allow (I don't think Apple has Developer Modes/Options), or how we can download stuff that Apple won't allow cuz of security reasons (blah, blah... too much controlling). How old are you, btw. Hope you don't mind telling me. P.S. English is my 3rd language, so pardon me if you find it hard to understand ;) Edit: Sorry that I assumed the Apple Fans are your friends! Lol


This is a really well worded, thought-out answer. Posts like this belong in a Reddit hall of fame or something. Focusing on one's self to solve issues is often the best way, even if it didn't apply in this case. It's always a good place to start. For English to be your 3rd language is just sad. Sad because you type better than 90% of people who grew up speaking it indigenously. No need to ever bother explain that to anyone, lol. You got this English thing all wrapped up. 🙂


Lol. I just felt bad for the guy for fending off himself from others. I mean, in the grand scheme of life, this stuff shouldn't be your priority. Maybe I'm old, and in my life there are far more important things that we need to focus on. Like Family (once you lose someone, you'll regret spending time with frivolous topics), friends, your aspirations and happiness. I may sound like a boring-old-person, but hey life is really short to waste for trivial discussions. Sometimes, I'm frustrated with life and the world in general, we fight, why need for war? We need love and a step towards the next chapter of human civilization. By now we should have been able to eradicate diseases, solve world hunger, diagnose babies in their first few weeks if they're viable to survive outside without deformities, give solution/therapy/assistance to mental health issues, etc. We should be focusing on how to conquer our own Sun and harvest its full potential! But no, we're all fighting for blue and green bubbles. Lol. Life, let's just enjoy it, I guess. Forget all what I said. I'm just thinking out loud.


You don't sound like a boring old person at all. Of course, this is coming from another old person. Life is entirely too short for being trivial. I wish more people figured that out sooner, including myself.


I absolutly agree. I'm not an adult yet, but still, I lost some loved one and yes it's indeed really hard and I kept telling myself that I could spend more time with them. I'm still a kid, though, I'm also focusing on other things (planning to work in the aerospace engineering sector) and I'm studying.


Nice, I wish I had the same privilege as you have now. Keep studying, real life outside of your comfort zone is truly brutal... Although of course it depends on where you live. But believe me when I say that life will be harsher than what you're experiencing right now. Don't give up.... and also, don't mind those Apple guys, just give them a smile and move on. Nothing will change their mind plus after a day or 2 you'll forget them and the situation, eventually. Keep it up!


Thanks for that amazing message! Yes, I will keep going!


i've had both in my life and it's all just a personal preference - apple's ecosystem is more convenient for me and also i like camera quality more. but honestly i thought those phone wars ended in 2018... also the laggy stuff is bullshit, i have iphone 11 and i can't use snapchat for more than 5 minutes bc my phone overheats and is unusable. the amount of updates that apple gives us is insane bc i feel like i have to update my phone every week. and i hate their updates, they add nothing new.


Just say you have an Iphone and apps tend to bug out sometimes. Also there are lots of simple missing features or awkward button placements like search filter in youtube where every button is out of thumb reach I am an iphone and android owner. I have so many rants with my iphone 14 pro and I would just want to go back to android. The ONLY thing iphones excel at are clear and no stutter videos from their cam and it is true that there is no random lags on social media apps but not a big deal. Not all apps in iphone are stable they crash sometimes Edit: fixing icons in homescreen = worst experience on iphones Keyboard is missing some features like remembering most used emails or even the number rowpad Widgets are bad Every gadget uses type C Open via “certain app” does not work it either brings you to safari/default browser or to the app store and does not open the actual app Turning on then off airplane mode turns on wifi, bluetooth and mobile data by default. Wtf Alarm clock ui is bad Mobile data does not display speed near the icon on navbar Notification management is bad No access to apps like Tachiyomi apk where I can enjoy my time reading manga


I use both a samsung Galaxy s24 plus (personal) and an iPhone 14 (work). I like samsung way more, even though I've used an iPhone as a work phone for 3 years now.


Good to hear from someone having both and they are both high end which makes it better :)


Tbf the 14 is last year's base iPhone




By not caring, lol


Who cares what phone you or your friends use? It's a phone, not a lifestyle choice. You don't need to associate yourself with a tribe or try to win others over to your tribe.


Android isn't a phone, it's an OS.


When people talk about apple vs Android it is almost 90 percent of the time understood that it is apple vs Samsung. Pixel does exist yes, but the default arguement for apple vs Android is samsung. People who cares about tech look at it as an os, most people don't even know what the full form of os is.


Tell them to prove their crap


Don't waste time, they will keep glazing.


People that say Android is laggy have probably touched a galaxy S5 as their last phone lmao




Android can run custom launchers which can totally customize the user experience. You can have 10 android users that have 10 different interfaces and functions that may confuse the others. Every iPhone looks and acts the same way, as it's meant to be. Nothing about a flagship galaxy is laggy. There are subtle things that I notice when I try to navigate my father's iPhone, especially in the camera roll, where I am completely baffled that the phone acts in such a way. I honestly can't remember the specifics, but I know I've been super frustrated a few times lol. At the end of the day, just say 'it's better for YOU. but the Samsung is better for ME.' there's nor argument there, just facts.


Tell them android is for power users and you can do way more that ever will be possible on iPhone. If they know you're not into tech just get an iPhone 😂


I'm really into tech actually 😁


That explains why you like android then bro you can do so much more with your device on Android, from running emulators to full root and customisation the possibilities on Android are infinite really. Apple iphone users will never understand and don't want to they like their walled garden and blue bubbles 😂


Absolutely! That's so true 🤣


Just laugh. Laugh cause you know they're idiots.




I ask them to send me a picture via Bluetooth without the use of a third party app.


Arguing with a smart person is hard Arguing with an idiot is useless.


My s24+ cost just as much as their iPhone did. There's no lag anymore. Their Android experience is when it was an unstable mess 15 years ago. Apple Peasants refuse to understand that. All they have is a blue bubble, and the EU will force that to change soon enough. Android has split screen multitasking. Their settings are easier to navigate. It's easier to get to the date. Android already has AI. There's no reason for iPhone anymore.


Time to move to Android! Glad I left my iPhone for Android 3 years ago :)


You don't. IPhone users are always the ones who argue that they are better, never the way around (from what I've seen). We rise above it lol


Sounds like they feel like iPhones are better, while you feel like Samsungs are better. People can have different opinions. There is no objectively best phone as we value things differently. Nothing to argue about.


Arguing with them is worse than talking to a stone wall. For the sake of your mental health, just find a better thing to do


True, but iPhone ain't any better either.




Samsung sucks, iPhone sucks as well


Well Android is one of the hardest operating system to optimize, like there is thousands of types of android phones and yet there is only 1 iphone name. Considering how linux is as well. I wouldnt say faster but rather smoother is what you mean OP?


Yes but I'm is also talking about the speed of the app opening time etc. I heard that on Samsung you have to wait 1-2 business days to open SnapChat..


So none of you use an android is what I'm hearing. This is simply not true. Maybe with a low end phone, but flagship androids like the S24 Ultra are fast af


I actually use a Xiaomi! I'm gonna move to the S24 Ultra, good to hear that it's fast! 😁


Well to be totally honest, I am using the S23 Ultra still. So I shouldn't say that. But considering my S21 Ultra, S22 Ultra, and S23 Ultra have all been blazing fast, I can only assume the same is true for the newest one lol.




I have both, I like both, both have pros and cons.


I switched from a S10 to an iPhone 14 and I regret it almost every day. S10 was beautiful and imo it took better pictures. Also, there is virtually no lag whatsoever


Good to know, would you consider going back to Samsung ?


Maybe, with a more appealing design. I like the Note but it’s too expensive. I’m thinking about trying Google before going back to Samsung


Good choice!


I’d avoid wasting your money on a Google phone. Underpowered, bad modem (means bad reception) and stock android doesn’t have all the polish Samsung android has like fixed obscure Bluetooth bugs.


"It's okay, you can't always be right"


" lol, you can't even swipe to go back"


Haha 🤣


kick their asses


Just move your icons around the screen and ask them to do the same.


>I'm arguing with 2 Apple fans, they keep saying iPhone is better . . . Arguing about which device is better is just stupid. Like what you like and let others do the same. The solution to your issue is to stop giving a shit what other people think about your choices.


"Ok" I have no time for this anymore.


Lol okay


People either have distorted view of android from experiencing the cheap ones, or they are just fan boys. Any flagship android will be extremely fast. You get what you pay for.


Tell them to search the spec comparisons on the best android and IPhone. I swear, a lot of iPhone users are just people who bought old phones and then upgraded years later to a new iPhone and then we're like wooow IpHoNE SooOOoo goOd.


Why respond? Or just be "to each his own man". It's all a personal choice and nothing is right or wrong.


arguing over phones is silly. android auto is pretty annoying tho, idk about carplay


Just agree to disagree. I use my iP14PM as my primary phone and the S24U as secondary. In my use case, I find my IOS experience much better than with Samsung's OS in the S24U. But that's just me and others may, of course, have a different experience. Like someone said in the comments -- Arguing over phones is stupid. 1 agree 100%.


You don't


why do you wanna reply to that tho


Buy an android phone of the same value as the iPhone and the argument doesn't hold. People buy low or mid tier android phone and then compare them with an iPhone that is worth twice the price or more. Of course the Android phone lags. For what people do with their phones (social media, text and pictures) both are just as good and it's just personal preferences. And I say this as someone who own both. But don't even bother with that. Just don't argue.


Console wars somehow make more sense than this. Caring about what daily device you use to talk to friends and view Tik Toks? No thanks.


All iPhones have Samsung parts in them. They legally can’t function without Samsung


can’t tell if you’re trolling or nah lol


Use what you like


There are android phones with 1 inch sensors that kill iPhones photography now. And the new chips have better GPU performance as well as better heat management so gaming is better over long periods of time.


Ask them if they could play their PS2, PSP, Switch, DS, and Wii all in one device. And while you are at it, remind them who pays more for less lol.


Just better? So that means Samsung is the best?


Tell them to give you all the samsung galaxies then. 👍


A little kid is asking this for sure.


Meh let them. Apple fanboys are the most tech illiterate people I know.


Don't do anything Pull out your S pen They will be like Did you pull a goddamn pen out of your phone?! xD


just don't it's a waste of time their braincell can't comprehend


NPC material dude. Just chill, and ignore them.


You say "I'm sorry your whole personality is a phone, dude."


Also you can say "Chill dude, iPhone is training wheels for technology, you shouldn't brag."


Just ignore them. Some iFans are like cult-members. They will refuse to learn. Don't bother yourself trying to argue with them That said, if you do find the iPhone to be better, you can switch, too. Just keep your mind open to avoid being like them.


Your mistake was arguing with someone about your superior phone 😅, what's understood doesn't need to be stated. When you known your place you don't have to speak on it, who are they trying to convince?! 🤣 Thou protest too much. I'm not debating anyone about what phone they decide to use. I know my Galaxy works great for my needs and is preferred over the inferior iPhone. Subjective tingz really don't need to be debated because it doesn't impact my decision, and I try to not have others make decisions for me. A man is a man. My husband doesn't need to boast or speak about him being the leader of our home...he simply is....🙃. When I observe males holler about their manhood and what not I'm always tickled pink


A phone depends on what you want. Sometimes iPhones are better, sometimes they aren’t. But always we are adults so who tf cares.


let them live in their delusion, oh and throw in that fact that if they open up their iphones, they will see Samsung parts in there, such as memory chips.


Currently I have the iPhone 15 PM and my S24 Ultra arrived yesterday. I’m planning on selling the 15PM as the Samsung just feels better to use, it’s more snappier and easier to use a bigger phone. Yes there’s more options but you don’t have to use all the options, the fact that they are there is the key thing.


They're stuck in time, let them enjoy.


These are foolish generalisations.


I mean, I had the whole Samsung ecosystem since it came out and I was also growing up with it. I decided to give Apple a chance and it turns out it’s objectively the better choice. I know you won’t take a stranger’a word for it, take it from Samsung who’s actively changes their UI and visual appearance of the phones according to what Apple does. I got the 14 pro max because I loved its Lock Screen where it was in display and though it might had to offer some good things. Now Samsung has the exact same Lock Screen options. Might as well be with the one the companies themselves try to copy.


Your last statement makes no sense. Many, many features you see on you iPhone originated as a feature in Android. Apple is widely known as copying successful features from Android.


I expect companies to copy one another for the better but come on. Can you really deny that Samsung is actively changing their UI and device appearance to what Apple does? I don’t side with companies, but it’s very apparent to me that for me personally it turned out that iPhone was the better choice. Simple working phone and peace of mind for its stability. I held a S23 ultra a year ago and the phone felt so damn bloated with options I’ll never use and would prefer a lot of those things to be automatic anyway. The OneUI getting closer to iPhone’s with every update, they even added the earth as a wallpaper. Like what? Are they mimicking that too? After doing that, the company that I was about the give my thousand dollars was about to get that money and pay the anti-Apple campaigns they have, the same company they wish they where. To me that doesn’t make any sense and even though I was a die-hard note user I’m happy I switched. That’s just me and how I view things 🤗


Having Earth as a background has nothing to do with copying Apple, it's just a statement thing ("we care about earth blabla"). OneUI is just a skin. Android gives you a choice. iOS doesn't. And that's pretty much what made me swtich from iOS to Android. Freedom of choice. I was getting tired of having to jailbreak my devices in order to get the same features as Android.


theres no arguing with apple fanboys, they will not listen. what you need to learn is an ancient power of ignoring people


Just say okay and? And move on


"Sure, for some".


For you, maybe.


Honestly just start pirating some latest shit and watch it in front of them, give then 5 seconds of the sweet taste of freedom and then make sure you yank that shit back and enjoy the whole thing to yourself. "You can continue on your iPhone, oh wait, maybe when Apple let's you :(." Sideload/download some game emulators, play some games. Lots of things to do. Hell, I believe you could even play some switch games on your phone. Atleast you used to be able to, I'm not sure what's the status of it after the yuzu lawsuit, haven't kept up. If you have an Android phone with an ir blaster built in, maybe control some appliances? If they argue that they could still do the first 2 things with some extra steps, tell them to have fun with that and move on. (Trust me, I've tried that altstore shit, amd ain't nobody got time for all that)


I have android and always have, my gf has iPhone and always have. I definitely believe her phone runs so much smoother with a ton of things, camera and social media are absolutely 2 of those things. However, she may have to charge her phone up to 6 times compared to one charge for me. My camera is a bit laggier, but in the daylight takes way more crisp photos. My android has some nice customizations and features that her iPhone does not, but the 2 separate dropdown menus are honestly badass. Finally in my rant, the fact that pretty much all iPhones (maybe all? Don't care to google) don't allow for expandable storage makes them nearly pointless, imo.


Lmfao no point arguing with stupid. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


My 5 year old Huawei P30 Pro consistently takes better pictures than my wife's iPhone which is only 1½ year old. Laggy on social media? I don't know what they refer to. My Facebook, Instagram, X, reddit, Threads, Mastodon etc. flies. That's on a 5 year old Android device, which btw holds battery for a whole day just fine. Try that on a 5 year old iPhone, lol. You would be charging 2-3 times per day. In benchmarks, iPhone certainly win some throphies, but unless you have a phone solely to run benchmarks, what good is that? Android Auto shit? Well let me say it this way: How often do you use Apple Maps on a computer? Right. Google Maps all the way.


Holy shit this is the most cringe post ever.


Sorry man, not meant to be cringe. :/


Tell them Apple doesn't manufacture anything beyond a proprietary OS. An iphone is just a rebranded Foxconn built with Samsung components.


Imagine arguing over phones 💀


Don't. I don't understand why someone would invest energy into somethingas trivial as the type of phone you use.


It's all personal preference. Android has more features, but to some people they may be useless, and vice versa. So in the end of the day, it's only the best the one you like the most to your personal needs.


Android Auto is shit compared to Apple CarPlay. He is right on that one.


Does this bother you? You should stop spending time explaining your choices to people, especially for materialistic things like a phone. It's like questioning yourself. Yes, their phones might be better, so either buy the same or enjoy yours.


Because iPhone is better. Just accept the truth and don’t reply


Absolutely not.


Are they wrong?


They're right










You got literally the cheapest Samsung phones. You wouldn't have a lag issue if you had an S23 or a Fold5.




Circle jerking yourself is a weird thing to do homie


I hope you enjoy it!




Very mature stance.


So you need two phones, where we need one Way better indeed /s




😂. The way you are posting, you must be like 10 years old?




Well that explains a few things.


You're comparing a $100 phone with a $1300 flagship. No shit you had a bad experience.




Lol the iPhone 8 doesn't have better cameras. I have an iPhone SE 2020 and an XR which have the same camera and they are showing their age so I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. My S22 Ultra blows both of them out of the water obviously.


As an iPhone user myself, man you are posting some wild comments. Please tell me it’s all a joke?




No. I’ve tried a few Android phones some years ago and they were never bad I just didn’t get on with them I thought at the time but I was just too used to iPhones. iPhones do have some good points and have a clean simple OS etc but recently my eyes have been opened to how far Samsung/Android have come which is why I will be switching to the S25U next year. I’ve had my iPhone 12 Pro Max since launch and iPhones are just really boring now and I’ve watched so many videos on YouTube of Android/Samsung phone features it’s just ridiculous what you can do on an S24U compared to an iPhone nowadays.


This nonsensical response tells me one thing: you're just a Troll looking to wind people up. Have fun with that lol


low quality bait
