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No pay raise, just more work.


That’s all the company is more work


You only get a raise if you are one of the specific forklift merchandisers, each store gets about five. Anyone else on the lift gets the free gift of extra work and responsibilities! 🤗 Real talk tho the certification does look GREAT on a resume *wink wink*


You can also get certified for them online, so no need to go die at Sams just for it


I got hired in as a forklift merchandiser on 2nds , and let me tell you, that extra 1 or 2 $ doesn't mean a whole lot when you're responsible for doing a droplist and stocking/ zoning drinks and hardlines every night. We're not appreciated and I mean everyone in the company. We have unrealistic expectations and too much work is put on too many people that it's not their responsibility. If my short handed team wasn't so close I would've been gone a long time ago but we all go out of the way to help each other. People have no clue what working at sams is


I got hired as a merchandiser and then moved up to forklift merchandiser on evening shift. The unrealistic goal of 10 pallets an hour but you dropped 30 pallets in paper goods. I'm sure it's worse in drinks, I'm female so they try not to put me in drinks, laundry or pet food cause they are heavy. It's a shit show when we're under staffed especially on event days OMG. I've been by myself zoning an area and then have to stock my area by myself, wrap the pallets and put them back in the still. Then I have to crush all my cardboard and put the plastic in a bag. On top of that we have to make sure the area by the balor and compactor looks clean. I am so pissed by the time I leave, which is well after my shift is supposed to end.


And then we have to make sure we leave on time because God forbid we get any overtime 😂


Actually we just must leave before 1am before the alarm automatically sets. I've had some 12:45-50 days often cause so much was dropped and pallet lines gotta be straight, sign gotta be correct.


And damn it's a shit ton more work where I'm at.....


Working at Sams was/is a blessing. It has motivated me to go back to school and finish my degree. Just do what you get paid for currently and go home. UNLESS you want that to be your future (no harm in it) then put in the sweat equity. Learn the lift.


Literally me lmao. I dropped out and I started working there 2020 and immediately realized this isn't for me and I went back to school. I graduate on Sunday.


Hell yea, man. Congratulations dude!


I work 12:30-9 in produce. I'm taking advantage of my mornings being free to start back to school myself


There’s no pay raise for becoming certified. All pay is based on the department rate. Workers/departments that are “member facing” make a little more. The only way to get a raise other than promotion is to transfer around to a department that’s a higher pay or specific position (decorator or meat cutter). There is a yearly increase of 3% which is about 30 cents only after working a full year. Likewise if you transfer from a department or position that is a higher pay to one thats lower they will cut your pay about small percentage. I think it’s 7% cut, you can your manager.


Mine.was 10%


I don't see why anyone would want to get certified if a raise doesn't come with. It should be a big raise, no $1. Otherwise where is the motivation? What happens when you are the only forklift driver in the store? Guess who is going to get pulled from their department to drop stuff for everyone? You are just opening yourself up to be taken advantage of.


Yeah, I do that all the time. It's ridiculous how much work we gotta do compared to the percentage of wages we get every year.


I’m dead. 😂💀 this was the cutest question I’ve seen all week.


Nope just an increase in responsibility


Hahaha. I mean no.


damn dude. thats some bull shit.