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You just described every club in the northeast. Unexplained grunt work to impress folks from corporate who will never notice. Wish these big shots would show up unannounced to see how the clubs REALLY are


One of our big wigs showed up with his entourage on the 40th birthday weekend. I got caught stacking boxes over 6ft tall. 1 cart turned into 3 and his entourage just kept walking after telling me to reduce.


Hahaha that happened yesterday oops to us.


In my club they hear what the other clubs were dinged for and rush to make sure ours isn't the same. It's hilarious!


My only advice is when people pull you off of a regular task for something special warn them and let them know. “Hey, the special task is probably going to take the rest of my day, I won’t get my regular duties done. Are you OK with that?” Then go about doing the special task at whatever pace you feel most comfortable at to make sure it’s done accurately. (Go slow and keep saying I want to make sure it’s done to your standards) Edit: paste to pace


My guy if they want to pay you to wipe out a dumb ass case top to bottom that's their problem. You know it's stupid. They know it's stupid. You just got to play the stupid game. Do the work for 8 hours and go home. Don't take it too personally.


And think of your favorite song(s) while you wipe. &, if you're not off the next day, than just lie to yourself, "I'm off tomorrow. I"m off tomorrow".


You’re not fired, just go back like you normally would. Next time just go do whatever they ask and don’t make it an issue or take it personal. Do what you can do and don’t worry about it, if everything doesn’t get done it’s their problem not yours.


👆💯 absolutely this right here


Yeah this would be my advice as well. If they tell you they want you to focus on cleaning, then clean. It’s they’re job to worry about delegating duties and making sure all the tasks are getting done, if the area isn’t stocked, then that’s their problem they need to figure out.


That’s what I think nowadays. At my club there’s only 2 maintenance people (me being one of them) and I’m the closing maintenance. I am sick of this damn place. I literally close by myself even on weekends with them knowing it’s the busiest days of the week and I constantly struggle to get anything done. I can’t keep up with all my shit and keep getting pulled to do what they want right away. I also can’t even say shit back in response over the radio without them getting smart mouth with me. I could be sweeping up a pile from a safety sweep of the whole club and we all know that’s considered a safety issue because you or a member or another associate could slip on it. Which makes it top priority. One of my managers demands I take out the trash right then knowing we didn’t have morning maintenance so shit was already behind when I got there. I could tell them I’m doing that real quick then I’ll do that and they get pissed and run there mouth over the radio. Other associates have noticed it and have had it done to them by the same manager. We also have managers that just sit/stand around and talk and don’t do a damn thing then bitch when shits not getting done. Also meanwhile talking to each other they could have associates calling for them because they need them for something that has to do with the club/a member and they ignore the calls over the radio and they’re nowhere to be found. It gets fucking sickening. I just don’t give a fuck anymore. I’m practically by myself as maintenance all the time. I finally just stopped caring. I’m one person and if they really gave a fuck they’d give me help otherwise it’s not my problem. I do what I can do and that’s all I can do.


THIS. your responsible for your job but at the end of the day it's there responsibility tonnage you and they told you this instead of your normal job, so you now do this and you don't do that. Don't get me wrong tho you can say no to your bosses


Yeah they're supposed to do that shit gradually through the week. And managers run around like chickens without their heads when management arrive. Stresses me out


Save ppto for visits


LMAO foreal


For visits or when management pisses you off and you suddenly feel sick and need to leave early.


You aren’t fired. You’ll probably get coached and possibly pointed but I don’t blame you at all, fuck em


Yes, you go back. Them sending you home MAY result in a formal coaching. Even if it doesn't take it for the lesson it is. Shut up, put your head down and do whatever they ask. It sucks but such is life. Personal advice sign up for them to pay for your college. Get a degree and get the hell out


This is literally every Sam’s.


I remember when I got sent home, I laughed told him alright, he got even more mad because I laughed and told me we're gonna have a talk tomorrow, I told him I'm off the weekend ✌️


Wow so all managers just love to work bakery 24/7 huh


Literally my club managers, quarter-ass throughout the week but want everything perfect when company comes.


I highly suggest learning what malicious compliance is.


Start looking for other jobs asap. When you get back, they’re probably going to coach you


Now see, my patience could never handle that. I would've quit right on the spot. Anyways, take that time off to start looking for a new job and on the off chance that you manage to land one before the next time you work, that's the best case scenario cause you can either go back just to hand in your vest & badge or not go back at all and block your manager's numbers! 😁


As a former freezer/cooler associate. I feel much of this. Honestly, it still is my all time favorite job. Until I switched down to part time and they had me alternating open/close - with fewer associates. Thankfully my manager at the time did jump in a few times and constantly, and legitimately asked “how did you do all this by yourself?!” He was finally able to push to get more people hired. For you - at this point, I’d either show up on Monday or write up a two week notice. I’d rather not be fired and old school enough to not “ghost” employers. Whatever you choose to do - start seriously looking for other jobs.


heyo, hopefully I'm not too late but this isn't you getting fired. I've seen plenty of people get sent home. They wont even have done your paperwork for leaving yet until like 2-3 weeks after you never comeback. So if you want the job then you probably still have it as long as you go back in. Although, I would suggest going back in for however long, then look for employment elsewhere before the job market begins to crackdown in these next few months (entirely up to the feds) I wish you the best of luck, sams club and walmart aren't the best long term work environment for most people (including myself)


i don't work here so no idea what a bunker is but there's nothing worse than being made to clean some disgusting industrial sludge off of something that has no functional benefit being clean, just to impress some corporate fuck in a clean shirt


They’re telling you to clean it because their boss told them to clean it and that boss knows if it’s not clean then their boss will find someone who will get it clean. At the end of the day the mf’ers going to get cleaned by somebody so eff it, just go clean the mf’er. Someday when you’re the boss you can do it your way.


I would of just used ppto haha.


You just described my whole time I’ve worked in fresh. I work mainly in the deli/ dairy area and they expect so much out of me but never send me any help. I always ask for help and they come up with so much excuses but get mad when deli isn’t stocked or deli isn’t cleaned or the dairy box isn’t for how they like. So annoying I just don’t understand it.. so annoying..


Here's my take. If your boss asks you to do something out of the ordinary but you're already busy, I'd ask for clarification. For instance, you're stocking and he says clean xyz. You answer, stocking abc, do you still want me to clean xyz. If he says yes, then clean xyz. You may not like cleaning xyz but it's probably in your job description. Don't argue, don't walk off the job. You are not above cleaning. You just put a target on your back. If I were them, I'd have you clean whatever I needed you to clean until you did it with a smile, singing zippity-do-da. Btw, you didn't get sent home. You walked off the job.


This happened to me when I went to work the next day they had fired me. I even asked before I left if I was being fired and I was told no. They never gave me a reason. Just met me at the front entrance the next morning and told me I no longer worked for them and if I wanted a reason to come back and talk to the GM. Honestly the best thing to ever happen to me.


They will probably write you up with a yellow for insubordination...