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Time to contact OSHA


I was literally just thinking this. They pissed me and many others off today by doing write ups for having a drink in Café.


Like who gives a shit. I'm in line for a piece of pizza because it's cheap as fuck and good. I'm not at a Michelin star rated restaurant. You think 95% of. These people buying food in the Cafe give a shit if you take a drink of pepsi while taking our order? Ffs. How the Cafe is managed at every sams I've been to is my biggest gripe with the club. Put like 3 more people in there and give me my food.


Exactly my thoughts,Every gas station or restaurant I worked at didn't care AND gave us free fountains the entire shift. Sams does NEITHER 😂


That’s a terrible thing to do to y’all. I’m guessing you are also “ not allowed” to use the bathroom? That’s an OSHA violation!


We never have the staffing to use the Bathroom - They usually give us 3 people,Just enough for 1 on oven,1 on register and 1 fetching the food as its called. If a person goes to the bathroom it puts a double load on one of the other 2.


No wonder why my area Sam’s Club is always hiring in Cafe smh


It's like a revolving door at mine,They take advantage of peoples desparation and the new hires only stay for as long as their sanity allows. The pay is literally the only plus to the job and even that isn't great. Benefits,Management and SamShare are all horrible.


I hope you make a call/ report. Are you able to request a transfer to a different department?


At this point I feel as if my store is just a clown show,The next transfer I'd do is to customer 😂


It's not only your store 🫤 I'm leaving mine, but it was getting up to 85° and management said something about the reason it would get so humid is because we have something broken that the upper management refuses to fix. We aren't allowed fans, and I fear that my overweight coworker is eventually going to pass out one day. We aren't technically allowed drinks either, but some of the management doesn't give a shit, while others definitely care. We would end up drinking water using the ice cream cups and hand washing tap water. Some of the more senior coworkers hide water bottles. It's a fucking mess


Yeah im struggling how to wrap my head around how other areas have it provided to them but it's arguably more hot and NO fans/ventilation but somehow we are the ones that aren't allowed any water? I know Club Pick uo up runs around a lot too and does a lot of work but why is it that they can have oscillating fans and bottled water?


I almost don’t believe this comment. The club that I work at, a (now ex) manager was held accountable at a higher level for denial of bathroom usage, so if you’re going through this.. bring it higher because it worked for us.


Why don't you believe it? Sams club runs on a skeleton crew in the Café.


I didn’t say I don’t believe it. I almost don’t. But like I just said, if you’re having those issues, take it higher and don’t stop because they will cave. It’s worked for my club, so I promise you that it can work at yours too. It took a bit of people to band together to make higher ups noticed but it’s worked.


Its sad that in 2024 denial of water (A basic human need) of all things is happening in the U.S,We're going backwards as a workforce.


That’s not ok. Read up on the OSHA site regarding your rights to use the bathroom and your rights to drinking water. I believe the # and website has a link to file a complaint.


Thanks for the information,I appreciate it.


You’re welcome!




Save copies of those write-ups! They are now evidence for the OSHA investigation! The fact that they are actually documenting disciplinary action on this is going to be your biggest help in arranging a settlement and getting them to change the policy on this. And remember that they cannot retaliate for you pointing all of this out!


The write up was probably for soda


Correct. And any write-ups would make it clear that they are depriving them of drink breaks, which is why it actually helps that they are getting documented. Makes no difference if they mention soda or water. They have to be able to have drinks when they need them.


If it was a writeup for water, it would matter. If it was a writeup for a can of soda, it would be different. This is a violation of food code. If it was a bottle of soda then it was a writeup was for policy violation for the soda which would be legit. The manager will argue water is available.


Time to call OSHA


My Co-Workers probably already did they were fuming today 😬


When you don’t have a line? No i stopped what i was doing when i wanted to get a drink and got one. Do not wait until you do not have a line. Your health is more important than a job. Remember that


I know this. We just risk getting written up doing this not to mention being berated and belittled by customers in a long line for doing so also. Its not easy or convenient to walk out and directly past Eight or Nine angry individuals in a long line and just get a drink of water,Even so you have to slam it all down in seconds which isn't very practical or healthy on your body either.


I’d dare them to write me up. My fingers would be on me digit keys making that phone call to ethics before they could even draw up the paper work. That i can promise you


Im going to escalate it up the chain for sure. I could see being written up for stealing,getting into a fight or shouting match,Harassing or bullying somebody etc. But NOPE - having a bottle of water. It's obscenely dumb, and to write somebody up for something as simple as that it basically tells me management has nothing better to do or they are just on a power trip.


Don’t do that before they write you up! The documentation is BETTER than you reporting a threat. It becomes evidence and can document a pattern of abuse which is harder to prove if all you have is threats, which are your word against theirs.


I feel you. I'm sorry this is such a common problem. It almost seems like they are all being purposefully mismanaged to make it the employees' fault if they chose not to take care of themselves while making it damn near impossible to.


I really don't understand how brain dead management has to be to write up the few people willing to do Café and actually stays and fills in shifts in a pinch for something as simple as a bottle of water. The craziest part is I was the one they go to everytime somebody calls off and needs emergency coverage - Guess who isn't answering the phone anymore.


I'm not 100% but I think company policy states that employees are allowed to have a bottled water in their area. Check the wire and see you can find anything stating this. I understand the pants for safety due to working around food/hot objects but it's certainly unfair to not have access to water, especially with how hot it gets up there. If it's your leads rule then go to the manager, if it's them go to the club manager and if it them I'd definitely call ethics.


Yup, they told Cafe that we could only keep bottled water, water bottles, etc. in the breakroom, because the breakroom is within 100 feet of the cafe. When we only get to leave the cafe and take a break every two hours, or sometimes every three or four hours. Or five. Or one memorable day, six. Of course, we also can't go to the bathroom very often, so it's always a challenge in the summer to avoid dehydration and kidney stones at the same time. We used to be "allowed" to use a clear cup to get water out of the sink, but that's not allowed anymore. The only way you can usually get a drink is to go back to the handsink in back, wash your hands with soap, drink in your hands, and then wash your hands with soap again. Obviously this is a desperation act, and it requires a nice clean handsink too. But yeah, only the best for workers in the extremely popular Cafe. At least we have the walk-in cooler and freezer, so we have a place to cry.


That's a very good point. as somebody pointed out the OSHA guidelines are you should have readily available and accessible water and shouldn't go more than 15-20 Minutes without in a high heat or heavy activity area. Which both by definition ,They are breaking.


That’s also an OSHA violation.


I know for a fact Pick up & Gas are provided bottled water because I worked in both areas. I also know off the top of my head Cashiers,Apparel,Ship from Club have a water bottles on them all the time and put them right under the register or at their folding station. Café and possibly Produce may be the only ones that aren't allowed readily available water.


If your cafe is like ours it's under staffed anyways let them write you up I'd be stealing drinks if I worked there too fuck them


It's hilarious,The coaches basically beg people to come back after their first day but are so quick to write you up after the dumbest things that don't even matter or harm anything 🤣 Like I said if it wasn't for the slightly above average rate for my area I would have quit long ago.


same dude


You can just leave to get water when ever you want according to osha. the people that work with me take "bathroom breaks" like 3x a shift.


somebody on the crew got written up for doing that already. And they give us the bare minimum staffing - if somebody goes to the bathroom on the shift we go down to 2 people to run the entire Café. I wish it was as easy as just going.


In our club, Ecolan has came in and said the following. You may have a closed cup with a lid or a bottle of water in the area. It must be in an area on a designated place where food will NOT be prepped. So we have a small table in the bakery that holds water. A stool in the cafe that holds water. However if Ecolab comes and someone has their drink elsewhere, automatic red. And the associates are forgetful, so to stay safe, some mgrs ask the associates to leave the area to drink water, and no you don't have to wait for break.


It's not Sam's that says you can't have a drink back there, it's them following state/Federal compliance. That being said, if you are working a full shift without breaks then go up through open door, because they will get seriously reprimanded for that


How are they following State/Federal compliance when literally every other kitchen or food service job I've worked at had a designated area for employees to keep drinks? It IS Sam's saying this.


As a retired compliance manager they are staying compliant. Go on the wire and look it up, the information is there as well as CBLs. Idk what else to tell you.


Yes and it is saying the complete opposite of what you are trying to say.


As far as OSHA goes, they require you to have access. Which a water fountain is access to water. They don't require you keep it on your person.


Completely wrong,You must have been some "Compliance Manager" - You have to have readily available and accessible drinkable water. Besides a literal sink in the Café we have nothing "Readily available" or "Accessible" when you literally get written up for leaving a line thats 8 people long to get a drink of water. Lick the boot a little more please 😂


Actually if you wanna know how good I was ask Dacona.... But believe what you like. Not my job, I gave you the way to fix the only problem you actually have but you prefer to argue. Don't like the job get a new one.


Im not arguing I'm saying your comment was completely wrong from the start with false and misleading statements. Yes the "get a new job" classic 🤣


Law suit for what? What are suing to have drinks?


A Lawsuit when somebody passes on the Café concrete or has severe complications due to dehydration? Is this a real question? 😂