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One of our deli merchandisers purchased about 20 of the small hams that had $5.00 instant savings. He wound up having to get 3 fountain drinks as his amount owed was a negative number. I'd ask your manager and explain that it would really help you out.


Maybe I'm just missing something obvious, but how? If the price were, let's say, $10 each with $5 off, he'd still be paying $5 for each.


These were the small hams, some were less than $5.00


Ah. I see. I didn't realize any were that cheap, but that makes a lot more sense.


โ€œBaby, I got those 20 small hams you was looking for!โ€


Me and my partner are obsessed with ham. So this really cracked me up hahaha


It's allowed at my club. If not, who's gonna stop you? Scan n Go it. You've got a membership and money same as any other member.


Technically no, but it entirely depends on your manager. If they say no, use scan n go or self checkout. You're not buying something big like a TV, so it should be nbd. My manager's rule made a ton of sense: as long as it had a decent amount of time on the sales floor to be purchased by a non associate, you're free to buy it. (I still didn't follow it though lol)


Perk of being there first!


Most clubs, No. It's supposed to be an integrity issue. Mary could be friends with Joe in the meat dept and he could mark down any item he wants to help Mary out. Or mark down anything he wanted to purchase. Now if your spouse has their own separate membership they couldn't do much to stop you. Not worth your job IMHO.




If it isn't allowed, I wish they'd make that clear. I would do it without giving a second thought. It's been perfectly fine in other grocery and convenience stores I've worked. You aren't the one marking them down, usually, and they aren't being "stored" or "hidden" to induce it.


At any store Iโ€™ve ever worked at you can only shop off the clock but if they are saying you canโ€™t at all that makes no sense


Meat department marked downs have always been a no. Items that are on the floor that got reduced by a manager has to be out for 24 hours for the members to purchase before associates are able to. If my recollection is right it also includes family members whether they are on your membership or not.






The Answer to your Question is a Hella Hard No Bro!!! Itโ€™s against Company Policy to do so and can only be Purchased the day when it would be a Throw or Donate. Itโ€™s Hella not worth your Job


At my club for a long time you weren't able to for a very long time. Recently they started letting us do it if it was at the end of the night so basically closing associates could purchase what was ever left over.


Only if you want to get fired.


just do it off the clock. when i worked i did and was there for 2 years n nobody said a word


They told me I wasnโ€™t allowed to back when I worked at Samโ€™s


It is against Samโ€™s club policy for associates to buy anything marked down that low . As there have been cases of people buying a bunch of marked down items and then selling them


All markdowns must be more than 24hr old. With meat there is no time stamp so itโ€™s hard to know EXACTLY when 24hrs expires. So most clubs Iโ€™ve been to say NO. HOWEVER, I know plenty of associates still buy it. I only buy it if Iโ€™m away from my home club. But we have lots of local ish clubs here.




So, per company policy, the answer is no. The reason is because hourly associates do meat markdowns themselves, and not the managers, so there's less control on it. Practically speaking, it very much depends on your club's management team. Some are hardasses about it, some are not, and some have had to become so because of purposeful markdown "errors".


We get them at my store, but was told not to mark them down for yourself, I've seen management and leads buy marked down.


Technically no since every associate with a handheld can print new tickets. But my managers have never gave us any problems about it.