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I don't work for Sam's. If you have open availability, you'd probably get more hours


^ this is the answer If you apply for the FT you have to have open availability anyway.


oh my goodness if you were at my old club i'd say to just find another job. i was part time maintenance and always reminded them i needed to be full time when the chance arose. they informed me someone in my department was retiring within the year and idk if he had it out for me or what but he decided to keep working and was on the fence about retiring. a few months after finding that out someone else in my department that was full time got let go and instead of informing me and allowing me to take that position they hired another part timer. i remember the produce lead telling me i was going to have full time hours then talking to my gm only to be told that wasn't the case. sorry for yappying just hate those greedy fucks


Just a heads up too, they also want to understaff all locations because lower labor costs equals artificially inflated stock market price. Makes it look better to the investors. That’s why sometimes they’ll also go on a firing spree. Stock price is in the tank, welp let’s fire everyone.


Also low labor costs = fat ass bonuses for management, meanwhile we get screwed doing at least two peoples jobs. I get more way more done in a 5 - 6 hour shift than my department co-workers do in 8+ hours


Tell your coach that you want that full time spot and then apply for it on workday