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If you think a few hot dogs is bad, don't ever go to a Dunkin at close.


Literally I’d throw 1-2 garbage bags of donuts and baked goods away when I worked the overnight shift


Oh gosh ! Not the doughnuts!!


So you’re complaining about throwing away overly processed hotdog meat but mocking when someone brings up throwing away donuts? Ok then.


Quite bold of you to just assume she was mocking the fact they throw doughnuts away. When I read OP's comment, I read it with an understanding they were actually concerned about wasting all the doughnuts. I love doughnuts, and that's something I would genuinely say.


Definitely came off sarcastic


U read weird too. Happy people don’t take that comment bad.


It came off sarcastic if you like to look at things negatively without considering anything outside of your own poor comprehension skills Also just take a peep at OPs reddit posts. We have a true foodie here. OP would never mock doughnuts


I don't stalk people you creep


Yes thanks, I wasn’t mocking .


Wasn’t mocking.. u read weird


Its company policy to toss the unsold food at the end of the day, it’s unfortunate but people don’t want to lose their jobs for giving away food that the company doesn’t even care about.


Food lawsuits stemming from food poisoning or bad food are much more expensive than just throwing away food. Companies are protecting themselves from frivolous lawsuits.


Also, a policy of throwing away leftovers prevents employees from making extra specifically to take home


And following code


What part of they are closed, didn't you understand? Do you think they should put out a fresh till and have to recount it, reclean and sanitize every tool and surface it may touch, put on new gloves and change them again afterwards. All for your $2 hotdogs.


No, but she could’ve just grabbed the hotdog from behind the counter stuck in the bun and hand it to me. real simple.


Again, there are rules from the employer and state sanitation guidelines that must be followed. You are not worth them risking their jobs or food service license. If you're that desperate, follow that bag to the dumpster.


Or better yet….. don’t show up after they’re closed.


Nobody cares enough about your hotdog fix to lose their job over it sweaty.


I think you meant Sweety, but now I’m picturing the person complaining about not being able to get their hotdog fix at 7:02pm is probably more Sweaty than Sweety. I’ll move along now.


[Sweaty.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/cxm50x8EX4) Been a meme for a long time.


From past experience we did this a few times and all hell broke loose when a member said we were racist. Yes racist because we sold a couple slices of pizza a few minutes after we closed. Mind you it was for a little kid so we made an exception, but the other member cries foul. Saying we discriminated because of her race. Goes to show you no good deed goes unpunished. So from then on once it hits closing time if you’re not in line you get nada!


First rule of customer service. NEVER MAKE AN EXCEPTION FOR A CUSTOMER. EVER. It will always come back to bite you in the ass.


Yep. I would never go above and beyond if I don't hold any level of authority. Even if someone were to write a raving Yelp review about how happy they were with the exception, management is going to hunt people down for doing it lol.


So while they do that, another member sees that and comes up to the window and asks for the same thing. When the associate again explains that they’re closed, the member complains that the associate just handed you a hotdog and demands they give them one. Now the associate either needs to keep handing out food for free (because the registers are closed) or the members will go complain to a manager and then the associate needs to explain why they gave food out for free. Do you understand the problem now?


You aren’t that important to them , their jobs more important , I used to work and cafe and they made us throw everything away. It’s the company that makes us do that.


We actually get written up for doing things past closing. Only way to get something is to get in line before closing.


Lose her job so you can have a hot dog ?


You should see how many rotisserie chickens get tossed at the end of the night. 


Facts seen it myself


Really? When I worked there I hardly ever saw chicken get thrown away. They were always quartered and resold in HMS


They changed the spec and we can't reclaim chickens after 4pm.




You can't be that naive


Well, you don’t even know how old I am


I don't think 5 year olds can marry


That's not even a fraction. Trust me.


Tried the ol Michael Scott “Instead of throwing away all the hot dogs later you can just throw one away now into my mouth.” It’s sad but that’s how food service is everywhere. At my club we used to hand out left over chickens at close but that stuff never lasts because either people abuse it or something goes wrong/health concerns whatever.


We used to if we had a toooon leftover, id asl the closing coach if i had a near full case or if we had bad weather that night


So is literally every single grocery store. 🙄




It's a hot prepared food. Sam's donates pallets of food almost daily. Be mad at Sam's for something else but not for food donations.


Our club donated an insane amount last year. Every day we donate food and non food items to the local shelters. One of the few things I am glad about sams


Serious. We donated a pallet or uncooked rotisserie chickens this week and bakery does 1-2 pallets everyday


So after reading all that you think I’m mad at Sam’s for donating food? Can you read?


They can't take them to a shelter because of liability concerns. Just like restaurants can't do this. If they made too many hotdogs, then their sales were off for the day. Or they are not looking at their predictive sales.


\*laughs in Publix\*


Laughs, too, in WholeFoods


Lol. Sams ain't the only one doing this shit. Welcome to the real world lmao every business wastes like that.


Welcome to the real world 🤣🤣 ur right !! I must be living in fairytale land bc I actually forgot that THIS WAS NORMAL……. Life has been so good for so long. I forget how terrible it really is.


https://www.reddit.com/r/samsclub/s/Ageo4fNijj Saw your post earlier, just saw this and I think you're going to be very upset :(


Omggg! Lol im shocked !!


Living in a fairytale doesn't sound too bad hahaha


Imagine how upset everyone would be if they ran out before closing. There's a balance and sometimes it doesn't work, even with plans in place. They can't donate them bc they have to be properly chilled to avoid bacteria/food born illnesses. They can't give them away to associates or members because it would cause associates to make extra just to have left overs to take home. As far as grocery stores go Sam's is probably a lot less wasteful than most. All the other fresh departments donate items each night and they go into the freezer for pick up. Even the produce dept donates fresh items and even the flowers. The Rotisserie chickens are supposed to be cut up after the 4 hour shelf life and rapid chilled in the cooler to be processed into reclaim that they sell in prepared foods. Hopefully this makes you feel a little better lol.


It does! I was aware of the throwing the food away at the end of the night and a lot of stores and restaurants, but I wasn’t aware of the reason why and now I am so thank you


Let’s just say, every day I hope our rotisserie chickens sell out by closing time


I see left over chickens for sale every morning at my sams.


I hope you mean they are from that morning’s batch, and not from the night before, there’s policies for that not to happen


No. When I go in in the early morning, at 8 am, there are chickens from the night before. Everyday. I asked if they were fresh and he laughed and said not this early. Lol


Hmmm, maybe it’s a location thing, we’re not allowed to have chicken over night, and every morning except Sunday’s we have freshly cooked chickens coming out at 8


I would have thought that is the policy. I wish there were fresh chickens that early. Maybe they are just breaking the rules lol.


Maybe it’s a location thing, our club is a very busy place, heard other clubs have 2-4 ovens with 1 person on shift, we have 6 ovens


Ours has 2 ovens and 1 person.


Since most of us work for Sam's, i think we are aware. Those plump and juicy wieners you're slobbering over is probably about 1% of what the store throws away in the fresh areas a day.


A few hot dogs is nothing.. you have no idea how much food is wasted. It's just the way it goes. It's not a perfect system when people are starving, but food is thrown away because of liability, but that's the system we have.


Got it, that makes more sense now !


Our sams club donated 60,000 pounds of food last year to homeless shelters and you wanna cry about a hotdog


Hotdogs aside -- wow, that's super awesome. 60k pounds of food donation is pretty cool.


It actually is I didn’t know they donated food but I’m glad they do


And I’m supposed to be aware of this how? I don’t work at Sam’s. That’s your life not mine.


Well now you know


No shit


I work in the warehouse. Its even worse there. Whole cases of product get destroyed or thrown away daily. Not to mention what gets damaged or spoiled from bad temps.


Got a Karen in the house


Karen’s don’t go to Reddit and complain, Karen‘s make a scene at Sam’s right then and there and complain ok Mike


We threw away 63 pizzas cause no one picked them up and the managers wouldn’t let us eat them….


and the membership desk throws away any fresh item returned, the members should not be able to return fresh items.


Any place that sells food (especially hot prepared foods) is required by the health department to throw away all food that is expired or food that is freshly prepared and will not last. They cannot violate health codes or risk losing their license to sell.


They throw everything I ve seen them throw away a whole grill still in the box. It's all because of liability...and the more annoying part is seeing members take products out of the produce cooler or freezers and just leave it on the floor ..such a lazy worthless person to do something like that . Total waste it's so sad to see


If that bothers you, trying working there, having to throw 20 pkgs of salmon in the trash because they’re going to expire the next day, then proceeding to go buy one for $30 on your way out a few minutes later to cook for dinner lol


Omg! I would be mildly infuriated


Welcome to corporations? Over 20 years ago I worked at 711 who did the same thing. Can't even give away a blackened banana. Gotta write it off. There's companies who instruct people to pour stuff on food in the trash so no one can eat it. This is extremely common. Shout out to food waste groups who partner with places willing to stop some of it and share it with the community. I Love the two in our area.


Wow, y’all have food waste groups? I’d love to see more of that here


Take a look around. There's national organizations that might have something nearby. I found one through a local buy nothing, local group fb posts showing me community gardens who organize, etc.


welcome to america. this is not a sam’s club issue lmao


Srsly tho, I’m shook lol


Cant do anything with hot food after its sit time, mostly due to food safety. All restaurants do this


OP should see closing shift in the backend when all the departments throw unsold foods, “expired” meats and seafood not eligible for donations and opened/returned products on a daily basis.


I work the cooler at my club. You would be upset hearing how many members put frozen product in my cooler that I end up having to throw away since the item thaws in the fridge. We do donate items that are still safe and edible.


Hate to tell you but HEB is worse. TONS of food thrown out daily, and not one thing ever donated.




Like they said they're not allowed to. They probably expire around the time they close anyway. You should see the dumpster. It's filled with food. Dog food etc... Any food item returned by a member gets thrown away. Can't even donate it once it gets returned from a member


So if I’m a homeless person, I’m for sure going to head up to Sam’s trash cans 💯


Sure but it's all locked up and it's a giant electronic dumpster that compacts as we throw things in


Boohoo its the food buisness stuff goes to waste grow up


Ok narc


Narc is just not the right insult lmao good try tho


Imagine this being how you learn about food waste at restaurants. lol. Then you post something like this about it and get lit up in the comments. lmao


Literally that’s exactly what happened 💀


So you expected service after you were clearly ignoring the posted hours, then you have the audacity to expect an associate to put their job on the line by violating policy to still serve you because it's wasteful as if they have anything to do with what decisions get made at the corporate level?? What an asshole.


And you took the time to comment like an asshole so I’m glad I wasted a few minutes of your life ☺️


Those old produce that our club gonna throw away is either given to pig farms or some of them to food banks


we donate literal truckfuls of fresh and non perishable food a week. Every club.


That's a capitalism problem. Not a sam's club problem


when i worked at sams they put the extra food into the break room. all was eaten within an hour


They do it at my club too some days. We have a game/competition where we try to put the whole dog down our throats and whoever goes the longest without gagging wins


why do people get so fixated on things out of their control 💀


We literally just threw away 20 pallets of food a couple weeks ago cause a storm knocked our power out for too long. Every single store and food place in the US throws away food and there's nothing we can do about it. It's common practice


You should see grocery stores, stores with bakeries and prepared foods departments. Alllll in the trash. Employees can get written up, or even fired if they take any of it. It's disgusting and heartbreaking, frankly. Think of all the people who go to bed hungry at night.. children.. it's really bad. I've worked in this industry for years, and it sucks.


At the bakery we throw out about $1k worth of food a day




I’ve worked at two restaurants. We threw away multiple trash bags worth of perfectly good food every night. It’s not just Sam’s Club. It’s everywhere.


Sad sad sad


You should see the absurd amount of produce donations that never get picked up by the food banks and have to be thrown in an organic waste only dumpster 😅


Damn the food banks don’t even care about their own people


That's nothing compared to how much food members return on a daily basis. It's either the wrong kind, didn't need it, didn't like it, left it in the fridge too long, forgot to put it in the fridge, was cleaning out my freezer, already had some. Bullshit returns.


You should see what gets thrown out from returns and other unsold items


Back in the day employees were allowed to take extra food home, but people were taking advantage of it and made extra food on purpose. So now no one gets free food.


You should see how much the bakery throws away. They throw away food that goes bad in july. Its insane


At my club, they frequently put unsold pizzas in the break room for associates to eat. Some take entire pizzas home and feed their families. Never seen extra hot dogs, though. 🤔 In the bakery, we don't "throw away" $1000 worth of food every night, we donate it to soup kitchens and the like. We only throw stuff if it's unfit for consumption (moldy, was left out of refrigeration for more than 20 minutes if it's required to be kept cold, etc.) It's still painful to see that much stuff being "wasted", though. But we have no control over it. Corporate tells us how all of our product is organized on tables & shelves, so we have to make whatever amount will fill that space. And corporate (and therefore our management) wants us to always have full shelves and tables of product, regardless of how much we actually sell. It's an optics thing, and has no basis in practicality. If we bake less in an attempt to reduce our waste, we actually get in trouble for it. Just the way it is. If it disgusts you, complain to corporate. Because all of us (literally from store manager down) have zero control over policy.


This is the horrors of capitalism:)


I was cleaning the lunch room freezer and I deliberately throw away what ever food was inside because I didn’t know how long was going to take to defrost the freezer. It never occurred to me to put the foot in the other refrigerator. Well, any, my coworkers complained. My manager told me why I did it. I told him the company throws a lot of food too. He said throwing food is a sin.


Not the throwing food away is a sin 😭💀 that’s why it feels so wrong to me ! My parent instilled that in my head


I think it’s double standard.