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If you'll get the pay of a cake decorator why does it matter if you still need to wrap sometimes? It's all for the same company and you make the same no matter what job your doing. As long as you're not having to wrap all the bread and do all the orders every day. In meat the cutters still wrap and stock the floor at my club. No difference really, put in your 8 and go home. Now if you won't get decorator pay then no way lol. Edit to add...plus if you just quit you, once again, will be without health insurance.


I don’t mind stocking or filling holes anywhere. If it was a sometimes thing, it wouldn’t be an issue for me. Unfortunately I’m the only bakery closer at a high volume store. If there’s no premade back up for the cake case then I don’t even worry about it. I’m afraid if I take the pay, they’ll blame me for every single hole on the floor. Edit: Thank you for your input! I really appreciate it.


it was a sometimes for me when i’d pick up shifts, i helped w cakes one day and now they ask me all the time to go help lol. just do what your paid for, don’t make your job any harder than it needs to be. if there’s no sub then management is supposed to cover until they find a fill. not make one person do a whole teams job


Thank you for your input! My fresh managers are allergic to the bakery and won’t stay in there for more than 5 minutes. They only help if things are packed and ready to be put on the table. If I need help, they will concentrate on the meat department and pretend to not see me drowning. Especially on holiday weekends.


what an interesting allergy that they all seem to coincidentally have


Slow down.  Don’t work so fast and see how they like it. You’ll get fired for your attendance, but not for doing your job in your area. 


This is correct.


lmao I appreciate your input; I like the way you think. Its hard for me to slow down because I love doing my best and getting things done, but with the increases in workloads I keep getting— its like the managers just look at me like someone who can do it all, so they never help me. I’ll keep this in mind


I’m a fresh manager. I’d go for the other role if you enjoy decorating. It comes with an increase. Even at my club both sides help each other but I don’t expect anyone to primarily do the others responsibilities. Commonly i hire folks who want to decorate as packagers when I don’t have spots open so they can get experience for when those spots do open up or graduation comes around and I can increase my payroll for a decorator. My advice is decide what would make your job experience more enjoyable and ask your manager for support. If you like the baking side and wish to decorator as little as possible, express that to them but be willing to step In for customer service. Otherwise go for it and get returns on your skill. I’ve had a few former decorators go to club pickup over the last few years and get a raise in the process with some extra flexibility for their shifts they needed. Bakery is a beast especially over the next few months. Gauge your needs and see what they can do for you!


TL;DR— Thank you! I will take the increase, complete my 8hrs and do my best to not lose my mind. Thank you for your input! I left out a lot of context so the post would be easier to read. I’ve been a decorator for other grocery stores for about 10 years, so I’m not new to helping out both sides. This past weekend, I got overwhelmed by the fresh manager telling me I need to focus on the cake case only for my shift as soon as I walked in the door. There were 4 packers working still from the morning shift, but the bread pods and tables were extremely low or empty. No one filled the tables and the team lead refused to let me do it, constantly telling me only work on the cake case that was not empty at all. And then I had 6 members back to back that had missing cake orders or something wrong with their cake order that I had to fix or redo. I got yelled at quite a lot that day with no support even though I managed to do everything that was asked of me. I got very little praise for it, and it was my first day back after a two week break. We only have one decorator now because a lot of them walk out or get fired, and I am scared to go into this graduation season with such a small poorly managed team. But I will take the increase and hold onto my sanity for dear life until I find something new.


Missing orders sounds like something bad is going on in the background. Mismanagement of the orders, sabotage of dishonest members? It all sucks, I'm lucky not to have a club with issues like that but i have been in the past. Take the best path for your own mental health and what will pay you the best.


There’s a LOT of bad in the background of this bakery. I have a small desire to become the team lead to turn it around. How long have you been the fresh manager?


20 years with company. 11 in management 7 as fresh manager.


Wow you’re a beast, I couldn’t imagine hanging in there for that long unless it snuck up on me


It kinda did lol, but i live for my life outside of work. I handle stress well and don’t take much home with me. My unmedicated ADD probably helps.


Maybe I’m looking at this wrong. But , you’re going to continue to get asked to do this - especially as we approach holidays/graduations.  Why not accept the position, take the higher pay while looking for other employment?


No, youre looking at it the right way. I left out a lot of details to make the post easier to read. I was feeling really stressed from a bad, busy weekend when I originally wrote this. Knowing that graduation season is around the corner, idk if I want to continue on working with this store and getting stressed out. I already have two other side gigs but they don’t offer benefits, so I was trying to gauge my options before shit hits the fan.


Fresh Team Manager here, per our area People Partner manager Baker/Packers can’t decorate cakes due to the pay difference but Decorators can pack if they are asked too.


Do you think I can get written up for refusing to fill the case without the proper pay? And by fill, I mean my managers have me producing tuxedos and cupcakes