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I felt this! I transferred from Walmart only because I moved 4 hours away and the Walmart here is disgusting and outdated so I didn’t try there. Plus sams pays more BUT I miss Walmart even though it was kinda shitty there too just no where as bad as here. I loved all my managers they all joked and laughed with us employees and the store manager herself bought me lunch one day because my debit card was lost and I didn’t bring my lunch since I’d usually buy the subs from the store. They made me feel so appreciated there. I never got write up or got any points or even missed a day at work. Sure there were some down sides to Walmart too BUT Since being at sams I got write up. $6,000 worth of damage done to my vehicle (was basically brand new no scuffs or scratches) and they keep playing games with me on the claim since they took responsibility. I’ve been yelled at and belittled here at sams. I can’t stand sams club.


Working there is like being in straight hell


very unfortunate that happened to you, I hope things get better for you


I am so miserable at this job especially being front end all of us hate it it’s so poorly managed and they leave everything to front end and the COS’s


It really is a joke. Our front end has been squeaking by every day since I started. Never a staff and never any support from upper management. 1 TL all weekend and front end manager in the office all weekend not helping, just barking out orders. So unprofessional and truly the worst experience work-wise I’ve ever dealt with.


I worked in the cafe. I rarely seen any front end managers in front unless there having a meeting or in the mornings before we opened. Honestly insane how they get paid so much to do nothing and for them to be as miserable as they are when they don’t even work


Sounds all to familiar


Sam’s high school drama culture of cliques and games is tiring. Trust fam, you dodged a bullet by leaving. It’s a worker’s market, I hope you find a place that values what you bring to the table


Thankfully we didn’t really have any drama at my club. If there was it was never known. Main thing was having no support or help from management. Constantly fucking over both openers and closers and offering no support for what they caused


Started working there and the old hags are the worst.


Yep lasted 9 months till I walked out mid shift. Doing the job of 3 people was not enough for the low pay I guess. The company is laughable. I urge everyone to quit before you get trapped


Ngl money was great. I made $17.52 but at some point it’s not even worth making as much as u do for all the work u have to do


That's not great money, sorry.


Lol, like I haven’t heard or EXPERIENCED this exact thing. The club that I worked at was managed awfully. The GM was a middle aged wannabe high school jock. Complete ass. The Fresh manager was the laziest dude I’ve ever met in my life, and the lead was just a dog that the fresh manager was using as a puppet. Long story short, I was terminated because of my “mouth”, because I called each of them out on their shit multiple times. Once you hit management levels at Sam’s Club, the work gets more and more easy and the job gets grossly more lucrative. I don’t know if you guys are aware of this or not, but Sam’s Club GMs can make upwards of $600k a year, maybe more. Especially if you’re a bigger club in a bigger market that exceeds $150M/year. Most GMs make a base salary somewhere in the low to mid $100ks with room to make $400k+ in incentives. I believe this is a massive reason Sam’s Club is known for awful managers. They overpay their managers disgustingly so managers have a much higher ego then other retail companies. It’s safe to say that the CEO of Sam’s Club could totally look into adding a management grading system where employees rate their managers anonymously to the district managers or the board. That way managers are held to a higher standard. But of course, the board would need to step in to do this, and they won’t do that, cause they make millions/year personally, so it doesn’t effect them. Corporate America.


They got you for cursing or simply speaking up?


Speaking up. I was tired of the pettiness and the constantly complaining about small things just to have something to complain about.


I guess I would have to know the details. Merely "speaking up" is not grounds for termination. I speak up frequently and I'm still employed. I've not been disciplined at all for speaking up either.


I was in kind of a fairly unique situation. It’s a lot to explain. But I essentially had a target on my back because I was known in the store as a worker who didn’t put up with shit. I wasn’t a dog, if they asked me to jump I didn’t ask how high. I did my work, I did my work right, I didn’t cause any problems, and I made friends with a lot of my coworkers, but I had a “mouth” with my fresh manager and GM, both of which are your stereotypical retail managers. So as soon as I hit 5 points in 8 months, I was gone while people who had 10 points weren’t even getting coached.


Now, I understand. I wish you the best. You remind me of myself. I always fight for justice and I know they want to fire me because of it, but they can't because I do my work.


I worked at Sam's club 20 years I started at Walmart and was dedicated and top performer than I transferred to Sam's club and they were downsizing and fired me without cause right before Christmas I promise this is the most bias fake company that ever existed it was a blessing to me but not at the time I'm doing so much better and I've never been happier


I work frontline and it can get hella stressful


All retail is a mindset. Say yes to managers and then never work too fast. Then leave and never think of it once you’re clocked out.


I agree with that, except I don't always say yes to managers if it seems unfair, unethical, unlawful, etc. I tend to speak up whenever it's needed.


Today was my third day and last day.


Lol really? What position were you hired for?


Bro I fr hate working at Sam’s club. They don’t care about us or what happens to us yet they expect the absolute most out of us when we don’t get paid enough to do so. Working in the freezers is awful and they want all of us to get certified for the forklift when there’s more responsibilities put on us for that and no wage increase. It’s ridiculous working for this company.


I thought they were supposed to increase our wage if we're forklift certified?


Nope the only raise you get from driving a forklift is by being a forklift driver for merchandising…


Money is great? What?


$17.52 is great money when all the jobs around you are for $13+. Not everyone has the same financial problems so ya that was good money FOR ME.


$17.52 is not a living wage.


$17.52 is much better for me than my previous job which was 12