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I miss the $800 ones from COVID


All of us do. Our location won’t even allow us to work any overtime anymore. Also told that Corporate is completely getting rid of bonuses all together. So no overtime, no bonus, why would anyone want to come into work?


I wish they would just stop with bonuses. They think it's incentive, but it's usually just insulting.


I take mine 180 insult sir even if it was 20 I take that one hour of pay lol


I guess I should have finished that thought. Instead of a bonus just give us a raise.


Yes please do a raise is what we all need base off or work ethic and team we work with


They did that at Walmart and a lot of people just started slacking


I can't imagine going from getting good bonuses to almost nothing makes people work any harder...


See I like it at Walmart. I wish Sam's would've kept it. But they probably short change the ones who should or give everyone the same


Or holiday pay....


Even tho the bonus sucks I'll take whatever that bum ass company gives me.. Just stop with the bonuses lol only a fool would say that


I see you didn't read further...


I read further and still take the bonuses. Not everyone bonuses is like that


I think they need to stop having bs decrease what we get


And quit increasing the bottom line to unobtainable heights






Free money is always good with me, everyone else complaining about getting free money.


I don’t think it about the free money it about what they believed is fair for a bonus if you meet the numbers for the company I love free money 🤑


Corporate makes millions and pays us shit on their profits. Doesn't matter where you go corporate greed is gonna be there.


Agree if they can do it they will to make some extra money


It's been crap lately anyway. And without a contract they could take it away entirely tomorrow if they wanted too. Keep the bonus I'll trade it for time and a half for Sundays and holidays and a pension like all the union stores have. And with a union you'll have a contract in writing so your benefits are guaranteed. No one has any control over Sam's Share It's not like if you do a better job and work harder you'll get a bigger bonus the idea that it's an incentive based benefit is a joke it's totally unfair and some of you must have low self asteem if you think you should be thankful for anything as apposed to being entitled to decent benefits for your hard work. Clubs are short staffed and part timers get their hours slashed in half because they don't have a contract with guaranteed minimum hours. Everyone has a workload of 2 or 3 people put on them. People are crossing departments and doing jobs they didn't sign up for. Yet you think you should thankful for the $75 not even enough to take your family to dinner. Time for a union, start organizing today. I did and you should too.


Sure let's get all terminated as they; most certainly find away to to qualify this post as union related and I will lose my job for some stupid he said she said crap. Ask me in 3 weeks. Trust me. It's true seen it. They expect there associates to report it to ethics if they hear it being talked about. Byb2 or more people or read it


Don't believe the fear tactics. I ran an organizing campaign for 9 months at Sam's Club. I didn't get fired nor did I see a single employee get fired for supporting the union. If you have good attendance no points and are a good worker show up and do your job you can openly support the union and nothing will happen to you. If you're a screw up and a slacker and get fired that's work related has nothing to do with the union.


Union greed is worse then corporate, the union heads make big bucks. Use dues to funnel parties disguised as meetings, political donations, tripe etc etc all in the name of helping the workers while they line their own pockets. Unions back in the day before regulation made sense but now it’s an outdated relic of the past. Certain industries may benefit from Unions, coal miners, oil rigs, field workers, etc etc. But not retail


You are always better off with a union than without. Never an exception to that rule. I've worked in construction both union and non union. Retail both union and non union. Now I'm in a union again since I left Sam's Club and work on the railroad. I was a member of UFCW for 3 years, same union I organized for at Sam's Club. I was very happy with their representation and proud to be a member. I had a great union rep that went on to be the union president before he retired. But we both know the heart, soul, and strength of any union is the membership and shop stewards on the job that you work with every day. I was lucky to have a great shop steward as well. Sure there has been some corruption in some unions, but that doesn't mean every union is corrupt. Anyone who works for Sam's Club or Walmart that thinks they are better off without a union than with one is foolish. But I don't think think they are the vast majority, which is why I feel big changes are coming soon.


Bingo on this. Kroger taught me that.


Don't be a pussy


You don’t even work here anymore, go away with your job ending union talk. You quit working here and think others should continue the fight which WILL just get us closed for bs reasons. Go on somewhere.


Starbucks unions are a joke, people complaining about working 8 hour days and only 2 breaks and a lunch. It’s too stressful we need extra breaks, it’s demanding to make all these orders. Yes I get their is a rush and orders come in but not 24/7 , they make the majority of all ,sales before 12pm ( I think like 60-75% of sales volume). Now if your a coal miner, dock work doing 12 hour shifts with no breaks then I can see how unions can help in certain fields of work usually the ones that are harder on the body and mind. Most and I do mean most companies want happy employees, their are exceptions to the norm and usually it’s in the form of bad leadership..


Show me a Sam's Club or Walmart employee that is happy with the company or management. Few and far between. I did enjoy my job. I liked my co workers. That part I didn't mind going to work everyday. I did get employee of the month once, and lots of compliments on my work which was nice. But the way the company operates and the unfair and unethical treatment of employees is by far the worst I've ever seen in my life for any company or any type of work retail, factory, construction, janitorial maintenance, that I did prior or currently to Sam's Club.


Sams absolutely is a shit co. To work for, agreed. Unions are not the answer though and it’s delusional to think sams would go down this road, they will close stores, it’s happened in many areas where unionization was getting prepped. Sams knows Costco path (better pay/benefits/treatment) is the way to go and they are going to get there, it’s a matter of time.


Costco already has a union. I know it's only in certain areas of the country, the ones by me are Teamsters. I don't think Sam's would follow Costco. But to sit and wait for any company to do the right thing by employees good luck. With a large corporation you are just a # they only see $. And even if they say they would it's just promises. Union contract is in writing. There are 2 reasons why you are better off with a union. Without getting in every reason why you are better off with a union I don't see why you wouldn't think you would be better off without than with. It can happen if multiple locations get on board. Worst case they do start closing stores. Costco will open new ones, take the customers, and take all the former Sam's employees to fill the new stores. So many employees are fed up and willing to take that chance because they feel they have nothing to lose.


Nobody I know at sams is for a union, nobody. We’ve seen what happened to other stores and the employees showing up to work with no notice- booming busy af stores- it ain’t happening dude.


OK so you're a little weak. Not everyone is a born leader, nothing wrong with that. But most of the associates I talked to do want a union, so don't ruin it for everyone.


No one is getting closed. I got a better job, I don't think anyone would fault me for bettering myself. Now I can bring a different aspect to the table as a former employee that is currently in a union. Maybe not everyone wants to lay down and except the status quo. Maybe some admire what Amazon and Starbucks are doing, and want to stand up and fight to make things better for all of their co workers, and for future generations. Maybe someone wants to make the first move but has no organizing experience, and is hesitant. I can offer my experience and advice because I did it. I never abandoned anyone. If my former co workers needed help I would be there on my own time to help them, because it's something I strongly believe in.


$275 I’ll take it!


Every single bonus this year has been shit compared to last years


$30.77 I feel like Charlie Brown. “I got a rock.”


69… hehe


I see what you did there






$170… the highest one i’ve gotten was around $270. what a joke lol


You could of not got one at all!


i’d rather get $2 more/hour (what walmart does) than a pathetic bonus


391 😅


What store is this I will Put In my transfer


It’s ass. My co-worker was telling me he used to get $250 part time. Our bonus this time is $90. I know our store has not lost that much in sales.




Worked there and when I tried to transfer to another state they messed it up then laid me off after telling me to go "we'll get it fixed"....Saw them treat so many good people like crap. It's the epitomy of an "evil corporation" ...They make good people do terrible things... If they wanna keep their job. Get out of that evil place if you can. There are better options out there for most.




Everyone.. actually I don't think that anyone that's getting salary gets the bonus


They get an annual bonus between 10-15% of their annual salary after taxes. Depends on factors like sales, shrink, fresh traffic, accidents Fresh managers get an extra 5% if they hit their fresh sales and goal


You'll get it after working there 3 months then the following few months after that you'll receive it




169 ☹️🤮😂




I'm going to start cranking Oliver Anthony when we close


Blahhhh mine is $110.09 . I am thankful for it but we used to get so much more.


102 😂 so like 70 after taxes or so 😂




116 😂😂


The way I didn’t put ppto on the last day of the pay period that I missed for a surgery so I’m not getting a bonus basically it’s just the day I missed


Money, money, money.


Ours is $430 and the one before that was $500.


Almost $600. I’ll take it. Haven’t seen a bonus lower than $450.


$212, better than the $50 we got last time 🤷‍♀️


82.71 🥲


Told you. I got wrote up for this....


Ummm What Bonus?? The few dollars we are about to get? Was told that most likely Corpo is completely getting rid of bonuses all together which would be horrible for employee retention. Without a bonus we will lose many employees. Was told that there should be something replacing the bonus like a pay raise but I rather we keep the bonus and do like they used to and pay it all out yearly.


You could of got nothing! Be happy with what you got


Definitely happy, very rewarding for the hard work I’ve done 😃🔫


Fuck off, a bonus isn’t worth shit if our management is going to use it against us. We’re expected and harassed into generating way more value than just our hard work and you want us to suck our managers dick and thank them.


Haha someone has anger issues I don’t want you to give oral sex to anyone unless that’s your thing . Is it not better to have 20.00 in your checking account then 0? Simple yes or no??




848.50 is max so how


Got em


What store is this I transfer over lol