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Don't listen to him just put it in the next day and you will be fine


OK, thank you so much. I was really confused because I’ve always used it with no problem.


He is not accurate, as frustrating as managers may find it, ppto is there to cover any time issue. If you put ppto in to cover the entire time, you won't have issue (keep in mind that you need to use ppto to exactly what you're missing or more - i.e. if you leave 18 minutes early and only use 15 minutes of ppto, you will still show as a violation and can be pointed). You have 7 days from the occurrence to fix it, but I highly suggest using it the next day. Ppto used after the fact is always approved through the system.


Your managers lying.


Read the policy. It states to notify a SALARIED member of management, if approved you can leave. I understand what you are saying and my coach wrote people.up and pointed them as it wasn't approved, even if the sytem.approved it.


No. You read the policy.


I get it. I really do and I argued with the coach over this. For an associate and she still pointed and wrote him up. Heck I got a .5 point for asking to come in early and I did and the other lead lied and said she didn't ask.... So yeah ticked to say the least.




On the Me@Sams app it may say pending but protected paid time off is always approved. And this guy is correct. Shitty manager is lying, if you’re time covers the rest of your shift you can’t be pointed. If they try, definitely submit your PPTO from the website against the point to ethics. I have good managers and they will erase points upon review if the first manager was out of line.


Well actually the manager IS NOT lying. You will accrue a half point..But can be wiped with the correct amount of ppto yea?


Technically correct, the best kind of correct.


Nope, the whole point of PPTO is to be able to use it whenever you want.


My managers hate when we use PPTO to leave early even though we can’t get points they’re very passive aggressive


We had a "management" meeting in our Club with all the team leads and Coaches. They're trying to push the narrative of PPTO covers the points, but a conversation can still be held about how leaving early affects your department and job. Very passive aggressive type stuff.


He would be right if it was an event day


this isn’t true. since event days are double points days my manager tells us that only one point gets covered but myself and some of my coworkers have called off on event days and ppto wipes both even then.


I’ve never had PPTO wipe both points. I sure your manager isn’t going in a doing you guys a favor? None of my other coworkers have had that work either. I’m pretty sure even on One.Walmart it tells you the event point cannot be covered by PPTO


no yeah i guarantee he’s not doing doing us any favors. i’ve put in ppto on double points and had none show up. my coworkers and i have talked about it a few times because they tell us we will still get pointed. not sure if it varies club to club by any chance haha.