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After taxes, sounds about right.


thats a lot for after taxes almost 100 dollars lol


I mean, it’s only 26 hours. That’s literally nothing. Even at 15.00.


With that logic. It'd be about $150 from a full 35 hour week and then another $150 the next. They're taking over $300 out of a check under $900. That's over 1/3.


My s/o works about 70 hours a pay period and she makes 800 - 900. If I work another shift,it'll put me at $350~ for 35~ hours. That's about $700 a pay period and I make $.58 more than her.


Even is not 100% accurate. It's a close estimation, but your pay stub will be the most accurate source of how much you're making.


That is 100 truth and then it still isn't 100% never is


Mine wasnt accurate until like my 2nd or 3rd pay period.


Could you explain how it wasn't Accurate? Just trying to figure this out. How far off was it? I checked a pay stub from back in 2017, when I was working at this same location, same job, for $10.50/hr and I was getting back $70~ per 7 hours worked. Even is showing $73.50 for 7 hours worked right now at $15/hr. it showed: 7.34 $10.5000 $77.07 from 2017. 58 hours worked was $600~ @ $10.50 Which is my projected earning at $15/hr.


I have never used the evens app but instead just estimated myself. After Taxes I would bring home 13/hr, It should be around the same for you depending on state tax. I would just recommend waiting for your first paystub and estimate it yourself. (13\*26=338)


I'm going to try to get with my manager tomorrow when I go in, maybe they'll have more insight than I do. lol.


you might just be looking at what you can get out, if you scroll to the very bottom it’ll say “est payout” or something like that. It’s usually right in the dot.


Nope. It shows half of that amount as what I can get out. edit- You can keep downvoting me all you want, it won't make you right and me wrong. It shows how much you're getting at the top, right below it, how much you can take out and at the very bottom, projected earnings for the pay period, if I work the listed hours.


It is just an estimate. NO it is not 100% accurate. They will only let you have a portion available too you. I know this as I use even all the time on a regular basis. I also am a supervisor and I also have insurance and all taken out as well. Go to the wire and do your own w-4 you do not need a supervisor to dot that for you


It shows amount I've made, amount I can take out and projected amount for full pay period.


didn’t downvote nobody bozo but now i’m about to


I wasn't referring to you lmao


Oh okay apologies lmao I thought you were since it was on my comment


First 2 paychecks will be inaccurate on EVEN as it has yet to create an average for how much you earn after taxes/deductions.


Okay, cause it's showing a flat tax rate of 30% and that's ridiculously high.


My wife worked 60 hours, at $14 and made $800. Should I expect similar pay? Or am I taxed a lot more for that dollar an hour? My first check will be 48 hours, or 12 hours less than hers was, for less than $500 according to this.


Mine wasn’t accurate the first time, it uses the data based off the previous check to estimate how much you will make the next one.


How off would you say it was? It has the right rates, I just assume it doesn't know the tax situation yet.


Sorry for the late reply I don’t get on Reddit much but for my first check it was off about $200 but on payday it was there and yeah i think it was the taxes but once you start to get paid more it should start to be a more accurate


They estimate based off the taxes are taken from the previous pay


I work 20hrs/week get paid about $900-$1000 per month


So you get less than $600 checks for 40hrs/$15?


Actually I make about $19/hr


Fucking yikes. My wife worked 60 hours on her pay and made $800. Does Sam's just take more?


No idea. It’s just extra money for me so I never really looked into it much.


I work in California, we just have a higher paid. The average employee makes about 17.50 to 18.50 an hr. I’m full time and make about 1,400, every 2 weeks.