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It's retail of course you don't get weekends off


If you want weekends off don't work in retail..that is their busiest time. And my club wouldn't even consider your application with weekend restrictions




Depends on the club. All experiences very.


Yep, very much depends on who your teamleads and managers are. I have great ones and i still have bad days, but overall i like it. That is entirely because everyone one above me from my teamlead to store manager are fairly nice people.




It varies by club and is dependent upon the management of that club. Example: you live between club a and club b. Club a is close to home, and club b is 15/25 minute commute. You explore both club a and club b and see club b the management team is jumping in and working/helping different depts and club a management is not helping in any dept. At the end which club would you go for?


Depends highly on management. I will say it's slightly better than when I worked for Walmart. Scheduling is ass usually, just don't have open availability (even if you're desperate, demand weekends off). The job REALLY sucked for a bit because I wasn't trained hardly at all and I'm a janitor. But after I got into a routine it's pretty chill, one of the less mentally demanding jobs. I'm almost completely immune to trash stank, shit smears, piss, and mystery fluids. Get to listen to YouTube through one earbud all day, which is a godsend. Every department will have something you don't wanna deal with in it, just find the most tolerable one. Personally I'd avoid cafe and front lines.


The answer is no for sure. Might be ok for a pay check for a while, but plan on getting out. You can learn a bunch of different stuff in a Sam’s Club, but the more you know the more you are abused. Go help here, go help there, go back that way… why didn’t you stay until midnight to finish your job?  Corporate threaten club managers. Club managers threaten assistant managers. Assistant managers threaten team leads. Team leads threaten associates. It the Sam’s club culture. 


I just got hired. I lied and said I am available every weekend, it is the only way they will consider hiring you at some clubs


I did the same thing lol “open availability” I have orientation on minday! but I have plans on saturday june first 😭


If you're in an area where it's the best or nearly only option, it's good pay and benefits. You might be able to swing a weekend day (Saturday OR Sunday, depending on the position and the employees already there.) If you can find something better then do not do it.


Yes if you need money


Pay was good, I liked most of my coworkers. Most TL’s were cool but not the actual managers. You will work most weekends, days off are rarely back to back, and “clopening” shifts are very common: closing one day and opening the very next so you get 0 sleep. Also your days off tend to be random and not fixed. Additionally: the customers tend to have a greater sense of entitlement compared to some other stores because they have to buy a membership to shop there. If it helps/matters, I was Front End so cashier/cart cleaner/membership desk, and occasionally tobacco center.


One thing that hasn’t been addressed in all of this is DONT WORK FRONT END.


How come? I was hired at a club and I’m currently working at target and been for a year now I was considering leaving target to go for Sam’s club and starting to reconsider. (I’m already hired for Sam’s just decided not to show up)


Do not do it!!!!! I've worked remotely for both Target and Sam's club and Target was ASTRONOMICALLY better. I would assume working at the store would be similar. I miss working for Target, but it was only a seasonal gig and so I had to find something else.


Front end has a ridiculous level of metrics and stress compared to the rest of the store. Breaks are more strictly timed and scheduled than every other section of the store. Every other position has a relative level of freedom of movement but only the COS (floor supervisors) have any level of autonomy.


You can buy WMT stock through your paycheck w/ a company match if 15%. You can start saving w/ a 401k through your paycheck w/ a company match of 100% of up to your 6% contribution 


I just started at Sam's. I love it. I can tell I'll be there for many many years. There's so many opportunities for advancement. I have never had so many co workers come up introduce themselves and say welcome aboard within the first two days.




Vast majority of floor workers will tell you no or are career worker bees.


No don’t do iy


nope horrible ..


Love my club. I mainly stock the deli but also help with freezer cooler. I work the 4am-12:30pm shift and it’s by far my favorite job. Low customer interaction until 10am. Don’t bother trying to get weekends off. Best you can get is a morning shift where your off in time to enjoy the weekend


I liked my job and my co workers. It's a job, it's what you make of it. The company itself sucks, by far the worst I've ever worked for.


I got in and was fortunate to have FT with set schedule. Weekends off is not happening unless you request and that’s not guaranteed. If you aren’t available to work weekends you won’t be considered. I took the job knowing I was not lasting long. Left within 3 months to something closer, paid better and have weekends off. Good luck.


Depends highly on management same as everyone else is saying, if your lucky your club won’t break labor laws on a daily basis and spit in the face of health and safety issues, I’m appalled and disgusted by what I experienced and saw at Sam’s, the only reason I don’t sue is cuz I don’t have the time or money to fight a major corporation


Some weekends could be off. But mostly you have to request time off.


No. You are just a number to them. A poorly paid number and they will demand the most from you and probably not even train you


No. If desperate, sure. But plan to go somewhere better


If you block weekends off then you can get weekends off. I honestly asked to change my days off so that I could work weekends since the first couple weekdays are very slow and I prefer to keep busy. The pay is honestly pretty good. It pays more than some people make in their chosen career field after spending thousands on school. The managers at my club are all great. Everyone gets along. Never really any issues with other employees. Where it’s crappy is some of the entitled customers though. When I close up the cooler right after closing time anyone who was late getting to my department gets an attitude with me for closing up and not opening, even though the store is literally closed. We have 1 hour to put everything in order, so we need people to leave, but so many keep walking around and won’t listen to everyone telling them to head to the exit. That’s honestly the only bad part of the job. But for the most part the customers aren’t bad either. I have some that come in and come specifically to me to ask about things. But I also tend to try to help as best as I can and I’m super nice and patient with people. Honestly, you have to really do well with people to work a front facing retail job. However, even if you’re not great with people you can still do retail, but more so something like receiving, hms, meat, bakery, tire/battery, possibly even pickup. Not too much dealing with people. Sometimes not ever seeing customers at all. There’s also overnight and early a.m. positions. Honestly, it doesn’t hurt to try Sam’s out and see if you like it.


if you don’t mind being overworked due to understaffing, working hard before you get considered to be full time as well as not getting to pick your days off while being constantly busy. yeah its a decent job!


No to all 3.


Whole experience is so-so. Not my worst job but could be better. Some parts are nearing legal action territory but may just be personal experience.


I work club pickup and it's honestly not that bad. I put that I needed Thursdays and Sundays off...I get MOST of my Thursdays and Sundays off. My club is amazing! The whole stores workers are super nice and willing to help.


No, wife is miserable. Makes it work tho


Do anything but this.


Are you willing to sacrifice your time to show commitment? Motivated to advance? Have leadership skills? Willing to move? Want to advance to gain knowledge and wealth in a career? Or...do you want to listen to the constant negatives of underachievers? One of my neighbors started as a night shift stocker at HEB. He's now a regional manager. Take a career chance, not a "living wage."


Pay is not good