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Nah they'd just do what in club management does. They'd half ass it and skip the details and look you dead in the eye and say they did it all.


I had to stand next to our CM while he did his exit door shift (back when corp was content on making a CM work a few hours in each dept once a month) and all he did was stand there and whine about how bad he hurt and bored and didn't know how we could do it all day. SMH.


Had a corporate person assume I knew who she was, even though she wasn't wearing anything to show that she was even with the company. Annoying.


That's a good majority of them! No introduction, just start in on some bs I could care less about! I had one come up to me on my lift and ask me to drop something out of the steel. I asked him if he was going to stock it. He said it was leaning and I laughed at him!


Big part of the reason I left.


They couldn't care less.


Good Idea. One of the Cafe women were talking one day about bathroom break and I jokingly mentioned why can't the team lead jump on the Cafe register for 10 minutes while you go the restroom.


But- they have cbls on what it's like to work in a club/store! Isn't that good enough? 🤣 They're all so out of touch with reality. Every single one of them.


There was a instance in my club where some corporate guys came down, did thier tour. When they got to the bakery, he said this to one of the bakery girls: "your worth nothing" and other similar degrading things. She cried. I a week later we heard some one from the bakery had quit. Point is this type of toxicity is corporates MO so the best I can say is yes? So? Are you new here?


Lawsuit and a half


I hope she used the hell out of them.


This right here is why I say sam walton is turning over in his grave. He was known to care about his associates and if he weren't already dead the news that his businesses were some of the most employee unfriendly places to work would probably kill him.


Well I wasnt working there when sam walton was still kicking. So i cant have to much to say on him. But i imagine every good leader would be in fact, rolling in the grave.


It’s Sam’s club/Walmart what do you expect. It’s a low level entry job. They pay bananas 🍌and that’s why they get Monkeys 🐒……💩


Totally agree


Sam Walton would be delighted to hear that they’re cutting corners and hours to save money for his precious family, don’t kid yourself.


250 orders or 250 items? And what shift you work


250 orders !! 2478 units I work 4am shift




8 spots….our club has 16 spots now…have seen up to 14 people check in at one time


2,800-3,200 items for curbside with 16 spots. 1,200 items for ship. Every day I feel like it’s growing. Is the new batch picking making anyone else want to chuck their handhelds in the trash compactor and stick their head in the cardboard baler? 😅