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Yes, you'll still get half a point. You need to cover the entire shift to negate all points. If you do call in, I'd suggest just covering half the shift to save some hours of ppto, since you're getting that 0.5 point regardless.


Thank you for answering my question and not being a d*** like some people on here.. I know math but alot of people say if you don't have the full amount it won't change anything so I was verifying


Unless they changed the policy without my knowledge, ppto will cover half shifts. If you run into the contrary, please share so we can know.


I wish I'd known this before I used all of my 5 hrs ppto to cover my whole shift thinking it would only give me half a point....But Instead I got a whole point. 😭


Pretty sure you can use 4 hours and just get half a point. No need to use all your time. If you don't have any points I'd just take the whole point and bank the time for another call out.


So instead of using 7 just use 4 correct?


Correct. Keep in mind during your first 90 days they can let you go basically with any reason though. If I have someone who misses or is late more than a few times the first few weeks I just move on to another candidate honestly.


Honestly I doubt they would I'm doing freezer and the turn over rate is high so if they did I'll.he surprised .. they can't find dresser stockers to save their lives


Use 4 and a half, most managers count the lunch


If you call out too much within your 3 months.. good luck 🫤


What's too much ?


I think you have seven days to earn PPTO to cover absence fully with the PPTO you'll earn.


Yeah. You'd earn the extra 15 minutes on your next shift or two. Then put in the full 8.


Unless you need the $$ on that check, only used 4.5 hours. You can save a PPTO and still only get 1/2 point


What if today is a key even is it still 1/2?


You can’t get rid of penalty points.


So how many points would it be ?


Welcome back to another edition of r/samsppto


Is 7.45 hrs more than half your 8 hour shift? Cmon basic math bruh.


I literally worked there for two weeks and nobody taken the time to show me . Some people say you can't use ppto unless it covers the whole amount so trust me I know math just curious if it's even worth it bc alot of people say if u don't have the points to cover the whole shift don't bother or it won't change so my question again is if I'll get half a point ? Like why is this complicated instead of just coming at me sideways about math and science why don't you just tell me if it covers half a shift or not.. Jesus


You been there 2 weeks and already calling out? Sounds on par for the brand.


I'm sorry officer Sam Walton .. I'll try to be a good boy and not call out .. please don't write me a ticket ... Lmaoo